How to Create Content in WordPress With AI (cag/sit) | | 11509 |
how-tos, content, ai, wordpress |
Exploring the Immersive Web With Wolvic (sea) | | 11508 |
wolvic, igalia, browsers |
Ryan Dahl: From Node.js and Deno to the “Modern” JSR Registry (dav/the) | | 11507 |
interviews, nodejs, deno, jsr |
Demystifying React’s Types: Ref Types (huy) | | 11506 |
react |
Understanding What Drupal Editors and Authors Need (meg+/lul) | | 11505 |
drupal |
Why Are My Live Regions Not Working? (pat/tet) | | 11504 |
accessibility, aria, live-regions |
Designing Design Systems: How to Lay the Groundwork That Drives Decision Making (ado) | | 11503 |
how-tos, design-systems, processes, collaboration, maintenance |
Web Accessibility in the 2024 [U.S.] Presidential Campaigns (web) | | 11502 |
accessibility, case-studies |
Pretty Much Every Website Uses the Wrong Font Size… (t3d) | | 11501 |
videos, css |
Popover API Is Here (chr/fro) | | 11500 |
apis, pop-overs, html |
Handling the Indentation of a Treeview Component (sha) | | 11499 |
css |
Web Forms: Costly Mistakes You Want to Avoid (geo) | | 11498 |
books, forms, mistakes, usability, accessibility, maintainability |
Composability in Design Systems (ada) | | 11497 |
design-systems, design, components |
An Alternative Proposal for CSS Masonry (rac/dev) | | 11496 |
css, layout, masonry, google |
European Accessibility Act: Ultimate Guide to Compliance (aud) | | 11495 |
guides, accessibility, compliance, legal, eaa |
Use Both Ratings Average and Number of Ratings When Sorting by User Ratings (bay) | | 11494 |
usability, user-experience, sorting |
I Reviewed 1,000s of Opinions on htmx (dph) | | 11493 |
htmx |
CSS Inheritance (bel/pic) | | 11492 |
css, cascade |
How to Design Accessible Forms in 10 Steps (bp/uxd) | | 11491 |
how-tos, design, accessibility, forms |
Superior Range Syntax (css) | | 11490 |
css, media-queries |
My Approach to HTML Web Components (ada) | | 11489 |
html, web-components |
What Is Vite (and Why Is It So Popular)? (eri/sta) | | 11488 |
vite |
Deprecating Support for “-ms-high-contrast” and “-ms-high-contrast-adjust” (mse) | | 11487 |
microsoft, edge, css, support |
Introduction to NestJS (ref) | | 11486 |
introductions, frameworks, nestjs |
WebAssembly Performance Patterns for Web Apps (tom) | | 11485 |
webassembly, performance, web-apps |
New to the Web Platform in April (rac/dev) | | 11484 |
release-notes, web-platform, browsers, mozilla, firefox, google, chrome, apple, safari |
No, I Don’t Want to Fill Out Your Contact Form (dom) | | 11483 |
forms, user-experience |
The Polish Paradox (ili) | | 11482 |
design, optimization, user-experience |
Accessibility Evolution of Organizations (cer) | | 11481 |
accessibility, processes, economics |
Can You Detect Overflow With CSS? (fon/css) | | 11480 |
css, overflow |
Top 50 System Design Interview Questions for 2024 (swe) | | 11479 |
interviewing, architecture, link-lists |
What Do Developers Want From AI? (abi) | | 11478 |
research, ai, productivity, efficiency |
Passkeys: A Shattered Dream (fir) | | 11477 |
security, authentication, passkeys |
Optimizing INP: A Deep Dive (dev) | | 11476 |
videos, performance, debugging, web-vitals, optimization, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools, deep-dives |
The Picture-Superiority Effect: Harness the Power of Visuals (nng) | | 11475 |
design, images, information-design |
Basic Algorithms (m) | | 11474 |
algorithms, search, sorting |
Ditch Dotenv: Node.js Now Natively Supports .env File Loading (hi/inp) | | 11473 |
