When an Engineering Manager Marries a Product Manager: Planning, Roadmaps, and Bug Fixes (dar/cod) | | 52 |
product-management, career, collaboration, processes |
Don’t Put Your Team in a Bubble (reb/scr) | | 51 |
agile, scrum, product-management |
The Bad Apple Effect: How Negativity Can Sabotage Teams’ Performance (uka/scr) | | 50 |
collaboration, culture |
What Makes a Great Engineering Manager? (tre) | | 49 |
career |
1 + 2 Engineering Team Priorities (j9t) | | 48 |
leadership, culture, prioritization |
Results = ƒ(Competence × Time) (j9t) | | 47 |
project-management, hiring |
Real Ways to Maintain Your Technical Edge as an Engineering Manager (iki) | | 46 |
career |
Software Engineer Titles Have (Almost) Lost All Their Meaning (tre) | | 45 |
career, culture |
Cloudflare Study: 39% of Companies Losing Control of Their IT and Security Environment (tre) | | 44 |
studies, research, security |
Untrained Engineering Managers (j9t) | | 43 |
culture, career, training |
Conway’s Law: The Hidden Force Shaping Your Software Architecture (tre) | | 42 |
principles, architecture |
Hire HTML and CSS People (fon) | | 41 |
html, css, hiring |
On Ticket Management (j9t) | | 40 |
processes, project-management, efficiency |
Company Culture Happens Outside Management (tre) | | 39 |
culture |
Unrealistic Deadlines in Software Engineering (tre) | | 38 |
project-management, prioritization, quality |
Shifting From Delivery Mode to Product Management: Shifting the Focus of Your Sprint Review (mag/scr) | | 37 |
agile, scrum, processes, product-management |
How to Decide if Engineering Management Is for You (emm/fro) | | 36 |
how-tos, career |
Death by Experience (j9t) | | 35 |
leadership, career, culture |
Understanding Organizational Capacity: Why It Matters in OKR Practice (cwo) | | 34 |
economics, leadership, processes, okr |
Stop Moving Fast and Breaking Everything (ich/uxd) | | 33 |
product-management, leadership, processes |
Evidence-Based Management Guide, 2024—What’s New? (pmo/scr) | | 32 |
release-notes, guides, agile, processes, metrics |
Humans Do It Better: GitClear Analyzes 153M Lines of Code, Finds Risks of AI (arc) | | 31 |
ai, quality, craft, metrics |
How (In)Efficient Are Engineering Organizations? (abi) | | 30 |
efficiency, processes |
Team Productivity Metrics for Engineering Managers (get) | | 29 |
productivity, metrics |
Onboarding (tim/mfo) | | 28 |
processes, onboarding, productivity |
Balancing Engineering Cultures: Debate Everything vs. Just Tell Me What to Build (fis) | | 27 |
culture, processes, comparisons |
Performance and Stay Questions in 1:1s (j9t) | | 26 |
leadership, career, processes |
Engineering Progression for Humans (sop) | | 25 |
career |
Effective Engineering Teams (add) | | 24 |
collaboration, career |
Embracing Efficiency: Shorter Work Hours for Software Developers (and Everyone Else) (biz) | | 23 |
productivity, efficiency, culture |
Building a Core Accessibility Team: The Keys to the Kingdom (hei/deq) | | 22 |
accessibility, processes |
Stakeholder Management for Design Systems (luk/uxd) | | 21 |
design-systems, processes |
The 10 Commitments of an Agile Leader (scr) | | 20 |
agile, processes, collaboration, leadership |
S.P.A.C.E. Framework—the Ultimate Framework for Measuring Your Tech Team Productivity (pio) | | 19 |
productivity, metrics, culture, communication, collaboration, efficiency |
Why an Engineering Manager Should Not Review Code (mul/btt) | | 18 |
code-reviews |
Measuring an Engineering Organization (let) | | 17 |
leadership, metrics |
Making the Wrong Choice on Build vs. Buy (isa/inc) | | 16 |
economics, processes, complexity, comparisons |
Thoughts on an Accessibility “Get Well” Plan (j9t) | | 15 |
accessibility, processes, leadership |
The Book on Accessibility (cha) | | 14 |
books, accessibility, leadership |
How to Get a Dysfunctional Team Back on Track (lia/ali) | | 13 |
how-tos, culture, collaboration |
Professional Agile Leadership (PAL) Reminders and Resources (j9t) | | 12 |
agile, leadership, learning, link-lists |
Is There a Future Beyond Writing Great Code? (sma) | | 11 |
career |
Behaviours That Transform Organisations (bla) | | 10 |
culture, communication, collaboration, leadership |
From Maker to Manager: How to Take the Leap (mar/buf) | | 9 |
how-tos, career |
On Enforcing Coding Guidelines (j9t) | | 8 |
conventions, processes |
Conducting the Technical Interview (aut/ali) | | 7 |
hiring, interviewing |
An Engineering Manager’s Guide to Rebranding (sit) | | 6 |
guides, processes, redesigning, branding, marketing, releasing |
The Imbalance of Culture Fit (ele/ali) | | 5 |
culture, collaboration, communication |
Initiation to Code (ich/ali) | | 4 |
learning, career, leadership |
Why Managers Make Terrible Scrum Masters (mda/sit) | | 3 |
agile, scrum, processes, collaboration |
People Skills for Web Workers (luc/ali) | | 2 |
collaboration |
Lessons Learned From Leading New Web Professionals (jer/sma) | | 1 |
lessons, leadership |