Screen Readers: Hearing the Unseen (by/via) | | 284 |
accessibility, screen-readers, assistive-tech |
Resource Inlining in JavaScript Frameworks (by/via) | | 283 |
javascript, frameworks, performance, web-vitals |
Tip: Don’t Preprocess What You Can Design Token (by/via) | | 282 |
css, preprocessors, design-tokens |
The Most Popular Design Thinking Strategy Is BS (by/via) | | 281 |
design, strategies |
Good News: Google No Longer Requires Publishers to Use the AMP Format (via) | | 280 |
amp, web-vitals, google |
CSS Frameworks in Vogue, but Don’t Forget Style Fundamentals (by/via) | | 279 |
css, frameworks, fundamentals, quality |
My Journey From a Novice to a Front-End Engineer (by) | | 278 |
career |
I Regret Being a Hipster in Tech (by) | | 277 |
career |
Creating a Multi-Author Blog With Next.js (by/via) | | 276 |
nextjs, blogging |
All You Need Is 5 Fonts (by/via) | | 275 |
design, typography, fonts |
JavaScript Frameworks and the Lost Art of HTML (by/via) | | 274 |
javascript, html, frameworks |
Building a Responsive Layout With CSS Grid and Container Queries (by/via) | | 273 |
videos, css, grids, layout, responsive-design, container-queries |
Using CSS to Enforce Accessibility (by) | | 272 |
accessibility, css |
Debugging JavaScript and Front-End (by/via) | | 271 |
videos, javascript, debugging |
Container Queries and the Future of CSS (by/via) | | 270 |
videos, css, container-queries |
The True Cost of a Redesign (by/via) | | 269 |
redesign, economics |
React Architecture: How to Structure and Organize a React Application (by) | | 268 |
how-tos, react, architecture |
No Code Reviews by Default (by/via) | | 267 |
code-reviews |
Making the Web—Faster (by) | | 266 |
web, performance, developer-experience, principles |
Beyond Basic Alt Text—Charts, Maps, and Diagrams (by/via) | | 265 |
accessibility, alt-text, images, information-design |
Accessibility in React (by) | | 264 |
accessibility, react |
Demystifying Styled Components (by) | | 263 |
css, javascript, components |
A Framework for Building Open Graph Images (by/via) | | 262 |
open-graph, images |
RenderingNG—Ready for the Next Generation of Web Content (by/via) | | 261 |
browsers, browser-engines, chromium, google, rendering |
Craft Good Questions for Usability Tests (via) | | 260 |
usability, testing |
What’s New in ES2021 (by/via) | | 259 |
javascript, ecmascript, standards |
Sorting Colors in JavaScript (by) | | 258 |
javascript, sorting, colors |
Custom Scrollbars in CSS (by) | | 257 |
css |
Organize Your CSS Declarations Alphabetically (by) | | 256 |
css, maintainability |
How to Use Dynamic Imports in JavaScript (by) | | 255 |
how-tos, javascript |
Keeping It Consistent: Design Tokens (by/via) | | 254 |
design-systems, design-tokens, consistency |
Blogged Answers: The Evolution of Redux Testing Approaches (by) | | 253 |
redux, state-management, testing, history |
Ultimate Guide to Color in UX/UI Design (by/via) | | 252 |
guides, design, colors, figma |
Updating a 25-Year-Old Website (by) | | 251 |
maintenance |
Client-Side Routing in Next.js (by/via) | | 250 |
nextjs, routing |
Web Audio API (by+/via) | | 249 |
standards, multimedia, apis |
Your Image Is Probably Not Decorative (by/via) | | 248 |
images, decoration, accessibility, alt-text |
How Apple Changed the Way We Navigate—Forever (by/via) | | 247 |
design, navigation, apple |
Optical Size, the Hidden Superpower of Variable Fonts (by) | | 246 |
css, fonts, variable-fonts, typography |
OMG, SVG Favicons FTW! (by) | | 245 |
html, images, favicons, svg |
A Complete Guide to Accessibility Tooling (via) | | 244 |
guides, accessibility, tooling |
A Complete Guide to Accessibility Tooling (via) | | 243 |
guides, accessibility, testing, automation |
Shut Up, Old Man… (by) | | 242 |
