Can I Use Hover on Touch Devices? Here’s [a] CSS and JS Hack (by/via) | | 517 |
css, mobile |
CommonJS (CJS) and Modules (ESM): Import Compatibility (by) | | 516 |
typescript, commonjs, esm |
A Look at the Dialog Element’s Super Powers (by) | | 515 |
modals, html |
JavaScript Naming Conflicts: How Existing Code Can Force Proposed Features to Be Renamed (by) | | 514 |
naming, refactoring |
Why I Avoid “async”/“await” | | 513 |
asynchronicity |
Creating Native Web Components (via) | | 512 |
web-components, html |
It’s Always Been You, Canvas2D (by/via) | | 511 |
html, css, canvas |
How to Use Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript (by/via) | | 510 |
how-tos, functions |
How Do Primitive Values Get Their Properties? (by) | | 509 |
How to Build a File Upload Service With Vanilla JavaScript (by/via) | | 508 |
how-tos, file-handling |
Essential Cryptography for JavaScript Developers (by/via) | | 507 |
books, cryptography |
5 Things You Don’t Need JavaScript For (by/via) | | 506 |
HTML Comments Work in JavaScript Too (by) | | 505 |
html, comments |
What Is Responsible JavaScript? (by+/via) | | 504 |
podcasts |
You Can “throw()” Anything in JavaScript—and Other “async”/“await” Considerations (by) | | 503 |
asynchronicity |
Comparing Node JavaScript to JavaScript in the Browser (by/via) | | 502 |
nodejs, browsers, comparisons |
JavaScript Obfuscation: The Definitive Guide (2022) (via) | | 501 |
guides, obfuscation |
How to Create a Search Page for a Static Website With Vanilla JS (by) | | 500 |
how-tos, functionality, search, html |
The State of JavaScript 2021 [Results] (by/via) | | 499 |
surveys |
Track Down the JavaScript Code Responsible for Polluting the Global Scope (by) | | 498 |
scope |
The Harsh Reality for JavaScript Developers: If You Don’t Study the Fundamentals You Will Be Just Another “Coder” (by) | | 497 |
fundamentals, career |
7 Killer One-Liners in JavaScript (by) | | 496 |
Moving From JavaScript to TypeScript (by) | | 495 |
typescript |
Move Over JavaScript: Back-End Languages Are Coming to the Front-End (by/via) | | 494 |
New in JavaScript: “reportError”—a Method to Report to Global Event Handlers (by) | | 493 |
events |
Debugging JavaScript (by) | | 492 |
debugging |
Creating Generative SVG Grids (by/via) | | 491 |
svg, grids |
What Web Frameworks Solve: The Vanilla Alternative (by/via) | | 490 |
frameworks, react |
Why Efficient Hydration in JavaScript Frameworks Is So Challenging (by/via) | | 489 |
frameworks, hydration |
The Impact of Motion Animation on Cognitive Disability (via) | | 488 |
accessibility, css |
Improving JavaScript Bundle Performance With Code-Splitting (by/via) | | 487 |
performance, bundling, code-splitting, optimization |
Preventing Smooth Scrolling With JavaScript (by) | | 486 |
scrolling |
A More Easy Way to Write “if … or” Checks With Vanilla JavaScript (by) | | 485 |
A Pipe Operator for JavaScript: Introduction and Use Cases (by) | | 484 |
introductions, operators |
The Double-Assignment Pattern in jQuery’s Source Code (by) | | 483 |
jquery |
The Many Ways to Modify Leading and Trailing Characters From Strings With JavaScript (by) | | 482 |
Context-Aware Web Components Are Easier Than You Think (by/via) | | 481 |
web-components, html |
Frontend Challenges: Front-End Engineer Assignment (by) | | 480 |
react, typescript, training |
“structuredClone()”: Deeply Copying Objects in JavaScript (by) | | 479 |
objects |
Two Ways to Clear an Array With Vanilla JavaScript (by) | | 478 |
arrays |
8 Techniques to Write Cleaner JavaScript Code (by) | | 477 |
Add a Service Worker to Your Site (by/via) | | 476 |
web-workers |
How to Add and Remove a CSS Class From Multiple Elements With Vanilla JavaScript (by) | | 475 |
