Frontend Dogma

“history” Archive

  1. Regexes Got Good: The History and Future of Regular Expressions in JavaScript (by/via) · · ,
  2. UX Is Dead. Long Live UX. (by/via) · · ,
  3. Browsers, Cookies, and Surfing the Web: The Quirky History of Internet Lingo (via) · · ,
  4. How Google Handles JavaScript Throughout the Indexing Process (by+/via) · · , , , ,
  5. A Plea for the Lost Practice of Information Architecture (by/via) · · ,
  6. Ten Years of Vue (With Evan You) (by+/via) · · , ,
  7. Mythbusting DOM: Was DOM Invented Alongside HTML? (by) · · , ,
  8. The True Story—as Best I Can Remember—of the Origin of Mosaic and Netscape (by) · · , , ,
  9. 10 Years of Vue: The Past and the Future (by/via) · · , ,
  10. Witnessing the Death of the Web as a News Medium (by) · · , , ,
  11. The Long Path of JavaScript—from ES6 Until Today · · ,
  12. Did We Fail to Develop the Next Generation of Designers? (via) · · , ,
  13. The Carcinization of Web Frameworks (by/via) · · , , , ,
  14. At Some Point, JavaScript Got Good (by) · ·
  15. Design Deja Vu (by) · · , , ,
  16. The Slow Death of CSS Vendor Prefixes (by) · · ,
  17. A Love Letter to Gen Z From Gen Y: Understanding React’s Evolution (by) · ·
  18. History of JS Interop in Dart (via) · · , ,
  19. History of Web Accessibility (by/via) · · ,
  20. Relicensing and Rug Pulls (by) · · ,
  21. Node.js: The Documentary (by+/via) · · ,
  22. I’m So Old: Web Edition (by) · ·
  23. The “10× Engineer”: 50 Years Ago and Now (by) · · , ,
  24. Marking the Web’s 35th Birthday: An Open Letter (by/via) · ·
  25. The 88×31 Archive · · ,
  26. The Wax and the Wane of the Web (by/via) · ·
  27. Filling Gaps With a Polyfill (by) · · , , ,
  28. How I Developed the 10 Usability Heuristics · · ,
  29. The Evolution of Page Speed (by/via) · · , , ,
  30. If It’s Not Usable, It’s Not Accessible (by/via) · · , ,
  31. Oh Shit Banners (by) · ·
  32. The Ghosts of Markup Past (by/via) · · ,
  33. Using Date-Based CSS to Make Old Web Pages Look Old (by) · ·
  34. The Last 5 Years of V8’s Garbage Collector (by) · · , , , ,
  35. The Hellish History of HTML: An Incomplete and Personal Account (by/via) · ·
  36. Of Time and the Web (by/via) · · , ,
  37. Weird HTML Hacks (by) · · , , ,
  38. How Independent Publishing Has Changed From the 1990s Until Today (by) · · ,
  39. NCSA Mosaic: How the First Mainstream Web Browser Changed the World Forever · · ,
  40. Igalia Chats: Web History Part VI (by+/via) · · , ,
  41. What Happened to Separation of Concerns in Frontend Development (by) · · , , ,
  42. Whatever Happened to the Zend Framework (by) · · ,
  43. The Saga of the Closure Compiler, and Why TypeScript Won (by) · · , ,
  44. TypeScript Origins: The Documentary (via) · · ,
  45. We are Chrome for Developers (via) · · , , , , ,
  46. Bun Hype: How We Learned Nothing From Yarn (by) · · , ,
  47. Securing Your Node.js Apps by Analyzing Real-World Command Injection Examples (by) · · , ,
  48. CSS Lobotomized Owl Selector: A Modern Guide (by/via) · · , ,
  49. Hover Triangles (by) · ·
  50. Changes Over the Last 25 Years of UX Research (by/via) · · ,
  51. Nostalgia in UX Design (by) · · ,
  52. Encoding: A Brief History and Its Role in Cybersecurity (by/via) · · , ,
  53. Getting Started—Understanding the History of Web Accessibility (by/via) · · , ,
  54. Are We There Yet? (by) · · ,
  55. 90s Websites—Key Characteristics and Examples (via) · · , , , ,
