Berners-Lee: Congress Should Consider Net Neutrality (via) | | 691 |
legal, licensing, drm |
Berners-Lee Offers Thoughts on Net Neutrality, DRM (by/via) | | 690 |
legal, licensing, drm |
The Value of Email Marketing (by/via) | | 689 |
email, marketing, economics, monetization |
What Does XML Smell Like? | | 688 |
xml, mime-types, heuristics |
A Domain Just Right for Mobile Web Surfing (by) | | 687 |
domains, mobile |
Print Style Sheets: The Basics (for No Excuses) (by) | | 686 |
css, print, fundamentals |
Icon Design: Sizing (by) | | 685 |
images, icons, design |
JavaScript Security Experiments (by) | | 684 |
javascript, security, experiments |
Flash Embedding Cage Match (by/via) | | 683 |
flash, html, embed-code |
Animated GIF Not Animating? (by) | | 682 |
images, gif, javascript, html |
Why You Should Be Using Disambiguated URLs (by) | | 681 |
urls, links, best-practices |
Why “Conditional Comments” Are Bad, Repeat: Bad (by) | | 680 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, conditional-comments, maintainability |
W3C Sets Standard for Technical Illustrations on the Web (via) | | 679 |
w3c, standards, images |
XHTML and Mobile Devices (by) | | 678 |
xhtml, mobile, myths |
W3C XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 Become Standards | | 677 |
w3c, standards, xsl, xml |
A Chronicle of the Ages of the Web (by) | | 676 |
web |
Quick CSS Mockups With Photoshop (via) | | 675 |
css, adobe, photoshop, processes |
Usability Heuristics for Web Development Teams (by/via) | | 674 |
usability, heuristics |
1 + 1 = 3: Explaining Busyness and Background Noise on Websites (by) | | 673 |
design, information-design |
Web Design: 15 Important Research Findings You Should Know (by) | | 672 |
design, usability, research, conventions, best-practices |
The Definitive Guide to Web Character Encoding (via) | | 671 |
guides, unicode, encoding, html |
How to Grok Web Standards (by/via) | | 670 |
how-tos, standards |
Internet Explorer Filter or Hack Using Character Escapes (by) | | 669 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, hacks |
“nofollow” Still Considered Harmful (by) | | 668 |
links, metadata, seo |
Kill Three Birds With One Stone Using XHTML and CSS | | 667 |
xhtml, css, tables, accessibility, seo |
Accessibility: Why It Is Easy (via) | | 666 |
accessibility, dei, legal |
Cascading Style Sheets Turn 10 (via) | | 665 |
css, anniversaries, w3c |
Google Web Accelerator Debate (by) | | 664 |
google |
Web API Glossary of Terms (by) | | 663 |
apis, terminology |
The Simplest, Most Effective SEO Move You Can Make (by) | | 662 |
html, seo, wordpress |
An Introduction to AJAX and Taconite (by) | | 661 |
introductions, ajax, tooling |
Validator Web Service Interface Ideas (by) | | 660 |
web-services, tooling, conformance |
Preventing Spam: Bulletproof Solutions (via) | | 659 |
spam, best-practices |
“Most Websites” Failing Disabled (via) | | 658 |
accessibility, metrics |
Dynamically Loading Google Analytics (by) | | 657 |
performance, javascript, google, analytics |
Standards, Semantics, Accessibility, and HTML Email (by) | | 656 |
html, standards, semantics, accessibility, email |
HTML vs. XHTML (via) | | 655 |
html, xhtml, comparisons |
Usability for Developers (by/via) | | 654 |
usability, hci |
What Are Web Services? | | 653 |
interviews, web-services, economics |
10 Years of CSS (by/via) | | 652 |
css, anniversaries, w3c, history, link-lists |
In Defense of Difficult Clients (via) | | 651 |
collaboration, business-relations, processes |
HTML’s Uncertain Future (by/via) | | 650 |
html, xhtml, w3c |
The Case for Registering Multiple Domains (by/via) | | 649 |
domains, http, performance |
Fixing HTML (by) | | 648 |
html, w3c, whatwg |
W3C Markup Validator, Link Checker Updated | | 647 |
w3c, html, xhtml, conformance, links, link-rot, user-experience, tooling |
How Not to Fix HTML (by) | | 646 |
html, w3c |
Reinventing HTML (by/via) | | 645 |