how-tos, css |
Be Prepared for Failure and Handle It Gracefully (by/via) | | 474 |
graceful-degradation |
CSS Houdini Paint API (by) | | 473 |
css, houdini, apis |
Deep-Copying in JavaScript Using “structuredClone” (by/via) | | 472 |
Performance Implications of JavaScript Errors (by/via) | | 471 |
performance, errors |
Intersection Observer (by) | | 470 |
apis |
Embrace the Platform (by/via) | | 469 |
html, css, web-platform |
JSON Modules in JavaScript (by) | | 468 |
json, modules |
Best Practices for Node.js Development (by) | | 467 |
nodejs, best-practices |
JavaScript (by/via) | | 466 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics |
How to Trim Strings in JavaScript (by) | | 465 |
how-tos |
How JavaScript Engines Achieve Great Performance | | 464 |
javascript-engines, performance |
How to Make Blob Menu Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript (by) | | 463 |
how-tos, html, css |
Why IndexedDB Is Slow and What to Use Instead (via) | | 462 |
databases, indexeddb, performance |
Using Web Workers to Boost Third-Party Script Performance (by/via) | | 461 |
web-workers, performance |
Chrome DevTools: Copy CSS Styles as JavaScript-Compatible Properties (by) | | 460 |
dev-tools, css, browsers, google, chrome |
How to Debounce and Throttle Callbacks in Vue (by) | | 459 |
how-tos, vuejs, callbacks, debouncing, throttling |
Localizing Your Next.js App (by/via) | | 458 |
nextjs, localization |
Designing Error Messages and a Logging Strategy in Node.js (by/via) | | 457 |
software-design, nodejs, logging, strategies |
Accessible Toggles (by/via) | | 456 |
accessibility, toggles, html |
A Comprehensive Guide to Error Handling in Node.js (by/via) | | 455 |
guides, nodejs, errors |
HTMLoween—HTML, JS, and CSS to Make Your Blood Boil (by) | | 454 |
html, css |
Chrome DevTools: Visualise Your JavaScript Bundles (by) | | 453 |
dev-tools, bundling, browsers, google, chrome, lighthouse, visualization |
In-Page Filtered Search With Vanilla JavaScript (by/via) | | 452 |
functionality, search |
Why Outdated jQuery Is Still the Dominant JavaScript Library (by/via) | | 451 |
libraries, jquery |
Building an Effective Image Component (by/via) | | 450 |
components, performance |
Finding Common Patterns Across Frameworks (by) | | 449 |
frameworks |
Decoupling HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in Design Systems (by) | | 448 |
html, css, design-systems |
Back to Basics: Understanding the “for…in” Loop in JavaScript (by/via) | | 447 |
fundamentals |
Dealing With Timezones in Web Development (by) | | 446 |
Stop Writing JavaScript Like This | | 445 |
Building a Multi-Select Component (by/via) | | 444 |
components, html, css |
Introduction to Styled Components (by) | | 443 |
introductions, css, components |
The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started With the Rollup.js JavaScript Bundler (by/via) | | 442 |
guides, introductions, rollup, bundling |
Animation Techniques for Adding and Removing Items From a Stack (via) | | 441 |
css, animations |
Writing Clean JavaScript Tests With the BASIC Principles (by) | | 440 |
testing, principles |
jsPerf—Online JavaScript Performance Benchmark | | 439 |
websites, performance |
Using JavaScript to Detect High Contrast and Dark Modes (by) | | 438 |
accessibility, colors, contrast, dark-mode |
Sorting JavaScript Arrays by Nested Properties (by) | | 437 |
sorting, arrays |
Web Streams Everywhere (and Fetch for Node.js) (by/via) | | 436 |
nodejs, streaming, data-fetching |
How I Built a Modern Website in 2021 (by) | | 435 |
html, css |
A JavaScript Developer’s Guide to Browser Cookies (by) | | 434 |
