Frontend Dogma

“2000s” Archive

Frontend Dogma is a constant work in progress, but that’s particularly true for the 2000s and 2010s. Reach out to suggest articles, videos, and books from the time (including your own).

  1. Subtle Contrast in Design (via) · · , ,
  2. Optimizing HTML (by) · · , ,
  3. Firefox 3.5 Is the World’s Most Popular Browser (by/via) · · , ,
  4. Semantic Versioning (by) · · ,
  5. Principles of Design: Color (via) · · , ,
  6. Who Owns Your Retweet? (by/via) · ·
  7. On HTML Extensibility (by) · · ,
  8. Principles of Design: Contrast (via) · · , , ,
  9. Tantek Çelik on Microformats and the Webz (by+) · · , , ,
  10. Principles of Design: Proximity (via) · · ,
  11. Jekyll: Sites Made Simple (by/via) · ·
  12. HTML/CSS Frameworks: Useful, Universal, Usable, Unobtrusive (by) · · , , ,
  13. Tim Berners-Lee on Government Data (by+) · · , , ,
  14. On Web Typography (by/via) · · , , ,
  15. It’s All Go for Google (by/via) · · , ,
  16. Installing PHP on Windows Just Got Easier (via) · · , , ,
  17. Agile User Experience Projects · · , ,
  18. De-Clutter the Web With the Readability Bookmarklet (by/via) · · , ,
  19. The 3 Ground Rules for Writing HTML (by) · · ,
  20. The Myth of Usability Testing (by/via) · · , ,
  21. HTML, CSS, and Web Development Practices: Past, Present, and Future (by) · · , , , ,
  22. Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Sorry About the Slashes (by/via) · · , ,
  23. CSSOM: New Beginning (by) · · ,
  24. COPE: Create Once, Publish Everywhere (via) · · ,
  25. 16 Fabulous Web Browser Options (by/via) · · ,
  26. Is Software Licensed or Sold? (by/via) · · ,
  27. CSS3: To Infinity and Beyond! (by/via) · · , , ,
  28. Google Fixes IE6 With Chrome Frame (by/via) · · , , , ,
  29. Introducing Google Chrome Frame (by/via) · · , , , , , ,
  30. Google Captures reCAPTCHA (by/via) · · , ,
  31. JavaScript Gzip Compression in WordPress: What’s Possible and What Hurts (by/via) · · , , , , ,
  32. Who’s Using ARIA? (by/via) · · ,
  33. “HTML 5” or “HTML5”? (by) · · ,
  34. The True Advantage of CSS (by) · · , ,
  35. Cookie-Less Session Variables in JavaScript (by/via) · ·
  36. Inline Validation in Web Forms (by/via) · · , , ,
  37. IKEA and the Font Fiasco (via) · · , ,
  38. Get Ready for HTML 5 (by/via) · ·
  39. Don’t Misuse “rel” as a Custom Attribute (by/via) · · ,
  40. Bruce Lawson—What Devs Want From HTML5 (by+) · · , , ,
  41. WebKit: The Dominant Smartphone Platform (by/via) · · , , ,
  42. 10 Places to Sell Your Web Site (by/via) · · ,
  43. Gradient Syntax Proposal (by) · · ,
  44. Microsoft to Support IE6 Until 2014 (by/via) · · , ,
  45. Will Microsoft Implement HTML5 in Internet Explorer? (by/via) · · , , , ,
  46. Debounced “resize()” jQuery Plugin (by) · · , , ,
  47. Add More Sparkle With CSS3 (by/via) · · , ,
  48. Diagnostic Styling Reloaded (by) · · , ,
  49. HTML 4 Considered Harmful (by/via) · ·
  50. Google, HTML5, and Standards (by/via) · · , ,
  51. JavaScript Ghost Debugging (by) · · , ,
  52. The Inclusion Principle (via) · · ,
  53. Dive Into HTML 5 (by) · · , ,
  54. Dive Into HTML5 (by) · · ,
  55. App Stores Are Not the Future, Says Google (by/via) · · , , ,
  56. Microformats, Key Flaws (by) · · ,
  57. What’s New in ColdFusion 9? (via) · ·
  58. How to Use PHP Namespaces: The Basics (by/via) · · , , ,
  59. How to Install PHP 5.3 on Windows (by/via) · · , , , ,
  60. RIP XHTML 2 (by/via) · · ,
  61. XHTML, RIP (by) · ·
  62. Write Better CSS With Less (via) · · , ,
  63. “handheld” Media Type, RIP? (by) · · ,
  64. What Is a Web Browser? No One Knows! (by/via) · ·
