React Query API Design: Lessons Learned (tkd/bej) | | 228 |
videos, lessons, react, state-management, data-fetching |
Generate Growing Images Using Gemini API (tan/goo) | | 227 |
images, ai |
Unlock Exciting Use Cases With the Document Picture-in-Picture API (jad/dev) | | 226 |
html |
Building APIs With Next.js (lee/nex) | | 225 |
nextjs |
Using AI in the Browser for Typo Rewriting (ray) | | 224 |
chrome, google, browsers, ai, content |
The Popover API Is Now Baseline Newly Available (dev) | | 223 |
pop-overs, browsers, support, web-platform |
Integrations: From Simple Data Transfer to Modern Composable Architectures (edo/sma) | | 222 |
architecture, web-services, rest, graphql, webhooks, headless, content-management |
What Text Area Popovers Taught Me About Browser APIs (bla) | | 221 |
html, forms, javascript |
Simplify Lazy Loading With Intersection Observer’s “scrollMargin” (fro) | | 220 |
scrolling, javascript, lazy-loading, performance |
What Is the Shared Storage API? (dev) | | 219 |
videos, browser-storage, privacy |
APIs Are Quickly Becoming the Latest Security Battleground (and Nightmare) (the) | | 218 |
security |
Revealed: React’s Experimental Animations API (cit) | | 217 |
react, animations, transitions |
View Transitions Snippets: Getting All Animations Linked to a View Transition (bra/bra) | | 216 |
javascript, css, view-transitions |
Boost Website Speed With Prefetching and the Speculation Rules API (sch/mat) | | 215 |
performance, hints, speculation |
Broadcast Channel API (5t3) | | 214 |
javascript |
Important Topics for Frontend Developers to Master in 2025 (moi) | | 213 |
learning, javascript, typescript, css, frameworks, git, testing, performance, security, ci-cd, websockets |
Speculative Loading and the Speculation Rules API (qcn/per) | | 212 |
performance, speculation |
WebAssembly JavaScript Interface (ms2/w3c) | | 211 |
standards, webassembly, javascript |
HTTP (pro/htt) | | 210 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics, http, protocols, hints |
Privacy (vek+/htt) | | 209 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics, privacy |
Is Next.js 15 Any Good? “Use Cache” API First Look (jef/fir) | | 208 |
videos, nextjs |
View Transitions API: Single Page Apps Without a Framework (uma/deb) | | 207 |
view-transitions, single-page-apps, css |
The Prompt API (tom/dev) | | 206 |
chrome, google, browsers, ai |
Web Audio API 1.1 (pad+/w3c) | | 205 |
standards, multimedia |
How Bun Supports V8 APIs Without Using V8 II (bun) | | 204 |
bun, javascript, v8 |
Securing Your Express REST API With Passport.js (hus/rap) | | 203 |
nodejs, express, json-web-tokens, rest, security, tooling |
Deprecating Node.js REST APIs in 6 Frameworks (zup) | | 202 |
nodejs, rest, frameworks, maintenance, fastify, express, nestjs |
WebRTC: Real-Time Communication in Browsers (cfl+/w3c) | | 201 |
webrtc, standards |
The New Stylable “<select>” Element (jaf+) | | 200 |
podcasts, html, css, forms |
The Popover API: Your New Best Friend for Tooltips (sjr/dev) | | 199 |
pop-overs, tooltips, html, css, javascript |
How Bun Supports V8 APIs Without Using V8 (bun) | | 198 |
bun, javascript, v8, comparisons |
More npm Packages on Cloudflare Workers: Combining Polyfills and Native Code to Support Node.js APIs (jas+/clo) | | 197 |
cloudflare, nodejs, npm, dependencies |
How to Create a Weekly Google Analytics Report That Posts to Slack (pau/sma) | | 196 |
how-tos, google, analytics, slack, documentation, functionality |
