W3C Releases Simplified HTML5 Spec for Web Developers (sof) | | 399 |
w3c, standards |
How Browsers Work (pau/dev) | | 398 |
browsers, browser-engines, webkit, gecko, rendering, parsing, painting, css, javascript, link-lists |
More Logo Markup Tips (css) | | 397 |
branding, images, logos, tips-and-tricks |
Special Entities of HTML (jas/sit) | | 396 |
character-references |
Improving on HTML (hix) | | 395 |
xforms, xhtml, rdf |
Validation: Measuring and Tracking Code Quality (j9t/goo) | | 394 |
css, conformance, quality, metrics |
HTML5 Please (div+) | | 393 |
websites, css, javascript, apis, polyfills, support, browsers, web-platform |
Why the Web Needs HTML5 (smh) | | 392 |
web-platform, history |
The HTML Email Boilerplate (cra/sit) | | 391 |
email, templates |
Making Forms Fabulous With HTML5 (jan/dev) | | 390 |
forms, semantics, overviews |
Rendering HTML5 in Older Browsers With Google Chrome Frame (cra/dev) | | 389 |
google, chrome-frame, browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, plugins |
The Story of the HTML5 Shiv (pau) | | 388 |
history, polyfills |
HTML5: The Upcoming Technology for the Web | | 387 |
web |
HTML5, CSS3, and DOM Performance (pau/goo) | | 386 |
videos, css, dom, performance |
WHATWG, W3C, and HTML (ann) | | 385 |
whatwg, w3c, standards |
HTML, “@ width,” and “@ height” (j9t) | | 384 |
images, multimedia, maintainability |
HTML5 Completion Date Announced (cra/sit) | | 383 |
HTML5 Kicked Into 2014 (gav/the) | | 382 |
standards, w3c |
HTML5 Not Finalized Until 2014 | | 381 |
standards |
Marking Up Relationships (ann) | | 380 |
metadata, microformats |
HTML5 Gets Glitzy New Logo, Bids Adieu to Flash (cms) | | 379 |
flash |
W3C Apologizes for HTML5 Brand Confusion (gav/the) | | 378 |
w3c |
The HTML5 Logo: What Do You Think? (lou/sma) | | 377 |
The Truth Behind HTML5′s New Logo Fiasco | | 376 |
HTML5 Logo Unveiled by World Wide Web Consortium (cat/huf) | | 375 |
w3c |
HTML5 as a Buzzword (tka) | | 374 |
HTML5. Feels. Good. OpenWeb (kar) | | 373 |
web, community |
HTML5 Now Has an Official Logo, Looks Oddly Reminiscent of Superman’s Leotard | | 372 |
Don’t Forget About HTML5’s “Little Guys” (lou/sit) | | 371 |
semantics |
HTML5 Gets an Official Logo From W3C (hey/tim) | | 370 |
w3c |
A Simpler Page (cra/ali) | | 369 |
design, typography, readability, css, simplicity |
The Real HTML5 Boilerplate (css) | | 368 |
templates, html5-boilerplate |
5 Predictions for APIs in 2011 | | 367 |
outlooks, apis, json, xml |
Why Do We Need MicroXML? (ann) | | 366 |
xml |
Using CSS Without HTML (mat) | | 365 |
css, http |
Why We Should Start Using CSS3 and HTML5 Today (vit/sma) | | 364 |
css |
Evolution of Script Loading (sou) | | 363 |
javascript, asynchronicity, performance |
But It Doesn’t Validate (jef/env) | | 362 |
css, conformance, vendor-extensions |
Is HTML5 Dirty? (sit) | | 361 |
formatting |
Seven Reasons to Move to HTML5 (inf) | | 360 |
maintenance, forms, multimedia, storage, apis |
W3C Adds More HTML5 Standards Tests (htm) | | 359 |
w3c, standards, browsers |
W3C Publishes “Extremely Silly” HTML5 Test Results Suggesting Win for Internet Explorer 9 (dan/app) | | 358 |
w3c, support, browsers, internet-explorer, microsoft |
How to Build a Mobile Website (jon/sma) | | 357 |
how-tos, mobile, css |
