Get Started With Variable Fonts (ric) | | 2,150 |
introductions, variable-fonts, fonts |
Responsive CSS Patterns Without Media Queries (sit) | | 2,149 |
css, responsive-design |
Do We Need a New Heading Element? We Don’t Know (jaf) | | 2,148 |
html, headings |
CSS Tip: Use “:not” to Save Time and Lines of Code (sas) | | 2,147 |
css, selectors, tips-and-tricks |
An Introduction to WordPress Permalinks (jer/sit) | | 2,146 |
introductions, wordpress, links, urls |
Principles of Web Development (j9t) | | 2,145 |
principles, user-experience, quality, simplicity, maintainability, learning |
An Engineering Manager’s Guide to Rebranding (sit) | | 2,144 |
guides, processes, redesigning, branding, marketing, releasing, engineering-management |
web-platform-tests | | 2,143 |
websites, web-platform, standards, browsers, testing |
Free Fonts With Personality and Style (sma) | | 2,142 |
fonts, link-lists |
CSS3 Trends for 2017 (htm) | | 2,141 |
css, trends |
Apple’s WebKit Team Proposes W3C Community Group to Strive for More Powerful Graphics on the Web (mac) | | 2,140 |
apple, webkit, w3c, webgpu |
HTML APIs: What They Are and How to Design a Good One (lea/sma) | | 2,139 |
how-tos, html, apis, javascript |
21 Steps to Becoming a Successful Web Developer (kyl/sit) | | 2,138 |
career |
Using HTTP/2 Responsibly: Adapting for Users (mal/ali) | | 2,137 |
http, protocols, support, servers, performance |
Considering How We Use HTTP/2 (mal/ali) | | 2,136 |
performance, optimization, http, protocols |
Mobile First Is Just Not Good Enough: Meet Journey-Driven Design (mar/sma) | | 2,135 |
design, mobile-first, mobile, responsive-design, processes |
20+ Docs and Guides for Front-End Developers (lou/sit) | | 2,134 |
html, css, javascript, link-lists |
9 WordPress Plugins to Help Get More Social Shares (sit) | | 2,133 |
wordpress, plugins, social-media, link-lists |
What’s New in ECMAScript 2017 (paw) | | 2,132 |
ecmascript, standards |
CSS Selectors: Specificity (web/sit) | | 2,131 |
css, selectors, cascade |
How Reduced Email Storage From 50 to 32 PB (and/sma) | | 2,130 |
storage, email, optimization, case-studies |
Using SSH Securely (ann) | | 2,129 |
ssh, security |
Building a Fully-Accessible Help Tooltip (sar) | | 2,128 |
accessibility, tooltips, html, aria |
CSS Selectors: Pseudo-Elements (web/sit) | | 2,127 |
css, selectors |
2016 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic+) | | 2,126 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, react, mobile, compiling, building, testing, tooling, code-editors, retrospectives |
CSS for Programmers—Building a Custom CSS Button (dai/ipr) | | 2,125 |
css, buttons |
React Internationalization How-To (yur/sma) | | 2,124 |
how-tos, react, internationalization |
Align SVG Icons to Text and Say Goodbye to Font Icons (ell/pro) | | 2,123 |
svg, images, icons, icon-fonts, fonts, css, design, alignment |
Writing Element Queries Today Using EQCSS (sit) | | 2,122 |
css, libraries |
Making “input type=date” Complicated (ppk/sam) | | 2,121 |
html, forms, edge, microsoft, chrome, google, browsers, comparisons |
Foundation Framework Crash Course (tra) | | 2,120 |
videos, crash-courses, foundation |
10 Node.js Best Practices: Enlightenment From the Node Gurus (sit) | | 2,119 |
nodejs, best-practices, npm, environments, event-loop, naming, scaling, caching, express |
WCAG 2.0 AA Gains Prominence as Website Accessibility Standard (jds) | | 2,118 |
accessibility, standards, wcag, legal, ada |
