WordPress Performance Improvements That Can Go Wrong (pan/sma) | | 1143 |
wordpress, performance, plugins |
5 Apps to Enhance Google Analytics (bla/sit) | | 1142 |
google, analytics, tooling, link-lists |
Symfony in Drupal 8 (sit) | | 1141 |
drupal, symfony, link-lists |
A Q&A on the Picture Element (yoa+/ali) | | 1140 |
interviews, html, semantics, images, responsive-design |
My Current CSS and Sass Styleguide (kit/sit) | | 1139 |
css, sass, conventions, naming, bem, documentation |
Story of the Web (nom) | | 1138 |
websites, web, history |
The Web Is 25—and the Semantic Web Has Been an Important Part of It (jen) | | 1137 |
web, anniversaries, semantic-web |
Using Meta Tags in HTML: Some Basics and Best Practices (ds/sit) | | 1136 |
html, metadata, fundamentals, best-practices, examples |
The World Celebrates 25 Years of the Web | | 1135 |
web, anniversaries |
The Latest in Web Font Trends (jen/ali) | | 1134 |
fonts, trends |
On Links and Accessibility (j9t) | | 1133 |
links, accessibility, usability |
Getting Started With Microformats2 (bar/mic) | | 1132 |
introductions, microformats, html, naming |
Rethinking Responsive SVG (puk/sma) | | 1131 |
responsive-design, svg, images, css |
Where Is Interoperability for Social Media? (dhi/zdn) | | 1130 |
social-media, standards, interoperability |
What’s New in Chrome 33 (cra/sit) | | 1129 |
browsers, google, chrome |
The Battle for the Body Field (eat/ali) | | 1128 |
html, xml, wysiwyg, semantics |
CSS: When to Use Generated Content (j9t) | | 1127 |
css, generated-content |
Dive In: Resources for Web Animation (yes/ali) | | 1126 |
css, animations, link-lists |
How to Build a CLI Tool With Node.js and Phantomjs (int/sma) | | 1125 |
how-tos, command-line, nodejs |
Web Animation at Work (rac/ali) | | 1124 |
css, animations, design |
What’s New in Firefox 27 (cra/sit) | | 1123 |
browsers, mozilla, firefox |
Web Accessibility: Tools and Considerations (ds/sit) | | 1122 |
accessibility, html, tooling, link-lists |
Choosing Vanilla JavaScript (aco/ali) | | 1121 |
javascript, jquery |
Visualizing Data With D3 (sit) | | 1120 |
visualization, javascript |
Getting Started With Pattern Libraries (ann/ali) | | 1119 |
introductions, design, documentation, pattern-libraries, case-studies |
A Word on Contemporary Web Design (j9t) | | 1118 |
design, information-design |
Controlling Heavy Weight Websites (wel) | | 1117 |
performance, user-experience, case-studies |
Forrester: HTML5 Apps Still Not as Good as Native Apps (sye/inf) | | 1116 |
html, mobile, native |
One Solution to Responsive Images (gav/sma) | | 1115 |
responsive-design, images, html, php |
CSS Resets (hey/tim) | | 1114 |
css, resetting |
WordPress as a Framework (chi/sit) | | 1113 |
wordpress |
Nine Things to Expect From HTTP/2 (mno) | | 1112 |
http, protocols, performance, network |
The Current Generation of CSS3 Selectors (lou/sit) | | 1111 |
css, selectors, examples |
Pragmatic UX Techniques for Smarter Websites (mar/sma) | | 1110 |
user-experience, processes, career, link-lists |
So You Think You Know How to Write a WordPress Theme? (sit) | | 1109 |
wordpress, theming |
Understanding JavaScript “bind()” (two/sma) | | 1108 |
javascript, examples |
CSSOM Value API Proposal Dump (tab) | | 1107 |
css, cssom, apis |
CSS Regions Considered Harmful (wiu/ali) | | 1106 |
css, adobe |
Web Performance Tricks—Beyond the Basics (bit/sit) | | 1105 |
performance, tips-and-tricks, html, css, optimization, link-lists |
Packaging on the Web (jen+/tag) | | 1104 |
web-packaging, performance |
HTML Explained in 123 Tweets: The Google #htmltuesday Archive (j9t) | | 1103 |
html, google, link-lists |
Writing on Writing and Other Resources (eye/ali) | | 1102 |
writing, link-lists |
Tachyons (mrm/tac) | | 1101 |