IE9 Tops Chrome, Firefox in HTML5 Compatibility (jbr/net) | | 356 |
support, browsers, internet-explorer, microsoft, interoperability |
Is HTML5 Ready for Prime Time? (zdn) | | 355 |
The W3C and the “HTML5 Isn’t Ready” Backlash (cra/sit) | | 354 |
w3c, browsers, interoperability, support |
W3C: Hold Off on Deploying HTML5 in Websites (pjk/inf) | | 353 |
w3c |
Web Developers Accountable for HTML 5 Security (zdn) | | 352 |
security |
HTML5: The Facts and the Myths (bru/sma) | | 351 |
myths |
The “spacer” Element Is Gone (hsi) | | 350 |
interoperability |
HTML5 Raises New Security Issues (joa/pcw) | | 349 |
browsers, security |
HTML5 Peeks, Pokes, and Pointers (div) | | 348 |
apis, overviews |
HTML5 Boilerplate (pau+) | | 347 |
websites, templates, html5-boilerplate |
Announcing: HTML5 Boilerplate (pau) | | 346 |
templates, html5-boilerplate |
5 Reasons Why You Can Use HTML5 Today (cra/sit) | | 345 |
Canvas Is Coming to IE9 (cra/sit) | | 344 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, canvas |
Google to Use HTML5 in Gmail (joa/com) | | 343 |
google |
Frontend SPOF (sou) | | 342 |
performance, javascript, css, fonts |
Are You Ready for HTML 5? | | 341 |
semantics, simplicity, multimedia, canvas, forms |
A Minimal HTML Document (HTML5 Edition) (sen/sit) | | 340 |
minimalism, templates |
“Wow, Mona Lisa With Pure CSS!” (lea) | | 339 |
css, craft |
HTML5 and Flash: Why It’s Not a War, and Why Flash Won’t Die (luk/sma) | | 338 |
flash |
A Brief History of Markup (ada/ali) | | 337 |
history, xhtml, xml |
Microdata Tutorial (tab) | | 336 |
tutorials |
HTML5 Quake to Shake Up Flash (ale/sit) | | 335 |
canvas, websockets, webgl, flash, case-studies |
The Tragic Comedy That Is Rich Text Editing on the Web (ate/sit) | | 334 |
Experimenting With HTML Minifier (kan) | | 333 |
html-minifier, minification, optimization, experiments |
Some Questions About the “Blocking” of HTML5 (sim) | | 332 |
The Future of Web Content—HTML5, Flash, and Mobile Apps (jer/tec) | | 331 |
content, outlooks, mobile, flash |
Why HTML5 Isn’t Going to Save the Internet (giz) | | 330 |
flash, multimedia, storage, apis |
Adobe Defends Flash, Again (tho) | | 329 |
adobe, flash |
HTML5 Editors Draft Hits W3C, Flash Doesn't Break a Sweat (Yet) | | 328 |
standards |
The Dark Side of HTML 5 Video (sit) | | 327 |
multimedia, licensing |
IE6 and the Abbreviation Tag (the) | | 326 |
internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers, support |
Is HTML 5 the Flash Killer? It’s Sure Got the Potential! (htm) | | 325 |
flash |
Optimizing HTML (kan) | | 324 |
optimization, quality |
Developers Defecting From App Store to HTML5 (zdn) | | 323 |
mobile, apple |
Styling HTML Lists With CSS: Techniques and Resources (lou/sma) | | 322 |
lists, css, techniques, link-lists |
On HTML Extensibility (ann) | | 321 |
extensibility |
Tantek Çelik on Microformats and the Webz (tan+) | | 320 |
videos, interviews, microformats |
HTML/CSS Frameworks: Useful, Universal, Usable, Unobtrusive (j9t) | | 319 |
frameworks, css, principles |
W3C Validation: It’s Not Just About Rankings (tec) | | 318 |
w3c, conformance, css, tooling, seo |
W3C to Meet With Developers on HTML 5 (sdt) | | 317 |
w3c, standards, internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers |
The 3 Ground Rules for Writing HTML (j9t) | | 316 |
