Google Fixes IE6 With Chrome Frame (cra/sit) | | 164 |
google, chrome-frame, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Introducing Google Chrome Frame (sli+/dev) | | 163 |
introductions, google, chrome-frame, microsoft, internet-explorer, plugins |
WebKit: The Dominant Smartphone Platform (gri/clo) | | 162 |
browser-engines, webkit, mobile |
Microsoft to Support IE6 Until 2014 (cra/sit) | | 161 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Will Microsoft Implement HTML5 in Internet Explorer? (cra/sit) | | 160 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, html, support |
In Defense of IE6 (phi) | | 159 |
internet-explorer, microsoft |
Why IE9 Will Support SVG (fyr) | | 158 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, svg, images, support |
App Stores Are Not the Future, Says Google (chr/ft) | | 157 |
google, mobile, web-platform |
A Standard Compliant Web Browser and Editor: Amaya (gha) | | 156 |
code-editors, w3c |
What Is a Web Browser? No One Knows! (cra/sit) | | 155 |
Opera Releases Opera 9 Web Browser (mac) | | 154 |
opera |
Opera Turbo (mno) | | 153 |
opera |
5 Reasons Why Browser Sniffing Stinks (cra/sit) | | 152 |
anti-patterns, feature-detection |
Analyzing Form Element and CSS Support in Web Browsers (tel) | | 151 |
forms, css, support |
Opera Turns 15, Claims Title of World’s Oldest Web Browser (har/tec) | | 150 |
opera |
IE8: Web Storage (ann) | | 149 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, storage |
Browser CSS Hacks (pau) | | 148 |
css, hacks, microsoft, internet-explorer, opera, apple, safari, mozilla, firefox |
10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able to Do Once IE6 Is Dead (sib/sit) | | 147 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, css |
Support for IE6: It’s All About Accessibility (ate/sit) | | 146 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, accessibility, conditional-comments |
Microsoft to Release IE8 Today (cra/sit) | | 145 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Opera Chief: Microsoft’s IE 8 “Undermines” Web Standards (gav/the) | | 144 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, standards, web-platform | (tel) | | 143 |
forms, screenshots |
Microsoft to Drop Internet Explorer? No Chance! (cra/sit) | | 142 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
10 Fixes That Solve IE6 Problems (cra/sit) | | 141 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, doctype-switching, hacks |
A First Look at Safari 4 (cra/sit) | | 140 |
apple, safari |
When Good Browsers Go Bad—and They All Do (com) | | 139 |
standards, conformance, support, internet-explorer, microsoft |
Web Standards on the Edge (com) | | 138 |
standards, w3c, css, html, support |
The Slow Lingering Death of IE6 (cra/sit) | | 137 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
IE8: Standards Mode Opt-In Is Back From the Dead (cra/sit) | | 136 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Browser Support: The Two Metrics That Count (j9t) | | 135 |
support, metrics |
When Can I Use… (fyr) | | 134 |
caniuse, web-platform, html, css, support |
Two More Ways to Do Cross Browser Testing (cat/sit) | | 133 |
testing, tooling |
Browsers Face Innovator’s Dilemma (rmi/com) | | 132 |
standards, web-platform |
Five HTML Oddities That You May Not Know (tec) | | 131 |
html, conformance |
How to Use Conditional Comments for Better CSS (sit) | | 130 |
html, css, conditional-comments, microsoft, internet-explorer |
The Problem With CSS Is… (sen/sit) | | 129 |
css, support |
IE8: The Bad (Update) (ann) | | 128 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, javascript, html, aria |
IE 8 and Vendor Prefixes | | 127 |
vendor-extensions, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Google Working on Browser: What About Mozilla? (cat/sit) | | 126 |
google, mozilla, webkit |
Google Chrome (lac) | | 125 |
google, chrome |
Google on Google Chrome—Comic Book (sco/blo) | | 124 |
books, google, chrome |