nodejs, environments, tooling |
Radix UI Adoption Guide: Overview, Examples, and Alternatives (log) | | 11472 |
guides, overviews, examples, radix |
The Rise of Large-Language-Model Optimization (sch+) | | 11471 |
ai, optimization |
Maintaining a Design System in Figma (luk/uxd) | | 11470 |
design-systems, maintenance, figma |
Design Déjà Vu (mal) | | 11469 |
design, html, css, history, comparisons |
Introduction to Manual Website Accessibility Testing (umn) | | 11468 |
videos, introductions, accessibility, testing |
Popover API Lands in Baseline (una/dev) | | 11467 |
pop-overs, apis, browsers, support, web-platform |
The HTML, CSS, and SVG for a Classic Search Form (chr/fro) | | 11466 |
search, forms, html, css, svg |
Conducting Accessibility Research in an Inaccessible Ecosystem (maw/sma) | | 11465 |
accessibility, processes, prototyping, research |
Why Don’t We Talk About Minifying CSS Anymore? (whi/sen) | | 11464 |
css, minification, performance |
Celebrating 20 Years of Dojo (ope) | | 11463 |
anniversaries |
The Problem With “new URL()”, and How “URL.parse()” Fixes That (kil) | | 11462 |
javascript, urls |
Node.js Next 10 Survey—2024 (kyl/nod) | | 11461 |
surveys, nodejs |
Write Better CSS With Modern CSS (css) | | 11460 |
css, nesting, custom-properties, media-queries, tips-and-tricks |
Node.js 22 Available Now (ope) | | 11459 |
release-notes, nodejs |
JSR Is Not Another Package Manager (tin/den) | | 11458 |
jsr, dependencies |
Use “:has()” to Scope CSS | | 11457 |
css, selectors, scope |
How to Escape JavaScript for a Script Tag (mrj) | | 11456 |
how-tos, javascript, escaping, html |
The Perfect Site Doesn’t Exist (mic/cli) | | 11455 |
quality, maintenance, processes |
HTML Attributes vs. DOM Properties (jaf) | | 11454 |
html, attributes, dom, comparisons |
Celebrate JavaScript Naked Day Every Year on April 24 (zac) | | 11453 |
javascript, awareness-days, maintainability, graceful-degradation |
Printing Music With CSS Grid (ste/cru) | | 11452 |
css, grids, examples |
The New “!important” (geo) | | 11451 |
css, cascade |
Creating Fluid Typography With the CSS “clamp()” Function (dai/sit) | | 11450 |
css, functions, typography, fluid-design |
Using Vite to Rebuild Local Dependencies in an npm Workspace (pro) | | 11449 |
npm, dependencies, vite |
Invoking Elements by Using Only HTML: A First Look at Invokers (uti) | | 11448 |
html, modals, pop-overs |
Taking Regular Screenshots of My Website (ale) | | 11447 |
screenshots, automation, playwright, github-actions, github |
The First Framework That Lets You Visualize Your React/Node.js App (hot/was) | | 11446 |
frameworks, visualization, react, nodejs, wasp |
Images as the First Thing in a Button or Link (tem) | | 11445 |
accessibility, html, images, buttons, links |
How the Meaning of Colour Varies per Culture (bas/uxd) | | 11444 |
colors, culture |
Comparing Full Stack and Headless CMS Platforms (sit) | | 11443 |
comparisons, content-management, wordpress, drupal, ghost |
Reflecting on My Programming Career | | 11442 |
career |
F-Shape Pattern and How Users Read (vit/sma) | | 11441 |
usability, design |
Notes on Quality (ele) | | 11440 |
design, user-experience, quality |
Update on the Plan for Phase-Out of Third-Party Cookies on Chrome (goo) | | 11439 |
cookies, privacy, browsers, google, chrome |
Adding ESLint and Auto-Fixing an Existing TypeScript Project (dbl) | | 11438 |
eslint, typescript, quality, automation |
The Front End Developer/Engineer Handbook 2024 (cod/fro) | | 11437 |
