Programming Languages and Programming Paradigms | | 1643 |
programming, oop, go |
W3C Wants to Standardise Music Notation in Your Web Browser (ade/ars) | | 1642 |
w3c |
JavaScript, HTML5, and the Web Made Big Comebacks in 2015 (dan) | | 1641 |
javascript, html, web, retrospectives |
Revisiting Firefox’s DevTools (pat/sma) | | 1640 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers, dev-tools |
Generating SVG With React (som/sma) | | 1639 |
svg, react, javascript |
In Defense of CSS Resets (ale) | | 1638 |
css, resetting |
Reimagining Single-Page Applications With Progressive Enhancement (hey/sma) | | 1637 |
single-page-apps, progressive-enhancement, html, css, javascript |
JavaScript: 2015 in Review (cra/sit) | | 1636 |
javascript, retrospectives |
An in-Depth Look at CORS (dim/sit) | | 1635 |
security, cors, javascript, php |
A Beginner’s Guide to WebGL (dav/sit) | | 1634 |
guides, webgl, examples, tooling, link-lists |
Understanding the CSS Modules Methodology (kit/sit) | | 1633 |
css, modules, architecture, webpack |
Component-Driven CSS Frameworks (sit) | | 1632 |
frameworks, css, components, bootstrap, foundation, pure |
Using Multi-Step Animations and Transitions (geo/css) | | 1631 |
css, animations, transitions, examples |
Decorating the Web With CSS Border Images (ant/sit) | | 1630 |
decoration, css, borders, images |
Design, White Lies, and Ethics (ddt/ali) | | 1629 |
design, testing |
PostCSS—a Comprehensive Introduction (rea/sma) | | 1628 |
introductions, tooling, css, postcss |
What’s New in Vue.js 1.0 (rya/sit) | | 1627 |
vuejs |
A Brief(ish) History of the Web Universe: Time (bka) | | 1626 |
web, history, html |
Microsoft Edge’s JavaScript Engine to Go Open-Source (mse) | | 1625 |
edge, microsoft, browsers, javascript-engines, foss |
Learn PHP 7, Find Out What’s New, and More (bit/sit) | | 1624 |
php, tooling, link-lists |
Getting Started With CSS “calc()” (ana/sma) | | 1623 |
introductions, css, functions |
The 10 Big Web Design Trends of 2015 (sit) | | 1622 |
design, layout, trends, minimalism, scrolling, flat-design, animations, colors, backgrounds, typography |
Technical SEO—Fundamental Principles (tom/sma) | | 1621 |
seo, fundamentals, principles |
Vivaldi, Your Next Browser? (ddr/sit) | | 1620 |
browsers, vivaldi |
Flexbox Froggy (tho/pla) | | 1619 |
websites, css, flexbox, layout, learning |
Rolling Out Responsive (kar/ali) | | 1618 |
responsive-design, processes |
Frameworks (bee/ali) | | 1617 |
design, responsive-design |
Seriously, Don’t Use Icon Fonts (tyl/clo) | | 1616 |
fonts, icon-fonts, html, quality |
Blue Beanie Day | | 1615 |
websites, awareness-days, standards |
A Brief(ish) History of the Web Universe: The Pre-Web (bka) | | 1614 |
web, history, sgml |
PHP vs. Ruby—Let’s All Just Get Along (phi/sit) | | 1613 |
php, ruby, comparisons |
Getting Started With Service Workers (rit/sit) | | 1612 |
introductions, web-workers, javascript |
Static Site Generators Reviewed: Jekyll, Middleman, Roots, Hugo (bii/sma) | | 1611 |
site-generators, comparisons, jekyll, hugo |
You Should Use [Insert Library/Framework], It’s the Bestestest! (aer/rem) | | 1610 |
videos, frameworks |
The Cost of Frameworks (aer) | | 1609 |
frameworks, metrics, efficiency |
JavaScript Frameworks and Mobile Performance (tom) | | 1608 |
javascript, frameworks, performance, mobile |
Writing CSS on Growing Teams (sus/ali) | | 1607 |
css, processes, communication, code-reviews, documentation |
An Overview of JavaScript Templating Engines (jay/sit) | | 1606 |
overviews, javascript, template-engines, handlebars, jquery |
An Introduction to Google’s Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) (man/sit) | | 1605 |
introductions, amp, google |
CSS in the Modern World (sit) | | 1604 |
css, link-lists |
Style Guide Best Practices (bra/btc) | | 1603 |
