Why Teams Are Ditching DynamoDB (car+/the) | | 45 |
dynamodb, databases |
What Is Cloud Computing? (sit) | | 44 |
cloud-computing, concepts, gcp |
AWS S3 Deep Dive | | 43 |
deep-dives, storage |
I Reduced AWS Bills by 80% Just by Optimizing Node.js Code | | 42 |
economics, nodejs, optimization |
Node.js 22 Runtime Now Available in AWS Lambda (jul/aws) | | 41 |
nodejs, serverless |
AWS Lambda Turns Ten—Looking Back and Looking Ahead (jef/aws) | | 40 |
anniversaries, serverless, history, outlooks |
I Followed the Official AWS Amplify Guide and Was Charged $1,100 | | 39 |
The Real Cost of Meetings: What FAANG Companies Do Differently (tre) | | 38 |
collaboration, processes, efficiency, facebook+meta, google, apple |
Notes on Setting Up a Static Website With AWS (Route 53, S3, ACM) (j9t) | | 37 |
How to Deploy Node.js to AWS Lambda With OpenTofu and GitHub Actions | | 36 |
how-tos, deploying, nodejs, serverless, github-actions, github, tooling, link-lists |
DevOps Project—the Ultimate CI/CD Corporate DevOps Pipeline Project | | 35 |
dev-ops, ci-cd, docker, jenkins |
Just Use Postgres | | 34 |
databases, postgresql, sql, dynamodb, mongodb, mysql, comparisons |
The Sneaky Costs of Scaling Serverless (zac) | | 33 |
serverless, economics, vercel, comparisons |
Benchmarking AWS Lambda Cold Starts Across JavaScript Runtimes (igo+/den) | | 32 |
deno, serverless, javascript, runtimes, performance, comparisons |
Deploy AWS Lambda Functions With Serverless Framework and Node.js (moa) | | 31 |
deploying, serverless, functions, nodejs |
How to Set Up Serverless Framework to Deploy AWS Lambda, Queues, and DynamoDB With Node.js (moa) | | 30 |
how-tos, serverless, deploying, nodejs |
Cloud Computing Platforms (mch) | | 29 |
cloud-computing, microsoft, google, gcp |
How to Deploy Your Own Website on AWS (rol) | | 28 |
how-tos, deploying |
Technical Guide: End-to-End CI/CD DevOps With Jenkins, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, SonarQube, ArgoCD, AWS EC2, EKS, and GitHub Actions (Django Deployment) (joe/dev) | | 27 |
guides, ci-cd, deploying, jenkins, docker, kubernetes, github-actions, django |
The Faster Lambda Runtime—Node.js or LLRT? We Benchmarked (shi) | | 26 |
javascript, runtimes, nodejs, comparisons, metrics |
Introduction to AWS—DynamoDB | | 25 |
introductions, dynamodb, databases |
Deploy and Test AWS Step Functions With Node.js (app) | | 24 |
nodejs, functions, deploying, testing |
Running a Playwright Script on AWS Lambda (mat) | | 23 |
playwright, automation, serverless |
A Practical Guide to Deploying a Complex, Production-Level, Three-Tier Architecture on AWS | | 22 |
guides, deploying, complexity, architecture |
Why CloudFront Invalidation Is Required After Every New Deployment and How to Implement It? (viv) | | 21 |
how-tos, cloudfront, caching |
Stream File Uploads to S3 Object Storage and Save Money (aus) | | 20 |
streaming, storage, economics |
AWS CloudFront Tutorial: Setup and Configuration (mat/sit) | | 19 |
tutorials, cloudfront, content-delivery, configuration |
Deploy Node.js to AWS: Build an Automated CI/CD Pipeline (ris) | | 18 |
nodejs, ci-cd, automation |
URL Redirection on AWS Using JSON Rules (ang) | | 17 |
urls, redirecting, json |
How to Build Event-Driven Architecture on AWS? (san/has) | | 16 |
how-tos, architecture, events |
Optimizing Node.js Dependencies in AWS Lambda (jbe/aws) | | 15 |
nodejs, dependencies, serverless, optimization |
Debugging Node Serverless Functions on AWS Lambda (dus) | | 14 |
nodejs, debugging, functions, serverless |
An Introduction to AWS CloudFront Functions (ayi/hon) | | 13 |
introductions, cloudfront, functions, content-delivery |
How to Set Up an AWS S3 Static SSL Website (goo/adb) | | 12 |
how-tos, ssl |
Running End-to-End Tests With Playwright on AWS Lambda (lha) | | 11 |
testing, playwright, serverless |
Create a Cron Job on AWS Lambda (cla/sit) | | 10 |
cron, serverless |
AWS vs. Azure vs. Google: Cloud Services Comparison (mbu/var) | | 9 |
cloud-computing, comparisons, microsoft, google, gcp |
Automatic CloudFront Invalidation for S3 Origins (rew) | | 8 |
cloudfront, caching, automation |
Amazon DynamoDB Deep Dive: Advanced Design Patterns for DynamoDB (hou/aws) | | 7 |
videos, dynamodb, databases, software-design-patterns, deep-dives |
Sending Emails Asynchronously Through AWS SES (los/sma) | | 6 |
email |
AWS Security Guide: 7 Best Practices to Avoid Security Risks (wom) | | 5 |
guides, security, best-practices |
AWS Cloud Databases Go Serverless and Multi-Master (bel/ven) | | 4 |
cloud-computing, databases, serverless, dynamodb |
Serving Custom Headers From Static Sites on CloudFront/S3 With Lambda@Edge (ywx) | | 3 |
serverless, cloudfront, http, http-headers, edge-computing |
Amazon DynamoDB: Store PHP Sessions With a Load Balancer (vta/sit) | | 2 |
dynamodb, databases, php, load-balancing |
Why Cloud Computing Is the Future of Mobile | | 1 |
mobile, cloud-computing, google |