overviews, career, learning, tech-stacks, concepts, terminology |
Latency Numbers Every Frontend Developer Should Know (cra/ver) | | 11436 |
performance, metrics, terminology |
Hello Bun: How Sveld Now Deploys 2× Faster on GitHub and Render (eri/ren) | | 11435 |
bun, deploying, performance, case-studies |
Your Page Can’t Change Media Features (kil) | | 11434 |
css, media-queries, user-experience, apis |
Write Alt Text Like You’re Talking to a Friend (spa/clo) | | 11433 |
accessibility, images, alt-text |
Using Legitimate GitHub URLs for Malware (sch) | | 11432 |
security, github |
JavaScript Features That Most Developers Don’t Know (sha/git) | | 11431 |
javascript, functions |
What Is CI/CD Pipelines: A Crucial Skill for Every Software Engineer (pri) | | 11430 |
ci-cd, concepts |
The Crucial Dance: Enhancing Designer–Developer Collaboration for Exceptional Products (uxm) | | 11429 |
collaboration, processes |
Node.js Test Runner: A Beginner’s Guide (sta/bet) | | 11428 |
guides, nodejs, testing |
15 Essential UX Design Principles and Practices for Developers (ipr/uxm) | | 11427 |
user-experience, principles, best-practices |
State of Design Tokens 2024 (don+/sup) | | 11426 |
videos, design-tokens, figma, tooling |
3 Essential Design Trends, May 2024 (car/web) | | 11425 |
design, trends |
5 Hidden CSS Properties You Didn’t Know Existed | | 11424 |
css |
Creating a UX Playbook for Onboarding Users to Your Product (uxm) | | 11423 |
user-experience, onboarding, product-management |
The Slow Death of CSS Vendor Prefixes (oll) | | 11422 |
css, vendor-extensions, history |
The Art of Design System Recipes (bra) | | 11421 |
design-systems, design-tokens |
What You Can Do as a Web Builder on Earth Day (aar) | | 11420 |
sustainability, ai |
The Ultimate Collection of CSS-Only Shapes (css) | | 11419 |
websites, css |
3 Tips for Advanced Prototyping in Figma (nic/uxd) | | 11418 |
tips-and-tricks, prototyping, figma |
Detect JavaScript Support (fon/css) | | 11417 |
css, javascript, media-queries, support |
Considerations for AI Opt-Out (mno) | | 11416 |
ai |
Make Product Design Great Again (mat/uxd) | | 11415 |
design, user-experience, product-management |
April 24 Is JS Naked Day (j9t) | | 11414 |
javascript, awareness-days, maintainability, graceful-degradation |
A Conversation With Una Kravets: The Rapid Evolution of CSS and Hobbies Outside of Work (una+) | | 11413 |
videos, interviews, css |
Optimising React Apps | | 11412 |
react, optimization |
Long Alt (aar) | | 11411 |
accessibility, images, alt-text, support, browsers, screen-readers |
Node.js Task Runner (yag) | | 11410 |
nodejs, performance |
Detect JavaScript Support in CSS (hex) | | 11409 |
css, javascript, media-queries, support |
Make Sure That Your Design System Is Accessible (cer) | | 11408 |
design-systems, accessibility |
Design Systems and the Never-Ending Job of Buy In (pjo) | | 11407 |
design-systems, communication, collaboration |
Using “@ defer” Defer Views in Angular 17 (dan) | | 11406 |
angular, performance, lazy-loading |
Typography Variables in Figma Are Here (joe) | | 11405 |
typography, variables, figma |
Accessibility Overlays—Friend or Foe? (ohm+/int) | | 11404 |
videos, accessibility, overlays |
How to Create CSS Utility Classes (fon/css) | | 11403 |
how-tos, css, presentational-css |
How to Work With GraphQL in WordPress in 2024 (los/sma) | | 11402 |
how-tos, wordpress, graphql |
This Web of Ours, Revisited (zel) | | 11401 |
web |