  65. Reducing the File Size of HTML Documents (by/via) · · , ,
  66. PHP Performance Tips (via) · · , ,
  67. CSS: Using Every Declaration Just Once (by/via) · · , ,
  68. How Gzip Compression Works (via) · · , ,
  69. Introduction to RDFa (by/via) · · , ,
  70. How to Style Your Type With CSS (via) · · ,
  71. Maintainability Guide (by) · · ,
  72. The Battlefield of Design: Designers vs. Clients (by/via) · · , , ,
  73. Opera Turbo (by) · · ,
  74. Punctuation Cheat Sheet (by) · · , ,
  75. The Two Ways of Sizing Absolute Elements in CSS (by/via) · ·
  76. 5 Reasons Why Browser Sniffing Stinks (by/via) · · , ,
  77. 14 Free Tools to Validate Your HTML, CSS, and RSS Feeds (by/via) · · , , , , ,
  78. Analyzing Form Element and CSS Support in Web Browsers (by) · · , , ,
  79. Why File Naming Is More Important Than You Think (by/via) · · ,
  80. How to Override Inline CSS Styles (by/via) · · , , ,
  81. CSS: The Maintenance Issue #1 and How You Can Avoid It (by) · · , ,
  82. HTML 5: Now or Never? (by/via) · ·
  83. Obsessing With Google PageRank (by/via) · · , ,
  84. Burnout (via) · ·
  85. Online Reputation Management: The Basics (via) · · ,
  86. Focus on Typography: Contrast (via) · · , ,
  87. How to Customise Your 404 Page (via) · · , , , ,
  88. Google Now Supports RDFa (via) · · , ,
  89. The End Is Nigh for CAPTCHAs (by/via) · · , ,
  90. Friends Don’t Let Friends Use Comic Sans (via) · · ,
  91. A Minimal Dependency Injection Container for PHP (by/via) · ·
  92. The Top 10 Technology Terms That Confuse Clients (by/via) · · , ,
  93. Web Site Basics: Stuff Beginners Need to Know (by/via) · ·
  94. Font Embedding Now (by) · · ,
  95. The 10 Commandments of PageRank Sculpting (by/via) · · , ,
  96. Build Your Own WordPress Themes the Easy Way (via) · · ,
  97. RIP GeoCities 1995–2009 (by/via) · ·
  98. Opera Turns 15, Claims Title of World’s Oldest Web Browser (by/via) · · ,
  99. Beef Up Your Resume: Essential Skills for Coders (via) · ·
  100. Web Fonts: Do Something Positive! (by/via) · ·
  101. 4 Ways to Be More Productive (via) · ·
  102. In Defense of Eye Candy (by/via) · · , ,
  103. Fuck the Foundries (by) · · ,
  104. IE8: Web Storage (by) · · , , ,
  105. Browser CSS Hacks (by) · · , , , , , , , , ,
  106. 10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able to Do Once IE6 Is Dead (by/via) · · , , ,
  107. Do You Do Spec Work? (via) · · , ,
  108. Better Usability in 5 Minutes (by) · · , , ,
  109. Support for IE6: It’s All About Accessibility (by/via) · · , , , ,
  110. Why CSS Needs No Variables (by) · · ,
  111. Advocacy of JavaScript (by) · · , ,
  112. The Art of Responding to Feedback From Your Community (by/via) · · ,
  113. 10 Web Analytics Tools for Tracking Your Visitors (via) · · , , ,
  114. The Stupidest Style Sheet Name Ever (by) · · ,
  115. The JavaScript Trap · ·
  116. Practical Accessibility Tips With WCAG 2.0 (by/via) · · , ,
  117. Coaching a Community (via) · · ,
  118. Callbacks vs. Events · · , , ,
  119. Mega Drop-Down Navigation Menus Work Well · · , , ,
  120. Microsoft to Release IE8 Today (by/via) · · , ,
  121. Debouncing JavaScript Methods (by) · · ,
  122. CSS: Style the Non-Obvious (by) · · , ,
  123. Can You Imagine the Web in 20 Years? (via) · · , ,
  124. Where Is the Next Generation of Developers? (by/via) · · ,
  125. (by) · · , ,
  126. Performance of CSS Selectors Is Irrelevant (by) · · , ,
  127. Microsoft to Drop Internet Explorer? No Chance! (by/via) · · , ,
  128. What It Means to Copyright a Website (via) · · ,