Is It Time to Ditch IE6? (cat/sit) | | 123 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
To Be Clear (on Conditional Comments and Resets) (j9t) | | 122 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, conditional-comments, maintainability, css, resetting |
The Two CSS Selector Bugs in IE6 (pau) | | 121 |
css, selectors, microsoft, internet-explorer |
IE8 “XDomainRequest” Conspiracy Theory (mar) | | 120 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Firefox 3 CSS and HTML Support Information Available | | 119 |
mozilla, firefox, support, html, css |
Confronting the Future of Web Standards | | 118 |
standards, web-2.0, web |
Next IE8 Beta Due in August (gha/bit) | | 117 |
internet-explorer, microsoft |
Internet Explorer 8 Could Break Web Pages, Microsoft Warns | | 116 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, interoperability |
Two Hidden Features New in Firefox 3 (sen/sit) | | 115 |
mozilla, firefox |
The Browser Bunch (joe/mac) | | 114 |
unix-like, comparisons, safari, apple, camino, firefox, mozilla, opera |
Hats Off to Opera (tka) | | 113 |
opera, acid, web-platform |
Making “IE6-Friendly” PNG8 Images (ale/sit) | | 112 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, png, images |
Firefox 3 Offers Numerous Features for Developers | | 111 |
firefox, mozilla |
IE8 Beta 1 First Impressions (fyr) | | 110 |
internet-explorer, microsoft |
Microsoft Debuts IE 8, Aims for CSS Interoperability | | 109 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, css, interoperability |
The Acid 3 Test (hya/web) | | 108 |
web-platform, acid, support, safari, apple |
Internet Explorer 8 Promises Better Standards Compliance… and a Whole Lot More (est/cio) | | 107 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, standards, security |
The Acid3 Test (wa) | | 106 |
websites, web-platform, acid, support |
Version Targeting: Threat or Menace? (zel/ali) | | 105 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, versioning, doctype-switching |
Acid3 Nearing Completion (obi/wa) | | 104 |
web-platform, acid, support |
Version Targeting and JavaScript Libraries (dre) | | 103 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, versioning, javascript, libraries |
Perspective: Acid2, Acid3, and the Power of Default (wiu/cne) | | 102 |
web-platform, acid, support, internet-explorer, microsoft |
Mistakes, Sadness, Regret (hix) | | 101 |
html, doctype-switching, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Sad Day for Web Standards (fyr) | | 100 |
internet-explorer, microsoft |
Beyond DOCTYPE: Web Standards, Forward Compatibility, and IE8 (aar/ali) | | 99 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, doctype-switching, progressive-enhancement, html, standards, interoperability |
Versioning, Compatibility, and Standards (oth/web) | | 98 |
standards, versioning, interoperability, webkit |
IE’s Questionable Version Targeting (tka) | | 97 |
internet-explorer, microsoft |
The Internet Explorer Lock-In (ann) | | 96 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Cross-Browser Custom CSS Cursors | | 95 |
css, cursors, support |
Do Websites Need to Look Exactly the Same in Every Browser? (sim) | | 94 |
websites, design |
IE and Standards: Chris Wilson Talks (cdu+/sit) | | 93 |
interviews, microsoft, internet-explorer, standards |
Internet Explorer Doesn’t Just Suck, It Also Blows! (sib/sit) | | 92 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, javascript |
How to Size Text in CSS (ric/ali) | | 91 |
how-tos, css, resizing, typography, apple, safari |
PNG Transparency for Internet Explorer (IE6 and Beyond) (tel) | | 90 |
images, png, transparency, microsoft, internet-explorer, css, hacks |
User Agent Style Sheets: Basics and Samples (j9t) | | 89 |
css, examples, fundamentals |
The Unforking of KDE’s KHTML and WebKit (tro/ars) | | 88 |
browser-engines, webkit, konqueror, safari, apple |
Taking Conditional Comments Too Far (jch) | | 87 |
