Simplify Lazy Loading With Intersection Observer’s “scrollMargin” (fro) | | 20 |
scrolling, apis, javascript, performance |
Your JavaScript Bundle Is Too Fat (yur/js) | | 19 |
javascript, bundling, performance, dependencies, code-splitting, tree-shaking, minification, optimization |
“img sizes=auto” for Native Lazy Loading (ste) | | 18 |
code-pens, html, images, performance |
Five Ways to Lazy Load Images for Better Website Performance (ant/sit) | | 17 |
performance, tooling |
Lazy Loading Isn’t Just Lazy, It’s Late: The Web Deserves Faster | | 16 |
performance, web-vitals, angular, single-page-apps |
Lazy Load Components in Nuxt to Improve Performance (jac) | | 15 |
nuxt, performance, components |
Using “@ defer” Defer Views in Angular 17 (dan) | | 14 |
angular, performance |
Control Lazy Load, Infinite Scroll, and Animations in React (bib/sit) | | 13 |
react, scrolling, animations, javascript |
Guide to Fast Next.js (sei/tin) | | 12 |
guides, nextjs, performance, optimization, server-side-rendering |
10 Ways to Speed Up JavaScript Loading (asy) | | 11 |
javascript, performance, minification, bundling, code-splitting, tree-shaking, modules, content-delivery, caching, compression, auditing |
Stop Lazy Loading Product and Hero Images (gri/clo) | | 10 |
performance, images |
I Think I Kind of Hate Lazy Loading (ede) | | 9 |
performance |
An Approach to Lazy Loading Custom Elements (css) | | 8 |
web-components, performance |
Lazy Loading Images in HTML (sim) | | 7 |
performance, html |
Disabled JavaScript Turns Off Native Lazy Loading (ste) | | 6 |
javascript, html, performance |
The Performance Effects of Too Much Lazy-Loading (rvi+/dev) | | 5 |
performance, web-vitals |
Faster Image Loading With Embedded Image Previews (sma) | | 4 |
images, performance, techniques, javascript |
The Cost of JavaScript in 2018 (add) | | 3 |
javascript, performance, code-splitting, performance-budgets, bundling |
Lazy-Loading Images: How Not to Really Annoy Your Users (sit) | | 2 |
images, performance, jquery |
Hot in Web Standards: March/April 2013 (lea/net) | | 1 |
css, grids, layout, testing, apis, standards, w3c |