guidelines |
HTML, CSS, and Web Development Practices: Past, Present, and Future (j9t) | | 315 |
css, best-practices, retrospectives, outlooks |
“HTML 5” or “HTML5”? (j9t) | | 314 |
terminology |
Get Ready for HTML 5 (jde/ali) | | 313 |
HTML 5 Starts Looking Real (rch/dr) | | 312 |
standards, web-platform |
Don’t Misuse “rel” as a Custom Attribute (cra/sit) | | 311 |
attributes, metadata |
Apple Gets Higher Profile in HTML Standardization (sts/cne) | | 310 |
standards, w3c, apple |
Bruce Lawson—What Devs Want From HTML5 (bru+) | | 309 |
videos, interviews, community |
Will Microsoft Implement HTML5 in Internet Explorer? (cra/sit) | | 308 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, support |
HTML 4 Considered Harmful (sib/sit) | | 307 |
Google, HTML5, and Standards (ale/sit) | | 306 |
google, standards |
Is HTML5 Ready? (rem) | | 305 |
websites |
Dive Into HTML 5 (div) | | 304 |
websites, books |
HTML5 and the Future of the Web (sma) | | 303 |
web-platform, web-apps, outlooks |
Microformats, Key Flaws (j9t) | | 302 |
microformats |
An Epitaph for the Web Standard, XHTML 2 (sts/cne) | | 301 |
xhtml, standards, whatwg, w3c |
HTML5’s Flash and Silverlight “Killer” Potential Chopped (gav/the) | | 300 |
multimedia, flash, silverlight, licensing |
Current Events: The Official End to XHTML (jch) | | 299 |
xhtml, w3c |
XHTML 2 Language Dumped in Favor of HTML 5 (inf) | | 298 |
xhtml, w3c, standards |
Reducing the File Size of HTML Documents (j9t/goo) | | 297 |
performance, optimization |
The Real “Why XHTML” Discussion (mho) | | 296 |
xhtml, xml, parsing |
14 Free Tools to Validate Your HTML, CSS, and RSS Feeds (sea/sit) | | 295 |
conformance, css, rss, tooling, link-lists |
HTML 5: Now or Never? (sen/sit) | | 294 |
Value Class Pattern (tan/mic) | | 293 |
microformats, semantics |
A Big Day for Microformats (tka) | | 292 |
microformats, semantics |
Taking Advantage of What Tables Have to Offer (jch) | | 291 |
tables, css |
Tables vs. CSS? Really? (sea) | | 290 |
css, tables, layout |
Table Layouts vs. Div Layouts: From Hell to… Hell? (gei/sma) | | 289 |
layout, tables, semantics, comparisons |
CSS: Style the Non-Obvious (j9t) | | 288 |
css, simplicity |
HTML 5 Supersedes Web Forms 2.0 (dee/cms) | | 287 |
web-forms, forms |
The 5 Most Under-Used HTML Tags (cra/sit) | | 286 |
semantics |
Web Standards on the Edge (com) | | 285 |
standards, w3c, css, support, browsers |
Improve SEO With Google’s New Canonical Element (cra/sit) | | 284 |
seo, google, metadata |
Accessible Websites Could Become a Reality (dec) | | 283 |
accessibility |
Styling the “html” and “body” Elements (ate/sit) | | 282 |
css |
Another CSS vs. Tables Debate | | 281 |
tables, css, layout |
Tables vs. CSS: CSS Trolls Begone | | 280 |
css, tables, layout, comparisons |
The Two Great Things About Validation (and Conformance) (j9t) | | 279 |
conformance, css, quality, craft |
Valid Sites Work Better (?) (oli/w3c) | | 278 |
css, conformance |
Learn HTML and CSS: An Absolute Beginner’s Guide (llo/sit) | | 277 |
guides, css |
Shrinking HTML5 (ann) | | 276 |
standards |
Semantics in HTML 5 (joh/ali) | | 275 |
semantics |
When Can I Use… (fyr) | | 274 |
web-platform, css, support, browsers |
HTML vs. XHTML: Why HTML Wins (j9t) | | 273 |
