What’s Involved in Getting a “Modern” Terminal Setup? (by) | | 26 |
shell, command-line, customization |
Essential tsconfig.json Options You Should Use (by) | | 25 |
typescript |
Configuring SSH Keys for Multiple GitHub Accounts (by) | | 24 |
github, ssh, authentication |
Blockin’ Bots (by) | | 23 |
scraping, ai, apache |
Popular Git Config Options (by) | | 22 |
git |
Biome—Unified Linting and Formatting Solution (by) | | 21 |
biome |
Using ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, and Phind to Generate Tailwind Config for Width Classes (by) | | 20 |
ai, github, tailwind |
One Thing Nobody Explained to You About TypeScript (by) | | 19 |
typescript |
Node.js’s Config Hell Problem (by/via) | | 18 |
nodejs, maintainability, productivity, developer-experience |
How to Configure Path Aliases in Frontend Projects in the Native Way | | 17 |
how-tos, aliases, javascript |
Configuring ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript Together (by) | | 16 |
eslint, prettier, linting, formatting, tooling, typescript |
Understanding Apache Web Server Configuration (by) | | 15 |
servers, apache |
AWS CloudFront Tutorial: Setup and Configuration (by/via) | | 14 |
tutorials, aws, cloudfront, content-delivery |
Organizing the Eleventy Config File (by) | | 13 |
eleventy |
Faster WordPress Rendering With 3 Lines of Configuration (by) | | 12 |
wordpress, performance, css, http |
Apache Configuration Basics (via) | | 11 |
fundamentals, servers, apache |
Tuning Your Apache Server (via) | | 10 |
apache, servers, optimization |
Some .zshrc Tricks (by) | | 9 |
shell, command-line, aliases, tooling, tips-and-tricks |
Quick Tip: Configuring nginx and SSL With Node.js (by/via) | | 8 |
servers, nginx, ssl, nodejs, tips-and-tricks |
An HTML Optimizer’s Config for html-minifier (by) | | 7 |
html, html-minifier, minification, optimization, performance, minimalism |
HTML Optimization: A Standard Config for HTMLMinifier (by/via) | | 6 |
html, optimization, tooling |
How to Configure Lighthouse for Balanced Quality Websites (by) | | 5 |
how-tos, performance, google, lighthouse, quality |
Sass Theming With Configuration Files (by/via) | | 4 |
sass |
.htaccess for All (via) | | 3 |
servers, apache |
Configure Web Logs in Apache (by/via) | | 2 |
servers, apache, logging |
Is Configuration With Arrays a Bad Smell? (by/via) | | 1 |
arrays, php |