200 Web-Based, Must-Try Web Design and Development Tools (j9t) | | 9195 |
link-lists, tooling |
An Update on Chrome Security Updates—Shipping Security Fixes to You Faster (goo) | | 9194 |
browsers, google, chrome, security |
UX Is Not Dead, It’s Just Misunderstood (nat/uxm) | | 9193 |
user-experience |
What Does It Mean for Web Browsers to Have a Baseline (mar/the) | | 9192 |
browsers, support, web-platform |
My Experience Modernizing Packages to ESM (ace) | | 9191 |
dependencies, modernization, esm |
Lean UX and Agile: Study Guide (aka/nng) | | 9190 |
guides, user-experience, agile, processes, training, link-lists |
User-Adaptive Interfaces With “AccentColor” (oll) | | 9189 |
forms, css |
An Introduction to htmx, the HTML-Focused Dynamic UI Library (jch/sit) | | 9188 |
introductions, htmx |
Micro Benevolences (est/ope) | | 9187 |
community, dei, communication, foss |
What Happens When You Select “count(*)” in MySQL (ami) | | 9186 |
databases, mysql |
OpenAI’s ChatGPT New Web Crawler—GPTBot (rus/ser) | | 9185 |
crawling, ai, openai, chatgpt, seo |
You Don’t Need a Mentor: Embracing the Power of Community (bek/ope) | | 9184 |
career, community, learning |
Alt Text Hall of Fame (ste/alt) | | 9183 |
websites, accessibility, writing, alt-text, images |
Migrating My Blog From Gatsby to Astro (sap) | | 9182 |
migrating, gatsby, astro |
A Guide to Single-Page Application Performance (ray) | | 9181 |
guides, single-page-apps, developer-experience, performance, monitoring |
The Risks of Micro-Frontends (inf/com) | | 9180 |
podcasts, micro-frontends |
JSX Without React (chr) | | 9179 |
jsx, react |
Progressively Enhanced Form Validation: HTML and CSS (ger/clo) | | 9178 |
forms, validation, progressive-enhancement, html, css |
Top 7 Things That Kill Developer Productivity (sur) | | 9177 |
productivity, technical-debt, code-reviews, documentation, processes, developer-experience |
How to Improve Performance of Your Database by Indexing Large Tables (amh) | | 9176 |
how-tos, performance, databases, optimization |
Some Tactics for Writing in Public (b0r) | | 9175 |
writing, communication, community |
Beautify Your Git Log With a Single Command (pra) | | 9174 |
git, command-line |
Responsive Images: DIY Implementation in 6 Steps (mas) | | 9173 |
images, html, responsive-design |
Optimizing Speed on ebay.com (add) | | 9172 |
performance, optimization, web-vitals, case-studies |
Scrolljacking 101 (nng) | | 9171 |
scrolling, user-experience |
A Compilation of Outstanding Testing Articles (With JavaScript) (gol/nod) | | 9170 |
link-lists, testing, javascript |
Assistive Technology Shouldn’t Be a Mystery Box (cod) | | 9169 |
browsers, assistive-tech, accessibility, web-platform, foss, support |
Designing Accessible Text Over Images: Best Practices, Techniques, and Resources (hum/sma) | | 9168 |
accessibility, content, images, best-practices, techniques |
The Next Generation of Web Layouts (zel) | | 9167 |
web-platform, design, layout |
How Google Measures Developer Productivity (abi) | | 9166 |
interviews, google, productivity, developer-experience, metrics |
Insertion Sort: A Deep Dive (kir) | | 9165 |
algorithms, sorting, deep-dives |
How to Set Up Git Hooks (“pre-commit”, “commit-msg”) in My Project? (kis) | | 9164 |
how-tos, git, git-hooks |
Route-Based Code Splitting With React (cma) | | 9163 |
code-splitting, routing, react |
Things You Forgot (or Never Knew) Because of React (col) | | 9162 |
react, frameworks, learning |