career |
NPM Global Audit | | 241 |
packages, npm, security, quality, auditing |
Understanding and Preventing Common Security Vulnerabilities (via) | | 240 |
security, vulnerabilities |
Everyday Accessibility (by/via) | | 239 |
accessibility |
Dart Basics (by/via) | | 238 |
fundamentals, dart, flutter |
Regular Expressions (RegEx) in Google Search Console (by) | | 237 |
regex, seo, google |
Provided “As Is,” Without Warranty of Any Kind | | 236 |
foss, community, licensing |
When CSS Isn’t Enough: JavaScript Requirements for Accessible Components (by/via) | | 235 |
css, javascript, accessibility |
The Art of Frontend Engineering (by/via) | | 234 |
career |
How to Center Anything in CSS Using Flexbox and Grid (by/via) | | 233 |
how-tos, css, flexbox, grids, centering |
Serving Sharp Images to High Density Screens (by) | | 232 |
performance, images |
React Cheat Sheet (Updated June 2021) (by) | | 231 |
react, cheat-sheets |
Half the Size of Images by Optimising for High Density Displays (by) | | 230 |
html, images, performance |
Adding Shadows to SVG Icons With CSS and SVG Filters (by/via) | | 229 |
css, svg, images, icons, shadows, filters, effects |
The Ultimate CSS Flexbox Cheat Sheet With Examples (by/via) | | 228 |
css, flexbox, layout, cheat-sheets, examples |
Let’s Learn About Aspect Ratio in CSS (by) | | 227 |
css |
What Is Prisma and Why Do We Need Another ORM? (by/via) | | 226 |
databases, tooling, prisma |
Meet “:has”, a Native CSS Parent Selector (and More) (by/via) | | 225 |
css, selectors |
Ready-Made Counter Styles (by/via) | | 224 |
css, localization |
The Simplicity of Svelte (by) | | 223 |
svelte, simplicity, examples |
Tips for Real-World Alpine.js | | 222 |
alpinejs, tips-and-tricks |
Micro-Expressions in User Testing: When Users Reveal Their True Emotional States (via) | | 221 |
design, usability |
An Interactive Guide to CSS Transitions (by) | | 220 |
guides, css, transitions |
Why Validate? (by) | | 219 |
html, css, quality, conformance, craft |
Meet “:has”, a Native CSS Parent Selector (and More) (by/via) | | 218 |
css |
Building a Color Scheme (by/via) | | 217 |
css, design, colors, color-palettes |
Reasons Why Bugs Might Feel “Impossible” (by) | | 216 |
debugging, quality |
Improving the UX of Your Design System (via) | | 215 |
design-systems, user-experience, optimization |
Component-Specific Design Tokens (via) | | 214 |
components, design-tokens |
10 Utility Functions for Working With Objects in JavaScript (by/via) | | 213 |
javascript, functions, objects |
Using AVIF to Compress Images on Your Site (by/via) | | 212 |
performance, images, avif, compression |
Accessible Overflow (by) | | 211 |
accessibility, html, css, overflow |
What Can the HTTP Archive Tell Us About Largest Contentful Paint? (by) | | 210 |
performance |
A Comprehensive Guide to Vue Slots (by/via) | | 209 |
guides, vuejs |
The Dark Side of Notepad++ : v8 (by) | | 208 |
release-notes, notepad++ |
Vue.js vs. React—Not Your Usual Comparison (by) | | 207 |
frameworks, vuejs, react, comparisons |
Extracts From a Private Q&A Retrospective About the WHATWG (by) | | 206 |
interviews, whatwg |
An Accessibility Strategy (by) | | 205 |
accessibility, strategies |
A Little Book of Accessibility (by) | | 204 |
accessibility |
JavaScript: Debouncing and Throttling (by) | | 203 |
javascript, debouncing, throttling |
Managing Shared State in Vue 3 (by/via) | | 202 |
vuejs, state-management |
Open Source Insights (via) | | 201 |
websites, foss, dependencies, security, licensing |
Getting Started With a Kanban Board: 6 Tips for Productive Work (by/via) | | 200 |
introductions, kanban, agile, tips-and-tricks, productivity |
CSS System Colors (by) | | 199 |
css, colors |
Best Practices for Fonts (by+/via) | | 198 |