  129. Server-Side JavaScript Will Be as Common as PHP (by/via) · · , ,
  130. Is Minimalist Still in Vogue? You Bet (via) · · ,
  131. 10 Fixes That Solve IE6 Problems (by/via) · · , , , ,
  132. When to Split Style Sheets (by) · · ,
  133. Fast Publishing of RDFa With Dreamweaver (via) · · , ,
  134. The Elements of Social Architecture (by/via) · · , ,
  135. More Than 10 “Must Have” WordPress Plugins (via) · · , ,
  136. A First Look at Safari 4 (by/via) · · , ,
  137. Unicode Normalization (by) · ·
  138. 88 Outstanding Favicons and 6 Resources to Help You Create Your Own (via) · · , , ,
  139. The Slow Lingering Death of IE6 (by/via) · · , ,
  140. The 5 Most Under-Used HTML Tags (by/via) · · ,
  141. More Crimes Against Hypertext (by/via) · · ,
  142. IE8: Standards Mode Opt-In Is Back From the Dead (by/via) · · , ,
  143. Performance and RFC 2396 (by) · · ,
  144. Improve SEO With Google’s New Canonical Element (by/via) · · , , ,
  145. 5 Easy Ways to Deal With an Unhappy Client (via) · · , ,
  146. What’s So Bad About CSS Frameworks? (by/via) · · , ,
  147. In Defense of Readers (by/via) · · , , ,
  148. Styling the “html” and “body” Elements (by/via) · · ,
  149. JS Library Detector (by) · · , ,
  150. A New Image Replacement Technique: The State Scope Method (via) · · , , ,
  151. Another CSS vs. Tables Debate · · , , ,
  152. Advanced Debugging With JavaScript (by/via) · · ,
  153. The Two Great Things About Validation (and Conformance) (by) · · , , , ,
  154. Valid Sites Work Better (?) (by/via) · · , ,
  155. Object-Oriented CSS (by) · · , ,
  156. Browser Support: The Two Metrics That Count (by) · · , ,
  157. Learn HTML and CSS: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide (by/via) · · , ,
  158. Shrinking HTML5 (by) · · ,
  159. 8 Definitive Web Font Stacks (via) · · ,
  160. Landing Page Testing to Increase Conversions (via) · · , , ,
  161. Semantics in HTML 5 (by/via) · · ,
  162. Return of the Mobile Stylesheet (by/via) · · ,
  163. Graceful Blame (by) · · , ,
  164. When Can I Use… (by) · · , , , ,
  165. The Principles of Beautiful HTML Email (by/via) · · , , ,
  166. Unobtrusive JavaScript in Dreamweaver CS4 (by/via) · · , ,
  167. SVG Is the Future of Application Development (via) · · , , ,
  168. HTML vs. XHTML: Why HTML Wins (by) · · , ,
  169. The Day Web 2.0 Died (by/via) · · ,
  170. Content-tious Strategy (by/via) · · , ,
  171. W3C Validators in Jeopardy (by) · · , ,
  172. Two More Ways to Do Cross Browser Testing (by/via) · · , ,
  173. Hixie on Editing HTML5 (by+) · · , , ,
  174. The Greatest Secret in Web Design (by) · · , , ,
  175. HTTP Monitoring With Charles (by) · · , , ,
  176. W3C Markup Validation Service Adds Experimental HTML5 Support (via) · · , , ,
  177. Illustrations: What HTTP Errors Look Like (by/via) · · ,
  178. A More Useful 404 (by/via) · · , ,
  179. WDR #1: Versioned Style Sheets (by) · · ,
  180. How to Use Conditional Comments for Better CSS (via) · · , , , , ,
  181. 5 CSS Tips Every Web Developer Should Know About (by) · · , , , , ,
  182. Do You Own Your Social Media Identity? (by/via) · · ,
  183. The Problem With CSS Is… (by/via) · · , ,
  184. Working From Home: The Readers Respond (via) · ·
  185. An Exercise for Emerging CSS Experts: Avoid IDs and Classes (by) · · ,
  186. Conditional Stylesheets vs. CSS Hacks? Answer: Neither! (by) · · , , ,
  187. The Most Annoying Yet Most Important Task in Website Management (by) · · , , , , ,
  188. 20 Places to Find Your Next Web Development Job (by/via) · · , ,
  189. Code Responsibly (by) · · , ,
  190. IE8: The Bad (Update) (by) · · , , , , ,