The Easy Intro to the APCA Contrast Method (myn) | | 9161 |
introductions, accessibility, colors, contrast, apca |
Finding My Blogging Path: Lessons From My Journey (dan) | | 9160 |
lessons, blogging, writing, career, community |
Implementing Design Tokens: Colors (kar) | | 9159 |
design-tokens, colors |
Contextual Form Errors and ARIA (mar) | | 9158 |
accessibility, forms, html, aria |
How Does Reflowing Content Affect People With Screen Magnification? (tpg) | | 9157 |
accessibility, reflow, assistive-tech, screen-magnification |
An Overview of CSS Sizing Units (web/sit) | | 9156 |
overviews, css, units |
New DOJ Web Accessibility Regulation Is a Disaster (con) | | 9155 |
accessibility, legal |
Prepare to Spy on a Method Added Dynamically (bah) | | 9154 |
videos, javascript, cypress, testing, debugging |
A Blog Post With Every HTML Element (pat) | | 9153 |
html, semantics |
How We Optimized Performance to Serve a Global Audience (lap/sma) | | 9152 |
case-studies, performance, optimization |
How to Use the CSS Grid “repeat()” Function (ral/sit) | | 9151 |
how-tos, css, grids, functions, layout |
No Exit—Every Feed Is a Traffic Jam (mus/uxd) | | 9150 |
social-media, scrolling, user-experience |
Why Isn’t “z-index” Working? (una+/dev) | | 9149 |
videos, css, positioning |
Creating Custom Easing Effects in CSS Animations Using the “linear()” Function (mic/mdn) | | 9148 |
css, functions, animations |
I’m Betting on HTML | | 9147 |
html, semantics |
CSS and Accessibility: Inclusion Through User Choice (car/sma) | | 9146 |
css, accessibility, dei, user-experience |
Evading JavaScript Anti-Debugging Techniques (voi/nul) | | 9145 |
javascript, debugging |
Mixing Colors to Create Variants in CSS (ami) | | 9144 |
colors, css |
Understanding React Server Components (tem/ver) | | 9143 |
react, components |
Midori Browser Will Change Its Engine to Gecko (gru) | | 9142 |
browsers, gecko, browser-engines |
What’s New in Svelte: August 2023 (dre/sve) | | 9141 |
release-notes, svelte, sveltekit |
Splitting the Web (plo) | | 9140 |
web |
Accessibility of the Button: Should We Fix It or the Root Cause Problem? (deq) | | 9139 |
accessibility, buttons, processes |
PHP Isn’t That Bad, So Why the Hate? (pur) | | 9138 |
php, frameworks, myths |
The Curious Case of “iff” and Overriding Screenreader Pronunciations (ben) | | 9137 |
screen-readers, accessibility, pronunciation |
Contrast Checker Bookmarklet (web) | | 9136 |
bookmarklets, accessibility, colors, contrast |
What Happens When Developers Are Liable for Accessibility? (acc) | | 9135 |
accessibility, legal |
The Virtual Keyboard API (sha) | | 9134 |
apis |
New to the Web Platform in July (rac/dev) | | 9133 |
release-notes, web-platform, browsers, google, chrome, mozilla, firefox, apple, safari |
How to Earn High-Authority Links That Drive Rankings (kel/moz) | | 9132 |
how-tos, seo, links |
Front End Practice: Top 25+ JavaScript Code Best Practices for Development | | 9131 |
javascript, best-practices |
Randomness in CSS Using Trigonometry (kul) | | 9130 |
css, randomness |
Accessibility Represents Maturity (tem) | | 9129 |
accessibility, culture |
Start by Writing Messy Code (see) | | 9128 |
processes, learning |
Why I No Longer Believe in Content Design (nic/uxd) | | 9127 |
content, design, writing |
Tuesday, August 8, 2023 Security Releases (raf/nod) | | 9126 |
release-notes, nodejs, security |
Resume and Pause Animations in CSS (ami) | | 9125 |
css, animations |
A Future of Themes With CSS Container Style Queries (chr) | | 9124 |