CSS Selectors: Attribute Selectors (web/sit) | | 2,117 |
css, attributes, selectors |
HTML5 Page Structure Basics (lou/sit) | | 2,116 |
fundamentals, html, semantics |
Webmention (aar/w3c) | | 2,115 |
webmentions, urls, standards |
How Functional Animation Helps Improve User Experience (101/sma) | | 2,114 |
animations, design, user-experience |
CSS Selectors: Combinators (web/sit) | | 2,113 |
css, selectors |
An HTML5 FAQ (lou/sit) | | 2,112 |
html |
Know It All (d) | | 2,111 |
websites, css, html, dom, javascript, svg, cssom, nodejs |
A Compendium of SVG Information (chr/css) | | 2,110 |
overviews, svg, images, link-lists |
Improve Your Website’s Accessibility With WAI–ARIA (lou/sit) | | 2,109 |
accessibility, html, aria, optimization |
10 Web Predictions for 2017 (cra/sit) | | 2,108 |
web, outlooks, mobile, mobile-first, css, web-apps, native, browsers, frameworks |
More Than 300 Federal Gov Websites Fail to Meet Domain Encryption Deadline (gov) | | 2,107 |
http, tls, protocols, security, encryption |
The Imbalance of Culture Fit (ele/ali) | | 2,106 |
culture, collaboration, communication, engineering-management |
Best Text Editor? Atom vs. Sublime vs. Visual Studio Code vs. Vim (cod) | | 2,105 |
code-editors, sublime-text, microsoft, vs-code, vi+vim, comparisons |
Serving Custom Headers From Static Sites on CloudFront/S3 With Lambda@Edge (ywx) | | 2,104 |
aws, serverless, cloudfront, http, http-headers, edge-computing |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 20 (jon/web) | | 2,103 |
release-notes, safari, apple, browsers |
CSS Shorthand Syntax Considered Important (j9t) | | 2,102 |
css, shorthands |
Front-End Tools: My Favorite Finds of 2016 (lou/sit) | | 2,101 |
html, css, javascript, tooling, link-lists |
Speed Up Oh My Zsh | | 2,100 |
command-line, tooling, optimization |
JavaScript: 2016 in Review (cra/sit) | | 2,099 |
javascript, retrospectives |
Introducing CSS3 (lou/sit) | | 2,098 |
introductions, css |
A Brief Introduction to Scrum (mda/sit) | | 2,097 |
introductions, scrum, agile, processes |
Introducing HTML5 (lou/sit) | | 2,096 |
introductions, html |
What the Internet Looked Like in 1973: Tiny Map Shows the Entire Network Was Made Up of Just 42 Computers (sta/dai) | | 2,095 |
web, network, history |
Demystifying Public Speaking (lar/ali) | | 2,094 |
career, communication, advocacy, developer-relations, business-relations |
Content Security Policy Level 2 (mik+/w3c) | | 2,093 |
standards, csp, security |
Styling Web Components Using a Shared Style Sheet (ste/sma) | | 2,092 |
web-components, css |
Why I Don’t Use CSS Preprocessors (j9t) | | 2,091 |
css, preprocessors |
CSS Shorthand Syntax Considered an Anti-Pattern (css) | | 2,090 |
css, shorthands, anti-patterns |
Best Practices for Animated Progress Indicators (101/sma) | | 2,089 |
progress-indicators, animations, best-practices, usability |
[Insert Clickbait Headline About Progressive Enhancement Here] (aar) | | 2,088 |
progressive-enhancement, principles, javascript, economics |
How the 404 Error Created the World Wide Web (jdu/pop) | | 2,087 |
history, web, links, http |
The Web, Worldwide (tka) | | 2,086 |
websites, performance, metrics |
Performant Parallaxing (aer+/dev) | | 2,085 |
scrolling, css, effects, parallax, positioning, performance |
The Value of Attending Conferences (foo) | | 2,084 |
career, community |
The Case Against Progressive Enhancement’s Flimsy Moral Foundation (vig) | | 2,083 |
progressive-enhancement, ethics |
What’s New in HTML 5.1 (sit) | | 2,082 |
