Native HTML Light and Dark Color Scheme Switching (by/via) | | 40 |
dark-mode, html, css, javascript |
Adding Interactive Charts in Astro | | 39 |
astro, visualization |
Implementing Astro Search Functionality | | 38 |
astro, search |
How to Build an Image Search Application With OpenAI CLIP and PostgreSQL in JavaScript (by/via) | | 37 |
how-tos, images, search, ai, postgresql, databases, javascript |
Creating Blogging Sites With Astro | | 36 |
blogging, astro |
Build a Static RSS Reader to Fight Your Inner FOMO (by/via) | | 35 |
rss, syndication, astro, netlify |
No Authentication Like Button (by) | | 34 |
buttons, authentication |
Create a Toggle Switch in React as a Reusable Component (by+/via) | | 33 |
react, components, toggles, sass |
How to Create a Weekly Google Analytics Report That Posts to Slack (by/via) | | 32 |
how-tos, google, analytics, apis, documentation |
How to Easily Add Dark Mode to Your Website (by) | | 31 |
how-tos, dark-mode, html, css, javascript |
Implementing SAML SSO in Node.js With Microsoft Entra ID (by) | | 30 |
authentication, nodejs, microsoft |
Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and Personal Websites (by) | | 29 |
blogging |
Full Stack Web Push API Guide (by/via) | | 28 |
guides, apis, notifications |
Building a GitHub Activity Feed With Node.js and Socket.IO (by/via) | | 27 |
nodejs, github |
Learn OAuth 2.0 by Building Your Own OAuth Client (by/via) | | 26 |
authorization, oauth |
How to Create a Website and a PDF From the Same Codebase (by/via) | | 25 |
how-tos, code-generation, pdf |
Quick Tip: Creating a Date Picker in React (via) | | 24 |
tips-and-tricks, react |
How to Create a Sidebar Navigation With Astro, Tailwind CSS, and Alpine.js (by/via) | | 23 |
how-tos, navigation, astro, tailwind, alpinejs |
A Day in the Life of a Developer—Building a Dashboard App With SQL, Node.js, Django, and Next.js (by) | | 22 |
databases, sql, nodejs, django, nextjs |
Create a Currency Converter With HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript (by/via) | | 21 |
html, css, javascript |
The Stack I Used to Build My Blog in 2024 (by) | | 20 |
tech-stacks |
Web Chat Accessibility Considerations (by) | | 19 |
accessibility, wcag, aria |
Personal-Scale Web Scraping for Fun and Profit | | 18 |
scraping, javascript, optimization |
Adding Search to an Eleventy Site Without Client-Side JavaScript (by) | | 17 |
eleventy, serverless, search |
Rebuilding a Comment Component With Modern CSS (by) | | 16 |
components, css |
How WebAssembly Is Accelerating New Web Functionality (by/via) | | 15 |
webassembly |
Making Calendars With Accessibility and Internationalization in Mind (by/via) | | 14 |
accessibility, internationalization |
Building an Accessible Theme Picker With HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (by) | | 13 |
accessibility, html, css, javascript, theming |
How to Create a Search Page for a Static Website With Vanilla JS (by) | | 12 |
how-tos, search, html, javascript |
Custom Markdown Components in 11ty (by) | | 11 |
eleventy, markdown |
Various Ways to Include Comments on Your Static Site (by) | | 10 |
So, You Want to Build an “@ mention” Autocomplete Feature? (by/via) | | 9 |
Add a Contact Form to a React App With Netlify Forms (by/via) | | 8 |
react, netlify, forms |
In-Page Filtered Search With Vanilla JavaScript (by/via) | | 7 |
javascript, search |
Using Hotwire to Build a Search Form With Minimal JavaScript (by) | | 6 |
hotwire, forms, search |
Creating a Similar Post Component With Eleventy (by) | | 5 |
eleventy |
MEAN Stack: Build an App With Angular and the Angular CLI (by/via) | | 4 |
angularjs, nodejs, express, mongodb, databases |
How to Develop a Chat Bot With Node.js (by/via) | | 3 |
how-tos, nodejs, javascript |
How to Create a Helpful and Better 404 Page (via) | | 2 |
how-tos, error-pages, user-experience, search |
Building Your Own URL Shortener (via) | | 1 |
php, mysql, databases, urls |