websites, frameworks, presentational-css, css |
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (ann/w3c) | | 1100 |
cors, security, standards |
JSON-LD Is an Official Web Standard (eri) | | 1099 |
json-ld, json, standards, w3c |
10 HTML Tags You May Not Be Using (aur/sit) | | 1098 |
html, semantics |
The Complete Guide to Reducing Page Weight (cra/sit) | | 1097 |
guides, performance, compression, caching, content-delivery, minification |
Writing a Better JavaScript Library for the DOM (che/sma) | | 1096 |
javascript, dom, libraries, jquery |
The State of jQuery 2014 (dme/jqu) | | 1095 |
jquery |
New Features in PHP 5.6 (bit/sit) | | 1094 |
php |
What Are Icon Fonts? (plu) | | 1093 |
fonts, icon-fonts |
UCS vs. UTF-8 as Internal String Encoding (mit) | | 1092 |
unicode, encoding |
The MPAA Just Joined the W3C, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (rus/gee) | | 1091 |
w3c, multimedia, html, drm |
Old Browsers, Does It Matter? (kar) | | 1090 |
browsers, interoperability, support, web-platform |
HTML5 in 2014: Is It Time for a Comeback? (sha/fie) | | 1089 |
html, mobile, native |
Despite Automatic Updates, Old Browsers Are Still a Problem (edb/zdn) | | 1088 |
browsers, web-platform, security, chrome, google, firefox, mozilla, internet-explorer, microsoft, safari, apple |
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing on Track to Become a W3C Recommendation (rjm/sdt) | | 1087 |
w3c, cors, security, standards |
10 Web Predictions for 2014 (cra/sit) | | 1086 |
web, outlooks, web-apps, browsers |
Good-Bye 2013 (jen) | | 1085 |
retrospectives, semantic-web, structured-data, open-graph, json, json-ld |
Best PHP Frameworks for 2014 (bit/sit) | | 1084 |
php, frameworks, metrics, laravel, symfony |
So You’ve Decided to Open-Source a Project at Work—What Now? (nza/sma) | | 1083 |
foss, licensing, community, communication |
Tim Berners-Lee Leads Call for More Transparency Over Mass Surveillance (ale/the) | | 1082 |
web, privacy |
Get Started With GitHub Pages (Plus Bonus Jekyll) (ann/24w) | | 1081 |
introductions, github-pages, github, jekyll |
Dart: On Its Merits (aer) | | 1080 |
dart, javascript, comparisons |
The Rise of Web Bots and Fall in Human Traffic (cra/sit) | | 1079 |
web, scraping, spam, traffic, metrics |
HTML5 Form Validation (ian/sit) | | 1078 |
html, forms, validation, accessibility |
Understanding Forms in Drupal (sit) | | 1077 |
drupal, forms, php |
JavaScript Promises: There and Back Again (jaf/dev) | | 1076 |
javascript, promises |
The Device Test Imperative (bri) | | 1075 |
testing, browsers, safari, apple, css, overflow |
How to Generate Awesome Content (sit) | | 1074 |
how-tos, content, strategies, user-experience |
Finding Memory Leaks With JS (pvd) | | 1073 |
javascript, memory |
What’s New in Firefox 26 (cra/sit) | | 1072 |
browsers, mozilla, firefox |
Animating Vectors With SVG (bri/24w) | | 1071 |
svg, images, animations, javascript |
Creating Temporary Files in PHP (arp) | | 1070 |
php |
CSS Is for Developers (lea) | | 1069 |
css, career |
CSS, HTML, and the Problem of Spec Fragmentation (j9t) | | 1068 |
css, html, standards |
Real World HTML5 Hybrid Apps (htm) | | 1067 |
html, mobile, polyfills, apis, canvas |
Bootstrap vs. Foundation (ale+/lea) | | 1066 |
videos, frameworks, bootstrap, foundation, comparisons |
Foundation 5 (tah/sit) | | 1065 |
foundation |
Tim Berners-Lee Says “Surveillance Threatens Web” (bbc) | | 1064 |
web, privacy, censorship |
Responsive Design Won’t Fix Your Content Problem (kar/ali) | | 1063 |
content, responsive-design, strategies |
An Introduction to Full Stack JavaScript (sma) | | 1062 |
introductions, javascript, tech-stacks |
SEO for Responsive Websites (sma) | | 1061 |
responsive-design, seo |
What’s New in Chrome 31 (cra/sit) | | 1060 |
