Frontend Dogma

Whitelist Your Domain on Frontend Dogma

Your domain is being featured on Frontend Dogma? Vouch for its content quality and maintenance to have it whitelisted for additional benefits!

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What Are You Getting?

What’s the Process?

  1. Fill out the whitelisting form
  2. Await confirmation and processing
  3. Pay on Open Collective (other options available; currently only €25 per domain for individuals, €250 for organizations, and €2,500 for non-curated content platforms that allow every user to publish content)

Why Is This Necessary?

(Frontend Dogma reserves the right to refuse whitelisting of any domain, and to change and remove links. This particularly holds when a domain is found not to provide relevant and useful content anymore, when content is being made inaccessible—including being put behind a paywall—, or when its purpose and owner change. Note that links can be proposed, but not bought, that is, whitelisting does not influence whether and what links are being placed to a domain. For questions, reach out via email.)