fonts, best-practices, performance |
How to Fix Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Issues (by/via) | | 197 |
how-tos, performance, web-vitals |
CSS for Web Vitals (by+/via) | | 196 |
css, performance, web-vitals |
Looking Fine With Firefox 89 (by/via) | | 195 |
release-notes, firefox, mozilla, browsers |
Why Accessibility Overlays Hurt More Than Help (by/via) | | 194 |
accessibility, overlays |
The Hidden World of “aria-hidden” (by) | | 193 |
accessibility, html |
Embracing Design Constraints (by) | | 192 |
design |
Thoughts for the Aging Web Developer (by) | | 191 |
career |
Disabling a Link (by) | | 190 |
links, css, accessibility |
What Makes a Great Component Library? (by) | | 189 |
components, libraries |
How to Build an Image Comparison Slider (by) | | 188 |
how-tos, react, images |
History of Web Browser Engines From 1990 Until Today | | 187 |
browsers, browser-engines, history |
A Beginner’s Guide to Vue 3 (by/via) | | 186 |
guides, vuejs |
A Thorough Analysis of CSS-in-JS (by/via) | | 185 |
css, javascript, css-in-js |
Writing Better Regular Expressions in PHP (via) | | 184 |
php, regex, readability |
Accessible Web Forms (by/via) | | 183 |
videos, accessibility, forms |
Your Design System Is Actually a Product—Treat It Like One (by/via) | | 182 |
design-systems |
25 Years of CSS (by) | | 181 |
css, history |
Access Guide (by) | | 180 |
websites, guides, accessibility |
CSS Container Queries: Use Cases and Migration Strategies (by/via) | | 179 |
css, container-queries |
Svelte for the Experienced React Dev (by/via) | | 178 |
react, svelte |
How to Implement Authentication in Next.js With Auth0 (by/via) | | 177 |
how-tos, nextjs, authentication, tooling, auth0 |
Professional Development Is a Choice (by) | | 176 |
career, training, professionalism |
A11y Audit Bookmarklets (by) | | 175 |
accessibility, auditing, link-lists, bookmarklets |
Dark Patterns Tip Line (via) | | 174 |
websites, dark-patterns, user-experience |
How to Name Your Design System (via) | | 173 |
how-tos, design-systems, naming |
Useful and Useless Code Comments (by) | | 172 |
developer-experience, comments |
The New Responsive: Web Design in a Component-Driven World (by/via) | | 171 |
responsive-design, css, components |
Don’t Overabstract Your Components (by) | | 170 |
html, javascript, components |
WebGPU (by/via) | | 169 |
webgpu, standards |
2021: 98% of the Top 100 U.S. Websites Use Invalid HTML (by) | | 168 |
html, css, conformance, metrics, quality, craft |
We Need to Talk About WCAG (by/via) | | 167 |
accessibility, wcag |
Learn CSS (by/via) | | 166 |
courses, css |
Theoretical Foundations for Server-Side Rendering and Static-Rendering (by/via) | | 165 |
studies, research, fundamentals, server-side-rendering |
The Button Cheat Sheet (by) | | 164 |
html, cheat-sheets |
Container Queries in Web Components (by) | | 163 |
css, container-queries, web-components |
Tree-Shaking: A Reference Guide (by/via) | | 162 |
guides, performance, optimization, javascript, tree-shaking |
Create Scripts in JavaScript With zx (by) | | 161 |
zx, javascript, automation |
Can I “:has()” (by) | | 160 |
css, selectors, igalia |
JPEG XL | | 159 |
websites, jpeg-xl, images |
Upgrade Your HTML III (by/via) | | 158 |
books, html, minimalism, craft, conformance |
A Complete Guide to Grid (by/via) | | 157 |
guides, css, grids, layout |
Making Disabled Buttons More Inclusive (by/via) | | 156 |
css, accessibility |
Building a React Design System for Adoption and Scale (via) | | 155 |
react, design-systems |
A Primer on CSS Container Queries (by/via) | | 154 |
introductions, css, container-queries |
Introduction to Using Dart in Flutter (by/via) | | 153 |
introductions, dart, flutter |
Rethinking Component Libraries (by) | | 152 |