html, semantics |
Are You Writing ES6 JavaScript Yet? (nil/sit) | | 2,081 |
javascript, ecmascript |
HTML5 Is the Next $100 Billion Game Platform (alb/ven) | | 2,080 |
html, mobile, native |
Nesting Your BEM? (css) | | 2,079 |
css, bem, nesting |
Frameworks Without the Framework: Why Didn’t We Think of This Sooner? (ric/sve) | | 2,078 |
frameworks, svelte |
Random Interesting Facts on HTML/SVG Usage (cat/css) | | 2,077 |
html, svg, metrics, amp, google |
Pay the Price for Open Source (sit) | | 2,076 |
foss, licensing, php |
Performance: Shame, Hope, Nuance, and Interesting Problems (bka) | | 2,075 |
performance |
Web Layout 101: Making the Most of the Top Right Corner (mic/sit) | | 2,074 |
introductions, design, layout |
HTML 5.1 Is the Gold Standard (ple/w3c) | | 2,073 |
html, standards, w3c |
HTML 5.1 Update Available With New Features and Changes | | 2,072 |
html, w3c |
The Coming Revolution in Email Design (ali) | | 2,071 |
email, design, mjml |
Writing Less Damned Code (hey/btc) | | 2,070 |
videos, simplicity |
Typography Is Code (fra/btc) | | 2,069 |
videos, typography |
The Joy of Optimizing (una/btc) | | 2,068 |
videos, images, performance, optimization |
Refactoring CSS Without Losing Your Mind (css/btc) | | 2,067 |
videos, css, technical-debt, maintenance, refactoring |
Stop Using the Old “Clearfix” (j9t) | | 2,066 |
css, html |
Everything You Need to Know About Emoji (sma) | | 2,065 |
emoji, unicode, character-references, encoding |
How to Design Better Buttons (101/sma) | | 2,064 |
how-tos, design, buttons, forms, usability |
10 Ways to Earn Money from Your Site (mrd/sit) | | 2,063 |
monetization, marketing, economics |
Get Started on the CSS of the Future With PostCSS-cssnext (sit) | | 2,062 |
introductions, css, postcss, postprocessors, tooling |
Logging Errors in Client-Side Applications (luk/sit) | | 2,061 |
web-apps, single-page-apps, errors, logging, monitoring |
The Top 10 Reasons to Sell Your Website (chr/sit) | | 2,060 |
monetization |
Browser Trends November 2016: Rise of the Underdog (cra/sit) | | 2,059 |
browsers, trends, metrics |
Awaken the Champion A/B Tester Within (yae/ali) | | 2,058 |
testing, user-conversion |
CSS Post-Processors for Beginners: Tips and Resources (jak/hon) | | 2,057 |
css, postprocessors, tooling, postcss, link-lists |
Is JavaScript Always the Best Solution? (jch/sit) | | 2,056 |
javascript |
A Crash Course of Changes to Exception Handling in PHP 7 (ahm/sit) | | 2,055 |
crash-courses, php, errors, debugging |
How to Use AJAX in WordPress—a Real World Example (sit) | | 2,054 |
how-tos, ajax, wordpress |
Web Packaging Format (wic) | | 2,053 |
web-packaging, performance |
The Movement Towards Motion in Website Backgrounds (ste/sit) | | 2,052 |
animations, backgrounds, design |
Password-Less Authentication in Rails (avi/sit) | | 2,051 |
ruby-on-rails, authentication |
Landing Page Design: 15 Tips for High Conversions (ent/sit) | | 2,050 |
design, landing-pages, tips-and-tricks, user-conversion |
Continue Normalising Your CSS (css) | | 2,049 |
normalize-css, css, consistency, design |
Progressive Web Apps: Bridging the Gap Between Web and Mobile (mak/sit) | | 2,048 |
web-apps, progressive-web-apps, desktop, mobile, native |
Loop Through a Collection of DOM Elements (paw) | | 2,047 |
javascript, dom |
CSS Quick Tip: Solving Common CSS Problems (guy/sit) | | 2,046 |
css, centering, vendor-extensions, debugging, grunt, gulp, tips-and-tricks |
4 Reasons Why an Accessible Website Is a Win–Win (osd) | | 2,045 |