videos, design, documentation, style-guides, best-practices |
Modern Progressive Enhancement (jaf/btc) | | 1602 |
videos, javascript, progressive-enhancement |
Design + Performance (sou+/btc) | | 1601 |
videos, design, performance, user-experience |
Why Passwordless Authentication Works (cra/sit) | | 1600 |
authentication, passwords, security |
9 Ways That Design Trends Are Holding You Back (sit) | | 1599 |
design, creativity |
W3C Launches One-Stop Accessibility Resource for Developers (san) | | 1598 |
w3c, accessibility, documentation, wcag |
Programmers: Stop Calling Yourselves Engineers (ibo/the) | | 1597 |
career, terminology |
A Primer on Using Flexbox With Compass (sit) | | 1596 |
introductions, css, flexbox, layout, compass |
How I Got Started in Technical Evangelism (dav/sit) | | 1595 |
career, advocacy, developer-relations |
Why Static Site Generators Are the Next Big Thing (bii/sma) | | 1594 |
site-generators, tooling |
ECMAScript 6 (ES6): What’s New in the Next Version of JavaScript (web/sma) | | 1593 |
ecmascript, javascript |
Templating With Handlebars (css) | | 1592 |
handlebars |
4 Expert Tips for Getting the Most Out of Google Fonts (sit) | | 1591 |
google, fonts, tips-and-tricks |
HTTP/2: The Pros, the Cons, and What You Need to Know (lex/sit) | | 1590 |
protocols, http, performance |
Offering Feedback (rac/ali) | | 1589 |
business-relations, collaboration, communication, product-management |
Space Yourself (mwi/sma) | | 1588 |
typography, whitespace, css, unicode |
Reverse Text Color Based on Background Color Automatically in CSS (fon/css) | | 1587 |
css, colors, backgrounds |
Choosing a CMS Your Organization Will Love (art/ali) | | 1586 |
content-management, tooling, productivity |
Object-Oriented UX (ali) | | 1585 |
user-experience, information-architecture, design |
How to Solve Caching Conundrums (cra/sit) | | 1584 |
how-tos, caching, http |
Performance Budgets in Action (mar/spe) | | 1583 |
performance, performance-budgets |
What’s New in Ember 2.0? (lam/sit) | | 1582 |
emberjs |
What’s New in Electron (jlo/ele) | | 1581 |
release-notes, electron |
How to Create a Web Style Guide You’ll Be Proud Of (sit) | | 1580 |
how-tos, design, documentation, style-guides |
How Semantics Create a Better Internet (zj/sma) | | 1579 |
semantic-web, rdf |
AMP and Incentives (tka) | | 1578 |
amp, google, performance, web |
Caching a MongoDB Database With Redis (idd/sit) | | 1577 |
databases, mongodb, caching, javascript |
Using Web Fonts the Best Way (in 2015) (hel) | | 1576 |
fonts, performance |
Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (amp) | | 1575 |
websites, amp, google |
Transforming the Web With HTML5 (chr/sdt) | | 1574 |
html, web-platform, flash, multimedia |
An Intro to the Twig Templating Engine in Drupal 8 (wea) | | 1573 |
introductions, template-engines, twig, drupal |
Introducing RAIL: A User-Centric Model for Performance (pau/sma) | | 1572 |
introductions, performance, metrics, user-experience |
Writing to Think (sus/ali) | | 1571 |
writing, career |
What I’ve Hated and What I’ve Loved About Web Development (j9t) | | 1570 |
retrospectives, career |
ESLint: The Next-Generation JavaScript Linter (nza/sma) | | 1569 |
javascript, linting, eslint |
Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0 (jsp+/w3c) | | 1568 |
accessibility, standards, tooling |
The Nearly-Headless CMS (dir/ali) | | 1567 |
content-management, headless, tooling |
SQL vs. NoSQL: How to Choose (cra/sit) | | 1566 |
how-tos, databases, sql, comparisons |
Factors Affecting Website Performance | | 1565 |
performance, network, browsers, memory, servers, images, multimedia |
The Problem of “Fire and Forget” in Web Design (j9t) | | 1564 |
processes, maintenance, prioritization |
The Full Stack Overflow Developer (cod/sit) | | 1563 |
career, craft, quality, link-lists |