components |
Web Application Development: The Ultimate Guide (2021) (via) | | 151 |
guides, web-apps |
Meet zx: A Better Way to Write Scripts With Node.js (by) | | 150 |
zx, nodejs |
Everything You Need to Know About A/B Testing (via) | | 149 |
metrics, testing, optimization |
Introduction to HTTP Cookies (by) | | 148 |
introductions, cookies, javascript |
Custom Attributes Are Fast Good and Cheap (by) | | 147 |
attributes, css, selectors |
How to Satisfy User Intent When Considering Search vs. Browse (via) | | 146 |
how-tos, usability, browsing, searching, comparisons |
Reducing HTML Payload With Next.js (Case Study) (by/via) | | 145 |
nextjs, html, performance, case-studies |
Overreliance on Overlays Is Counter to Enculturation of Accessibility (by/via) | | 144 |
accessibility, overlays |
Is Vendor Prefixing Dead? (via) | | 143 |
css, vendor-extensions |
Checking “Under the Hood” of Code (by) | | 142 |
dev-tools, browsers, debugging, console, javascript, html, css, history |
Auditing Design Systems for Accessibility (by/via) | | 141 |
accessibility, design-systems, quality, auditing |
Using Hotwire to Build a Search Form With Minimal JavaScript (by) | | 140 |
hotwire, forms, search, functionality |
The Evolution of Jamstack (by/via) | | 139 |
tech-stacks, jamstack, nextjs |
4 Soft Skills Every Designer Should Aspire to Learn (via) | | 138 |
design, career |
Immersive Content Strategy (by/via) | | 137 |
content, content-strategy, user-experience |
Understanding Design Systems—Designing Component APIs (via) | | 136 |
design-systems, components, apis |
Designing Adaptive Components, Beyond Responsive Breakpoints (by/via) | | 135 |
videos, components, responsive-design |
Better Onboarding: How to Prevent Codebase Overwhelm (via) | | 134 |
how-tos, onboarding |
Understanding the New Reactivity System in Vue 3 (by/via) | | 133 |
vuejs, reactivity |
Level Up Your Team Workflows With These Kanban Board Best Practices (by/via) | | 132 |
agile, kanban, best-practices |
A Complete Guide to Custom Properties (by/via) | | 131 |
guides, css, custom-properties, examples |
Sometimes, a Billion Laughs Aren’t So Funny—Improving CSS Variables in WebKit (by/via) | | 130 |
css, custom-properties, browsers, browser-engines, webkit |
A Guide to Newly Supported, Modern CSS Pseudo-Class Selectors (by/via) | | 129 |
guides, css, selectors, support |
21 Best Practices for a Clean React Project (by) | | 128 |
best-practices, quality, react |
Do You Need to Localize Your Website? (by/via) | | 127 |
content, localization, strategies |
A Complete Guide to Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) With Next.js (by/via) | | 126 |
guides, incremental-static-regeneration, nextjs |
An Introduction to Performance Budgets (via) | | 125 |
introductions, performance, performance-budgets, metrics |
Engineer to Engineer: Don’t Be Afraid to Rock the Boat (via) | | 124 |
interviews, career |
136 Facts Every Web Dev Should Know Before They Burn Out and Turn to Landscape Painting or Nude Modelling (by) | | 123 |
career |
Intrinsic Typography Is the Future of Styling Text on the Web (by/via) | | 122 |
typography, css |
Making GraphQL Work in WordPress (by/via) | | 121 |
wordpress, graphql |
How Artificial Intelligence Is Impacting UX Design (by/via) | | 120 |
user-experience, design, ai |
What Is Vite? An Overview of the New Front-End Build Tool (by/via) | | 119 |
overviews, building, tooling, vite |
Five Reasons Your First Design System Will Fail (via) | | 118 |
design-systems |
What Is DevOps? A Comprehensive Introduction (by/via) | | 117 |
introductions, dev-ops |
CSS Hell (by) | | 116 |
websites, css |
Content-Aware Image Resizing in JavaScript (by) | | 115 |
javascript, images, resizing |
A Beginner’s Guide to Load Balancing (via) | | 114 |