Top 10 Web Updates From Google I/O ’24 (dev) | | 195 |
videos, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools |
Action Web Components Which Span the Server-Client Divide (jar) | | 194 |
web-components, html |
Using Postman for API Documentation: All You Need to Know (dum) | | 193 |
documentation, tooling |
Popover API 101 (ami) | | 192 |
introductions, pop-overs |
The User Location Is a Lie (aus) | | 191 |
geolocation, javascript |
A New Path for Privacy Sandbox on the Web (goo) | | 190 |
browsers, google, chrome, cookies, web-platform |
Misconceptions About View Transitions (bra/dev) | | 189 |
css, view-transitions |
Ten Years of Vue (With Evan You) (you+/dej) | | 188 |
podcasts, vuejs, history |
Forget “Show, Don’t Tell”—Engage, Don’t Show! (lea) | | 187 |
communication, advocacy, developer-relations |
Why and How You Should Rate-Limit Your API | | 186 |
“I Have Never Used a Library, Framework, or an API. I Don’t Know What to Do.” (why/js) | | 185 |
career, training, programming, libraries, frameworks |
Simplest View Transitions Multi Page Demo (No JavaScript) (mor) | | 184 |
css, view-transitions, examples |
Uniting Web and Native Apps With 4 Unknown JavaScript APIs (mon/sma) | | 183 |
web-apps, native, javascript |
Find Slow Interactions in the Field (mal/dev) | | 182 |
performance |
Full Stack Web Push API Guide (boa/boc) | | 181 |
guides, notifications, functionality |
WebAssembly JSPI Has a New API (bre+/v8j) | | 180 |
webassembly |
Flow Charts With CSS Anchor Positioning (cor) | | 179 |
css, anchor-positioning, examples |
Progressively Enhanced Popover Toggletips (mic/css) | | 178 |
html, pop-overs, progressive-enhancement |
Why, After 6 Years, I’m Over GraphQL (bes) | | 177 |
graphql |
From Fast Loading to Instant Loading (tun/dev) | | 176 |
videos, performance |
Built-In AI (kbx+/dev) | | 175 |
chrome, google, browsers, ai |
Anchor Positioning and the Popover API for a JS-Free Site Menu (mic/css) | | 174 |
css, pop-overs, anchor-positioning |
Using the Page Visibility API (bsm/mdn) | | 173 |
javascript |
Introducing the CSS Anchor Positioning API (una/dev) | | 172 |
introductions, css, anchor-positioning, examples |
Using the Popover API for HTML Tooltips (chr/fro) | | 171 |
pop-overs, html, tooltips |
Popover API Is Here (chr/fro) | | 170 |
pop-overs, html |
Popover API Lands in Baseline (una/dev) | | 169 |
pop-overs, browsers, support, web-platform |
Your Page Can’t Change Media Features (kil) | | 168 |
css, media-queries, user-experience |
What if You Had Real Control Over Light Mode / Dark Mode on a Per-Site Basis? (bra/bra) | | 167 |
dark-mode |
An Introduction to the Node.js Performance API (sta/bet) | | 166 |
introductions, nodejs, performance |
JavaScript Visualized—Event Loop, Web APIs, (Micro)task Queue (lyd) | | 165 |
videos, javascript, visualization, event-loop, events |
The View Transitions API (cas/fro) | | 164 |
view-transitions, astro |
Meet Angular’s New “output()” API (dev/ang) | | 163 |
angular |
So, What Exactly Did Apple Break in the EU? (tom) | | 162 |
browsers, apple, mobile, support, web-apps |
Reporting Core Web Vitals With the Performance API (geo/sma) | | 161 |
performance, web-vitals |
A Fun Line of Code (dbu) | | 160 |
javascript, multimedia |
Syntax Highlighting With No Spans?! (chr/fro) | | 159 |
css, syntax-highlighting |
Practice Safe DSD With “setHTMLUnsafe” (It’s Complicated) (jar/van) | | 158 |
html, dom, shadow-dom, security |
What Happened With the Web Monetization API? (chr) | | 157 |