css, container-queries, theming |
Should New Developers Use AI Coding Tools? (cat) | | 9123 |
ai, productivity, tooling, career, learning |
Run JavaScript/Wasm in Python: High-Level SpiderMonkey Bindings to Python With PythonMonkey | | 9122 |
javascript, webassembly, python, spidermonkey |
Do We Need WCAG 3 (Now)? (yat) | | 9121 |
accessibility, wcag, standards |
Mastering Git Shortcuts: A Guide to Git Aliases (pra) | | 9120 |
guides, git, aliases, productivity |
How “position: absolute” Works in CSS Grid (zor/css) | | 9119 |
videos, css, grids, layout |
How to Define an Array of Colors With CSS (css/sma) | | 9118 |
how-tos, css, arrays, colors |
Design Systems Management From Bottom–Up (lih/uxp) | | 9117 |
design-systems, processes |
Toggles Suck! (joe/axe) | | 9116 |
toggles, design, usability, user-experience |
If Web Components Are So Great, Why Am I Not Using Them? (dav) | | 9115 |
web-components |
You Probably Don’t Need “http-equiv” Meta Tags (rvi) | | 9114 |
html, metadata, http, performance |
The Future of Design Systems Is Semantic (car/fig) | | 9113 |
design-systems, design-tokens, processes |
The Web Development Glossary 3K (j9t/fro) | | 9112 |
books, frontend-dogma, learning, training, concepts, terminology |
Adapting Typography to User Preferences With CSS (arg/dev) | | 9111 |
typography, css, customization |
Speeding Up V8 Heap Snapshots (jda/v8j) | | 9110 |
javascript, javascript-engines, v8, performance, memory |
Complete Guide to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) (uxt) | | 9109 |
guides, hci |
How to Make Your Captions and Audio Descriptions WCAG-Compliant (3pl) | | 9108 |
how-tos, multimedia, captions, compliance, wcag, accessibility |
What Is Platform Engineering (and What Is It Not)? (the) | | 9107 |
platform-engineering |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 175 (jon/web) | | 9106 |
release-notes, browsers, apple, safari |
The Joy of Simplicity in Web Development (cfe) | | 9105 |
simplicity, processes |
Tailwind, and the Death of Web Craftsmanship | | 9104 |
tailwind, craft, quality |
Is Jamstack Officially Finished? (rem) | | 9103 |
tech-stacks, jamstack, community |
Be an Active Ally for Those Living With Disabilities (wom) | | 9102 |
accessibility, dei |
Help Design the Inaugural “State of HTML” Survey (lea) | | 9101 |
html, community |
How I Name and Arrange My Color Variables in Figma (gdw) | | 9100 |
colors, figma, conventions |
CrBug Release Indicator (bra/bra) | | 9099 |
browsers, chromium, tooling |
Publishing With npm Provenance From Private Source Repositories Is No Longer Supported (git) | | 9098 |
github, npm, provenance, security, foss |
How to Use CSS “aspect-ratio” (ral/sit) | | 9097 |
how-tos, css |
Testing a Component’s Accessibility (gds) | | 9096 |
videos, accessibility, testing, components |
Blockquotes in Screen Readers (aar) | | 9095 |
accessibility, screen-readers, support, html |
Vision for W3C (cdu/w3c) | | 9094 |
outlooks, web, web-platform, standards, w3c |
The Excellent Arc Browser Is Now Available for Anyone to Download (dav/ver) | | 9093 |
browsers, arc |
Social Engineering Campaign Targeting Tech Employees Spreading Through npm Malware (soc) | | 9092 |
security, npm |
Web Accessibility in High-Risk Segments (kar) | | 9091 |
accessibility, compliance, legal |
Combining Data With Multiple Fetch Requests (ste) | | 9090 |
javascript, arrays, data-fetching |
Solving the Accessibility Palette Riddle (chr/uxd) | | 9089 |