Creating Cel Animations With SVG (hey/sma) | | 1562 |
animations, svg, images, css, sass |
Preloading Images in Parallel With Promises (kit/sit) | | 1561 |
javascript, promises, images |
The Most Popular WordPress Landing Page Plugins (sal/sit) | | 1560 |
wordpress, plugins, landing-pages |
Node v4.0.0 (Current) (nod) | | 1559 |
release-notes, nodejs |
Hello, My Name Is <Error> (ali) | | 1558 |
naming, conventions, forms, errors, usability |
Object Orientated Development With WordPress (src/sit) | | 1557 |
wordpress, oop, php |
How to Solve the Global npm Module Dependency Problem (joe/sit) | | 1556 |
how-tos, npm, dependencies |
The Anatomy of Responsive Images (jaf) | | 1555 |
html, images, responsive-design, support, browsers |
Hey Designers: Stop Being an Afterthought (rhj/sma) | | 1554 |
design, processes, collaboration, communication |
The Web’s Future Is Offline (joh/btc) | | 1553 |
videos, offline, outlooks |
SVG Is for Everybody (chr/btc) | | 1552 |
videos, svg, images |
Cheat Your Way With UX (sni/btc) | | 1551 |
videos, design, user-experience |
Architecting Scalable CSS (css/btc) | | 1550 |
videos, css, architecture, scaling, naming |
JSON Validation by Committee (rup/sit) | | 1549 |
ruby, json, conformance, validation |
A Brief History of Web Design (dav/btc) | | 1548 |
videos, design, history |
Delivering Responsibly (sco/btc) | | 1547 |
videos, performance, usability, accessibility, sustainability |
Breaking the Barriers—Moving Browsers and the Web Forward (cod/btc) | | 1546 |
videos, web, web-platform, browsers |
Animating the User Experience (rac/btc) | | 1545 |
videos, user-experience, css, animations |
SVG Lessons I Learned the Hard Way (sar/btc) | | 1544 |
videos, svg, images, lessons |
Atomic Design (bra/btc) | | 1543 |
videos, design, atomic-design |
CSS Is a Mess (jus/btc) | | 1542 |
videos, css, maintainability |
Type Is Visible Language (esp/btc) | | 1541 |
videos, typography, fonts |
The Age of HTML5 Ads (iab) | | 1540 |
html, monetization |
10 Common Mistakes Web Developers Make (pal/sit) | | 1539 |
mistakes, html, css, javascript, career, performance |
Firefox 40: Profiling JavaScript Performance and More (eli/sit) | | 1538 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers |
HTTP Cats (rog) | | 1537 |
websites, http, protocols |
Microsoft Edge: The Review (cra/sit) | | 1536 |
edge, microsoft, browsers |
IAB Says HTML5 Is New Standard, Adobe Agrees (geo/ada) | | 1535 |
html, monetization, adobe |
Understanding Scope in Ruby (sit) | | 1534 |
ruby, scope |
5 Easy Performance Tweaks for Node.js Express (cra/sit) | | 1533 |
nodejs, express, performance, optimization, compression |
Understanding Critical CSS (sma) | | 1532 |
css, performance |
Ember.js 2.0 Released (wyc/emb) | | 1531 |
release-notes, emberjs |
Deconfusing Pre- and Post-Processing (dea) | | 1530 |
css, preprocessors, postprocessors, comparisons |
Real-Time Search in JavaScript (osv) | | 1529 |
javascript, search, functionality |
Using “@ error” Responsibly in Sass (kit/sit) | | 1528 |
sass, errors |
The ES6 Conundrum (cod/sit) | | 1527 |
ecmascript, javascript, feature-detection, transpiling, link-lists |
The Current State of HTML5/CSS3 Browser Support (des) | | 1526 |
html, css, browsers, support, canvas, flexbox, colors, vendor-extensions, multimedia |
The Tedium of Managing Code (lyz/ali) | | 1525 |
maintenance, maintainability, dependencies, javascript, tooling |
Mastering Image Optimization in WordPress (sit) | | 1524 |
wordpress, images, optimization, performance |
The State of Accessibility in PHP Tools (pd9/sit) | | 1523 |
accessibility, php, code-editors, jetbrains, phpstorm, sublime-text, notepad++ |
CSS Vendor Prefixes (gla) | | 1522 |
css, vendor-extensions, history |
An Introduction to Open-Source Licenses (eli/sit) | | 1521 |
introductions, foss, licensing |
