Design Tokens: Authoring vs. Consuming (by) | | 65 |
design-tokens, design-systems, comparisons |
Naming Things Is Still a Common and Enduring Challenge in Accessibility (by) | | 64 |
accessibility |
Best Practices for Naming Design Tokens, Components, Variables, and More (via) | | 63 |
design-tokens, components, best-practices |
Naming Colors in Design Systems (via) | | 62 |
colors, design-systems |
When It Says “Name From Author” It Means From You, Not Boll or Bukowski (by) | | 61 |
accessibility, aria |
Names Are Complex: Displaying Initials for an Avatar Component in a Design System (by) | | 60 |
design, case-studies |
Naming Design Tokens: The Art of Clarity and Consistency (via) | | 59 |
design-tokens, consistency |
My 3 Rules for Documenting Code (by) | | 58 |
documentation, processes |
Truly Semantic (by) | | 57 |
design-tokens, semantics |
Why Naming Is #1 Skill for Writing Clean Code (by/via) | | 56 |
conventions, best-practices |
Naming Variables in CSS (by) | | 55 |
css, custom-properties |
Naming Things Needn’t Be Hard (by) | | 54 |
websites |
Naming Components | | 53 |
design-systems, components |
Before Your Next Frontend Pull Request, Use This Checklist (by+/via) | | 52 |
checklists, performance, compression, dependencies, accessibility, legibility |
How to Name Design Tokens in a Design System (by/via) | | 51 |
how-tos, design-tokens, design-systems |
Foundations: Accessible Names and Descriptions (by/via) | | 50 |
accessibility, fundamentals, writing, aria |
Choosing a Name for Your Design System (by) | | 49 |
design-systems |
Taming the Cascade With BEM and Modern CSS Selectors (via) | | 48 |
css, cascade, selectors, bem |
A CSS Class-Naming Convention Might Still Be Your Best Choice (by) | | 47 |
css, conventions |
Better Accessible Names (by) | | 46 |
accessibility |
Modern Alternatives to BEM (by) | | 45 |
css, sorting, bem, comparisons |
Custom Event Naming Conventions (by) | | 44 |
javascript, events |
Why Do We Call It “Breadcrumbs”? Diving Into the History of UI Components (via) | | 43 |
design, history |
Naming Conventions for Design Systems (via) | | 42 |
design-systems, conventions |
Tokens as Intents (by/via) | | 41 |
design-tokens, typography |
Naming Colors in Design Systems (via) | | 40 |
design-systems, colors |
How Should You Name Your Colors in a Design System? (by/via) | | 39 |
colors, design-systems |
JavaScript Naming Conflicts: How Existing Code Can Force Proposed Features to Be Renamed (by) | | 38 |
javascript, refactoring |
Why Radio Buttons Are Called Radio Buttons in UIs? (by) | | 37 |
html, semantics |
Everything Publishers Need to Know About URLs (by) | | 36 |
seo, urls |
Naming Design Tokens (by/via) | | 35 |
design-tokens |
Naming Conventions for Your Design System (by/via) | | 34 |
design-systems, conventions |
Name, Labels, ARIA, What to Do? (by) | | 33 |
accessibility, forms, labels, writing |
Common Mistakes When Writing CSS With BEM (by/via) | | 32 |
css, bem, mistakes |
How to Name Your Design System (via) | | 31 |
how-tos, design-systems |
Non-Noxious Nomenclature (via) | | 30 |
CSS Architecture: Block Element Modifier (BEM) and Atomic CSS (by/via) | | 29 |
css, architecture, bem, atomic-css |
A Developer’s Guide to Better Accessibility (by+/via) | | 28 |
guides, accessibility, html, semantics, keyboard-navigation, tooling |
10 Node.js Best Practices: Enlightenment From the Node Gurus (via) | | 27 |
nodejs, best-practices, npm, environments, event-loop, scaling, caching, express |
Battling BEM CSS: 10 Common Problems and How to Avoid Them (via) | | 26 |
how-tos, bem, css, namespaces |
Hello, My Name Is <Error> (via) | | 25 |
conventions, forms, errors, usability |
Architecting Scalable CSS (by/via) | | 24 |
videos, css, architecture, scaling |
12 Little-Known CSS Facts (the Sequel) (by/via) | | 23 |
css, borders, typography, tables, animations, selectors |
Scaling Down the BEM Methodology for Small Projects (by/via) | | 22 |
bem, css |
Title CSS: A Simple Approach to CSS Class Naming (by/via) | | 21 |
css |
My Current CSS and Sass Styleguide (by/via) | | 20 |
css, sass, conventions, bem, documentation |
The Evolution of the BEM Methodology (by/via) | | 19 |
bem, css, history |
CSS Architecture (by/via) | | 18 |
css, architecture, best-practices, tooling |
Principles of Writing Consistent, Idiomatic HTML (by) | | 17 |
html, attributes, conventions, formatting, consistency, sorting |
Practical Code Refactoring—Readability (via) | | 16 |
refactoring, best-practices, formatting, conventions |
10 Tips for Better Coding (via) | | 15 |
tips-and-tricks, quality, conventions, documentation, refactoring, version-control, building, testing, tooling |
Google HTML/CSS Style Guide (by+/via) | | 14 |
google, html, css, style-guides, quality, principles, conformance, formatting, sorting |
BEM: A New Front-End Methodology (by/via) | | 13 |
bem, css, conventions |
Dynamic Function Names in JavaScript (by) | | 12 |
functions, javascript |
Get Creative With Your Domain Name (via) | | 11 |
domains |
Why File Naming Is More Important Than You Think (by/via) | | 10 |
file-handling |
CSS: The Maintenance Issue #1 and How You Can Avoid It (by) | | 9 |
css, maintainability |
The Stupidest Style Sheet Name Ever (by) | | 8 |
css |
12 Principles for Clean HTML Code (by/via) | | 7 |
html, principles, encoding, formatting, css, conformance |
5 CSS Tips Every Web Developer Should Know About (by) | | 6 |
css, tips-and-tricks, maintainability, resetting, sorting |
Best Practices for ID and Class Names (by) | | 5 |
best-practices, html, css, maintainability |
Social Media and Domain Name Checker (Namechk) (via) | | 4 |
tools, exploration, social-media, sem, domains |
Project Name Checker (via) | | 3 |
tools, exploration, social-media, sem |
Social Media and Domain Name Checker ( (via) | | 2 |
tools, exploration, social-media, sem, domains |
Social Media and Domain Name Checker ( (via) | | 1 |
tools, exploration, social-media, sem, domains |