html, web-forms, xhtml, xforms, forms, w3c, community |
The State of ColdFusion (by/via) | | 644 |
coldfusion |
Bulletproof HTML: 37 Steps to Perfect Markup (via) | | 643 |
html, xhtml, conformance, encoding, unicode, character-references, semantics |
The Future of Web Accessibility (by) | | 642 |
accessibility, visions, web-2.0, ajax, wcag |
XBL: Event Handlers (by) | | 641 |
xbl, events |
XBL: Bindings (by) | | 640 |
xbl, css |
My Latest Take on Image Replacement (by) | | 639 |
image-replacement, techniques, css |
Internet Explorer 7 Is Officially Released | | 638 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
The World’s Highest Website—a CSS Experiment (by) | | 637 |
websites, css, experiments |
The State of Web Development: PHP Developers Most Likely to Switch to Rails (by/via) | | 636 |
programming, php, ruby-on-rails |
W3C Announces Roadmap | | 635 |
w3c, standards, aria, accessibility |
Long Live the Q Tag (via) | | 634 |
html, semantics |
12 Lessons for Those Afraid of CSS and Standards (by/via) | | 633 |
css, standards, lessons |
Tag Soup: “innerHTML” Interoperability (or Lack Thereof) (by) | | 632 |
html, interoperability, browsers |
Complete List of Best SEO Tools (by/via) | | 631 |
seo, tooling, link-lists |
XML Prologue (by) | | 630 |
xml |
Google, Meet Web Standards (by) | | 629 |
google, standards |
Top CSS Tips (by) | | 628 |
css, units, selectors, tips-and-tricks |
The Ultimate Web Page (by) | | 627 |
tech-stacks, design, prioritization |
List of HTML/CSS Services (by) | | 626 |
html, css, link-lists |
Which Image Format Is Best (by) | | 625 |
images, gif, jpeg, png |
Your About Page Is a Robot (by/via) | | 624 |
branding, writing |
Beginning to Style Your RSS Feed (by) | | 623 |
rss, syndication, css, xsl |
Putting the Web Back in Web 2.0 (by) | | 622 |
web, web-2.0, ajax |
CSS Best Practices (by) | | 621 |
css, best-practices |
Hot PHP UTF-8 Tips (by/via) | | 620 |
php, unicode, tips-and-tricks |
The Sacrifice of Pragmatism Over Theoretical Purity (by) | | 619 |
http, mime-types |
How Strict Is Your Dynamic Language? (by/via) | | 618 |
programming, comparisons, perl, php, ruby, python |
The Case Against Web 2.0 (by/via) | | 617 |
web, web-2.0 |
The Web Accessibility Myth in the UK | | 616 |
accessibility, wcag, compliance, html, css, conformance, myths |
Interview With Jakob Nielsen (by/via) | | 615 |
interviews, ajax, usability, user-conversion, testing, monetization, scrolling |
Add Value on the Web (by) | | 614 |
web, content |
Following the XHTML Path | | 613 |
xhtml, conformance, link-lists |
Mozilla’s Layout Engine (by/via) | | 612 |
slides, mozilla, gecko, browser-engines, browsers |
If E-Mail Clients Mangle Your HTML… Fix It (by/via) | | 611 |
email, html, tables, support, testing |
Behind the Scenes With XHTML | | 610 |
xhtml |
W3C Guidelines Inadequate (via) | | 609 |
guidelines, w3c, mobile, best-practices |
W3C Releases Mobile Web Best Practices | | 608 |
w3c, mobile, best-practices |
Build Your Own AJAX Web Applications (by/via) | | 607 |
ajax, web-apps |
9 Ways to Misunderstand Web Standards (via) | | 606 |
standards, print, mobile, accessibility, css, semantic-web, hacks |
Opera 9 CSS Support Information Available | | 605 |
browsers, opera, css, support |
Prettier Accessible Forms (by/via) | | 604 |
accessibility, forms, html |
New Wireless Developments | | 603 |
mobile, domains |
Accessibility Ideas (by) | | 602 |
accessibility, html |
Build Your Own Web Site the Right Way Using HTML and CSS (by/via) | | 601 |
books, html, css |
IBM Enhancing AJAX by Contributing to Dojo Toolkit (via) | | 600 |
javascript, ajax |
JavaScript Loop Test (by) | | 599 |
javascript, performance, browsers, metrics |
Your HTML Level (by) | | 598 |
html |
Semantic Web Is Ready for Mainstream Use | | 597 |
w3c, semantic-web |
Google SEO Algorithm Problems (via) | | 596 |
google, seo |
To Hell With WCAG 2 (by/via) | | 595 |
accessibility, standards, wcag |