A Short Guide to Mastering Keyboard Shortcuts on GitHub (saa/git) | | 11400 |
guides, github, keyboard-shortcuts |
Building a Culture of Accessibility (jon/tet) | | 11399 |
accessibility, culture |
Help Us Invent CSS Grid Level 3, aka “Masonry” Layout (jen/web) | | 11398 |
css, layout, grids, masonry |
Building an npm Package Compatible With ESM and CJS in 2024 (lir/sny) | | 11397 |
npm, dependencies, interoperability, esm, commonjs |
5 Tailwind CSS Anti-Patterns to Avoid (jon/ato) | | 11396 |
tailwind, colors, theming, frameworks, anti-patterns |
A Primer on the Cascade and Specificity (bel/pic) | | 11395 |
introductions, css, selectors, cascade |
Sustainable Web Development: Website Redesign With a Low Carbon Footprint (ros/wom) | | 11394 |
redesigning, sustainability |
What’s Going On in Dark Theme / Light Theme Land (chr/fro) | | 11393 |
css, functions, dark-mode |
The “Intl.Segmenter” Object Is Now Part of Baseline (rac/dev) | | 11392 |
browsers, support, web-platform, javascript |
Angular’s New Signal Inputs (deb) | | 11391 |
videos, angular, signals |
Git Common Developer Pitfalls and Solutions (wom) | | 11390 |
git |
The End of an Era: Women Who Code Closing (wom) | | 11389 |
community |
Building a GitHub Activity Feed With Node.js and Socket.IO (je/kno) | | 11388 |
nodejs, github, functionality |
Property Hooks Are Coming in PHP 8.4 (ami) | | 11387 |
php, hooks |
The Impact of Color Contrast on Accessibility (bar) | | 11386 |
accessibility, colors, contrast |
How to Write World-Beating Web Content (web) | | 11385 |
how-tos, writing, content |
Upgrading jQuery: Working Towards a Healthy Web (tim/jqu) | | 11384 |
jquery, maintenance, migrating |
Who Should Block AI Bots? (thc/moz) | | 11383 |
scraping, ai, seo |
JavaScript Code Quality Tools: See Qodana in Action (qod) | | 11382 |
jetbrains, qodana, quality, javascript |
Humans Do It Better: GitClear Analyzes 153M Lines of Code, Finds Risks of AI (arc) | | 11381 |
ai, quality, craft, metrics, engineering-management |
Converting Plain Text to Encoded HTML With Vanilla JavaScript (sma) | | 11380 |
conversion, html, javascript |
12 Tips From a Mid-Level Developer (abb) | | 11379 |
career, tips-and-tricks |
How to Submit a Form in React Using FormData (wom) | | 11378 |
how-tos, forms, react |
Displaying HTML Web Components (ada) | | 11377 |
web-components, css |
When Security and Accessibility Clash: Why Are Banking Applications So Inaccessible? | | 11376 |
accessibility, security |
Webhooks and WebSockets (ric) | | 11375 |
webhooks, websockets |
AI Isn’t Useless—but Is It Worth It? (mol) | | 11374 |
ai, quality |
We Need to Rewild the Internet (mar+/noe) | | 11373 |
web, standards, collaboration, creativity, outlooks |
The Invisible Seafaring Industry That Keeps the Internet Afloat (jos/ver) | | 11372 |
web |
Electron 30.0.0 (kee/ele) | | 11371 |
release-notes, electron |
The Right Code for Your Design System (emi/fig) | | 11370 |
design-systems, figma |
The Biggest Lie in HTML (t3d) | | 11369 |
videos, html |
Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things (nik) | | 11368 |
css, design, centering |
Things That Can Break “aspect-ratio” in CSS (chr/fro) | | 11367 |
css |
[pnpm] v9.0.0 (pnp) | | 11366 |
release-notes, pnpm |
Making Disabled Buttons More Accessible (jsf) | | 11365 |
accessibility, buttons, html, aria |
The Making of a TypeScript Feature: Inferring Type Predicates (dan) | | 11364 |
typescript |
Alternating Style Queries (kiz) | | 11363 |
css, container-queries, techniques |