conditional-comments, microsoft, internet-explorer, maintainability |
Conflicting Absolute Positions (ali) | | 86 |
html, css, layout, microsoft, internet-explorer |
How Does Internet Explorer 7 Work With Cascading Style Sheets | | 85 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, css, support |
W3C Gives Browsing a Voice (pcp) | | 84 |
w3c, voice |
Internet Explorer 7—the State of Play (sen/sit) | | 83 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, conditional-comments |
Why “Conditional Comments” Are Bad, Repeat: Bad (j9t) | | 82 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, conditional-comments, maintainability |
Internet Explorer Filter or Hack Using Character Escapes (j9t) | | 81 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, hacks |
Internet Explorer 7 Is Officially Released | | 80 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Tag Soup: “innerHTML” Interoperability (or Lack Thereof) (hix) | | 79 |
html, interoperability |
Mozilla’s Layout Engine (dba/moz) | | 78 |
slides, mozilla, gecko, browser-engines |
Opera 9 CSS Support Information Available | | 77 |
opera, css, support |
JavaScript Loop Test (mod) | | 76 |
javascript, performance, metrics |
A Guide to CSS Support in Email (dav/cam) | | 75 |
guides, email, css, support |
IE7: Details (dav) | | 74 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Web Browsers Comply With Section 508 (joa) | | 73 |
accessibility, assistive-tech, vpat-acr, section-508, compliance |
Camino Browser Goes 1.0 (mac) | | 72 |
camino |
Cross Browser Compatibility (web) | | 71 |
interoperability, internet-explorer, microsoft, netscape, firefox, mozilla, opera |
“<a ping>” | | 70 |
firefox, mozilla, html, privacy |
Firebug (joe) | | 69 |
websites, firefox, mozilla, dev-tools |
Firefox Fans Promised Version 1.5 Tonight (iai) | | 68 |
firefox, mozilla |
Firefox Takes the Good With the Bad | | 67 |
firefox, mozilla |
IE7 Conditional Comments (dav) | | 66 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, conditional-comments |
What Won’t Be Fixed in IE7 (sen/sit) | | 65 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Ten Steps to a More User Friendly Website (web) | | 64 |
flash, performance, images, compression, link-rot, html, conformance, support, navigation, readability, quality |
Passing the Acid2 Test | | 63 |
web-platform, acid, support, safari, apple, konqueror |
IE7 to Fail Standards Test (zdn) | | 62 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, standards, web-platform, acid |
On Having Layout (ing) | | 61 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, hacks |
Websites Alienate Firefox Users (bbc) | | 60 |
firefox, mozilla |
Opera Software Ships Version 8 of Its Browser (vul/the) | | 59 |
opera |
IE7 Wishlist (ann) | | 58 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, wish-lists |
Problems the New IE Could Cause (ann) | | 57 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, hacks, doctype-switching |
IE7 (dav) | | 56 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Introduction to Browser-Specific CSS Hacks (tre/sit) | | 55 |
introductions, css, hacks |
Don’t Be Fooled! Keep Internet Explorer at All Cost! (plo) | | 54 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, firefox, mozilla |
State of the WHAT (hix) | | 53 |
whatwg, web-forms, forms, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Safari CSS Effects (dav) | | 52 |
apple, safari, css, effects |
IE vs. Image Replacement (dav) | | 51 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, image-replacement, techniques |
Manipulate the User Agent for Accurate Site Stats (sit) | | 50 |
analytics |
Which Browsers to Support? (sim/sit) | | 49 |
support, progressive-enhancement |
IE × 3! (dav) | | 48 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, testing |
W3C Complains About Browser Patent | | 47 |
w3c, legal, licensing, internet-explorer, microsoft, web |
Keep CSS Easy (ann) | | 46 |
css, hacks, microsoft, internet-explorer |