In Praise of… W3C (by/via) | | 594 |
web, w3c |
Building on the Future of the Web (by/via) | | 593 |
web, semantic-web, mobile, social-media |
Microsoft’s Web Standards Motivations (by/via) | | 592 |
microsoft, standards |
Web-Based Alternatives to PowerPoint (by/via) | | 591 |
html, css, javascript, tooling |
Web Content: From Fabulous to Frankenstein (by/via) | | 590 |
content, quality, legal |
Study of Free/Shareware Web Fonts | | 589 |
studies, research, fonts |
My PNG Image Replacement Method (by) | | 588 |
image-replacement, techniques, images, png |
The Problem With Web Standards (by/via) | | 587 |
standards, w3c |
CSS Hacking (by) | | 586 |
css, hacks |
DOM vs. Web (by) | | 585 |
security, http, dom |
“Content-Type” Is Dead (by) | | 584 |
http, mime-types |
“dl”, “dt”, and “dd” Markup (by) | | 583 |
html, semantics |
Standard Error (via) | | 582 |
web, standards, licensing |
Why Comply? The Movement to W3C Compliance (by/via) | | 581 |
w3c, standards, conformance |
A Guide to CSS Support in Email (by/via) | | 580 |
guides, email, css, support, browsers |
First Annual Naked Day: April 05 | | 579 |
css, awareness-days, maintainability, semantics |
My CSS and Layout Biased Wishlist | | 578 |
discussions, css, layout, wish-lists |
IE7: Details (by) | | 577 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Semantic Image Use (by) | | 576 |
html, images, alt-text, accessibility, semantics |
Excessive Elements (by) | | 575 |
html, simplicity, maintainability, debugging |
Web Authentication (by) | | 574 |
authentication, http, cookies |
Getting Started With AJAX (by/via) | | 573 |
introductions, javascript, ajax |
Accessible Alternate Content (by) | | 572 |
accessibility, images, content |
An Idiot’s Guide to Why We Build Accessible Websites | | 571 |
guides, accessibility, legal, ethics |
Web Browsers Comply With Section 508 (by) | | 570 |
accessibility, browsers, assistive-tech, vpat-acr, section-508, compliance |
Write Better CSS (by) | | 569 |
css, quality, comments |
Camino Browser Goes 1.0 (via) | | 568 |
camino, browsers |
Yahoo! UI JavaScript Treats (by) | | 567 |
yahoo, javascript, libraries |
XHTML5 (by) | | 566 |
html, xhtml, parsing |
Yahoo Is the New Google | | 565 |
yahoo, google, comparisons |
AdLinks: “Out-of-Contextual” Advertising? (by/via) | | 564 |
monetization |
W3C Launches Web Tech Incubator Program | | 563 |
w3c, community |
Vendors Unite to Promote AJAX Tool Development (via) | | 562 |
ajax, javascript, web-apps, economics |
In Search of the Holy Grail (via) | | 561 |
layout, html, css |
Ruby in HTML (by) | | 560 |
ruby-markup, html |
How Web-Ready Is “XMLHttpRequest”? (by) | | 559 |
http, javascript |
Dreamweaver 8 Reviewed (via) | | 558 |
adobe, dreamweaver |
Tag Soup: Crazy Parsing Adventures (by) | | 557 |
html, parsing |
Track Your Hacks With CVS (by/via) | | 556 |
cvs |
Cross Browser Compatibility (via) | | 555 |
browsers, compatibility, interoperability, internet-explorer, microsoft, netscape, firefox, mozilla, opera |
“<a ping>” | | 554 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers, html, privacy |
Help! A List Apart Talks About XHTML 2.0 (by) | | 553 |
xhtml, xml |
Web 3.0 (by/via) | | 552 |
web, javascript, usability |
What’s the Best MySQL Admin Tool? (by) | | 551 |
databases, mysql, tooling |
Firebug (by) | | 550 |
websites, firefox, mozilla, browsers, dev-tools |
Dealing With JavaScript Scope (by) | | 549 |
javascript, scope |
Usability and Accessibility in 2006 (by) | | 548 |
usability, accessibility, standards, wcag, legal, visions |
The Value of Graphic Design (by) | | 547 |
design, usability |
Open Flash? (by) | | 546 |
adobe, flash, foss |
Lightbox JS (by) | | 545 |
libraries, javascript, images, effects, lightbox |
Top 7 PHP Security Blunders (via) | | 544 |
php, databases, sql, security |
Rip It Up: Worn Type Using CSS (by/via) | | 543 |
css, image-replacement, techniques, effects |
Beware the Automated Accessibility Tool Trap (by/via) | | 542 |