browsers, google, chrome |
Is Ghost Really a WordPress Killer? (sit) | | 1059 |
content-management, ghost, wordpress |
An Introduction to DOM Events (wil/sma) | | 1058 |
introductions, dom, events, javascript |
What’s the Problem With Mobile HTML5? (abe/inf) | | 1057 |
html, mobile, native, metrics |
Avoiding the 300 ms Click Delay, Accessibly (tka) | | 1056 |
events, performance, accessibility |
Responsive HTML5 Apps: Write Once, Run Anywhere? Where Is Anywhere? (wir) | | 1055 |
html, web-apps, responsive-design, performance, multimedia |
Internet Explorer 11: The Review (cra/sit) | | 1054 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
How the W3C Met Its Waterloo at the “Do Not Track” Vote Showdown (gav/the) | | 1053 |
w3c, do-not-track, privacy, economics, mobile |
Killer Responsive Layouts With CSS Regions (cjg/sma) | | 1052 |
responsive-design, layout, css |
Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Data and the New Web (tel) | | 1051 |
web |
What’s New in Firefox 25 (cra/sit) | | 1050 |
browsers, mozilla, firefox |
How to Sell Responsive Web Design to Clients (jer/sma) | | 1049 |
how-tos, business-relations, communication |
Test the Web Forward: Now Part of the W3C (ado) | | 1048 |
web-platform, testing, adobe, w3c |
Advanced Layout Made Easy With CSS Regions (det/web) | | 1047 |
css, webkit, vendor-extensions |
React: Rethinking Best Practices (flo/jsc) | | 1046 |
videos, react, best-practices |
Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0 (sha+/w3c) | | 1045 |
internationalization, html, xml, standards |
The Top 3 Best Foundation Practices (zur) | | 1044 |
foundation, best-practices |
The Argument Machine (fra) | | 1043 |
social-media, community, communication |
How the Float Label Pattern Started (mds) | | 1042 |
forms, labels, design-patterns, history |
DRM Likely in Future Versions of HTML (cne) | | 1041 |
html, drm, content, eme, standards, w3c |
Challenging CSS Best Practices (7h1/sma) | | 1040 |
html, css, best-practices |
Basscss (jxn) | | 1039 |
websites, libraries, presentational-css, css |
IE11: Browser Modes Return (cra/sit) | | 1038 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Lessons Learned From Leading New Web Professionals (jer/sma) | | 1037 |
lessons, leadership, engineering-management |
Preview the New caniuse.com Features (fyr) | | 1036 |
release-notes, caniuse |
Flat UI and Forms (ali) | | 1035 |
forms, design, buttons, accessibility |
5 Free Online Browser Testing Tools (sam/sit) | | 1034 |
browsers, testing, tooling, link-lists |
All I Want to Do Is Build a Web Site (and Launch It) (jer) | | 1033 |
processes, site-generators, grow |
The DRM Dilemma Facing the Open Web | | 1032 |
drm, html, content, plugins, w3c, eff, open-web |
A Beginner’s Guide to CSS Regions (sit) | | 1031 |
guides, css |
The Extensible Web (dom) | | 1030 |
web-platform, extensibility, web-components, shadow-dom, multimedia, ecmascript |
What’s New in Chrome 30 (cra/sit) | | 1029 |
browsers, google, chrome |
The Curious Case of Breadcrumbs in HTML (j9t) | | 1028 |
html, navigation |
Performance Matters (ali) | | 1027 |
performance, w3c |
Lowering Your Standards: DRM and the Future of the W3C (dan/eff) | | 1026 |
html, content, drm, eme, w3c, standards |
SEO Strategies for Designers (sit) | | 1025 |
seo, strategies, urls, metadata, performance |
About Cost in Web Development (j9t) | | 1024 |
economics, prioritization |
Philosophy in UA Detection (kar) | | 1023 |
browsers |
Google Launches Web Designer, a Visual Tool for Building Interactive HTML5 Sites and Ads (fre/tec) | | 1022 |
code-editors, google, wysiwyg |
Sustainable Web Design (jc/ali) | | 1021 |
sustainability, performance |
The Web Runs on Electricity and We’re Running Out (dor/ali) | | 1020 |
