Git Lesson: How to Use .gitignore and .gitkeep? (fly) | | 140 |
git, how-tos |
Guide to Fast Next.js (sei/tin) | | 139 |
guides, nextjs, performance, optimization, server-side-rendering, lazy-loading |
Difference Between “getElementByID” and “querySelector” (kir) | | 138 |
javascript, css, selectors |
Stop Trying to Recruit Unicorns With Acorns (cra) | | 137 |
accessibility, career |
Measuring Developer Productivity: Real-World Examples (ger+) | | 136 |
productivity, metrics, developer-experience, google, microsoft |
Are You Boring Your Interviewer by Over-Explaining Context? (kai/uxd) | | 135 |
career, interviewing, design |
The Golden Rule of Assertions (ket/epi) | | 134 |
javascript, testing |
14 Things to Check Before Deploying a Website (arj) | | 133 |
deploying, quality, processes |
React Libraries for 2024 (rwi) | | 132 |
react, libraries, link-lists |
Performance and Stay Questions in 1:1s (j9t) | | 131 |
engineering-management, leadership, career, processes |
Accessible Notifications With ARIA Live Regions (sar) | | 130 |
accessibility, notifications, aria, live-regions |
Web Standards: The Guidelines That Every Developer Should Know | | 129 |
standards, history, w3c, html, css, xml, wcag |
Optimizing SQL Queries by 23× (ris) | | 128 |
databases, sql, performance, optimization |
Accessible Notifications With ARIA Live Regions II (sar) | | 127 |
accessibility, notifications, aria, live-regions |
The Evolution of Page Speed (mat/deb) | | 126 |
videos, performance, metrics, optimization, history |
Moving on From React (kel) | | 125 |
migrating, react, stimulus |
Combining “:has” and “:only-child” to Change Tab Containers (cri) | | 124 |
css, selectors |
The Building Blocks of a Greenfield Vue Application in 2024 (fad) | | 123 |
vuejs, tooling, link-lists |
Design Is Not Really a Thing (sha/uxd) | | 122 |
design, user-experience |
I Hate CORS (t3d) | | 121 |
videos, cors, security |
Why Did Frontend Development Become So Complicated? | | 120 |
processes, complexity, career |
Hover Contrast Bookmarklet (joe) | | 119 |
bookmarklets, colors, contrast, focus, accessibility |
Disable Browser Caching With “meta” HTML Tags (cri) | | 118 |
html, metadata, caching |
Igalia Chats: Browser Politics and You (jaf+/iga) | | 117 |
podcasts, web-platform |
Using AI for Accessibility: Breaking Down Barriers in Content Creation?! (mor) | | 116 |
accessibility, ai, content |
Building a Clean and Scalable Frontend Architecture | | 115 |
architecture, scaling, simplicity, maintainability |
Kind of Annoyed at React (cas) | | 114 |
react |
Web Component Gotcha: “constructor” vs. “connectedCallback” (nol) | | 113 |
web-components, javascript, callbacks, comparisons |
Type in TypeScript | | 112 |
typescript, types |
Options for “optgroup” Labeling of “options” (ste) | | 111 |
accessibility, html, forms, browsers, screen-readers, support |
Static Site Generators: A Growing Trend in Frontend Development | | 110 |
site-generators, trends |
Power of WebRTC (cod) | | 109 |
webrtc, apis |
Avoid These 5 Mistakes as a Web Developer (why/js) | | 108 |
career, mistakes, learning |
How to Use “data-nosnippet” to Block Specific Content From Being Used in a Google Search Snippet (Experiment) (gle) | | 107 |
how-tos, seo, google, experiments |
Applying the SPACE Framework (rhe/abi) | | 106 |
productivity, metrics |
Eliminating Cookie Banners Is Hard (jef) | | 105 |
cookies, consent-management, legal |
JS Perf Wins and New Node.js Features With Yagiz Nizipli (yag+/syn) | | 104 |
podcasts, javascript, performance, nodejs, optimization |
How to Get Started With Progressive Web Apps (mch) | | 103 |
how-tos, web-apps, progressive-web-apps, comparisons |
Compatibility of Node.js Versions With Packages (asi) | | 102 |
nodejs, versioning, dependencies |
The Stack I Used to Build My Blog in 2024 (med) | | 101 |
tech-stacks, functionality |
What I Have Learned From Conducting Over 100 Website Migrations (ale/moz) | | 100 |
seo, migrating, testing |
console.delight (zac/fro) | | 99 |
javascript, console, browsers, dev-tools, debugging |
Chrome Alternative Browsers to Check Out in 2024 (hey/tim) | | 98 |
browsers, arc, chromium, firefox, mozilla |
If It’s Not Usable, It’s Not Accessible (slo/tpg) | | 97 |
interviews, accessibility, usability, history |