  56. The Unlikely Story of UTF-8: The Text Encoding of the Web (by) · ·
  57. Internet Explorer: The 1st Browser to Support CSS (by+/via) · · , , , , ,
  58. A History of Metaphors for the Internet (by/via) · · ,
  59. How Far Back in Time Can I Take My Website’s Design · · , , ,
  60. 30th Anniversary of Licensing the Web for General Use and at No Cost (by/via) · · , , ,
  61. A History of the World Wide Web From 1989 to the Present Day (via) · ·
  62. JSON vs. XML With Douglas Crockford (by+/via) · · , , , ,
  63. XUL Layout Is Gone (by) · · , , ,
  64. That Time When SVG Almost Got Network Support for Raw Sockets · · ,
  65. All JavaScript and TypeScript Features From the Last 3 Years (via) · · ,
  66. React.js: The Documentary (via) · · ,
  67. A Historical Reference of React Criticism (by) · ·
  68. ICANN and the 7 Keys to the Internet (by+/via) · · , , ,
  69. The BBC’s 15 Web Principles—15 Years Later (by) · · ,
  70. The Evolution of Scalable CSS (via) · · , ,
  71. CSS Timeline (by) · · ,
  72. A Brief and Probably Only Partially Correct History of CSS Nesting (by) · · ,
  73. Evolution of Manuals: UX Inspiration From History (via) · · ,
  74. Websites: Past and Present (by/via) · · ,
  75. IE: RIP or BRB? (by/via) · · , , ,
  76. The History of JavaScript (by) · ·
  77. Ancient Web Browsers · · ,
  78. The Hidden History of Screen Readers (by/via) · · , , ,
  79. Body Margin 8px (by) · ·
  80. Farewell to HTML5Rocks (by/via) · · ,
  81. Why Do We Call It Breadcrumbs? Diving Into the History of UI Components (via) · · ,
  82. A Brief History of Responsive Web Design (via) · ·
  83. The “Form” Element Created the Modern Web—Was It a Big Mistake? (by/via) · · , ,
  84. The Evolution of WCAG: A Postcard From the Front Lines (by/via) · · , ,
  85. Four Eras of JavaScript Frameworks (by) · · ,
  86. Fonts for the Web: Rationale, 1996 (by/via) · ·
  87. Giving Web Standards a Seat at the Table (by) · ·
  88. 1993: Mosaic Launches and the Web Is Set Free (by/via) · · ,
  89. 20 Years of (by/via) ·
  90. 1992: The Web vs. Gopher, and the First External Browsers (by/via) ·
  91. Browser Wars (by/via) · · ,
  92. 1999: The Fall of Netscape and the Rise of Mozilla (by/via) · · , ,
  93. 1995: MySQL Arrives, Completing the LAMP Stack (by/via) · · , ,
  94. 1995: Apache and Microsoft IIS Shake Up the Web Server Market (by/via) · · , , ,
  95. 30 Years on From Introducing the Web to the World (by/via) · ·
  96. Where Did This Interaction Come From?—A Brief History of Interaction Design (by/via) · ·
  97. timefind (by) · · ,
  98. Blogged Answers: The Evolution of Redux Testing Approaches (by) · · , ,
  99. History of Web Browser Engines From 1990 Until Today · · ,
  100. 25 Years of CSS (by) · ·
  101. A General Introduction to Cloud Computing (by/via) · · , ,
  102. What Apple, Google, and Amazon’s Websites Looked Like in 1999 (by/via) · ·
  103. Remembrance of Tags Past (by/via) · · , , , , ,
  104. The Need for Speed, 23 Years Later (by/via) · · ,
  105. Website Archiver (Internet Archive) (via) · ,
  106. Website Archiver ( · ,
  107. IP History Checker (via) · , , , ,
  108. The History of JavaScript: A Journey From Netscape to Frameworks and Libraries (by/via) · · , , ,
  109. Web 101 for Dummies · · ,
  110. The Evolution of Web Documents (by+) · · ,
  111. [Dan’s Web Tips] Introduction · · , , ,
  112. WWW: Beyond the Basics (via) · · , , , , ,
  113. Internet in Africa · ·
  114. Some Background on SGML for the World-Wide Web (by/via) · · ,