monetization |
Power of WebRTC (cod) | | 156 |
webrtc |
Using CSS Houdini to Extend Styling and Layout Capabilities (log) | | 155 |
css, houdini, javascript |
Introducing fsx: A Modern Filesystem API for JavaScript (nza) | | 154 |
introductions, file-handling, javascript |
The View Transitions API and Delightful UI Animations II (cod/sma) | | 153 |
css, animations, view-transitions |
Measuring, Monitoring, and Optimizing TTFB With Server Timing (web/per) | | 152 |
performance, monitoring, optimization |
The View Transitions API and Delightful UI Animations (cod/sma) | | 151 |
css, animations, view-transitions |
FileReader API (cla/5t3) | | 150 |
javascript, file-handling |
Debugging Fetch Priority (jec+/dev) | | 149 |
videos, debugging, performance, web-vitals |
Sharing a State Between Windows Without a Server (not) | | 148 |
web-workers, state-management, effects, javascript |
Popover API (mrt/5t3) | | 147 |
pop-overs, css |
Fetch API, Do You Really Know How to Handle Errors? (di) | | 146 |
data-fetching, errors |
How to Use the File System in Node.js (cra/sit) | | 145 |
how-tos, file-handling, nodejs |
How to Use the Fetch API in Node.js, Deno, and Bun (cra/sit) | | 144 |
how-tos, data-fetching, nodejs, deno, bun, comparisons |
4 Alternatives to Postman to Consider After Their Latest Update (dar) | | 143 |
tooling, vs-code |
A Socket API That Works Across JavaScript Runtimes—Announcing a WinterCG Spec and Node.js Implementation of “connect()” (d0m+/clo) | | 142 |
javascript, runtimes |
View Transition Debugging (jaf) | | 141 |
videos, view-transitions, debugging |
What Is the View Transitions API and How to Use It With Meta Frameworks (moj/bej) | | 140 |
view-transitions, frameworks, support |
View Transitions Break Incremental Rendering (eee) | | 139 |
view-transitions, rendering |
The Virtual Keyboard API (sha) | | 138 |
Fetching Data From an HTTP API With Python (sil/sit) | | 137 |
data-fetching, python |
Mock JSON API Endpoints for Testing (ami) | | 136 |
json, testing |
An Introduction to the View Transitions API (cra/sit) | | 135 |
introductions, css, view-transitions |
Understanding Authorization Before Authentication: Enhancing Web API Security (gar/get) | | 134 |
authorization, authentication, security, comparisons |
Must Know JavaScript API—IndexedDB API (chr/js) | | 133 |
databases, indexeddb, javascript |
Advanced Form Control Styling With “selectmenu” and Anchoring API (uti/sma) | | 132 |
forms, css |
Announcing the Second Compute Pressure Origin Trial (ken/dev) | | 131 |
browsers, google, chrome |
Introducing the Popover API (una/dev) | | 130 |
introductions, html, pop-overs |
Future of CSS: Popover API (lin) | | 129 |
css, pop-overs |
Rearrange/Animate CSS Grid Layouts With the View Transition API (bra/bra) | | 128 |
css, grids, layout, view-transitions |
API Design Practice | | 127 |
documentation, link-lists |
The Popover API Is Exciting, Sort Of (mrt) | | 126 |
pop-overs |
HTML Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 (ste+/w3c) | | 125 |
html, accessibility |
Quick Tip: Pull Data From an API Into a Figma Layer (mrd/sit) | | 124 |
tips-and-tricks, figma, design |
Everything You Wanted to Know About Video Storage APIs (ima) | | 123 |
multimedia, storage |
Retro-Specifying Fetch/Performance (nom/wha) | | 122 |
standards, data-fetching |
What Are Webhooks and How Do They Work (ola/hyg) | | 121 |
webhooks |
View Transitions API: Creating Smooth Page Transitions (sta) | | 120 |
view-transitions |