Constructing CSS Quantity Queries on the Fly (rea/sma) | | 1520 |
css, selectors |
A Look at Length Units in CSS (sit) | | 1519 |
css, units |
A Simple Developer Error Is Exposing Private Information on Thousands of Websites (owe/the) | | 1518 |
version-control, git, mistakes, vulnerabilities, security |
The Difference Between Minification and Gzipping (chr/css) | | 1517 |
comparisons, minification, gzip, compression |
Backbone.js Basics: Bringing an App to Life With Events (sit) | | 1516 |
fundamentals, frameworks, backbone, events, javascript |
Making Minimalism Work in Mobile and Web (sit) | | 1515 |
design, prototyping, minimalism, desktop, mobile |
Memory Management (dir/ali) | | 1514 |
career, tooling |
HTML5 Comes of Age: It’s Finally Time to Tell Flash Good-Bye (jan/str) | | 1513 |
html, multimedia, eme, drm, flash, silverlight |
A Brief History of HTML (rpo) | | 1512 |
html, history, wml, hdml, chtml, wap |
Do Not Track 2.0 (jus/iap) | | 1511 |
do-not-track, privacy, w3c |
Quantity Ordering With CSS (rea/sma) | | 1510 |
css, selectors, flexbox, layout |
jQuery 3.0 Is Released (rjm/sdt) | | 1509 |
jquery |
What’s New in Firefox 39 (sit) | | 1508 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers |
12 Little-Known CSS Facts (the Sequel) (lou/sit) | | 1507 |
css, borders, typography, tables, naming, animations, selectors |
More Tips to Further Secure WordPress (eli/sit) | | 1506 |
wordpress, security, tips-and-tricks, plugins |
Web Design Is Dead. No, It Isn’t. (vit/sma) | | 1505 |
design, tooling, web-platform |
Atomic OOBEMITSCSS (una/sit) | | 1504 |
css, atomic-css, bem, oocss |
Web Design Is Dead (mas) | | 1503 |
design, tooling, mobile |
React + Performance = ? (aer) | | 1502 |
react, performance, metrics |
How to Grunt and Gulp Your Way to Workflow Automation (meu/sit) | | 1501 |
how-tos, automation, gulp |
Container Queries: Once More Unto the Breach (wil/ali) | | 1500 |
css, media-queries, container-queries |
Getting to Know Stylus (kit/sit) | | 1499 |
css, preprocessors, stylus |
Understanding Block Formatting Contexts in CSS (rit/sit) | | 1498 |
css, concepts |
Design Principles: Compositional, Symmetrical, and Asymmetrical Balance (van/sma) | | 1497 |
design, principles |
W3C’s Mobile Checker Is Now Live (cam/sof) | | 1496 |
w3c, mobile, tooling |
Improving Web Security With the Content Security Policy (ian/sit) | | 1495 |
security, csp, http |
GROWS—an Anti-Fragile, Practical and Evolutionary Approach (pra/ndc) | | 1494 |
videos, processes, agile, prioritization |
License to SIGKILL (sch/sit) | | 1493 |
ruby, unix-like |
Accessible Footnotes With CSS (kit/sit) | | 1492 |
html, css, accessibility |
The Homepage Exception (han/ali) | | 1491 |
homepages, design, user-experience |
Learning New Tricks (aco/ali) | | 1490 |
career, learning, software-design-patterns |
Is HTML “Complete”? (bru) | | 1489 |
html, standards, web-platform |
Introducing Pure.css—a Lightweight Responsive Framework (sit) | | 1488 |
introductions, frameworks, pure |
(Some) CSS Best Practices Considered Harmful (ndo) | | 1487 |
slides, css, best-practices |
The Future Generation of CSS Selectors: Level 4 (lou/sit) | | 1486 |
css, selectors, examples |
Old CSS Syntax With Prefixes (kar) | | 1485 |
css, vendor-extensions, flexbox, gradients |
Practical Techniques on Designing Animation (sar/sma) | | 1484 |
design, animations, techniques |
What Are Web Standards (elc) | | 1483 |
standards, history, html, xml, xhtml, css, wcag, w3c |
</html> (tim) | | 1482 |
html, web-platform |
Building a Custom Twig Filter the TDD Way (sit) | | 1481 |
twig |
No Good Can Come of Bad Code (zel/ali) | | 1480 |
quality, accessibility, semantics, standards |
Resetting Agency Culture (pse/ali) | | 1479 |
culture, collaboration, communication |
Google Releases Polymer 1.0, a Library for the Modern Web Developer (cam/sof) | | 1478 |