Using “abbr” Element With “title” Attribute (aar) | | 96 |
html, attributes, accessibility, browsers, assistive-tech, support |
Bringing Down the Digital Divide (ber/uxd) | | 95 |
accessibility, user-experience |
5 CSS Snippets Every Front-End Developer Should Know in 2024 (arg/dev) | | 94 |
css |
Node.js Mastery: Advanced Development and Performance Tips (luq/js) | | 93 |
nodejs, servers, express, performance, testing, memory |
Top Front-End Tools of 2023 (lou/sma) | | 92 |
tooling, link-lists, retrospectives |
Creating a Color Ramp Using Color Modifiers in Tokens Studio (kat/uxd) | | 91 |
design-systems, design-tokens, colors, figma |
High-Level System Architecture of | | 90 |
architecture, microservices, case-studies |
We Removed Advertising Cookies, Here’s What Happened (sen) | | 89 |
cookies, sem |
npm in Review: A 2023 Retrospective on Growth, Security, and Quirky Facts (bur/soc) | | 88 |
npm, retrospectives |
Node v20.11.0 (LTS) (kom/nod) | | 87 |
release-notes, nodejs |
The Best Web Framework Doesn’t Exist (mat/was) | | 86 |
frameworks |
Dynamic Accessible Descriptions Reference (dar) | | 85 |
accessibility, testing |
Using CSS Houdini to Extend Styling and Layout Capabilities (log) | | 84 |
css, houdini, apis, javascript |
Is htmx Just Another JavaScript Framework? (goo/htm) | | 83 |
htmx, frameworks |
Introducing fsx: A Modern Filesystem API for JavaScript (nza) | | 82 |
introductions, file-handling, apis, javascript |
Understanding WCAG SC 3.2.6 Consistent Help (Level A) (ska/dig) | | 81 |
accessibility, standards, wcag |
Designing Better Target Sizes (sha) | | 80 |
accessibility, design, best-practices |
Accounting for Internationalization With CSS and HTML (hea) | | 79 |
html, css, internationalization |
Streaming HTML Out of Order Without JavaScript (lam) | | 78 |
html, streaming |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 186 (jon/web) | | 77 |
release-notes, browsers, apple, safari |
Buttons and Links—Common Misconceptions (cli) | | 76 |
accessibility, html, semantics, buttons, links |
AI for Web Devs: Deploying Your AI App to Production (aus) | | 75 |
ai, deploying |
How We Built Project IDX: A High-Level Overview (pra+/goo) | | 74 |
overviews, google, code-editors |
The Change You Wish to See (a11) | | 73 |
accessibility |
An Alphabetized List of MIME Types (oph/sit) | | 72 |
mime-types |
A 2024 Wishlist for Node’s Test Runner (cji) | | 71 |
nodejs, testing |
Understanding Immutability in JavaScript (deb) | | 70 |
videos, javascript |
Definition of Done (DoD) Explanation and Example (dr/scr) | | 69 |
agile, scrum, processes, quality, examples |
A Global Design System (bra) | | 68 |
design-systems |
Why I Like Web Components | | 67 |
web-components, html |
How Google Perfected the Web (ver) | | 66 |
google, web, seo |
2024 Resolution: Be More Open-Source Centric (the/tai) | | 65 |
foss, tooling, link-lists |
Declaring Globals Isn’t That Hard (mat) | | 64 |
videos, javascript, typescript |
Taking a Closer Look at “@ property” in CSS (uti) | | 63 |
css |
Introduction to Data Engineering: A Complete Beginner’s Guide | | 62 |
guides, introductions, data-engineering |
Where Have All the Websites Gone? (fro) | | 61 |
web, trends |
CRUD and SQL—the Basics (gra) | | 60 |
fundamentals, databases, sql |
What’s New in PHP 8.4 (ami) | | 59 |
php |
Using Heaps of Cutting Edge CSS Features to Build a Progress Indicator (and) | | 58 |
css, scrolling, effects, progress-indicators |
SolidStart: A Different Breed of Meta-Framework (ati/sma) | | 57 |
frameworks, tooling |
Vue 3—Dynamic Components (js) | | 56 |
vuejs, components |
Let’s Make the IndieWeb Easier (jer) | | 55 |
indieweb, tooling |
htmx for React Developers in 10 Minutes (jhe) | | 54 |
videos, htmx, react |
Top Pens of 2023 on CodePen (cod) | | 53 |
codepen, code-pens, link-lists, retrospectives |
Embracing the Absurd in Your Design Practices (kar/uxd) | | 52 |
design, processes |
How I’m Writing CSS in 2024 (lee) | | 51 |
css, tooling, developer-experience |
My Web Development Wishlist 2024 (j9t) | | 50 |
community, user-experience, developer-experience, quality, conformance, wish-lists |
Becoming a Senior Frontend Engineer (tec) | | 49 |
career |
Notes on Using Logical Properties and Values (kiz) | | 48 |
css, logical-properties |