SPA View Transitions Land in Chrome 111 (jaf/dev) | | 119 |
view-transitions, release-notes, browsers, google, chrome |
The User Activation API (mar/web) | | 118 |
javascript |
Pointer Events (5t3) | | 117 |
css, javascript, pointer-events |
View Transitions API (mrt/5t3) | | 116 |
css, view-transitions |
Sophisticated Web Scraping With Bright Data (cra/sit) | | 115 |
scraping, structured-data |
Adding Complementary Performance Data to Your Site (eth/mat) | | 114 |
performance |
Best APIs for Developers (daz/sit) | | 113 |
NestJS With API Gateway (age/goo) | | 112 |
nestjs |
A Guide to the Most Popular Types of APIs: REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and gRPC (pra) | | 111 |
guides, rest, graphql |
Writing and Organizing Node.js API Tests the Right Way | | 110 |
nodejs, testing |
Why Your Backend in Node.js Needs an API Layer and How to Build It (ant/sem) | | 109 |
nodejs, architecture |
Browsers, JSON, and “FormData” (jim) | | 108 |
browsers, json |
Delightful UI Animations With Shared Element Transitions API II (cod/sma) | | 107 |
javascript, animations, transitions |
Designing a Secure API (ope/vau) | | 106 |
software-design, security |
Delightful UI Animations With Shared Element Transitions API (cod/sma) | | 105 |
javascript, animations, transitions |
Element Timing: One True Metric to Rule Them All? (and/spe) | | 104 |
performance, metrics |
JavaScript APIs You Don’t Know About (mon/sma) | | 103 |
javascript |
Text Is the Universal Interface (tsz/sca) | | 102 |
An Overview of Node.js: Architecture, APIs, Event Loop, Concurrency (rau) | | 101 |
overviews, nodejs, architecture, event-loop, events, concurrency |
An Ideal REST API—Best Practices (ima) | | 100 |
rest, best-practices |
What Is a REST API? (cra/sit) | | 99 |
rest, javascript |
Advanced TypeScript Patterns: API Contracts | | 98 |
typescript |
The Console API (chu) | | 97 |
javascript, console |
Stream Videos With WebRTC API and React (cod/clo) | | 96 |
webrtc, react, multimedia |
How Did REST Come to Mean the Opposite of REST? (htm) | | 95 |
Working With the File System on Node.js (rau) | | 94 |
nodejs, file-handling |
Meet Web Push (bra/web) | | 93 |
browsers, support, standards |
Useful Built-In Node.js APIs (cra/sit) | | 92 |
nodejs |
How to Use the GitHub Pulls API to Manage Pull Requests (car/fus) | | 91 |
how-tos, github |
Fetch API Is [the] New Old Version of AJAX (di) | | 90 |
javascript, data-fetching, ajax |
How to Build Node.js REST API With MySQL | | 89 |
how-tos, nodejs, rest, databases, mysql |
WebGPU—All of the Cores, None of the Canvas (sur) | | 88 |
canvas, rendering |
How to Design Better APIs (rbl) | | 87 |
how-tos, software-design |
CSS Houdini Paint API (5t3) | | 86 |
css, houdini, javascript |
Intersection Observer (5t3) | | 85 |
javascript |
New Living Standards (dom/wha) | | 84 |
standards |
Introduction to Web Sockets (dev) | | 83 |
introductions, protocols, websockets |
Optimizing Resource Loading With the Fetch Priority API (lee+/dev) | | 82 |
performance, data-fetching, optimization |
Safe DOM Manipulation With the Sanitizer API (dev) | | 81 |
dom, sanitization |
Why Do Webdevs Keep Trying to Kill REST? (swy) | | 80 |
protocols, databases |
Flexible API Design: Create Hooks for Your PHP API Pipeline (mar/sit) | | 79 |
php, hooks |
Exploring the CSS Paint API: Blob Animation (css/css) | | 78 |
css, animations |
Bootstrapping a Node.js TypeScript API: Routing, Middleware, and Custom Types and Errors Modules (roi/itn) | | 77 |