guides, cookies |
Optimising a JavaScript Library With WebAssembly, a Failed Attempt (by) | | 433 |
libraries, webassembly |
20 Killer JavaScript One-Liners (by) | | 432 |
Small Bundles, Fast Pages: What to Do With Too Much JavaScript (via) | | 431 |
performance, bundling |
29 Projects to Help You Practice HTML CSS JavaScript 2021 (by) | | 430 |
html, css |
The Ultimate Guide to Web Console (by) | | 429 |
guides, console, debugging |
Vanilla JS Is a Web Performance Decision (by) | | 428 |
performance |
Defining Basic JavaScript Terms: “map”, “filter”, and “reduce” (by) | | 427 |
Threats of Using Regular Expressions in JavaScript (by/via) | | 426 |
regex |
Web Scraping With JavaScript and Node.js (via) | | 425 |
nodejs, scraping |
Building a Split-Button Component (by/via) | | 424 |
components, html, css |
Writing High-Performance JavaScript (by) | | 423 |
performance |
7 Practices to Create Good JavaScript Variables (by) | | 422 |
Essential Concepts in JS (by) | | 421 |
concepts |
How to Use “Promise.any()” (by) | | 420 |
how-tos, promises |
jsc: My New Best Friend (by) | | 419 |
tooling |
4 Important Differences Between Regular and Arrow Functions (by) | | 418 |
functions, comparisons |
Truthy and Falsy: When All Is Not Equal in JavaScript (by/via) | | 417 |
Using CSS Module Scripts to Import Stylesheets (by/via) | | 416 |
css, modules |
“return await promise” vs. “return promise” in JavaScript (by) | | 415 |
promises, comparisons |
JavaScript Development: Making a Web Worker Optional (by/via) | | 414 |
web-workers |
Uploading Multiple Files With Fetch (by) | | 413 |
file-handling, data-fetching |
Refresher on JavaScript Callbacks and Promises (by/via) | | 412 |
callbacks, promises |
How to Use “Promise.allSettled()” (by) | | 411 |
how-tos, promises |
How to Build Resilient JavaScript UIs (by/via) | | 410 |
how-tos, user-experience, resilience |
The (Most Comprehensive) JavaScript Design Principles Guide (by) | | 409 |
guides, software-design, principles |
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet List for Web Developers (by) | | 408 |
html, css, cheat-sheets |
An Introduction to Frameworkless Web Components (by/via) | | 407 |
introductions, web-components, dom |
6 Useful Frontend Techniques That You May Not Know About (by) | | 406 |
html, css, techniques |
What Is Tree Shaking? (by) | | 405 |
performance, concepts, tree-shaking |
The Ultimate Guide to Browser-Side Storage (by/via) | | 404 |
guides, browsers, storage |
Detecting Media Query Support in CSS and JavaScript (by) | | 403 |
css, media-queries, support |
How to Convert Arrays to Human-Readable Lists in JavaScript (by) | | 402 |
how-tos, conversion, arrays |
How to Use “Promise.all()” (by) | | 401 |
how-tos, promises |
How Does Node.js Load Its Built-In/Native Modules? (by) | | 400 |
nodejs, modules |
Basics of JavaScript Test Driven Development (TDD) With Jest (by) | | 399 |
fundamentals, testing, jest |
“export default thing” Is Different to “export { thing as default }” (by) | | 398 |
The State of Web Workers in 2021 (by/via) | | 397 |
web-workers |
When a Click Is Not Just a Click (via) | | 396 |
Encoding Data for POST Requests (by) | | 395 |
security, encoding |
Resource Inlining in JavaScript Frameworks (by/via) | | 394 |
frameworks, performance, web-vitals |
JavaScript Frameworks and the Lost Art of HTML (by/via) | | 393 |
html, frameworks |
Debugging JavaScript and Front-End (by/via) | | 392 |
videos, debugging |
Demystifying Styled Components (by) | | 391 |
css, components |
What’s New in ES2021 (by/via) | | 390 |
ecmascript, standards |
Sorting Colors in JavaScript (by) | | 389 |
sorting, colors |
How to Use Dynamic Imports in JavaScript (by) | | 388 |