accessibility, tooling, automation |
Don’t Be “eval()” (by) | | 541 |
javascript |
Ten Reasons to Learn and Use Web Standards (by) | | 540 |
standards, career |
Avoid Edge Cases by Designing Up Front (by/via) | | 539 |
design, processes |
XHTML Is Not for Beginners (by) | | 538 |
xhtml |
Macromedia No More (by) | | 537 |
macromedia, adobe, flash, dreamweaver |
European Government Websites Failing the Disabled (by/via) | | 536 |
accessibility |
Firefox Fans Promised Version 1.5 Tonight (by) | | 535 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers |
Printing a Book With CSS: Boom! (by+/via) | | 534 |
css, print |
Move Over AJAX, Welcome AHAH (by) | | 533 |
ajax, terminology |
Who GETs REST? (by/via) | | 532 |
apis, http, programming |
Accessibility Is Not Enough (via) | | 531 |
accessibility, usability |
New W3C Feed Validation Service (by/via) | | 530 |
discussions, w3c, syndication, rss, atom, conformance, tooling |
Mozilla XForms Project Threatened by Cut-Backs (by/via) | | 529 |
mozilla, xforms, forms |
The Huge Cloud Lens Bubble Map Web 2.0 (by) | | 528 |
web, web-2.0 |
PHP and HTTP Making Friends (by/via) | | 527 |
php, http |
CAPTCHA Are Not a Security Measure (via) | | 526 |
captcha, usability, accessibility |
Firefox Takes the Good With the Bad | | 525 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers |
IE7 Conditional Comments (by) | | 524 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, conditional-comments |
What Won’t Be Fixed in IE7 (by/via) | | 523 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
The Cascade (by) | | 522 |
css, cascade |
Good Designers Redesign, Great Designers Realign (by/via) | | 521 |
design, branding, career |
AJAX: Dawn of a New Developer | | 520 |
ajax, javascript |
Weblog Usability: The Top Ten Design Mistakes (via) | | 519 |
blogging, usability, mistakes |
No Surprise: DRM Nightmare Rears Ugly Head. Again. (via) | | 518 |
drm |
HTML Comments (by) | | 517 |
html, sgml, comments |
Character References Explained (by) | | 516 |
html, unicode, character-references, conformance |
W3C Compliance and SEO | | 515 |
w3c, standards, compliance, seo |
Google ♥ HTML 5 (by) | | 514 |
google, html |
What Is Web 2.0 (by/via) | | 513 |
web, web-2.0, concepts, terminology, comparisons |
The Total Cost of Using PHP? (by/via) | | 512 |
php, economics |
Dreamweaver 8 Does Standards! (by/via) | | 511 |
code-editors, macromedia, dreamweaver, standards |
Introducing the CSS3 Multi-Column Module (by/via) | | 510 |
introductions, css, layout |
My Top Ten CSS Tricks Article (by/via) | | 509 |
css, tips-and-tricks |
Improving Link Display for Print (by/via) | | 508 |
css, links, print |
Ten Steps to a More User Friendly Website (via) | | 507 |
flash, performance, images, compression, link-rot, html, conformance, browsers, support, navigation, readability, quality |
Analyzing Web Server Logs | | 506 |
servers, logging, analytics, tooling, link-lists |
Best Practices for Declaring Languages in HTML and XHTML (by/via) | | 505 |
best-practices, html, xhtml, localization, internationalization |
HTML Tags vs. Elements vs. Attributes (by) | | 504 |
html, attributes, terminology, comparisons |
How Readable Is Your PHP? (via) | | 503 |
php, formatting, documentation |
Problems With Automated Accessibility Testing Tools (by) | | 502 |
accessibility, testing, tooling |
Passing the Acid2 Test | | 501 |
web-platform, acid, support, browsers, safari, apple, konqueror |
Putting A/B Testing in Its Place (via) | | 500 |
testing, optimization, usability |
Next Generation HTML Adds Flexibility of XML to the “Lingua Franca of the Web” (by/via) | | 499 |
html, xhtml |
Usability Improvements Using the DOM (by/via) | | 498 |
usability, dom, javascript, links |
IE7 to Fail Standards Test (via) | | 497 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers, standards, web-platform, acid |
Standards—Everyone’s a Winner | | 496 |
standards |