nodejs, typescript, routing, errors, modules |
Exploring the CSS Paint API: Image Fragmentation Effect (css/css) | | 76 |
css, images, effects |
Architecting and Scaffolding a TypeScript and Express API (roi/itn) | | 75 |
typescript, express |
Web Audio API (pad+/w3c) | | 74 |
standards, multimedia |
Understanding Design Systems—Designing Component APIs (js) | | 73 |
design-systems, components |
Web Authentication: An API for Accessing Public Key Credentials Level 2 (jmh+/w3c) | | 72 |
webauthn, authentication, standards |
Now That’s What I Call Service Worker (mal/ali) | | 71 |
web-workers, javascript |
What Is the JavaScript Internationalization API (I18N)? (cra/sit) | | 70 |
javascript, internationalization |
WebRTC Adopted as Official Web Standard (kay/ipr) | | 69 |
webrtc, standards, w3c | (una/dev) | | 68 |
websites, css, houdini |
How to Automate API Testing With Postman (dom/sma) | | 67 |
how-tos, testing, automation, tooling |
Use Advanced Typography With Local Fonts (tom/dev) | | 66 |
typography, fonts |
Second-Guessing the Modern Web (tmc) | | 65 |
react, single-page-apps, server-side-rendering, data-fetching |
Getting Started With the React Hooks API (cod/sma) | | 64 |
introductions, react, hooks |
A Practical Overview of CSS Houdini (cod/sma) | | 63 |
overviews, css, houdini, polyfills |
How We Learned to Draw Text on HTML5 Canvas (mir) | | 62 |
html, canvas, svg, javascript |
Introduction to WebSockets: How to Create Responsive and Low-Latency Applications (hac) | | 61 |
introductions, how-tos, protocols, websockets |
An Introduction to React’s Context API (far/sma) | | 60 |
introductions, react |
Getting to Know the MutationObserver API (lou/sma) | | 59 |
dom, javascript |
Pointer Events [Level 2] (ric+/w3c) | | 58 |
pointer-events, standards |
The Web Just Took a Big Step Toward a Password-Free Future (jon/ver) | | 57 |
w3c, webauthn, authentication, standards |
Get Started With Node: An Introduction to APIs, HTTP, and ES6+ JavaScript (sma) | | 56 |
introductions, nodejs, http, javascript |
An Introduction to Web Bluetooth (htm/sma) | | 55 |
introductions, javascript |
Notes to Myself on Software Engineering | | 54 |
career, principles |
In Your Face, Passwords: Big Three Browsers All Adopt Authentication API (itn) | | 53 |
security, authentication, webauthn, edge, microsoft, chrome, google, firefox, mozilla, browsers |
Introduction to the Fetch API (lud/sit) | | 52 |
introductions, data-fetching, javascript |
FIDO and W3C Launch Password-Free Browser (pym) | | 51 |
fido, w3c, standards, webauthn, authentication |
ProgrammableWeb’s Most Interesting APIs in 2017: Payments, Banking, Blockchain, and Finance (pro) | | 50 |
economics, link-lists |
Ten Extras for Great API Documentation (ali) | | 49 |
documentation, developer-experience |
W3C: WebRTC 1.0 Is Now Feature Complete (chr/sdt) | | 48 |
w3c, webrtc, standards |
The Ten Essentials for Good API Documentation (ali) | | 47 |
fundamentals, documentation, developer-experience |
HTML APIs: What They Are and How to Design a Good One (lea/sma) | | 46 |
how-tos, html, javascript |
Is Houdini Ready Yet‽ (sur) | | 45 |
websites, overviews, css, houdini, support, browsers |
HTML5 Local Storage Revisited (lui/sit) | | 44 |
html, browser-storage |
Pointer Events (jac/w3c) | | 43 |
pointer-events, standards |
Introduction to the Resource Timing API (aur/sit) | | 42 |
introductions, performance, javascript |
WebRTC Specifications Advance (don+/sdt) | | 41 |
interviews, webrtc, standards |