“max-width” in Internet Explorer (sve) | | 45 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, css |
Oh Just Die Already (dav) | | 44 |
netscape |
Inclusive Web Design for the Future (sch/hes) | | 43 |
slides, history, graceful-degradation, standards, design, strategies, comparisons |
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (w3c) | | 42 |
guidelines, accessibility, tooling, assistive-tech, standards |
Tag Soup: How UAs Handle “<x> <y> </x> </y>” (hix) | | 41 |
html, parsing |
Web Authors Pledge Allegiance to IE (zdn) | | 40 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, netscape, mozilla, opera |
Waiting for the DOM | | 39 |
javascript, dom, css, support, interoperability |
Why Don’t You Code for Netscape? (zel/ali) | | 38 |
netscape |
MSN, Opera, and Web Standards (wiu/ali) | | 37 |
microsoft, opera, standards |
A Cross-Browser DHTML Table (ibm) | | 36 |
tables, dhtml, javascript, netscape, internet-explorer, microsoft |
CSS Design: Size Matters (tod/ali) | | 35 |
css, typography, netscape, microsoft, internet-explorer, support |
Privacy Experts Rip IE Cookie Cutter (zdn) | | 34 |
privacy, p3p, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Browser Alternatives | | 33 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, netscape |
Looking Beyond Netscape and Internet Explorer (nic/sit) | | 32 |
link-lists |
To Hell With Bad Browsers (zel/ali) | | 31 |
standards, support |
Browser Wars, Part Two (eco) | | 30 |
browser-wars |
Open Source of Woe (zdn) | | 29 |
netscape, foss |
Applause for IE’s Cookie Catcher (wir) | | 28 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, cookies |
Walking Backwards: Supporting Non-Western Languages on the Web (ali) | | 27 |
netscape, support, internationalization |
Netscape Navigator 6.0: Better? (tnl) | | 26 |
netscape |
Why IE5/Mac Matters (zel/ali) | | 25 |
microsoft, internet-explorer, apple, unix-like |
Why Gecko Matters: What Netscape’s Upcoming Browser Will Mean to the Web (zel/ali) | | 24 |
netscape, mozilla, gecko, browser-engines |
Netscape Bites Bullet (zel/ali) | | 23 |
netscape |
Stuck With Old Browsers Until 2003 (nng) | | 22 |
netscape, support |
Fear of Style Sheets (zel/ali) | | 21 |
css, support, interoperability, progressive-enhancement |
32 Ways to Build a Better Web (zdn) | | 20 |
html, dhtml, css, microsoft, internet-explorer, netscape |
[Dan’s Web Tips] Introduction | | 19 |
html, accessibility, history, link-lists |
Internet Explorer 4.0—Will Microsoft Squash Its Rivals? | | 18 |
microsoft, internet-explorer |
Line Mode Browser Commands (tim+/w3c) | | 17 |
line-mode |
Should Netscape Control the Web | | 16 |
netscape, web |
Netscape Living Internet Years (nic/cne) | | 15 |
netscape |
Features Added [to Line Mode Browser 1.3a] (tim+) | | 14 |
release-notes, line-mode |
Browser Fingerprint Checker | | 13 |
tools, exploration, security |
Google Chrome Origin Trial Token Decoder (sw1) | | 12 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging, google, chrome |
Viewport Size Determiner (nin) | | 11 |
tools, exploration, testing, viewport |
Viewport Emulator | | 10 |
tools, exploration, testing, viewport |
User Agent Detector (Martin Hassman) (has) | | 9 |
tools, exploration, testing |
User Agent Detector (Google) (goo) | | 8 |
tools, exploration, testing |
Screenshot Generator (url) | | 7 |
tools, exploration, testing, screenshots |
Screenshot Generator for Windows and Android (bro) | | 6 |
tools, exploration, testing, screenshots, microsoft, windows |
Progressive Web App Feature Detector (tom) | | 5 |
tools, exploration, testing, web-apps, progressive-web-apps |
Internet Explorer Viewer | | 4 |
tools, exploration, testing, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Browser Performance Testers | | 3 |
tools, exploration, testing, performance |
Breakpoint Viewer (din) | | 2 |
tools, exploration, testing, responsive-design, accessibility |
Android and iOS Emulators (app) | | 1 |
tools, exploration, testing |