google, libraries, polymer, web-components |
Understanding Less Guards and Loops (cod/sit) | | 1477 |
less |
How to Do a Content Audit of Your Website (noc/sit) | | 1476 |
how-tos, content, auditing, seo |
Designing for Explicit Choice (dec/sma) | | 1475 |
design, forms, examples |
What You Should Know About Collapsing Margins (geo/css) | | 1474 |
css |
The End of Global CSS (mar/see) | | 1473 |
css, maintainability |
Meta-Moments: Thoughtfulness by Design (and/ali) | | 1472 |
design, user-experience |
Approaching Content Strategy for Personalized Websites (col/ali) | | 1471 |
content, content-strategy, customization |
Understanding CSS Counters and Their Use Cases (lou/sit) | | 1470 |
css |
Testing For and With Windows Phone (sma) | | 1469 |
mobile, testing, windows, internet-explorer, browsers, microsoft |
What’s New in Firefox 38 (eli/sit) | | 1468 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers |
Web Standards: We’re F’ing It Up (j9t) | | 1467 |
standards, complexity |
Using AJAX Forms in Drupal 8 (dru/sit) | | 1466 |
drupal, forms, ajax, javascript |
Choosing Performance (tka) | | 1465 |
performance, facebook+meta |
A Vision of Web Development (j9t) | | 1464 |
outlooks, minimalism, semantics, conformance, maintainability |
Debunking the 5 Myths of Conversion Rate Optimization (kha/sit) | | 1463 |
myths, marketing, user-conversion, optimization |
Monotype Is Introducing an HTML5-Based Web Font Platform (nap/the) | | 1462 |
html, fonts |
Deprecating HTTP (yoa) | | 1461 |
http, security, protocols |
5 Ridiculously Common Misconceptions About UX (sit) | | 1460 |
user-experience, design |
HTML5 Canvas: What Is It? (htm) | | 1459 |
html, canvas, javascript |
9 SEO Ideas for Small Businesses on a Budget (joh/sit) | | 1458 |
seo, social-media, redesigning, responsive-design, marketing, multimedia |
Extending in Sass Without Creating a Mess (dav/sma) | | 1457 |
sass, css, selectors, extensibility |
Mozilla Wants to Deprecate Non-Secure HTTP, Will Make Proposals to W3C “Soon” (epr/ven) | | 1456 |
mozilla, http, security |
Content-First Design (ste/ali) | | 1455 |
content, design |
Design Principles: Compositional Flow and Rhythm (van/sma) | | 1454 |
design, principles |
“It’s Alive!”: Apps That Feed Back Accessibly (hey/sma) | | 1453 |
accessibility, aria, live-regions, html, web-apps |
Everyone Has JavaScript, Right? (sil) | | 1452 |
javascript, support |
Standardization and the Open Web (jor/ali) | | 1451 |
open-web, standards, foss, community |
Sass and Responsive Typography (jds/sit) | | 1450 |
sass, typography, responsive-design |
13 of the Best WordPress Magazine Themes (bla/sit) | | 1449 |
wordpress, themes, link-lists |
jQuery Considered Harmful (lea) | | 1448 |
jquery |
New Web Layout Ideas for 2015 (sal/sit) | | 1447 |
design, layout |
Sass Theming With Configuration Files (oni/sit) | | 1446 |
sass, configuration |
3 Things (Almost) No One Knows About CSS (sen/sit) | | 1445 |
css |
Want Fancy Firefox Features? Secure Your Website (sts/cne) | | 1444 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers, http, security |
How to Build Your Own CSS Preprocessor With PostCSS (cra/sit) | | 1443 |
how-tos, css, preprocessors, postcss, gulp |
An In-Depth Overview of Living Style Guide Tools (sma) | | 1442 |
design, documentation, style-guides, pattern-libraries, tooling, overviews |
image-dimensions (sin) | | 1441 |
packages, npm, images |
Modern Web Development With Perl (sza) | | 1440 |
videos, perl |
Jekyll on Rails (jes/sit) | | 1439 |
jekyll, ruby-on-rails |
Using EMCAScript 6 Today (mat) | | 1438 |
ecmascript, javascript |
Sanitizing, Escaping, and Validating Data in WordPress (nar/sit) | | 1437 |
wordpress, sanitization, escaping, validation, examples |
Web Scraping With Node.js (sma) | | 1436 |
scraping, nodejs, javascript |