xhtml, comparisons |
Hixie on Editing HTML5 (hix+) | | 272 |
videos, interviews, processes |
W3C Markup Validation Service Adds Experimental HTML5 Support (sit) | | 271 |
w3c, tooling, conformance |
Five HTML Oddities That You May Not Know (tec) | | 270 |
browsers, conformance |
How to Use Conditional Comments for Better CSS (sit) | | 269 |
css, conditional-comments, browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
12 Principles for Clean HTML Code (chr/sma) | | 268 |
principles, encoding, formatting, naming, css, conformance |
Conditional Stylesheets vs. CSS Hacks? Answer: Neither! (pau) | | 267 |
conditional-comments, hacks, css |
IE8: The Bad (Update) (ann) | | 266 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, javascript, aria |
The Most Important Thing Is to Get the HTML Right (j9t) | | 265 |
HTML 5: Features You Want Desperately but Still Can’t Use (hix/goo) | | 264 |
videos |
A Minimal HTML Document (sen/sit) | | 263 |
templates, minimalism |
Is HTML5 Ready Yet? | | 262 |
websites |
Rowspans and Colspans in CSS Tables (sen/sit) | | 261 |
tables, css, presentational-css, layout |
A Designer’s Guide to HTML Email (ale/sit) | | 260 |
guides, design, email |
The Performance Cost of the HTML Tree Builder (hsi) | | 259 |
performance, parsing, metrics |
Undermining the Industry (tka) | | 258 |
css, javascript, craft, career |
Best Practices for ID and Class Names (j9t) | | 257 |
best-practices, css, naming, maintainability |
A Few Words on HTML/CSS Frameworks (j9t) | | 256 |
frameworks, css |
Setting the Start Number for an Ordered List (tel) | | 255 |
lists |
HTML or XHTML: Does It Really Matter? (sib/sit) | | 254 |
xhtml, comparisons |
4 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your HTML Markup (sen/sit) | | 253 |
headings, internationalization, encoding |
Image Replacement and Backgrounds (sea) | | 252 |
css, image-replacement, techniques, backgrounds |
When Validation Becomes Unimportant (j9t) | | 251 |
css, conformance, optimization, craft |
Firefox 3 CSS and HTML Support Information Available | | 250 |
browsers, mozilla, firefox, support, css |
Optional Tags in HTML 4 (j9t) | | 249 |
Libraries and Frameworks (tka) | | 248 |
frameworks, libraries, css, javascript |
Conforming “target” Attribute (lac) | | 247 |
attributes, pop-ups, conformance |
The World’s Best HTML Template (j9t) | | 246 |
templates |
A Preview of HTML 5 (lac/ali) | | 245 |
semantics, overviews |
Markup and Style Society Talk (bok) | | 244 |
slides, css, craft |
Getting Started With ARIA (tka) | | 243 |
introductions, aria, accessibility |
World Wide Web Consortium Releases Draft of HTML 5 (abr/cne) | | 242 |
w3c |
Mistakes, Sadness, Regret (hix) | | 241 |
doctype-switching, browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
Beyond DOCTYPE: Web Standards, Forward Compatibility, and IE8 (aar/ali) | | 240 |
browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer, doctype-switching, progressive-enhancement, standards, interoperability |
January 22 Publication Date [Was: Transition and Publication Requests Initiated for HTML5 FPWD] (w3c) | | 239 |
discussions, w3c |
Google Can’t Code (joe) | | 238 |
google, conformance, quality |
At What Point Do Semantics Not Apply? (jch) | | 237 |
css, semantics |
Accessible JavaScripting From the Ground Up (htm) | | 236 |