accessibility, colors, color-palettes |
What to Do When Your Developers Don’t Collaborate (dur/scr) | | 9088 |
processes, collaboration |
Microservices vs. Micro Frontends: What’s the Difference? (pav) | | 9087 |
microservices, micro-frontends, comparisons |
The Rise of Minimalism in Web Design: Less Is More (bow/nou) | | 9086 |
minimalism, design |
Fetching Data From an HTTP API With Python (sil/sit) | | 9085 |
data-fetching, apis, python |
Promises Training (hin) | | 9084 |
javascript, promises, training, courses |
Application State Management With Angular Signals (eug) | | 9083 |
state-management, angular, signals |
6 Ways ChatGPT Can Improve Your SEO (zac/moz) | | 9082 |
ai, chatgpt, seo, metadata, code-generation |
Understanding the WCAG 3 Working Draft Update (rlb) | | 9081 |
accessibility, wcag |
Securing the Web Forward: Addressing Developer Concerns in Web Security (tor/w3c) | | 9080 |
security, web, surveys |
The Problem With Auto-Generated Alternative Texts for Images (dni) | | 9079 |
accessibility, ai, writing |
Getting Started With Pico CSS (kok/log) | | 9078 |
introductions, pico |
I Blame the W3C’s HTML Standard for Ordered Lists (sid) | | 9077 |
html, lists, semantics |
The New “X” Button Doesn’t Close the Website | | 9076 |
user-experience, community, social-media |
SVG Gradients: Solving Curved Challenges (bro) | | 9075 |
svg, images, gradients |
Benefits of Integrating UX Into Your Overall Business Strategy (uxm) | | 9074 |
user-experience, strategies |
WebKit Features in Safari 16.6 (jen/web) | | 9073 |
release-notes, browsers, apple, safari, webkit |
Core Web Vitals for Search Engine Optimisation: What Do We Need to Know? (css) | | 9072 |
performance, web-vitals, seo |
10 Simple CSS and JavaScript Micro-Interactions for Buttons (osc/sit) | | 9071 |
css, javascript, buttons, effects |
Eleventy SMACSS (jus) | | 9070 |
eleventy, smacss, css |
Using Imagery in Visual Design (rac/nng) | | 9069 |
design, images, content |
Effective Code Reviews (add) | | 9068 |
code-reviews, processes, learning, career |
A Comprehensive Comparison of Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, Windi CSS, and UnoCSS: Features, Pros, and Cons | | 9067 |
comparisons, bootstrap, tailwind, unocss |
Good Code Is— (j9t) | | 9066 |
quality, terminology |
CSP Testing Using Cypress (bah) | | 9065 |
csp, testing, cypress |
Accessible Animated GIF Alternatives (tyl/clo) | | 9064 |
accessibility, animations, gif, multimedia, comparisons |
How SEOs and UX Designers Can Work Better Together (hel/moz) | | 9063 |
seo, user-experience, design, collaboration |
Enable Hover Conditionally in CSS (ami) | | 9062 |
css |
The Art of Looking Back: A Critical Reflection for Individual Contributors (sir/sma) | | 9061 |
processes, career, productivity |
Why Learning to Program Is Easier Now, but Also Way Harder Than Before (sah) | | 9060 |
programming, learning, productivity, developer-experience |
Installing Multiple Versions of Node.js Using nvm (myx+/sit) | | 9059 |
nodejs, nvm |
Good Code Is Like a Love Letter to the Next Developer Who Will Maintain It (add) | | 9058 |
programming, quality, maintainability, communication |
From Mid to Senior: Time Management and Prioritization (ino) | | 9057 |
career, productivity, prioritization |
A Guide to Perfecting Pull Requests (kar) | | 9056 |
git, code-reviews, collaboration, foss |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2 (ala+/w3c) | | 9055 |
accessibility, guidelines, wcag, standards |