Using GitHub Webhooks With PHP (raf/sit) | | 1435 |
github, webhooks, php |
Laravel 4 to Laravel 5—the Simple Upgrade Guide (raf/sit) | | 1434 |
guides, laravel |
The Poor, Misunderstood “innerText” (kan) | | 1433 |
javascript, dom |
7 Ways to Optimize Jenkins (ptn/sit) | | 1432 |
ci-cd, jenkins, optimization, automation |
Initiation to Code (ich/ali) | | 1431 |
learning, career, engineering-management, leadership |
Let Links Be Links (pen/ali) | | 1430 |
links, html, javascript, frameworks |
Advanced Performance Audits With DevTools (pau) | | 1429 |
performance, auditing, browsers, dev-tools |
Google Will Fix Chrome’s Scrolling With Microsoft’s Help (aar/eng) | | 1428 |
chrome, google, browsers, microsoft, scrolling |
Refresh HTTP Header (kar) | | 1427 |
redirecting, http-headers, http, html, metadata, history |
Should Our Agile Team Use Scrum or Kanban? (mda/sit) | | 1426 |
agile, scrum, kanban, processes, project-management |
Beyond Media Queries—it’s Time to Get Elemental (sit) | | 1425 |
css, media-queries, responsive-design |
The Developer’s Guide to Feeds in WordPress (nar/sit) | | 1424 |
guides, wordpress, syndication, rss, atom |
Toolkit: A Front-End Framework for the Modern Web (mil/sit) | | 1423 |
frameworks |
First Look at—a Development and Deployment SaaS (chr/sit) | | 1422 |
deploying, tooling |
Why Content Is the New SEO (noc/sit) | | 1421 |
content, seo |
Don’t Forget About Contrast (sus/ali) | | 1420 |
accessibility, colors, contrast |
What Are the Security Risks of HTML5 Apps? (jay/sit) | | 1419 |
security, web-apps, sanitization |
Accessibility’s Costs Are Lower Than You Think (vig) | | 1418 |
accessibility, economics |
Pluralization for JavaScript (tin/ali) | | 1417 |
javascript, localization |
HTML5 Local Storage Revisited (lui/sit) | | 1416 |
html, storage, apis |
Two Weird Tricks That Fix React (dan) | | 1415 |
react, tips-and-tricks |
Can CSS Be Too Modular? (css) | | 1414 |
css, html |
Demystifying React Components State (sit) | | 1413 |
react, components, state-management |
Vivaldi: Opera’s Spiritual Successor (cra/sit) | | 1412 |
browsers, vivaldi, opera |
How to Automate Style Guide-Driven Development (var/sma) | | 1411 |
guides, design, style-guides, automation |
Easy URL Parsing With Isomorphic JavaScript (cra/sit) | | 1410 |
javascript, urls |
New Book: “The Little Book of HTML/CSS Frameworks” (j9t) | | 1409 |
books, frameworks, html, css |
Stopping the Infighting About Digital Standards (lwe/ali) | | 1408 |
standards, policies, conventions |
Design Principles: Dominance, Focal Points, and Hierarchy (van/sma) | | 1407 |
design, principles, hierarchy |
Tired of Safari (ppk) | | 1406 |
safari, apple, google, browsers, mobile, pointer-events |
What’s New in Firefox 36: Android Debugging, HTTP/2 Support, and More (eli/sit) | | 1405 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers |
Selector Specificity With CSS Preprocessors (fut/sit) | | 1404 |
css, selectors, cascade, preprocessors, bem, sass |
The Unbearable Inaccessibility of Slideshows (gia/sit) | | 1403 |
accessibility, design-patterns, best-practices |
Responsive Hero Images (gri/clo) | | 1402 |
images, responsive-design |
Same-Origin Policy (ann) | | 1401 |
security, cors, web-platform |
HTTP/2 Is Done (mno) | | 1400 |
protocols, http |
Why I Don’t Hate Git: Hidden Consistency (mit) | | 1399 |
git, command-line, consistency, simplicity, software-design |
The Specialist–Generalist Balance (mrg/ali) | | 1398 |
career, communication, collaboration |
WebRTC Heads Toward Standardization (pro) | | 1397 |
webrtc |
The Love You Make (zel/ali) | | 1396 |
business-relations, career, design |
Why I Don’t Use Compass Anymore (kit/sit) | | 1395 |
frameworks, compass |
What Will Save Us From the Dark Side of CSS Pre-Processors? (lyz/ali) | | 1394 |
css, preprocessors, postprocessors, craft |