accessibility, javascript, graceful-degradation |
Microformats: More Meaning From Your Markup (bri/sit) | | 235 |
microformats, semantics |
HTML 5: We Don’t Need No XHTML | | 234 |
xhtml |
Conflicting Absolute Positions (ali) | | 233 |
css, layout, browsers, microsoft, internet-explorer |
HTML Elements Index (j9t) | | 232 |
overviews |
WCAG, HTML, and CSS: Maybe the Standards Need a Break (j9t) | | 231 |
wcag, css, standards |
Re: 55 Reasons to Design in XHTML/CSS | | 230 |
xhtml, css, design |
An HTML5 Conformance Checker (hsi) | | 229 |
studies, conformance, parsing, history |
The “<b>” and “<i>” Elements (lac) | | 228 |
semantics |
HTML: The Top 5 Forgotten Elements (mat/sit) | | 227 |
semantics |
Proposal to Adopt HTML5 (oth) | | 226 |
discussions, w3c, standards |
HTML or XHTML? Fact From Fiction (htm) | | 225 |
xhtml, standards, comparisons, myths |
Microformats: Empowering Your Markup for Web 2.0 (joh) | | 224 |
books, microformats, web-2.0 |
Apple Joins the W3C HTML Working Group (ars) | | 223 |
w3c, apple |
W3C Begins HTML Refresh Effort (itp) | | 222 |
w3c, standards |
“Valid CSS” and Similar Claims Are Unprofessional (j9t) | | 221 |
css, wcag, conformance, professionalism |
How You Can Join the W3C HTML5 Working Group in Six Easy Steps (hix) | | 220 |
w3c |
W3C Relaunches HTML Activity (w3c) | | 219 |
w3c |
W3C Plans HTML Upgrade (inf) | | 218 |
w3c, standards |
W3C Restarts HTML Effort (hix/wha) | | 217 |
w3c |
Flash Embedding Cage Match (bsl/ali) | | 216 |
flash, embed-code |
Animated GIF Not Animating? (pau) | | 215 |
images, gif, javascript |
The Definitive Guide to Web Character Encoding (sit) | | 214 |
guides, unicode, encoding |
The Simplest, Most Effective SEO Move You Can Make (pea) | | 213 |
seo, wordpress |
Standards, Semantics, Accessibility, and HTML Email (jch) | | 212 |
standards, semantics, accessibility, email |
HTML vs. XHTML (wha) | | 211 |
xhtml, comparisons |
HTML’s Uncertain Future (sen/sit) | | 210 |
xhtml, w3c |
Fixing HTML (lac) | | 209 |
w3c, whatwg |
How Not to Fix HTML (joe) | | 208 |
w3c |
W3C Markup Validator, Link Checker Updated | | 207 |
w3c, xhtml, conformance, links, link-rot, user-experience, tooling |
Reinventing HTML (tim/dig) | | 206 |
web-forms, xhtml, xforms, forms, w3c, community |
Bulletproof HTML: 37 Steps to Perfect Markup (sit) | | 205 |
xhtml, conformance, encoding, unicode, character-references, semantics |
Long Live the Q Tag (ali) | | 204 |
semantics |
Tag Soup: “innerHTML” Interoperability (or Lack Thereof) (hix) | | 203 |
interoperability, browsers |
List of HTML/CSS Services (jus) | | 202 |
css, link-lists |
The Web Accessibility Myth in the UK | | 201 |
accessibility, wcag, compliance, css, conformance, myths |
If E-Mail Clients Mangle Your HTML… Fix It (lor/cli) | | 200 |
email, tables, support, testing |
Prettier Accessible Forms (nic/ali) | | 199 |
accessibility, forms |
Accessibility Ideas (ann) | | 198 |
accessibility |
Build Your Own Web Site the Right Way Using HTML and CSS (sen/sit) | | 197 |
books, css |
Your HTML Level (ann) | | 196 |
Web-Based Alternatives to PowerPoint (jud/inf) | | 195 |
css, javascript, tooling |
“dl”, “dt”, and “dd” Markup (ann) | | 194 |
semantics |
Semantic Image Use (jch) | | 193 |
