Next.js vs. TanStack (gil) | | 93 |
comparisons |
Building APIs With Next.js (lee/nex) | | 92 |
apis |
Next.js 15.2 (huo+/nex) | | 91 |
release-notes |
Why We Ditched Next.js and Never Looked Back (nor+/nor) | | 90 |
The Mystery of Mutable Subresources in Signed Exchanges (paw) | | 89 |
authentication, signed-exchanges, caching, ruby-on-rails, compression, http-headers, http |
Why Next.js Leads the Future of Web Development in 2025 (fro) | | 88 |
React.js vs. Next.js (bhu) | | 87 |
react, comparisons, performance |
From React to Next.js: When and Why to Make the Switch (kg/fro) | | 86 |
migrating, react |
You Don’t Need Next.js (ben) | | 85 |
migrating, react, metrics |
The Ultimate Tech Stack for Startups in 2025 | | 84 |
tech-stacks, tooling |
Why We Switched to Astro (and Why It Might Interest You) (ste/dat) | | 83 |
migrating, astro |
Run Your Next.js SSR App on Deno Deploy (orr+/den) | | 82 |
deno, hosting |
Is Next.js 15 Any Good? “Use Cache” API First Look (jef/fir) | | 81 |
videos, apis |
Static Site Generation With Next.js: Using Next.js for React.js Applications (fro) | | 80 |
site-generators, react |
Why Developers Should Give Next.js App Router Another Chance (low/the) | | 79 |
routing |
Next.js to htmx—a Real World Example (htm) | | 78 |
htmx, migrating |
How to Set Up Next.js 15 for Production in 2024 (jan/rea) | | 77 |
how-tos |
Vercel Makes Changes to Next.js to Simplify Self-Hosting (low/the) | | 76 |
vercel, hosting |
Next.js 15 (del+/nex) | | 75 |
release-notes |
JS Frameworks, in Their Own Words (by Word Cloud) (j9t) | | 74 |
frameworks, javascript, react, vuejs, angular, svelte, express, meteor, comparisons |
Next.js: Static Site Generation (SSG) With Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) (rem) | | 73 |
incremental-static-regeneration |
A Complete Guide to Session Management in Next.js (cle) | | 72 |
guides, authentication, authorization |
Disable Console Logs in Production in Next.js (ami) | | 71 |
console, logging, javascript |
Building the Same App Using Various Web Frameworks (eug) | | 70 |
fasthtml, sveltekit, frameworks, comparisons |
Deploying a Next.js App to Production in Any Server | | 69 |
deploying |
How to Handle Errors in Next.js for Node With the App Router (ant/app) | | 68 |
how-tos, errors, nodejs |
Mastering Next.js: The Ultimate Guide to Structuring Large-Scale Projects in 2024 (vis) | | 67 |
guides |
React Compiler—What, Why, and How? (fro) | | 66 |
react, compiling, memoization |
The War Begins: Top Best JavaScript Framework to Learn in 2024 (fro) | | 65 |
frameworks, comparisons, react, vuejs, angular, svelte, emberjs, preact, alpinejs, stimulus, nestjs |
Techniques for Fetching Data: Comparing Next.js (App and Pages API), Remix, and RedwoodJS (sel) | | 64 |
data-fetching, techniques, remix, redwoodjs, comparisons |
Authentication in Next.js (rwi) | | 63 |
authentication |
Qwik vs. Next.js: Which Framework Is Right for Your Next Web Project? (out) | | 62 |
frameworks, comparisons, qwik |
SSG, SSR, ISR, CSR Rendering Strategies in Next.js (fro) | | 61 |
server-side-rendering, incremental-static-regeneration, client-side-rendering, rendering, strategies, comparisons |
Enhanced Internationalization (I18N) in Next.js 14 (sit) | | 60 |
internationalization |
Next.js vs. Remix—a Developer’s Dilemma (che/his) | | 59 |
remix, comparisons |
How to Choose the Best Static Site Generator in 2024 (con) | | 58 |
how-tos, site-generators, gatsby, jekyll, nuxt, hugo, eleventy, vuejs |
Remix Takes on Next.js in Battle of the React Frameworks (ric/the) | | 57 |
frameworks, react, remix |
How to Stream Files From Next.js Route Handlers (eri) | | 56 |
how-tos, routing, streaming |
Next.js App Router Migration: The Good, Bad, and Ugly (fly/fli) | | 55 |
routing, migrating |
A Day in the Life of a Developer—Building a Dashboard App With SQL, Node.js, Django, and Next.js (and) | | 54 |
functionality, databases, sql, nodejs, django |
Guide to Fast Next.js (sei/tin) | | 53 |
guides, performance, optimization, server-side-rendering, lazy-loading |
2024 Predictions by JavaScript Frontend Framework Maintainers (low/the) | | 52 |
outlooks, javascript, frameworks, angular, react, solidjs |
Server and Client Component—Next.js (fro) | | 51 |
react, components |
Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks to Choose in 2024 | | 50 |
javascript, frameworks, react, angular, vuejs, nodejs, express, meteor, emberjs, backbone, svelte |
Performance in React and Next.js (lyd/ver) | | 49 |
videos, performance, react |
Next.js 14 (lee+/nex) | | 48 |