accessibility, seo, user-experience, legal |
JavaScript for Web Designers: DOM Scripting (wil/ali) | | 2,044 |
javascript, dom |
How to Develop a Chat Bot With Node.js (slo/sma) | | 2,043 |
how-tos, nodejs, javascript, functionality |
Standards on GitHub (ann) | | 2,042 |
standards, github |
Taking the Pattern Library to the Next Level (vit/sma) | | 2,041 |
design, documentation, pattern-libraries, style-guides, design-systems |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 15 (xee/web) | | 2,040 |
release-notes, safari, apple, browsers |
Using CSS Mod Queries With Range Selectors (ali) | | 2,039 |
css, selectors |
Putting Down Event Infrastructure in Gecko (mar) | | 2,038 |
browsers, browser-engines, gecko, events |
SVG and Media Queries (jaf) | | 2,037 |
svg, images, css, media-queries, canvas, support, browsers |
Silverlight Techniques for WCAG 2.0 (awk+/w3c) | | 2,036 |
accessibility, wcag, techniques, silverlight |
4 Ways to Future Proof Your WordPress Site (the/sit) | | 2,035 |
wordpress, hosting, maintenance |
Debug Your CSS With Outline Visualizations (kar) | | 2,034 |
css, debugging, dev-tools |
Next Generation Server Compression With Brotli (mal/sma) | | 2,033 |
compression, brotli, gzip, comparisons, performance |
The Glory Days of the Web (bka) | | 2,032 |
web-platform, html, css, javascript, frameworks, libraries, history |
A Redesign With CSS Shapes (mey/ali) | | 2,031 |
css, shapes, redesigning, case-studies |
How It Feels to Learn JavaScript in 2016 (0xj) | | 2,030 |
javascript, learning |
W3C Web Payments HTTP Specification Working Drafts Released (inf) | | 2,029 |
w3c, economics |
Microsoft Widens Edge Browser Bug Hunt for Bounty Hunters (the) | | 2,028 |
edge, microsoft, browsers |
WordPress SVG Support: How to Enable SVGs in WordPress (src/sit) | | 2,027 |
how-tos, wordpress, svg, images |
Make Forms Fun With Flexbox (cra/sit) | | 2,026 |
forms, css, flexbox, layout |
Quick Tip: Add or Remove a CSS Class With Vanilla JavaScript (sit) | | 2,025 |
css, javascript, tips-and-tricks |
Building Social: A Case Study on Progressive Enhancement (mar/sma) | | 2,024 |
javascript, progressive-enhancement, case-studies |
5 Key Ways to Improve Engagement Metrics for Your Content (big/sit) | | 2,023 |
content, content-strategy, seo, metrics |
W3C Set to Publish HTML 5.1, Work Already Started on HTML 5.2 (cam/sof) | | 2,022 |
w3c, html, standards |
Notepad++ Release 7 64-Bit Available (ho) | | 2,021 |
release-notes, notepad++ |
Why We Should All Be Data Literate (ddt/ali) | | 2,020 |
metrics, career, link-lists |
HTML—From 5.1 to 5.2 (cha/w3c) | | 2,019 |
html, standards, w3c |
Web Accessibility: Why It Matters and What Governments Can Do About It (ryd/gov) | | 2,018 |
accessibility, legal, forms |
Quick Tip: How to Declare Variables in JavaScript (sit) | | 2,017 |
how-tos, tips-and-tricks, variables, javascript |
Dyslexia, [Typos,] and Web Compatibility (kar) | | 2,016 |
mistakes, support, interoperability, web-platform |
Content Security Policy, Your Future Best Friend (nic/sma) | | 2,015 |
security, csp, link-lists |
Where Things Are at in the CSS Grid Layout Working Draft (sit) | | 2,014 |
css, grids, layout |
Autoprefixing, With CSS Variables! (lea) | | 2,013 |
css, vendor-extensions, custom-properties |
Webfonts on the Prairie (ali) | | 2,012 |
fonts, metrics |
How Information Overload Is Ruining Your Work Life (mrd/sit) | | 2,011 |
career, communication |
YAML: Probably Not So Great After All (arp) | | 2,010 |
yaml |