Nested Dark Mode via CSS Proximity (doc) | | 47 |
css, dark-mode |
Figma Is Not Forever (mic) | | 46 |
design, tooling, figma |
Weird Things Engineers Believe About Web Development (bri) | | 45 |
standards, web-apps, javascript, building, web-platform |
Your MVP Must Be Accessible (den/web) | | 44 |
accessibility |
Simplifying Deployment: Using GitHub Actions and SSH for Quick and Easy Updates | | 43 |
deploying, github-actions, github, ssh |
How to Use Template Literals in JavaScript (fre) | | 42 |
how-tos, javascript |
7 Front-End Web Development Trends for 2024 (nef/fro) | | 41 |
trends, outlooks, libraries, frameworks, ai |
When “Everything” Becomes Too Much: The npm Package Chaos of 2024 (fer/soc) | | 40 |
npm, foss |
The Bulma CSS Framework: What It Is and How to Get Started (hub) | | 39 |
introductions, bulma |
Mastering Promises: 8 Advanced Tips and Techniques (luq/js) | | 38 |
javascript, promises, asynchronicity, techniques, tips-and-tricks |
Under the Radar CSS Features for Your CSS Reset (kev) | | 37 |
videos, css, resetting |
A Lot of What People Use React for Would Be Better Handled With Vanilla JavaScript (cfe) | | 36 |
react, javascript, simplicity |
Do We Think of Git Commits as Diffs, Snapshots, and/or Histories? (b0r) | | 35 |
git, concepts, comparisons |
20+ Tools for Node.js Development in 2024 (sit) | | 34 |
nodejs, tooling, link-lists |
CSS in 2024, Am I Right? (jhe) | | 33 |
videos, css |
Software Quality (abi) | | 32 |
research, quality |
Notes on MathML (dav/w3c) | | 31 |
mathml |
My CSS Resets (kei) | | 30 |
css, resetting |
The Two Reacts (dan) | | 29 |
react, components, state-management |
Is CSS Alive? (css) | | 28 |
css |
Building Multiple Progressive Web Apps on the Same Domain (dre/dev) | | 27 |
videos, web-apps, progressive-web-apps, architecture, security |
16 Lesser Known Accessibility Issues (tow) | | 26 |
accessibility |
AI Vertigo: Where Do We Go From Here as Designers? (hir/uxd) | | 25 |
design, ai, career |
2024 Predictions by JavaScript Frontend Framework Maintainers (low/the) | | 24 |
outlooks, javascript, frameworks, angular, nextjs, react, solidjs |
European Union Set to Revise Cookie Law, Admits Cookie Banners Are Annoying (red/tec) | | 23 |
cookies, consent-management, legal |
The Website vs. Web App Dichotomy Doesn’t Exist (jak) | | 22 |
concepts, terminology, comparisons |
Getting Started With Vuetify: Building Beautiful Vue.js Apps | | 21 |
introductions, vuetify, vuejs |
The Popular Vote of Interop 2024 (chr/fro) | | 20 |
interoperability, web-platform |
Accessibility Options for Floating Action Buttons (dan) | | 19 |
accessibility, floats, buttons |
The AHA Stack (fla) | | 18 |
websites, tech-stacks, astro, htmx, alpinejs |
Design Better Pagination (coy) | | 17 |
design, navigation, pagination |
Stop Closing Void Elements (j9t) | | 16 |
html |
Tyler’s CSS Wish List for 2024 (tyl/clo) | | 15 |
css, wish-lists |
Oh Shit Banners (eri) | | 14 |
design, history |
The View Transitions API and Delightful UI Animations II (cod/sma) | | 13 |
css, animations, view-transitions, apis |
How to Make External Links Accessible (pop) | | 12 |
how-tos, links, accessibility |
Worker Threads: Multitasking in NodeJS | | 11 |
nodejs, worker-threads, multithreading, link-lists |
Agile Anti-Patterns That Can Harm UX (uxf) | | 10 |
agile, anti-patterns, user-experience, processes |
Are You Ignoring These 8 DevTools Features? (tpi) | | 9 |
videos, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools, auditing, debugging |
BCD Watch (mey+/iga) | | 8 |
websites, browsers, support, interoperability, web-platform |
Not All Automated Testing Tools Support Shadow DOM in Web Components (mat) | | 7 |
accessibility, testing, automation, tooling, shadow-dom, dom, web-components |
Stop Using Express.js (mat) | | 6 |
express |
Top 30 JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers for 2025 | | 5 |
javascript, interviewing |
7 Predictions for Web Design in 2024 (ben/web) | | 4 |
design, outlooks |
Mastering TypeScript: Looping With Types (ale) | | 3 |
typescript |
Understanding the Most Important HTTP Status Codes (di) | | 2 |
protocols, http |
The Best React Chart Libraries for Data Visualization in 2024 (sit) | | 1 |
react, libraries, visualization, comparisons, link-lists |