How to Use CSS “object-fit” and “object-position” (ral/sit) | | 9054 |
how-tos, css, images |
We Deleted More Than 5,000 Pages From Our College Website—Here’s Why (its/eds) | | 9053 |
accessibility, quality, maintenance |
Design Systems: Avoiding Common Pitfalls (vig) | | 9052 |
design-systems |
DX in the Frontend Developer Ecosystem (ste/ref) | | 9051 |
videos, developer-experience |
CSS Cascade Layers (je9+/odd) | | 9050 |
videos, css, cascade |
What’s New in DevTools: Network, Console, Wasm (Chrome 113–115) (jec/dev) | | 9049 |
videos, dev-tools, browsers, google, chrome, network, webassembly |
Ember JS Essentials: A Beginner’s Guide (sta) | | 9048 |
fundamentals, guides, emberjs |
SvelteKit in 100 Seconds (jef/fir) | | 9047 |
videos, introductions, sveltekit |
11ty: Index All The Things! (lea) | | 9046 |
eleventy, pagination |
How to Build and Deploy a Modern Day Next.js Application (and/get) | | 9045 |
how-tos, nextjs, building, deploying |
User Input Sanitization and Validation: Securing Your App (joi) | | 9044 |
security, sanitization, validation, conformance |
Visually Hidden Links With 0 Dimensions (mat) | | 9043 |
accessibility, links, focus, apple, safari |
What Is the Bento UI Trend, and How Can You Get Started? (web) | | 9042 |
design, trends |
How Platform Teams Get Stuff Done (ph1/mfo) | | 9041 |
productivity, processes, platform-engineering |
Encoding: A Brief History and Its Role in Cybersecurity (cal/cri) | | 9040 |
encoding, unicode, security, history |
An Introduction to LangChain, Python, and OpenAI | | 9039 |
introductions, langchain, python, openai, ai |
Figma Now Supports “rem” Units: Understanding the Use and Benefits (moo/uxd) | | 9038 |
figma, css, units, support |
Signals Make Angular Much Easier (mfp) | | 9037 |
angular, signals |
Getting Started With CSS Nesting (kev) | | 9036 |
videos, introductions, css, nesting |
Anyone Else Notice That [Hacker News] Isn’t Full of JavaScript Frameworks Lately? | | 9035 |
discussions, javascript, frameworks |
Getting Instant Return From Your Accessibility Testing (kar) | | 9034 |
accessibility, testing |
The Power of Git: A Guide to Collaborative Version Control (bek/ope) | | 9033 |
guides, git, collaboration |
Fluid vs. Responsive Typography With CSS Clamp (its/log) | | 9032 |
css, functions, typography, responsive-design |
Node.js Security Progress Report—17 Reports Closed (ope) | | 9031 |
nodejs, security |
5 Inconvenient Truths About TypeScript (dea) | | 9030 |
typescript, javascript, complexity |
Advanced Positioning in CSS Grid (zor/css) | | 9029 |
videos, css, grids, positioning, layout |
The 10 Commitments of an Agile Leader (scr) | | 9028 |
agile, processes, collaboration, leadership, engineering-management |
O “dialog” Focus, Where Art Thou? (mat) | | 9027 |
accessibility, modals, html, focus |
Upgrading an Ancient React Application (jef/lab) | | 9026 |
react, maintenance |
Using Emoji on the Web (oll) | | 9025 |
emoji, fonts, support, unicode |
Stick to Boring Architecture for as Long as Possible (add) | | 9024 |
architecture |
Lightweight JavaScript Framework Review (for Django Developers) (mic) | | 9023 |
javascript, frameworks, comparisons, link-lists, django |
How I Structured My Design System Using Figma’s New Variables (des/uxd) | | 9022 |
design-systems, design-tokens, figma |
15 Advanced TypeScript Tips for Development | | 9021 |
typescript, tips-and-tricks |
React-ing to Accessibility: Building Accessible Forms That Everyone Can Use (mar/uxd) | | 9020 |