How We Use Prototyping, and How It Made Us More Efficient (dem/sma) | | 2,009 |
design, prototyping, processes, efficiency, case-studies |
Spectre: A Lightweight CSS Framework (sit) | | 2,008 |
css, frameworks |
Accessible SVGs (hm/css) | | 2,007 |
svg, images, accessibility, examples |
Upgrading CSS Animation With Motion Curves (nas/sma) | | 2,006 |
css, animations, transitions, techniques |
Code: Align the Happy Path to the Left Edge (mat) | | 2,005 |
programming, best-practices, go |
How to Choose the Right CSS Toolkits and Frameworks (mia+/sit) | | 2,004 |
interviews, how-tos, css, tooling, frameworks |
Five Myths About the Web (rus/was) | | 2,003 |
web, history, myths |
PHP—the Wrong Way | | 2,002 |
websites, php |
Accelerated Mobile Pages, a Critical View (j9t) | | 2,001 |
google, amp |
Communicating Animation (rac/ali) | | 2,000 |
communication, animations, design, interaction-design |
How to: Static Site With and Netlify | | 1,999 |
videos, how-tos, grow, netlify |
Creating AMP Pages With Perch (rac/gra) | | 1,998 |
perch, amp, google |
A Beginner’s Guide to Progressive Web Apps (kev/sma) | | 1,997 |
guides, web-apps, progressive-web-apps |
Practical SVG (chr/ali) | | 1,996 |
images, svg |
Electron Internals: Using Node as a Library (zcb/ele) | | 1,995 |
electron, nodejs |
Edge Is the Only Browser to Perform 100% in HTML5 Accessibility Test (the) | | 1,994 |
edge, microsoft, browsers, accessibility |
Is Houdini Ready Yet‽ (sur) | | 1,993 |
websites, overviews, css, apis, houdini, support, browsers |
A Refined Content Security Policy (web) | | 1,992 |
html, csp, security, webkit, safari, apple, browsers |
25 Years Ago the World Changed Forever (amy/w3c) | | 1,991 |
web, history, anniversaries, w3c |
CSS “mix-blend-mode” Is Bad for Your Browsing History (lca) | | 1,990 |
css, blend-modes, privacy |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 10 (jon/web) | | 1,989 |
release-notes, safari, apple, browsers |
Using a Static Site Generator at Scale: Lessons Learned (dea/sma) | | 1,988 |
lessons, site-generators, scaling, jekyll |
Getting Practical With Microcopy (rad/sma) | | 1,987 |
content, microcontent, writing |
Authentication Is Multi-Headed Beast for Purging Passwords (zdn) | | 1,986 |
authentication, passwords, standards |
The Performance Benefits of “rel=noopener” (jaf) | | 1,985 |
html, links, performance, security |
Visual Regression Testing With PhantomCSS (sit) | | 1,984 |
testing, regressions, tooling |
Getting Started With Vue.js (hat/sit) | | 1,983 |
introductions, vuejs |
How to Use ES6 Arguments and Parameters (far/sma) | | 1,982 |
how-tos, ecmascript, javascript, examples |
The Anatomy of a Coding Guideline (j9t) | | 1,981 |
quality, conventions |
The Business Case for Progressive Web Apps (gri/clo) | | 1,980 |
economics, web-apps, progressive-web-apps |
On Tailoring and Web Frameworks (j9t) | | 1,979 |
frameworks, craft |
ES6 Feature Complete (web) | | 1,978 |
webkit, safari, apple, browsers, ecmascript, support |
Custom Formatting in HTML and LaTeX Code Listings Using Pandoc (owi) | | 1,977 |
html, formatting, tooling |
Google’s HTML5 Push Creates Shortage of Agency, Brand Experts (lau/med) | | 1,976 |
flash, html, monetization, marketing, google |
WordPress Theme Automation With Gulp (ahm/sit) | | 1,975 |
wordpress, theming, automation, gulp |
The Foundation of Technical Leadership (aut/ali) | | 1,974 |
career, leadership, communication, collaboration |
Redux: An Introduction (net/sma) | | 1,973 |