An Introduction to the Web Notifications API (aur/sit) | | 40 |
introductions, notifications |
CSSOM Value API Proposal Dump (tab) | | 39 |
css, cssom |
Real World HTML5 Hybrid Apps (htm) | | 38 |
html, mobile, polyfills, canvas |
Persistent Data Storage API (kay/ipr) | | 37 |
browser-storage, w3c, standards |
Web Storage (hix/w3c) | | 36 |
browser-storage, standards |
The Design of Code: Organizing JavaScript (aco/ali) | | 35 |
javascript, architecture, maintainability, modules, jquery, plugins |
Extend the Web Forward (wyc) | | 34 |
web-platform, extensibility |
Hot in Web Standards: March/April 2013 (lea/net) | | 33 |
css, grids, layout, testing, lazy-loading, standards, w3c |
Netflix Coming to HTML5 Just as Soon as the DRM Ducks Are in a Row (ars) | | 32 |
html, drm, eme, content |
Environmental Design With the Device API (ali) | | 31 |
sustainability |
Using Web Storage (sib/sit) | | 30 |
browser-storage, javascript |
Hot in Web Standards: November/December 2012 (lea/net) | | 29 |
html, standards, w3c |
Web Performance: When Millisecond Resolution Just Isn’t Enough (mic) | | 28 |
performance, javascript, metrics |
Towards Interoperable Pointer Events: Evolving Input Events for Multiple Devices (mic) | | 27 |
pointer-events, internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers, w3c |
How the Web Should Work (bor) | | 26 |
web-platform, polyfills |
An Overview of the Web Storage API (cji/sit) | | 25 |
overviews, browser-storage, examples |
Getting Started in HTML5 (pct) | | 24 |
introductions, html, semantics, multimedia, forms |
Modernize Your HTML5 Canvas Game (dav/sit) | | 23 |
canvas, html, javascript, css, animations |
5 Things I Love About HTML5 (sit) | | 22 |
html, forms, multimedia, canvas, geolocation |
Capturing Audio and Video in HTML5 (ebi/dev) | | 21 |
multimedia, javascript, html |
WebGL Fundamentals (dev) | | 20 |
fundamentals, webgl |
Using the HTML5 Geolocation API (dan/sit) | | 19 |
html, geolocation |
Examples of Sites Where localStorage Should or Is Being Used (chr/css) | | 18 |
browser-storage, javascript, examples |
HTML5 Please (div+) | | 17 |
websites, html, css, javascript, polyfills, support, browsers, web-platform |
Web Notifications (ann) | | 16 |
notifications, standards |
5 Predictions for APIs in 2011 | | 15 |
outlooks, html, json, xml |
Google CDN Naming Conventions (and You) (chr/css) | | 14 |
google, content-delivery, naming, conventions |
Seven Reasons to Move to HTML5 (inf) | | 13 |
html, maintenance, forms, multimedia, browser-storage |
Local Storage and How to Use It on Websites (cod/sma) | | 12 |
how-tos, browser-storage, javascript |
HTML5 Peeks, Pokes, and Pointers (div) | | 11 |
html, overviews |
CSSOM: API for CSS Values (ann) | | 10 |
css, cssom |
Why HTML5 Isn’t Going to Save the Internet (giz) | | 9 |
html, flash, multimedia, browser-storage |
IETF Developers Call for Privacy Rules for the W3C’s Geodata API (hei) | | 8 |
w3c, standards, privacy |
Web Applications Working Group Launched (mar/cms) | | 7 |
w3c, web-apps |
More AJAX Standard Updates From the W3C (joh/cms) | | 6 |
w3c, ajax, javascript |
Web API Glossary of Terms (eva) | | 5 |
terminology |
Who GETs REST? (hfu/sit) | | 4 |
http, programming |
How Microsoft Lost the API War (spo) | | 3 |
microsoft, history |
Web Monetization Link Element Generator (wic) | | 2 |
tools, exploration, code-generation, monetization, html, metadata |
OpenAPI Definition Generator | | 1 |
tools, exploration, code-generation, json, yaml |