sustainability |
Good Content Is Too Valuable to Die (vit/sma) | | 1019 |
content, quality |
WordPress Developer Tools (sit) | | 1018 |
wordpress, tooling, link-lists |
Line Mode Browser 2013 (lea+/cer) | | 1017 |
websites, browsers, line-mode, history |
IE11 and the Mysterious Missing Browser Modes (cra/sit) | | 1016 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Microsoft Claims Massive Speed Boost in Latest IE 11 Build (set/cne) | | 1015 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers |
Web Standards Group Plans to Continue Do-Not-Track Effort (med) | | 1014 |
w3c, do-not-track, privacy |
Image Compression for Web Developers (duh/dev) | | 1013 |
images, compression, performance, link-lists |
Do as Little as Possible (lyz/ali) | | 1012 |
web, mobile, simplicity |
Responsive Navigation on Complex Websites (jon/sma) | | 1011 |
navigation, responsive-design, complexity |
Technical Debt (sit) | | 1010 |
technical-debt, maintenance |
Deploying a Yeoman/Angular App to Heroku (sit) | | 1009 |
deploying, angularjs, heroku |
Tell Don’t Ask (mfo) | | 1008 |
programming, best-practices |
Domain Sharding Revisited (sou) | | 1007 |
performance, domains, http, protocols |
Flat Design and Thin Is In (des/sma) | | 1006 |
design, flat-design |
Progressive Enhancement Is Faster (jaf/sma) | | 1005 |
progressive-enhancement, performance |
Interview With Lea Verou of the W3C (lea/env) | | 1004 |
interviews, css, vendor-extensions, standards, w3c |
A Look at the HTML5 “nav” Element (sit) | | 1003 |
html, semantics, navigation |
The Dark Shadow of the DOM (sib/sit) | | 1002 |
dom, shadow-dom, accessibility |
Opera 16 Adds Form Filler, New Browser Tweaks (bet) | | 1001 |
opera, browsers |
Web and Mobile Interest Group Emerges From W3C to Further Mobile Web Initiative (dom/cms) | | 1000 |
w3c, mobile, standards |
A URL Policy for Web Projects (j9t) | | 999 |
urls, links, conventions |
WebKit Has Implemented “srcset”, and It’s a Good Thing (wil/sma) | | 998 |
webkit, images, html, responsive-design |
Semantic CSS With Intelligent Selectors (hey/sma) | | 997 |
css, selectors, semantics, html |
Best Practice for Code Examples (sib/sit) | | 996 |
documentation, best-practices |
Chrome Bug Reveals Your Passwords (hey/tim) | | 995 |
chrome, google, browsers |
How to Create Temporary and Permanent Redirects With Apache and nginx (jme/dig) | | 994 |
how-tos, redirecting, servers, apache, nginx |
HTML5 Web Storage (sit) | | 993 |
html, storage |
How to Configure the Apache Web Server on an Ubuntu or Debian VPS (jme/dig) | | 992 |
how-tos, configuration, apache, servers, unix-like |
End of an Era as Firefox Bins “Blink” Tag (the) | | 991 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers, html |
Amazon’s Appstore Is Now Accepting HTML5 Web Apps (jam/the) | | 990 |
html, web-apps |
What Makes a Website Look Dated? (sit) | | 989 |
design |
What’s New in Firefox 23 (cra/sit) | | 988 |
browsers, mozilla, firefox |
Vim Cheat Sheet | | 987 |
websites, cheat-sheets, vi+vim, code-editors |
Object-Oriented HTML, and OOCSS (j9t) | | 986 |
html, css, objects, oocss |
Solving Rendering Performance Puzzles (jaf) | | 985 |
svg, javascript, performance, rendering |
Bid to Kill CAPTCHA Security Test Gains Momentum (luc/smh) | | 984 |
captcha, security, accessibility |
The HTML5 “form” Attribute (cra/sit) | | 983 |
html, attributes, forms |
Images Slowing Down Your Site? Try This One Weird Trick! (aer) | | 982 |
performance, images, javascript |
The “Other” Interface: Atomic Design With Sass (fon/sma) | | 981 |
atomic-design, sass |
Persistent Data Storage API (kay/ipr) | | 980 |
storage, apis, w3c, standards |
The True Cost of Progressive Enhancement (aar) | | 979 |
progressive-enhancement, economics |