how-tos |
When CSS Isn’t Enough: JavaScript Requirements for Accessible Components (by/via) | | 387 |
css, accessibility |
10 Utility Functions for Working With Objects in JavaScript (by/via) | | 386 |
functions, objects |
JavaScript: Debouncing and Throttling (by) | | 385 |
debouncing, throttling |
A Thorough Analysis of CSS-in-JS (by/via) | | 384 |
css, css-in-js |
Don’t Overabstract Your Components (by) | | 383 |
html, components |
Tree-Shaking: A Reference Guide (by/via) | | 382 |
guides, performance, optimization, tree-shaking |
Create Scripts in JavaScript With zx (by) | | 381 |
zx, automation |
Introduction to HTTP Cookies (by) | | 380 |
introductions, cookies |
Checking “Under the Hood” of Code (by) | | 379 |
dev-tools, browsers, debugging, console, html, css, history |
Content-Aware Image Resizing in JavaScript (by) | | 378 |
images, resizing |
Variable Scope, Lexical Scope, and Code Blocks in JavaScript (by) | | 377 |
scope |
Primitive Values, Objects, and References in JavaScript Made Simple (by) | | 376 |
objects |
Human-Readable JavaScript: A Tale of Two Experts (by/via) | | 375 |
maintainability |
Now That’s What I Call Service Worker (by/via) | | 374 |
apis, web-workers |
Why Your Website Should Work Without JavaScript | | 373 |
accessibility, support, graceful-degradation |
What Is the JavaScript Internationalization API (I18N)? (by/via) | | 372 |
internationalization, apis |
5 Different Ways to Declare Functions in jQuery (by/via) | | 371 |
jquery, functions |
A Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Design Patterns (via) | | 370 |
guides, software-design-patterns |
JavaScript: What Is the Meaning of “this”? (by/via) | | 369 |
Beyond “console.log()”—Level Up Your Debugging Skills (by/via) | | 368 |
console, debugging |
Garbage Collection in JavaScript (by/via) | | 367 |
garbage-collection |
Revisiting Dark Patterns With the HTML “dialog” Tag (by) | | 366 |
modals, html |
An Introduction to the Rollup.js JavaScript Bundler (by/via) | | 365 |
introductions, bundling, tooling, rollup |
JavaScript Obfuscation: What, Why, and How? (via) | | 364 |
obfuscation |
2020 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 363 |
frameworks, nodejs, react, vuejs, angular, building, testing, tooling, css-in-js, mobile, state-management, graphql, retrospectives |
A Practical Introduction to Dependency Injection (via) | | 362 |
introductions, maintainability |
HTML and CSS Techniques to Reduce Your JavaScript (by/via) | | 361 |
html, css, performance |
JavaScript (by/via) | | 360 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics |
Why It’s Good for Users That HTML, CSS, and JS Are Separate Languages (by) | | 359 |
html, css |
Warp: Improved JS Performance in Firefox 83 (by/via) | | 358 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers, performance, javascript-engines |
Advanced GraphQL Usage in Gatsby Websites (by/via) | | 357 |
gatsby, graphql |
Animating React Components With GreenSock (by/via) | | 356 |
react, gsap, components, animations |
Loading Third-Party JavaScript (by+/via) | | 355 |
performance |
“this” in JavaScript and TypeScript (by) | | 354 |
typescript |
JS Minification Benchmarks (by) | | 353 |
minification, metrics |
Better Error Handling in Node.js With Error Classes (by/via) | | 352 |
nodejs, errors |
Accessibility on the Canvas With JavaScript (by) | | 351 |
accessibility, canvas |
Introduction to Memoization in JavaScript (by/via) | | 350 |
introductions, memoization |
How to Use Styled Components in React (by/via) | | 349 |
how-tos, react, css-in-js, css |
JavaScript to Know for React (by) | | 348 |
react |
Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks in 2020 | | 347 |