guides, load-balancing, concepts, edge-computing |
Overflow Issues in CSS (by/via) | | 113 |
css, overflow, scrolling, flexbox, grids, layout |
No, Google! Vivaldi Users Will Not Get FLoC’ed (by/via) | | 112 |
browsers, vivaldi, google, monetization |
The 5 Most Popular Front-End Frameworks Compared (by/via) | | 111 |
frameworks, comparisons, react, angular, vuejs, svelte, emberjs |
Fifteen Design Trends From an Accessibility Perspective (by) | | 110 |
accessibility, design, trends |
Web Developer’s Guide to AVIF Images (by) | | 109 |
guides, images, avif |
Variable Scope, Lexical Scope, and Code Blocks in JavaScript (by) | | 108 |
javascript, scope |
Top 7 Facts About Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.2 You Must Know (via) | | 107 |
accessibility, wcag |
Understanding Logical Focus Order (by) | | 106 |
accessibility, focus, html |
9 Principles of Good Web Design (via) | | 105 |
design, principles, simplicity, navigation, content, layout, performance, mobile |
Comparing the New Generation of Build Tools (by/via) | | 104 |
tooling, building, bundling, comparisons |
Write a Plugin for Tailwind CSS (by/via) | | 103 |
tailwind, plugins |
Getting Started With Preact (by) | | 102 |
introductions, preact |
Building an Accessibility Library (by/via) | | 101 |
accessibility, processes |
Defining a Strategy for Accessibility (by) | | 100 |
accessibility, strategies |
Sentence Case Versus Title Case (by) | | 99 |
accessibility, writing, headings |
Using Design Tokens to Accelerate Design Systems (by/via) | | 98 |
design-systems, design-tokens, css |
Code in Quarantine (by) | | 97 |
quality, maintenance |
How to Build a Developer Blog With Gatsby and MDX (by/via) | | 96 |
how-tos, gatsby, blogging |
5 Things I’m Thinking About When I Check a Pull Request for Accessibility (by) | | 95 |
code-reviews, accessibility |
Primitive Values, Objects, and References in JavaScript Made Simple (by) | | 94 |
javascript, objects |
Why Should We Care About Developer Experience (DX) (via) | | 93 |
developer-experience |
Human-Readable JavaScript: A Tale of Two Experts (by/via) | | 92 |
javascript, maintainability |
Reactivity in Vue (by/via) | | 91 |
vuejs, reactivity |
Not Your Typical Horizontal Rules (by) | | 90 |
html, semantics |
Bypassing Cookie Consent Banners in Lighthouse and WebPageTest (by) | | 89 |
consent-management, cookies, lighthouse, google, performance, testing |
A Deep Dive Into Eleventy Static Site Generator (by/via) | | 88 |
deep-dives, eleventy |
Why Skip-Links Are Important for Accessibility (via) | | 87 |
accessibility, links |
How to Build a Great Developer Experience (by/via) | | 86 |
how-tos, developer-experience |
Taming Blend Modes: “difference” and “exclusion” (by/via) | | 85 |
css, blend-modes |
A Complete Guide to Accessible Front-End Components (by/via) | | 84 |
guides, components, accessibility, focus, buttons, carousels, color-palettes, visualization, testing |
Getting Started With Alpine.js—the Ultimate Guide (by/via) | | 83 |
introductions, guides, alpinejs |
Git Maintenance (by) | | 82 |
git, maintenance |
What Is esbuild? (by) | | 81 |
bundling, esbuild |
React vs. Vue in 2021: Best JavaScript Framework (by/via) | | 80 |
frameworks, vuejs, react, comparisons |
Now That’s What I Call Service Worker (by/via) | | 79 |
apis, web-workers, javascript |
“prefers-reduced-motion”: Taking a No-Motion-First Approach to Animations (by) | | 78 |
css, animations, accessibility |
Why Your Website Should Work Without JavaScript | | 77 |
accessibility, javascript, support, graceful-degradation |
What’s New in Flutter 2? (by/via) | | 76 |
flutter, dart |
The 5-Hour CDN (by/via) | | 75 |
performance, content-delivery |
What Is the JavaScript Internationalization API (I18N)? (by/via) | | 74 |