Document Collaboration (With Comments!) (chr/fro) | | 11362 |
documentation, collaboration, comparisons, link-lists |
Don’t Use the “maxlength” Attribute to Stop Users From Exceeding the Limit (ada) | | 11361 |
html, attributes, forms, usability |
10 Top Accessibility Errors and How to Avoid and Fix Them (sch) | | 11360 |
accessibility |
An Intro to Flexbox (cfe) | | 11359 |
introductions, css, flexbox, layout |
CSS in React Server Components (jos) | | 11358 |
css, javascript, react, components, css-in-js |
Ethics in Times of Growth Design (cre) | | 11357 |
design, ethics |
How a Successful Website Migration Led to a 20% Increase in Keyword Rankings (moz) | | 11356 |
migrating, processes, seo, sem |
ARIA in HTML (sco+/w3c) | | 11355 |
standards, accessibility, aria, html |
Open Source Security (OpenSSF) and OpenJS Foundations Issue Alert for Social Engineering Takeovers of Open Source Projects (rgi+/ope) | | 11354 |
foss, security |
Five Ways Cookie Consent Managers Hurt Web Performance (and How to Fix Them) (cli/spe) | | 11353 |
cookies, consent-management, performance |
Beware—Automatic Tools Over-Report Accessibility Issues and Steal Your Time (cer) | | 11352 |
accessibility, auditing, tooling |
Interview With Senior JS Developer 2024 (kai) | | 11351 |
videos, interviews, javascript, frameworks, libraries, tech-stacks, tooling, web-platform |
My “Skip to Content” Markup Was Breaking the Back Button on iOS (db) | | 11350 |
html, skip-links, accessibility, mobile |
Things You Should Do in Your Dev Journey | | 11349 |
career |
Why Many Junior Developers Quit Programming (tip/git) | | 11348 |
career, learning |
What if You Had Real Control Over Light Mode / Dark Mode on a Per-Site Basis? (bra/bra) | | 11347 |
apis, dark-mode |
9 Signs Your Frontend Code Has Quality Issues That Affect Your Users (ang) | | 11346 |
quality, craft, accessibility, usability, user-experience, conformance, performance |
Technical Guide: End-to-End CI/CD DevOps With Jenkins, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, SonarQube, ArgoCD, AWS EC2, EKS, and GitHub Actions (Django Deployment) (joe/dev) | | 11345 |
guides, ci-cd, deploying, jenkins, docker, kubernetes, aws, github-actions, django |
Blockin’ Bots (bee) | | 11344 |
scraping, ai, apache, configuration |
Introducing JS Naked Day (mac) | | 11343 |
introductions, javascript, awareness-days, maintainability, graceful-degradation |
Naming Colors in Design Systems (ado) | | 11342 |
naming, colors, design-systems |
10 Things Software Developers Should Learn About Learning (abi) | | 11341 |
research, learning |
Monitoring BFCache Blocking Reasons (chr/mdn) | | 11340 |
bfcache, monitoring, debugging, performance |
Sliding 3D Image Frames in CSS (css/sma) | | 11339 |
css, images, techniques |
How Do Open Source Licenses Work? The Ultimate Guide (bca/the) | | 11338 |
guides, foss, licensing |
How to Build a Reusable Grid System With CSS Grid (cfe) | | 11337 |
how-tos, css, grids, layout |
The Dos and Don’ts of Using “tabindex” in Web Design (a11) | | 11336 |
accessibility, keyboard-navigation, html |
A Comparison of Automated Testing Tools for Digital Accessibility (equ) | | 11335 |
accessibility, testing, tooling, automation, comparisons |
Epic App Performance Starts With the Database (rtb/epi) | | 11334 |
videos, performance, databases, optimization |
Unleashing Designers With Tailwind CSS (sim/epi) | | 11333 |
videos, tailwind, design, processes |
Why I’m Embracing the Arc Browser (num) | | 11332 |