frameworks, react, angular, vuejs, nodejs, svelte, comparisons |
A Brief Introduction to WebGL (via) | | 346 |
introductions, webgl |
Learn Deno: A Secure JavaScript and TypeScript Runtime (by/via) | | 345 |
deno, runtimes, typescript |
Namespaces in JavaScript (by) | | 344 |
namespaces |
90’s Cursor Effects (by) | | 343 |
cursors, effects |
App Shell UX With Service Workers and Streams (by+/via) | | 342 |
web-apps, single-page-apps, architecture, web-workers, streaming |
JavasSript RORO Pattern | | 341 |
software-design-patterns |
30 Seconds of Code (via) | | 340 |
websites, css, techniques |
Today’s JavaScript, From an Outsider’s Perspective (by) | | 339 |
The Third Age of JavaScript (by) | | 338 |
Static Hoisting (by) | | 337 |
What Every JavaScript Developer Should Know About Unicode (by) | | 336 |
unicode |
Styling Components in React (by/via) | | 335 |
react, components, css, sass, css-in-js |
Maybe You Don’t Need That SPA (by) | | 334 |
single-page-apps, react, performance |
Manipulating Arrays and Objects in JavaScript (by/via) | | 333 |
videos, arrays, objects |
Implementing Dark Mode in React Apps Using Styled-Components (by/via) | | 332 |
dark-mode, react, components |
How to Create a Particle Trail Animation in JavaScript (by/via) | | 331 |
how-tos, animations |
Learn Programming (by) | | 330 |
websites, courses, programming |
How to Create a Native Web Component Without a Framework (by/via) | | 329 |
how-tos, web-components |
On the Responsibility That Comes With Good JavaScript Support (by) | | 328 |
support |
Performance Tips: Minifying HTML, CSS, and JS (via) | | 327 |
videos, performance, html, css, minification, tips-and-tricks |
The Economics of JavaScript Web Apps (by) | | 326 |
web-apps, economics |
How We Learned to Draw Text on HTML5 Canvas (via) | | 325 |
html, canvas, apis, svg |
What Is Node and When Should I Use It? (by/via) | | 324 |
nodejs, npm |
What Is Memoization? (by) | | 323 |
memoization, concepts |
Understanding Map and Set in JavaScript (by) | | 322 |
How to Automatically Update Your JavaScript Dependencies (by/via) | | 321 |
how-tos, dependencies, automation, processes, security |
The History of JavaScript: A Journey From Netscape to Frameworks and Libraries (by/via) | | 320 |
history, frameworks, libraries, netscape |
2019 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 319 |
frameworks, nodejs, react, vuejs, angular, testing, compiling, building, tooling, mobile, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
Interactivity and Animation With Variable Fonts (by/via) | | 318 |
variable-fonts, fonts, animations, css |
How TypeScript Makes You a Better JavaScript Developer (by/via) | | 317 |
typescript |
JavaScript Isn’t Always Available and It’s Not the User’s Fault (by) | | 316 |
support, feature-detection, progressive-enhancement |
Writing Asynchronous Tasks in Modern JavaScript (by/via) | | 315 |
A Re-Introduction to Destructuring Assignment (by/via) | | 314 |
introductions, arrays |
Should a Website Work Without Javascript? (by/via) | | 313 |
support |
It’s Not Wrong that '🤦🏼♂️'.length == 7 (by) | | 312 |
unicode |
“Must Work Without JavaScript” (by) | | 311 |
support |
Faster Image Loading With Embedded Image Previews (via) | | 310 |
images, performance, lazy-loading, techniques |
Browsers Are Pretty Good at Loading Pages, It Turns Out (by) | | 309 |
rendering, performance, browsers |
Improve Your JavaScript Knowledge by Reading Source Code (by/via) | | 308 |
learning |
Responsible JavaScript (by/via) | | 307 |
tree-shaking, code-splitting, embed-code, transpiling, performance, tooling |
Getting to Know the MutationObserver API (by/via) | | 306 |