introductions, redux, state-management |
A History of CSS Image Replacement (sit) | | 1,972 |
css, image-replacement, techniques, examples, history |
How to Think About Your Career (jou) | | 1,971 |
how-tos, career |
Web Platform Security Boundaries (ann) | | 1,970 |
web-platform, security |
Subresource Integrity (dev+/w3c) | | 1,969 |
security, hashing, html, standards | at 11 (tan/mic) | | 1,968 |
microformats, anniversaries |
The Future of the Web (ele/ali) | | 1,967 |
web-platform, outlooks |
Improving the Color Accessibility for Color-Blind Users (ada/sma) | | 1,966 |
accessibility, colors, color-blindness |
Quick Tip: DRY Up Your Model Validations Tests (sye/sit) | | 1,965 |
testing, validation, ruby-on-rails, principles, tips-and-tricks |
Shortcuts and Tips for Improving Your Productivity With Sublime Text (jai/sma) | | 1,964 |
sublime-text, code-editors, productivity, tips-and-tricks |
A Quick Introduction to CoffeeScript (sta) | | 1,963 |
introductions, coffeescript |
HTML5 Has Changed the Internet but the World’s Now Ready for HTML6 (mem) | | 1,962 |
html, standards, web |
Using the HTML “lang” Attribute (tin/tpg) | | 1,961 |
accessibility, html, attributes, localization |
An Overview of Liquid: Shopify’s Templating Language (kei/sho) | | 1,960 |
overviews, liquid, template-engines, shopify |
10 Guidelines for Using Material Design Wisely (usa) | | 1,959 |
guidelines, material-design, google |
10 Cool Things You Can Do With CodePen and JavaScript (chr/sit) | | 1,958 |
codepen, tips-and-tricks |
The Importance of Code Reviews (kit/sit) | | 1,957 |
code-reviews, quality, collaboration |
26 Impressive Web Projects Built With CSS Only (myb) | | 1,956 |
css, examples, link-lists |
Pixel Density, Demystified (pno) | | 1,955 |
design, pixel-density |
AMP… and Drums… Faster Ads (kar) | | 1,954 |
amp, google, monetization, economics |
jQuery 3.0 Final Released (tim/jqu) | | 1,953 |
jquery, release-notes |
Cleanly Handling a Fork on GitHub (tab) | | 1,952 |
git, github |
A Wordy History of Default Browser Styles and CSS Resets | | 1,951 |
css, history, resetting |
Finishing HTML5.1… and Starting HTML5.2 (cha/w3c) | | 1,950 |
html, standards, w3c |
Regular Expressions in JavaScript (sen/sit) | | 1,949 |
javascript, regex |
Introducing the CSS “Clip-Path” Property (sit) | | 1,948 |
introductions, css, animations |
The Beginner’s Guide to Content Strategy (noc/sit) | | 1,947 |
guides, content-strategy, content |
Battling BEM CSS: 10 Common Problems and How to Avoid Them (sma) | | 1,946 |
how-tos, bem, css, naming, namespaces |
HTML Manifest (bru/net) | | 1,945 |
html, web-apps |
Typography on the Web Is Like Other Typography Only More Interesting (kup/btc) | | 1,944 |
videos, typography |
Designing Meaningful Animation (vlh/btc) | | 1,943 |
videos, design, animations, css |
Advice From a Young Designer to Younger Designers (lil/btc) | | 1,942 |
videos, career, design |
Quick Tip: Single Character Transforms With CSS and JS (src/sit) | | 1,941 |
effects, css, javascript, tips-and-tricks |
Stylelint: The Style Sheet Linter We’ve Always Wanted (xwo/sma) | | 1,940 |
css, tooling, linting, stylelint |
An Introduction to the Basics of Modern CSS Buttons (sit) | | 1,939 |
fundamentals, introductions, css, buttons |
Building a Robust Frontend Using Progressive Enhancement (gov) | | 1,938 |
html, css, javascript, single-page-apps, testing, progressive-enhancement |
Understanding the CSS Property Value Syntax (rus/sma) | | 1,937 |
css, standards, concepts |