accessibility, forms, react, testing |
Interoperability With Specific Assistive Technologies or: “Does the Website Work on JAWS?” (kar) | | 9019 |
accessibility, interoperability, screen-readers, assistive-tech, jaws |
Scroll Progress Animations in CSS (mic/css) | | 9018 |
css, scrolling, animations |
Figma Typography Secrets—Seven Pro Tips Revealed (gly) | | 9017 |
typography, figma |
Writing CSS in 2023: Is It Any Different Than a Few Years Ago? (geo/sma) | | 9016 |
css |
Down-and-Across Highlighting (mey) | | 9015 |
code-pens, css, tables, effects |
A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to npm: Simplifying Package Management (abh) | | 9014 |
guides, npm, dependencies |
WordPress 6.3 to Introduce a Development Mode (sar/wpt) | | 9013 |
wordpress |
Mock JSON API Endpoints for Testing (ami) | | 9012 |
json, apis, testing |
A Roadmap to Leadership Inclusion: 15 Keys to Unlocking a Diverse and Empowered Workplace II (dbo) | | 9011 |
leadership, dei, accessibility |
CSS Findings From the Threads App (sha) | | 9010 |
css, case-studies, facebook+meta |
Why Design Systems Fail (des) | | 9009 |
design-systems, lessons |
Implementing Responsive Grids With Tailwind CSS: An In-Depth Guide | | 9008 |
guides, tailwind, responsive-design, grids, layout |
Better Roadmaps (dra) | | 9007 |
project-management, processes |
Getting Started With Tailwind CSS: A Quick-Start Guide | | 9006 |
introductions, guides, tailwind |
Useful Functions for [an] HTTP Server | | 9005 |
deno, servers, http, functions |
Building a Responsive Table With Tailwind CSS: A Comprehensive Guide | | 9004 |
guides, tables, tailwind |
Arrays and Tuples in TypeScript (fro) | | 9003 |
typescript, arrays |
The alt-text.org Project Is Moving Forward (han) | | 9002 |
accessibility, writing |
Recent Design (dar/rec) | | 9001 |
websites, design, link-lists |
Preload vs. Early Hints vs. Fetch Priority (nyw) | | 9000 |
videos, performance, html, http, hints, comparisons |
The Magic of Empty Git Commit (pra) | | 8999 |
git, command-line |
From Nunjucks to Liquid (mor) | | 8998 |
template-engines, nunjucks, liquid, migrating |
How AI Is Making Web Design More Efficient (joe/web) | | 8997 |
ai, design, efficiency |
Developer’s Research Process (cit) | | 8996 |
research, processes |
3 Common Types of Test Automation (lei/dev) | | 8995 |
testing, automation |
A Case Study on Scroll-Driven Animations Performance (dev) | | 8994 |
animations, scrolling, performance, css, javascript |
JPEG XL: How It Started, How It’s Going (jon/clo) | | 8993 |
images, compression, jpeg-xl |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 174 (mar+/web) | | 8992 |
release-notes, browsers, apple, safari |
How to Use Your Intuition in Your Product Design Process (suc/uxd) | | 8991 |
how-tos, design, product-management, processes |
Top 20 Must-Know Tips for Web Accessibility | | 8990 |
accessibility, tips-and-tricks |
TypeScript and the Dawn of Gradual Types (rww/git) | | 8989 |
typescript |
Introduction to CSS Grid: A Comprehensive Guide (cod) | | 8988 |
guides, css, grids, layout |
My Journey to Learning CSS (kev) | | 8987 |
videos, css, learning |
Tailwind CSS Tips and Tricks Worth Knowing (ham/bui) | | 8986 |
tailwind, tips-and-tricks |
Sass Features in CSS (chr) | | 8985 |
css, sass |
Permission (ada) | | 8984 |
web, seo, google |
Storing Data in Control Flow (rsc) | | 8983 |
programming |
Loading and Progress Indicators (uxd) | | 8982 |