JPG Quality (by) | | 495 |
images, jpeg, quality, compression |
Learning Web Development (by) | | 494 |
learning, career |
The End of CAPTCHA? (by/via) | | 493 |
captcha, accessibility |
Scrolling and Scrollbars (via) | | 492 |
scrolling, usability, design |
On Having Layout (by) | | 491 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, hacks |
XHTML Because It Has a DOCTYPE (by) | | 490 |
xhtml, html |
Websites Alienate Firefox Users (via) | | 489 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers |
What Is AJAX? (by) | | 488 |
terminology, ajax |
Open Source Design? (by) | | 487 |
foss, design, html, css |
Lab Experiment: Elastic Zoom Layouts (by) | | 486 |
accessibility, zooming, screen-magnification |
Quick Reminder on Vendor Relations (via) | | 485 |
business-relations, collaboration |
Why Generic XML on the Web Is a Bad Idea (by) | | 484 |
html, xml, semantics |
Who Cares About Semantics Anyway? (by) | | 483 |
semantics, html, xhtml |
Validation Quiz Explanation (by) | | 482 |
html, xhtml, xml, conformance |
Questions on XHTML2 (by) | | 481 |
xhtml, semantics |
Successful Web Development Methodologies Article (via) | | 480 |
processes, project-management, agile |
W3C Launches Mobile Web Initiative | | 479 |
w3c, mobile |
STR: SwishMAX Text Replacement | | 478 |
image-replacement, techniques, flash, javascript |
Validate Your Input! (via) | | 477 |
validation, security |
Language Tags (by) | | 476 |
html, metadata, localization, internationalization |
Markup Content Models (by) | | 475 |
html, conformance |
An Experiment With “ins” and “del” (by) | | 474 |
html, experiments |
HTML Comments in Scripts (by) | | 473 |
html, xhtml, javascript, comments |
Personalised RSS and Cookie Sharing (by) | | 472 |
syndication, rss, cookies |
Opera Software Ships Version 8 of Its Browser (by/via) | | 471 |
opera, browsers |
Character Encodings and Input (via) | | 470 |
unicode, character-references, conformance, php |
Why MIME Types Are Not Like Handing Someone a Cup of Coffee Saying It’s Hot Chocolate (by) | | 469 |
mime-types |
XAML (or Avalon) (by) | | 468 |
xaml |
Using Title Tags to Improve SEO and Website Conversion | | 467 |
html, seo, user-conversion |
Avalon/XAML First Look (by) | | 466 |
xaml |
The Future: HTML or XHTML (by) | | 465 |
html, xhtml, visions, comparisons |
Definitive Solution to Image Replacement | | 464 |
image-replacement, techniques |
Semantic Markup (by) | | 463 |
semantics, html |
Spruced-Up Site Maps (by/via) | | 462 |
html, sitemaps |
Cascading Style Sheets (by) | | 461 |
studies, css, history, dsssl |
One Site Fits All (via) | | 460 |
accessibility |
MIR: Malarkey Image Replacement (by) | | 459 |
image-replacement, techniques, css |
Super Simple Clearing Floats (by) | | 458 |
css, floats |
On Valid CSS (by) | | 457 |
css, conformance |
Apache Performance Testing (by/via) | | 456 |
servers, apache, performance, testing |
IE7 Wishlist (by) | | 455 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, wish-lists |
XForms Myths (by) | | 454 |
xforms, myths |
XForms (by) | | 453 |
xforms, css |
The Power of Pure CSS (by+/via) | | 452 |
css |
Documentation, Documentation, Documentation (by+/via) | | 451 |
documentation, jsdoc, javascript, tooling |
Extending a Markup Language (by) | | 450 |
software-design, xml, namespaces, extensibility |
AJAX: A New Approach to Web Applications (by/via) | | 449 |
ajax, html, xhtml, css, dom, javascript, web-apps |
Problems the New IE Could Cause (by) | | 448 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, hacks, doctype-switching |
IE7 (by) | | 447 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals (by+/via) | | 446 |
unicode, encoding, internationalization, standards |
Basics of Search Engine Optimisation (by) | | 445 |
fundamentals, seo |
Validating a Custom DTD (by/via) | | 444 |
xhtml, conformance |
JavaScript Triggers (by/via) | | 443 |
javascript |
JSON and XML (by) | | 442 |
json, xml |