Crash Course: Learn the Sketch UI in Roughly 4 Minutes 20 Seconds (mrd/sit) | | 1,936 |
crash-courses, design, sketch |
Cloudflare Is Ruining the Internet (for Me) (sla) | | 1,935 |
cloudflare, captcha, web, user-experience |
Schools of Thoughts in Web Standards (kar) | | 1,934 |
standards, principles |
A Tale of CSS and Sass Precision (kit/sit) | | 1,933 |
css, sass |
My URL Isn’t Your URL (bag) | | 1,932 |
urls, standards |
Electron 1.0 (jlo/ele) | | 1,931 |
release-notes, electron |
IPDF and W3C Look Into a Merger (chr/sdt) | | 1,930 |
w3c |
Never Show a Design You Haven’t Tested on Users (ida/ali) | | 1,929 |
design, usability, user-experience, testing |
On Design Systems: Sell the Output, Not the Workflow (vit/sma) | | 1,928 |
design-systems, communication, processes |
Accessibility and Performance (mar) | | 1,927 |
accessibility, performance, javascript, optimization |
Service Workers and PWAs: It’s About Reliable Performance, Not “Offline” (sli) | | 1,926 |
web-apps, progressive-web-apps, web-workers, javascript, performance |
Meaningful CSS: Style Like You Mean It (tba/ali) | | 1,925 |
css, html, semantics |
Introducing the CSS Grid Layout (sit) | | 1,924 |
introductions, css, grids, layout |
An Ultimate Guide to CSS Pseudo Classes and Pseudo Elements (ric/sma) | | 1,923 |
guides, css, selectors, examples |
How to Use JSON Data Fields in MySQL Databases (cra/sit) | | 1,922 |
how-tos, json, mysql, databases |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 3 (xee/web) | | 1,921 |
release-notes, safari, apple, browsers |
Improving the Quality of Your CSS With PostCSS (sit) | | 1,920 |
css, quality, optimization, postcss |
5 Career-Ending Mistakes Web Developers Make (sit) | | 1,919 |
career, mistakes, business-relations, communication |
The Web Isn’t Uniform (fox) | | 1,918 |
web, javascript, user-experience |
Web Designers, Can You Speak Web? (hj/tec) | | 1,917 |
html, css, design, browsers, concepts, link-lists |
Affiliate Marketing Tips for 2016 (sit) | | 1,916 |
marketing, monetization, tips-and-tricks |
Finally, CSS in JS! Meet CSSX (kra/sma) | | 1,915 |
css, javascript |
Technical Debt: Rescuing Legacy Code Through Refactoring (jer/sit) | | 1,914 |
technical-debt, refactoring, maintenance, quality, monitoring, testing |
Work Begins on HTML5.1 via GitHub (mjs/neo) | | 1,913 |
html, w3c |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 2 (jon/web) | | 1,912 |
release-notes, safari, apple, browsers |
A Brief(ish) History of the Web Universe: New Hope(s) (bka) | | 1,911 |
web, history, browsers, mosaic, netscape |
Interview With Vivaldi CEO Jón S. von Tetzchner (jon+/sit) | | 1,910 |
interviews, vivaldi, browsers, chromium |
RespImageLint—Linter for Responsive Images (aus) | | 1,909 |
bookmarklets, images, html, responsive-design, linting |
Working on HTML5.1 (tin/w3c) | | 1,908 |
html, standards, w3c |
What Is the Definition of a “CSS Hack”? (lou/sit) | | 1,907 |
css, hacks, browsers, terminology |
Vivaldi 1.0 Release: Your New Default Browser? (cra/sit) | | 1,906 |
vivaldi, browsers |
Vivaldi 1.0: Not for Everybody, Just You (jon/viv) | | 1,905 |
browsers, vivaldi |
How PNG Works (duh) | | 1,904 |
png, images, compression |
A Simple Web Developer’s Color Guide (lau/sma) | | 1,903 |
guides, colors, color-palettes, design |
6 jQuery Infinite Scrolling Demos (jer+/sit) | | 1,902 |
jquery, scrolling, examples |
What’s Coming for CSS: Compatibility and Control (dzo) | | 1,901 |
css, houdini, grids, layout, scrolling |