release-notes |
Why I Won’t Use Next.js (ken/epi) | | 47 |
frameworks |
How We Optimized Package Imports in Next.js (shu/ver) | | 46 |
dependencies, optimization, case-studies |
Local HTTPS for Next.js 13.5 (ami) | | 45 |
security, testing, http |
Images on the Web (lyd/ver) | | 44 |
images, concepts, compression, jpeg, png, webp, avif |
How I Approach and Structure Enterprise Frontend Applications After 4 Years of Using Next.js (jos) | | 43 |
architecture, conventions |
How to Build and Deploy a Modern Day Next.js Application (and/get) | | 42 |
how-tos, building, deploying |
Radix UI Component With Next.js and Tailwind CSS (roy) | | 41 |
videos, components, radix, tailwind |
Crafting the Next.js Website (rau+) | | 40 |
Framework Popularity on Netlify (sel/net) | | 39 |
frameworks, react, gatsby, hugo, zola, comparisons |
Internationalization in Next.js 13 With React Server Components (jam/sma) | | 38 |
internationalization, react, components |
2023 Web Framework Performance Report (fre/ast) | | 37 |
frameworks, performance, astro, sveltekit, gatsby, remix, wordpress, nuxt, comparisons |
The JavaScript Site Generator Review, 2023 (zac) | | 36 |
site-generators, performance, comparisons, astro, eleventy, gatsby, nuxt, remix, sveltekit |
Top Ten Popular Static Site Generators (SSG) in 2023 (ezi) | | 35 |
site-generators, comparisons, jekyll, eleventy, hugo, gatsby, nuxt, link-lists |
Understanding App Directory Architecture in Next.js (ati/sma) | | 34 |
architecture |
How to Use Pico CSS and Next.js? (off) | | 33 |
how-tos, pico |
How We Improved React Loading Times by 70% With Next.js (cau) | | 32 |
react, performance, case-studies |
I Made a Full-Stack and Type-Safe Personal Site Using the T3 Stack (as) | | 31 |
tailwind, type-safety, tech-stacks |
Next.js Crash Course (ans) | | 30 |
videos, crash-courses |
Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework) (ada/css) | | 29 |
web-components, server-side-rendering |
Your Next.js Bundle Will Thank You (ima) | | 28 |
bundling, performance |
How to Monitor a Next.js Application (new) | | 27 |
how-tos, monitoring |
Migration From jQuery to Next.js: A Guide (sam/sma) | | 26 |
guides, migrating, jquery |
A Look at Remix and the Differences With Next.js (fac/sma) | | 25 |
comparisons, frameworks, remix |
Dynamic Data-Fetching in an Authenticated Next.js App (cal/sma) | | 24 |
data-fetching, authentication |
Remix vs. Next.js (bej) | | 23 |
remix, comparisons |
Moving From Next to Remix (col) | | 22 |
frameworks, remix, comparisons |
Comparing Gatsby and Next.js for Website Development (ale) | | 21 |
gatsby, comparisons, site-generators |
Remix vs. Next.js (rem) | | 20 |
remix, comparisons |
How to Maintain a Large Next.js Application (nir/sma) | | 19 |
how-tos, maintenance |
A Beginner’s Guide to Routing in Next.js, With Examples (sit) | | 18 |
guides, routing |
Localizing Your Next.js App (ati/sma) | | 17 |
localization, javascript |
Optimizing Next.js Applications With Nx (mel/sma) | | 16 |
optimization, building, tooling |
Understanding Next.js Data Fetching (CSR, SSR, SSG, ISR) (th) | | 15 |
data-fetching, client-side-rendering, server-side-rendering, incremental-static-regeneration |
State Management in Next.js (ati/sma) | | 14 |
state-management |
How We Reduced Next.js Page Size by 3.5× and Achieved a 98 Lighthouse Score (pap) | | 13 |
performance, lighthouse, google, case-studies |
Global vs. Local Styling in Next.js (ajd/sma) | | 12 |
css, comparisons |
How to Migrate From jQuery to Next.js (fac/sma) | | 11 |
how-tos, migrating, jquery |
Creating a Multi-Author Blog With Next.js (dom/sma) | | 10 |
blogging |
Client-Side Routing in Next.js (ade/sma) | | 9 |
routing |
How to Implement Authentication in Next.js With Auth0 (fac/sma) | | 8 |
how-tos, authentication, tooling, auth0 |
Reducing HTML Payload With Next.js (Case Study) (lap/sma) | | 7 |
html, performance, case-studies |
The Evolution of Jamstack (bii/sma) | | 6 |
tech-stacks, jamstack |
A Complete Guide to Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR) With Next.js (lee/sma) | | 5 |
guides, incremental-static-regeneration |
Getting Started With Next.js (ade/sma) | | 4 |
introductions, react |
Meteor vs. Next? A Brutally Honest Answer (chr) | | 3 |
frameworks, meteor, comparisons |
Jekyll vs. Hugo vs. Gatsby vs. Next vs. Zola vs. Eleventy (mtm) | | 2 |
site-generators, jekyll, hugo, gatsby, zola, eleventy, comparisons |
JavaScript Framework Comparison—AngularJS, Vue.js, Meteor.js, or Next.js (its) | | 1 |
javascript, frameworks, angularjs, vuejs, meteor, comparisons |