browsers, arc |
Accessible Interactions in JavaScript Apps (as/epi) | | 11331 |
videos, accessibility, javascript, aria |
CSS Tricks to Master the “clip-path” Property (css/ver) | | 11330 |
css, masking, tips-and-tricks |
Socks, Lies, and Accessibility (wor) | | 11329 |
accessibility, awareness-days, link-lists |
Zombie Estimation (scr) | | 11328 |
agile, scrum, processes, project-management |
Purging Design System “Rot” From Our Checkboxes (chu/moo) | | 11327 |
design-systems, maintenance, quality, accessibility, case-studies |
npm Basics for New Developers (nim/dai) | | 11326 |
fundamentals, npm |
An Intro to CSS Grid (cfe) | | 11325 |
introductions, css, grids, layout |
Quick Tip: How to Animate Text Gradients and Patterns in CSS (ral/sit) | | 11324 |
tips-and-tricks, how-tos, animations, gradients, css |
Complete a VPAT: Show How Accessible Your Product Is (deq) | | 11323 |
accessibility, vpat-acr, conformance, documentation |
Let Me Be (rya/epi) | | 11322 |
videos, javascript |
Web Accessibility Statement: How to Write One (usa) | | 11321 |
how-tos, accessibility, writing |
Gap Is the New Margin (chr/fro) | | 11320 |
css, layout |
The Future of Design Systems Is Marketing (fig) | | 11319 |
design-systems, marketing, metrics |
Frontend Development Beyond React: Svelte (bk/itn) | | 11318 |
svelte |
JS Naked Day (mac+) | | 11317 |
websites, javascript, awareness-days, maintainability, graceful-degradation |
The Guide to Git I Never Had (jak/gla) | | 11316 |
guides, git, command-line, cheat-sheets |
Notes on Git’s Error Messages (b0r) | | 11315 |
git, errors |
Optimizing WebKit and Safari for Speedometer 3.0 (ant+/web) | | 11314 |
webkit, browsers, apple, safari, performance, optimization |
Control Your Vertigo—the Unspoken Rule for Defending Design Decisions (kin/uxd) | | 11313 |
design, user-experience |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 192 (jon/web) | | 11312 |
release-notes, browsers, apple, safari |
I Never Knew a Website Could Hurt Someone (kar/oka) | | 11311 |
videos, accessibility |
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 Security Releases (raf/nod) | | 11310 |
release-notes, nodejs, security |
Understanding Interaction to Next Paint (INP) (wil/fro) | | 11309 |
performance, web-vitals |
Recapping ng-conf 2024 (mha/ion) | | 11308 |
angular |
Ableism and Related Terms You Need to Know (mer) | | 11307 |
terminology, communication, dei |
A Love Letter to Gen Z From Gen Y: Understanding React’s Evolution (ani) | | 11306 |
react, history |
Is the Party Over for Scrum Masters and Agile Coaches? (hri) | | 11305 |
agile, scrum, career |
Layered Toggles: Optional CSS Mixins (kiz) | | 11304 |
css, mixins, techniques |
Sending Email Using Node.js (cra/sit) | | 11303 |
nodejs, email |
An Introduction to the Node.js Performance API (sta/bet) | | 11302 |
introductions, nodejs, performance, apis |
The ADA Now Has Regulations for Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps (slo/tpg) | | 11301 |
accessibility, ada, legal, web, mobile |
Happy CSS Naked Day 2024 (fro) | | 11300 |
frontend-dogma, css, awareness-days, maintainability |
Figma Prototypes vs. HTML Prototypes (ada) | | 11299 |
design, processes, prototyping, figma, html, comparisons |
React Server Components in a Nutshell (pau/the) | | 11298 |
react, components |
Inclusive Digital Experiences: Redesign Strategies for Addressing Diverse Abilities and Accessibility Challenges (uxm) | | 11297 |
redesigning, strategies, dei, accessibility |