Web Storage (hix/w3c) | | 978 |
storage, apis, standards |
When Do Elements Take the Focus? (sib/sit) | | 977 |
accessibility, html, focus |
JavaScript “wake” Event (mac) | | 976 |
javascript, events |
Much Ado About Diversity (ban/sit) | | 975 |
community, dei |
CSS3 Transition Property Basics (cra/sit) | | 974 |
css, transitions, examples, fundamentals |
The Web Designer’s Guide to Image Copyrights (joh/sit) | | 973 |
guides, design, images, licensing |
“Do Not Track” Opt-Out Icon Coming to Mobile Browsers (dar/cne) | | 972 |
do-not-track, privacy, browsers, mobile |
The Web’s Longest Nightmare Ends: Eolas Patents Are Dead on Appeal (jmu/ars) | | 971 |
w3c, web, legal |
Simple Responsive Images With CSS Background Images (sma) | | 970 |
responsive-design, images, backgrounds, css, html |
How “yield” Will Transform Node.js (mac) | | 969 |
nodejs, javascript |
W3C Rejects Ad Industry Attempt to Hijack Do-Not-Track Specs (pcw) | | 968 |
w3c, do-not-track, privacy, economics |
What’s New in IE11’s Developer Tools (cra/sit) | | 967 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, dev-tools |
W3C Report Updates Web Applications on Mobile Standards (xan/cms) | | 966 |
w3c, web-apps, mobile, standards |
5 HTML5 and ARIA Design Patterns (tin+/net) | | 965 |
html, aria, design-patterns, navigation |
What’s New in Chrome 28 (cra/sit) | | 964 |
browsers, google, chrome |
What’s Continuous Deployment? (sit) | | 963 |
ci-cd |
Discovering Sketch (jmd) | | 962 |
design, tooling, sketch |
Why You Should Learn HTML5 Now Before It Explodes in Popularity (diy) | | 961 |
html, learning, training, link-lists |
Progressive Enhancement Is Still Important (jaf) | | 960 |
progressive-enhancement, javascript, testing |
The Updated Guide to Unicode on Python (mit) | | 959 |
guides, unicode, python, encoding |
Progressive Enhancement: Still Not Dead (tha) | | 958 |
progressive-enhancement, javascript |
Opera 15 Is Launched (cra/sit) | | 957 |
browsers, opera |
Say “Yes” to JavaScript (mit) | | 956 |
javascript, privacy, performance |
IE11 Gives Microsoft a Shot at Browser Redemption (fre/tec) | | 955 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers |
HTML 8000 (hix) | | 954 |
html, whatwg |
Array Operators in PHP: Interesting but Less Spoken (pag/sit) | | 953 |
php, arrays, operators |
How We Can Create Open Standards for Social Business (dhi/zdn) | | 952 |
social-media, standards, w3c |
Reject DRM and You Risk Walling Off Parts of the Web, Says W3C Chief (zdn) | | 951 |
drm, eme, web, w3c |
Is HTML5 Ready? (rem) | | 950 |
html |
Improving Usability With Extra Navigation Keys (sib/sit) | | 949 |
usability, keyboard-navigation, javascript |
Media Queries Are Not the Answer: Element Query Polyfill (tys/sma) | | 948 |
responsive-design, css |
Understanding Streams in PHP (vta/sit) | | 947 |
php, streaming |
CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet (jxt) | | 946 |
css, animations, cheat-sheets |
Devs Respond to CSS Shapes Module Level 1 (cra/net) | | 945 |
css, shapes |
13 Tenets of User Experience (rhj/sma) | | 944 |
user-experience, principles |
Google Retires Chrome Frame (cra/sit) | | 943 |
google, chrome-frame, browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Top 10 Front-End Development Frameworks (cod/sit) | | 942 |
frameworks, link-lists |
Regular Expressions—Gotta Love Them (ilo+/sit) | | 941 |
interviews, regex |
Retiring Chrome Frame (dev) | | 940 |
google, chrome-frame, browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, plugins |
Facing the Challenge: Building a Responsive Web Application (web/sma) | | 939 |
responsive-design, web-apps, progressive-enhancement |
We Should All Have Something to Hide (mox) | | 938 |
privacy, security |
Why We Need Responsive Images (tka) | | 937 |