images, alt-text, accessibility, semantics |
Excessive Elements (jus) | | 192 |
simplicity, maintainability, debugging |
XHTML5 (ann) | | 191 |
xhtml, parsing |
In Search of the Holy Grail (ali) | | 190 |
layout, css |
Ruby in HTML (ann) | | 189 |
ruby-markup |
Web Authoring Statistics (hix/goo) | | 188 |
studies, research, attributes, metadata, mime-types, http-headers, metrics |
Tag Soup: Crazy Parsing Adventures (hix) | | 187 |
parsing |
“<a ping>” | | 186 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers, privacy |
Building Open Textual Content on HTML (tan/mic) | | 185 |
content, semantics, microformats |
Rel vs. Rev (mic) | | 184 |
xhtml, semantics, microformats, comparisons |
Class Attributes Are About More Than Styling (mic) | | 183 |
attributes, semantics |
HTML Comments (ann) | | 182 |
sgml, comments |
Character References Explained (lac) | | 181 |
unicode, character-references, conformance |
Google ♥ HTML 5 (ann) | | 180 |
google |
Ten Steps to a More User Friendly Website (web) | | 179 |
flash, performance, images, compression, link-rot, conformance, browsers, support, navigation, readability, quality |
Best Practices for Declaring Languages in HTML and XHTML (mho/wa) | | 178 |
best-practices, xhtml, localization, internationalization |
HTML Tags vs. Elements vs. Attributes (rog) | | 177 |
attributes, terminology, comparisons |
Next Generation HTML Adds Flexibility of XML to the “Lingua Franca of the Web” (nic/com) | | 176 |
xhtml |
XHTML Because It Has a DOCTYPE (ann) | | 175 |
xhtml |
Open Source Design? (dav) | | 174 |
foss, design, css |
Microformats (mic) | | 173 |
microformats, concepts, principles, xhtml |
Why Generic XML on the Web Is a Bad Idea (ann) | | 172 |
xml, semantics |
Who Cares About Semantics Anyway? (dav) | | 171 |
semantics, xhtml |
Validation Quiz Explanation (lac) | | 170 |
xhtml, xml, conformance |
Language Tags (ann) | | 169 |
metadata, localization, internationalization |
An Experiment With “ins” and “del” (jus) | | 168 |
experiments |
Markup Content Models (ann) | | 167 |
conformance |
HTML Comments in Scripts (lac) | | 166 |
xhtml, javascript, comments |
Using Title Tags to Improve SEO and Website Conversion | | 165 |
seo, user-conversion |
The Future: HTML or XHTML (lac) | | 164 |
xhtml, outlooks, comparisons |
Semantic Markup (ann) | | 163 |
semantics |
Spruced-Up Site Maps (hot/ali) | | 162 |
sitemaps |
AJAX: A New Approach to Web Applications (jjg/ada) | | 161 |
ajax, xhtml, css, dom, javascript, web-apps |
<div style='font-weight: bold'>Lost Cause</div> (hix) | | 160 |
semantics |
Alt Attribute (Alt Tag, Alt Tooltip) (ann) | | 159 |
attributes, images, alt-text, accessibility |
HTML Tags (lac) | | 158 |
terminology, comparisons |
Extending HTML4 Forms (hix) | | 157 |
forms, xforms |
More Usable Forms—Controlling Scroll Position (sit) | | 156 |
forms, usability, scrolling, javascript, coldfusion |
File Upload Security (lac) | | 155 |
file-handling, security |
HTML Overlays (ann) | | 154 |
xul, overlays |
HTML Overlays (gla) | | 153 |
overlays, xml, techniques |
Link Relationships (lac) | | 152 |
links, metadata, semantics |
Quick Guide to XHTML (ann) | | 151 |
guides, xhtml, conformance, mime-types, unicode |
Extending HTML (hix) | | 150 |
standards, processes, xhtml, namespaces, extensibility, apple |