What Is Whitespace? (nng) | | 11296 |
videos, whitespace, design, concepts, terminology |
Building a CLI From Scratch With TypeScript and oclif (jos) | | 11295 |
command-line, typescript |
DORA’s Software Delivery Metrics: The Four Keys (nat/dev) | | 11294 |
processes, metrics |
The Death of Creativity (mik) | | 11293 |
creativity, ai |
Misinformation and Disinformation Online: What Design Can Do to Remedy This Problem (sil/uxm) | | 11292 |
design, communication |
Creating a Navbar in React (sit) | | 11291 |
navigation, react, css |
Justice Department to Publish Final Rule to Strengthen Web and Mobile App Access for People With Disabilities (the) | | 11290 |
accessibility, legal, web, mobile |
User Experience in the Era of AI: Enhancing Human-Machine Interactions (uxm) | | 11289 |
user-experience, ai, hci |
Node.js Debugging in Chrome DevTools (chr/fro) | | 11288 |
nodejs, debugging, tooling, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools |
Things That I Like Better in Vue Than in React | | 11287 |
vuejs, react, frameworks, comparisons |
How I Write Commits Like a Pro (kun) | | 11286 |
version-control, git, conventions |
Node.js Secure Coding: Mitigate and Weaponize Code Injection Vulnerabilities (lir) | | 11285 |
books, nodejs, security, vulnerabilities |
10 Must Know System Design Concepts for Interviews (swe) | | 11284 |
interviewing, architecture, concepts, scaling |
Jekyll vs. Astro (koo) | | 11283 |
site-generators, comparisons, jekyll, astro |
Faster Websites With the “picture” Element (fra) | | 11282 |
html, images, performance |
Demystifying the Shadow DOM (pet) | | 11281 |
dom, shadow-dom |
Testing HTML With Modern CSS (hey) | | 11280 |
html, css, testing, quality |
Blind Internet Users Struggle With Error-Prone AI Aids (joa/ft) | | 11279 |
accessibility, ai |
[zx] 8.0.0 (ant/goo) | | 11278 |
release-notes, zx |
WCAG Bypass Blocks (“Skip to Content”)—Improve User Interaction Speed and Even Prevent Pain (cer) | | 11277 |
accessibility, user-experience, keyboard-navigation, skip-links, wcag |
Why I’m Yet Another Woman Leaving the Tech Industry (che/for) | | 11276 |
career, community |
How to Think About HTML Responsive Images (db) | | 11275 |
how-tos, html, images, responsive-design |
Reviewing Polypane for Responsive Website Tweaks (sco) | | 11274 |
videos, polypane, browsers |
21 HTML Tips You Must Know About (she) | | 11273 |
html, tips-and-tricks |
Drive-By Accessibility Tweaks (bru) | | 11272 |
accessibility |
“AI” Won’t Solve Accessibility (yat) | | 11271 |
accessibility, ai |
Should Designers Code? (bra) | | 11270 |
design, career |
How to Make Your Website Work Offline (sh2) | | 11269 |
how-tos, web-workers, offline, javascript |
DevTools Tips and Tricks (pan/fro) | | 11268 |
browsers, dev-tools, tips-and-tricks |
Managing User Focus With “:focus-visible” (sal/css) | | 11267 |
css, selectors, focus |
The Free Software Commons (jen) | | 11266 |
foss, community, security |
Breakpoints in Responsive Design (nng) | | 11265 |
design, responsive-design, usability |
ESLint v9.0.0 Released (nza/esl) | | 11264 |
release-notes, eslint |
Creativity in Software Engineering (abi) | | 11263 |
research, creativity, programming |
When to Use “tabindex="0"” (gra/tet) | | 11262 |
accessibility, keyboard-navigation, focus, html |
Building Components With Radix UI (ref) | | 11261 |
radix, components |
JavaScript Visualized—Event Loop, Web APIs, (Micro)task Queue (lyd) | | 11260 |
videos, javascript, visualization, event-loop, events, apis |