images, responsive-design, performance, metrics |
Manage Complexity With the Facade Pattern (rak/sit) | | 936 |
complexity, software-design-patterns, php |
W3C Insider Explains What’s Wrong With Cramming DRM Into HTML5—and What You Can Do About It (plu/boi) | | 935 |
html, drm, eme, web, w3c |
Selling Social in 2013 (joh/sit) | | 934 |
social-media, metrics, economics |
Do You Really Need jQuery? (cra/sit) | | 933 |
jquery, javascript |
EFF Blasts Proposed DRM Features in HTML5 (net) | | 932 |
eff, html, drm, content, economics |
EFF Files Objections With W3C Decrying Addition of DRM to HTML5 (iai/the) | | 931 |
eff, w3c, html, eme, drm |
Compile and Monitor Sass From Gumby2 (sam/sit) | | 930 |
sass, compass, tooling |
HTML5 Webpage Locks “Would Stifle Innovation” (bbc) | | 929 |
html, drm, eme, content, eff |
Camino Reaches Its End (cam) | | 928 |
camino, browsers |
Tips and Tricks for Testing WordPress Themes (dan/sma) | | 927 |
wordpress, theming, testing, tips-and-tricks |
Happy 10th Birthday WordPress (cra/sit) | | 926 |
wordpress, anniversaries |
The State of Responsive Web Design (ste/sma) | | 925 |
responsive-design, mobile, html, css, javascript |
“Scope” in CSS (css) | | 924 |
css, scope, bem |
What’s New in Chrome 27 (cra/sit) | | 923 |
browsers, google, chrome |
The Design of Code: Organizing JavaScript (aco/ali) | | 922 |
javascript, architecture, maintainability, modules, jquery, plugins, apis |
Writing Testable JavaScript (rmu/ali) | | 921 |
javascript, testing |
Extend the Web Forward (wyc) | | 920 |
web-platform, extensibility, apis |
Even Better CSS3 Toggle Switches (cra/sit) | | 919 |
css, toggles |
Git: Simply Stashing (ron/sit) | | 918 |
git, command-line |
Creating a Performance Culture (sou) | | 917 |
performance, culture |
HTML5’s “Performance Issue” Rubbished (cra/net) | | 916 |
html, performance |
Migrating a Website to WordPress Is Easier Than You Think (sir/sma) | | 915 |
content-management, wordpress, migrating |
DRM in HTML—the Programmer’s View (ipr) | | 914 |
html, drm, eme, w3c |
Mobile Website Security (dwa/sit) | | 913 |
mobile, security, hosting, policies |
No, HTML5 Does Not Have a Performance Issue (pba) | | 912 |
html, performance |
Making the Web Platform More Suitable for “Apps” (ann) | | 911 |
web-platform, web-apps |
Paul Irish on Chrome Moving to Blink (pau+/ali) | | 910 |
interviews, browsers, google, chrome, blink, browser-engines |
Pure (eri+) | | 909 |
frameworks, css, pure |
The Definitive Guide to CSS Transitions (sit) | | 908 |
guides, css, transitions |
Happy 10th Birthday CSS Zen Garden (cra/sit) | | 907 |
anniversaries, css, design |
How to Contribute to WordPress (sio/sma) | | 906 |
how-tos, wordpress, community |
How Much Has the Web Really Changed? (vas/sma) | | 905 |
design, web |
FSF Campaigns Against Standardisation of DRM (sam/itw) | | 904 |
html, drm, w3c |
MongoDB Indexing (ash/sit) | | 903 |
databases, mongodb, php |
Hot in Web Standards: March/April 2013 (lea/net) | | 902 |
css, grids, layout, testing, lazy-loading, apis, standards, w3c |
Why the Web Is Ready for Responsive Web Design (jan/sit) | | 901 |
responsive-design, mobile, html |
Node at Work: A Walkthrough (gar/ali) | | 900 |
nodejs, javascript |
8 CSS Properties Designers Can’t Live Without (sit) | | 899 |
css, layout |
Getting Started With HTML5 (net) | | 898 |
introductions, html, browsers, code-editors, dev-tools, conformance |
Better Understanding Random (sit) | | 897 |
randomness, php |
Digital Publishing and the Web (iva/ali) | | 896 |
w3c, standards, web-platform, css, print |
MS Donates 400 Pages to Web Documentation Project (kay/ipr) | | 895 |
microsoft, web-platform, documentation, javascript |
RIP HTML5 “<hgroup>” Element (cra/sit) | | 894 |
html, headings |