apis, dom |
What’s Next for Web Development? (by) | | 305 |
wordpress, php |
JS vs. Java—Dynamic Typing | | 304 |
java, comparisons |
How to Avoid DOM Blocking in JavaScript (by/via) | | 303 |
how-tos, dom, performance |
Get Started With Node: An Introduction to APIs, HTTP, and ES6+ JavaScript (via) | | 302 |
introductions, nodejs, apis, http |
An Introduction to Web Bluetooth (by/via) | | 301 |
introductions, apis |
Guide to Web Authentication (by) | | 300 |
websites, authentication, security |
2018 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 299 |
frameworks, nodejs, react, vuejs, angular, mobile, compiling, building, testing, tooling, code-editors, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
Different Result From “Array.sort()”? (by/via) | | 298 |
arrays, chrome, google, safari, apple, browsers |
Best JavaScript Frameworks, Libraries, and Tools to Use in 2019 (by/via) | | 297 |
frameworks, libraries, tooling, link-lists |
An Extensive Guide to Progressive Web Applications (by/via) | | 296 |
guides, progressive-web-apps, web-apps, web-workers |
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Automatically Inlined Code (by/via) | | 295 |
css, php, wordpress |
JavaScript Is for Web Apps, Not for Websites | | 294 |
web-apps |
Reduce JavaScript Payloads With Code Splitting (by+/via) | | 293 |
performance, code-splitting |
Focus Trapping for Accessibility (A11Y) | | 292 |
accessibility, focus, keyboard-navigation |
Extending Built-In Elements (by) | | 291 |
web-components, shadow-dom, dom |
Taming “this” in JavaScript With [the] Bind Operator (by/via) | | 290 |
operators |
The “Developer Experience” Bait-and-Switch (by) | | 289 |
developer-experience |
Removing jQuery From Frontend (via) | | 288 |
github, jquery, processes, refactoring, case-studies |
Three Input Element Properties That I Discovered While Reading MDN (by) | | 287 |
forms, css |
Links List for Print Styles (by) | | 286 |
print, css |
A Tour of JavaScript Timers on the Web (by) | | 285 |
New Syntax for JS “Function Stuff” (by) | | 284 |
functions, operators |
The Cost of JavaScript in 2018 (by) | | 283 |
performance, code-splitting, lazy-loading, performance-budgets, bundling |
7 Performance Tips for Jank-Free JavaScript Animations (by/via) | | 282 |
performance, animations, tips-and-tricks |
Debugging JavaScript Projects With VS Code and Chrome Debugger (by/via) | | 281 |
debugging, vs-code, microsoft, code-editors, chrome, google, browsers, dev-tools |
A Beginner’s Guide to Babel (via) | | 280 |
guides, babel, transpiling |
Using ES Modules in the Browser Today (by/via) | | 279 |
esm |
What the Heck Does “Script Error” Mean? (by/via) | | 278 |
errors |
10 Essential Sublime Text Plugins for JavaScript Developers (via) | | 277 |
sublime-text, code-editors, plugins, link-lists |
Setting Up an ES6 Project Using Babel and Webpack (by/via) | | 276 |
babel, webpack |
JavaScript Design Patterns: The Singleton (via) | | 275 |
software-design-patterns |
Introduction to the Fetch API (by/via) | | 274 |
introductions, data-fetching, apis |
Understanding ES6 Modules (by/via) | | 273 |
modules, commonjs, esm |
Moving From Flash to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (by/via) | | 272 |
flash, html, css, refactoring |
Debugging JavaScript With a Real Debugger You Did Not Know You Already Have (by+/via) | | 271 |
debugging |
How to Optimize CSS and JS for Faster Sites (via) | | 270 |
how-tos, css, performance, minification, optimization |
Unit Test Your JavaScript Using Mocha and Chai (by/via) | | 269 |
testing, tooling |
An Introduction to Functional JavaScript (by/via) | | 268 |
introductions, programming |