performance, user-experience, design-patterns, progress-indicators |
A Guide to Variables in Figma (joe) | | 8981 |
guides, figma |
Organize TypeScript Types With Namespaces (hey/tim) | | 8980 |
typescript, namespaces |
Invisible Details of Interaction Design (rau) | | 8979 |
interaction-design, design, user-experience |
How to Prevent Unnecessary React Component Re-Rendering (aki) | | 8978 |
how-tos, react, client-side-rendering, performance |
Data-Driven Design: The Rise of Big Data in UX (irf/uxm) | | 8977 |
design, metrics, user-experience |
Developing Inclusivity Features (uxm) | | 8976 |
design, accessibility, dei |
Making Numbers in Web Content Accessible (ons/tpg) | | 8975 |
accessibility |
The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page That Converts (con/uxm) | | 8974 |
landing-pages, user-conversion |
Tree Shaking in JavaScript (pee) | | 8973 |
javascript, performance, tree-shaking |
Find Memory Leaks by Comparing Heap Snapshots (pat/dev) | | 8972 |
memory, dev-tools, browsers, google, chrome, microsoft, edge |
Mockups Explained (adr/uxm) | | 8971 |
design, processes |
Getting Started—Understanding the History of Web Accessibility (gia/iaa) | | 8970 |
videos, introductions, accessibility, history |
Getting Started With Vector Databases in Node.js (cod) | | 8969 |
introductions, nodejs, databases |
JavaScript Debounce, Easiest Explanation (With Code) | | 8968 |
debouncing, javascript |
What Is Asset Fingerprinting (or Cache Busting) and How It Works in ReactJS (may) | | 8967 |
caching, fingerprinting, react |
All the Places Where You Can Use “prefers-color-scheme” Media Query (ami) | | 8966 |
css, media-queries, javascript, html, dark-mode |
Getting Started With Jekyll: A Powerful Ruby-Based Static Site Generator (rpa) | | 8965 |
introductions, jekyll |
How to Improve the Release Frequency of Your Team? (bar/scr) | | 8964 |
how-tos, releasing, processes, agile, scrum |
React Design Patterns (anu) | | 8963 |
react, software-design-patterns |
Deploying a Fastify and Vue 3 Static Site to Heroku (lir) | | 8962 |
deploying, fastify, vuejs, heroku |
The Decline in Design (Thinking) (uxd) | | 8961 |
design, user-experience |
Awesome List of Free CSS [Generators] | | 8960 |
css, code-generation, tooling, link-lists |
New Viewport Units (sha) | | 8959 |
viewport, css, units, responsive-design |
Four Lenses of Productivity (abi) | | 8958 |
research, productivity |
Testing the Dark Scenarios of Your Node.js Application (gol+/nod) | | 8957 |
nodejs, testing |
Shines, Perspective, and Rotations: Fancy CSS 3D Effects for Images (css/sma) | | 8956 |
css, effects, images |
htmx in 100 Seconds (jef/fir) | | 8955 |
videos, introductions, htmx |
From Hacks to Elegance: Transforming a Card Component With Modern CSS Wizardry (sup/9el) | | 8954 |
components, css, refactoring, maintenance |
The New “@ font-face” Syntax (oll) | | 8953 |
css, fonts |
Unleashing Lightning CSS | | 8952 |
css, tooling, lightning-css |
Strategic UX Research Is the Next Big Thing (jms/uxd) | | 8951 |
user-experience, research, strategies |
A Roadmap to Leadership Inclusion: 15 Keys to Unlocking a Diverse and Empowered Workplace (dbo) | | 8950 |
leadership, dei, accessibility |
Just Normal Web Things (hbu) | | 8949 |
web, user-experience |
URL Explained: The Fundamentals (itt) | | 8948 |
terminology |
There’s No Such Thing as a “Normal” User (kar) | | 8947 |
accessibility |
An Introduction to Native CSS Nesting (cra/sit) | | 8946 |
introductions, css, nesting |