  191. Understanding Progressive Enhancement (by/via) · · , ,
  192. Douglas Crockford: JavaScript Doesn’t Suck (by+/via) · · , , ,
  193. Accessibility Heuristics (by) · · , ,
  194. Web Standards at Google (by) · ·
  195. The Most Important Thing Is to Get the HTML Right (by) · ·
  196. HTML 5: Features You Want Desperately but Still Can’t Use (by/via) · · ,
  197. DOM vs. Template (by/via) · · , , , ,
  198. A Minimal HTML Document (by/via) · · , ,
  199. Where Our Standards Went Wrong (by/via) · · , ,
  200. Jina Bolton on Creating Sexy Stylesheets (by+/via) · · , ,
  201. Inventor of Web Announces Creation of New Foundation to Bring the Web to All People (via) · ·
  202. When Guidelines Should Be Descriptive or Prescriptive (by) · · ,
  203. Hacking JavaScript for Fun and Profit (by/via) · ·
  204. The Future of Search According to Google (by/via) · · , ,
  205. Character Encoding: Issues With Cultural Integration (by/via) · · , ,
  206. IE 8 and Vendor Prefixes · · , , ,
  207. Rowspans and Colspans in CSS Tables (by/via) · · , , , ,
  208. Google Working on Browser: What About Mozilla? (by/via) · · , , ,
  209. Google on Google Chrome—Comic Book (by/via) · · , , , ,
  210. Google Chrome (by) · · , ,
  211. Tagging Is Not Just for Content (by/via) · · ,
  212. Is It Time to Ditch IE6? (by/via) · · , ,
  213. How to Filter RSS Feeds (by/via) · · , , ,
  214. To Be Clear (on Conditional Comments and Resets) (by) · · , , , , , ,
  215. Font MIME Types (by) · · ,
  216. A Designer’s Guide to HTML Email (by/via) · · , , ,
  217. The Performance Cost of the HTML Tree Builder (by) · · , , ,
  218. The Coming Battle Over Web Fonts (by) · ·
  219. Site Map Usability · · ,
  220. Best Practices for ID and Class Names (by) · · , , , ,
  221. Multi-Column Layouts Climb Out of the Box (via) · · ,
  222. The Two CSS Selector Bugs in IE6 (by) · · , , , ,
  223. A Few Words on HTML/CSS Frameworks (by) · · , ,
  224. Yahoo Is Becoming a Leading Semantic Web Pusher (by/via) · · ,
  225. W3C Releases Mobile Web Best Practices (by/via) · · , ,
  226. Regex Matching Attribute Selectors (by/via) · · , ,
  227. Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 (by+/via) · · , , ,
  228. Knol: Google vs. the Internet (by/via) · · ,
  229. Just What Is the Open Web? (by/via) · · , , ,
  230. 10 Tips for Being a Greener Web Designer (by/via) · · , , ,
  231. Conditional Comments for HTML Email (by/via) · · , ,
  232. Setting the Start Number for an Ordered List (by) · ·
  233. WHATWG? (by) · · ,
  234. Testability Costs Too Much (via) · · , ,
  235. HTML or XHTML: Does It Really Matter? (by/via) · · , ,
  236. XUL Getting Started Guide (via) · · , , ,
  237. Getting Out of Binding Situations in JavaScript (by/via) · ·
  238. Compared to What? (by) · · ,
  239. Mark Boulton’s Freelance Design Secrets (by/via) · · , ,
  240. 4 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your HTML Markup (by/via) · · , , ,
  241. CSS Positioning Properties at a Glance Guide (via) · · , ,
  242. Fancy Form Design Using CSS (by/via) · · , , ,
  243. 10 Measures for Continuous Website Maintenance (by) · · , ,
  244. IE8 “XDomainRequest” Conspiracy Theory (by) · · , ,
  245. Firefox 3 CSS and HTML Support Information Available · · , , , , ,
  246. When Validation Becomes Unimportant (by) · · , , , ,
  247. Google Changes Favicon, Challenges You to Do Better (by/via) · · , ,
  248. Web Design: 10 Additional Research Findings You Should Know (by) · · , , , ,
  249. Writing an Interface Style Guide (by/via) · · , , ,
  250. Design Rants (by) · · , , , ,