javascript, internationalization, apis |
What Is Laravel? A Simple Explanation for Beginners | | 73 |
laravel, php, frameworks |
A Year of Transformation: The Web and the World (via) | | 72 |
w3c, web, awareness-days |
How to Use SVG Image Sprites (by/via) | | 71 |
how-tos, images, svg, sprites |
5 Different Ways to Declare Functions in jQuery (by/via) | | 70 |
jquery, javascript, functions |
Minimalism Is Boring (by) | | 69 |
design, minimalism |
Semantic Web and the Knowledge Graph (by) | | 68 |
semantic-web, metadata, structured-data, search |
A Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Design Patterns (via) | | 67 |
guides, javascript, software-design-patterns |
Comparing Svelte and React (by) | | 66 |
svelte, react, comparisons |
10 Graphic-Design Tips for UX Designers (via) | | 65 |
design, user-experience, tips-and-tricks |
Why We Developed the Node.js Reference Architecture (by+/via) | | 64 |
nodejs, architecture, dependencies |
You Want Enabling CSS Selectors, Not Disabling Ones (by) | | 63 |
css, selectors |
JavaScript: What Is the Meaning of “this”? (by/via) | | 62 |
javascript |
Beyond “console.log()”—Level Up Your Debugging Skills (by/via) | | 61 |
javascript, console, debugging |
The SPACE of Developer Productivity (by+/via) | | 60 |
productivity, metrics |
Enforce, Enable, and Empower (by) | | 59 |
design-systems |
How to Get a Dysfunctional Team Back on Track (by/via) | | 58 |
how-tos, engineering-management, culture, collaboration |
Semantic Versioning Will Not Save You (by) | | 57 |
versioning, semver |
Wasp—Language for Developing Full-Stack JavaScript Web Apps With No Boilerplate (by/via) | | 56 |
wasp |
Measuring Web Performance in Mobile Safari (by) | | 55 |
performance, testing, mobile, browsers, apple, safari |
The Future of Web Software Is HTML-over-WebSockets (by/via) | | 54 |
visions, html, websockets |
Introduction to ARIA Live Regions (by) | | 53 |
introductions, accessibility, aria, live-regions |
How to Use PostCSS as a Configurable Alternative to Sass (by/via) | | 52 |
how-tos, postcss, sass, tooling |
Create Responsive Image Effects With CSS Gradients and “aspect-ratio” (by/via) | | 51 |
images, responsive-design, css, gradients, effects |
Automating the Accessibility Tests of Your Source Code With GitHub Actions (by) | | 50 |
accessibility, testing, automation, github-actions, github |
Context and Variables in the Hugo Static Site Generator (via) | | 49 |
hugo |
10 Tips to Make You a Productive GitLab User (by+/via) | | 48 |
gitlab, productivity, tips-and-tricks |
Managing CSS Colors Systems With a Single Source of Truth (via) | | 47 |
css, colors, maintainability, sass, twig |
Front-of-the-Front-End and Back-of-the-Front-End Web Development (by) | | 46 |
career, concepts |
Understanding Z-Index in CSS (by) | | 45 |
css |
Garbage Collection in JavaScript (by/via) | | 44 |
javascript, garbage-collection |
Running End-to-End Tests With Playwright on AWS Lambda (by) | | 43 |
testing, playwright, aws, serverless |
Learn Snowpack: A High-Performance Frontend Build Tool (by/via) | | 42 |
tooling, building |
How to Test the Accessibility of Your Components With Storybook (by) | | 41 |
how-tos, accessibility, components, storybook |
The Significance of Building Offline-First Apps (by) | | 40 |
offline, web-apps |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 120 (by/via) | | 39 |
release-notes, safari, apple, browsers |
The Never-Ending Job of Selling Design Systems (by/via) | | 38 |
design-systems |
Seven Myths About Alt Text (by) | | 37 |
accessibility, alt-text, myths |
Getting the Most Out of Git (by/via) | | 36 |
git, command-line |
10 Principles of the Best Landing Page Design (via) | | 35 |
principles, design, landing-pages |