Lazarus Strikes npm Again With New Wave of Malicious Packages (soc) | | 133 |
dependencies, security |
@ 11ty/image-color (zac) | | 132 |
packages, images, colors |
Tutorial: Publishing ESM-Based npm Packages With TypeScript (rau) | | 131 |
tutorials, dependencies, typescript |
Is npm Enough? Why Startups Are Coming After This JavaScript Package Registry (kat/red) | | 130 |
jsr, bun, pnpm, yarn, javascript |
Keep Your Node.js Apps Secure With “npx is-my-node-vulnerable” (tre) | | 129 |
packages, nodejs, security |
My Failed Attempt to Shrink All npm Packages by 5% (eva) | | 128 |
dependencies, compression |
How I Open-Sourced My Secret Access Tokens From GitHub, Slack, and npm—and Who Actually Cares (iva) | | 127 |
security, github, slack |
Mastering npm Scripts: Automate Everything in Your Frontend Workflow (the/fro) | | 126 |
dependencies, environments, ci-cd, automation |
HTML Conformance: A Comparison of 6.5 npm Validator Packages (With 1.5 Recommendations) (j9t) | | 125 |
html, conformance, tooling, comparisons |
Publishing a Simple Client-Side JavaScript Package to npm With GitHub Actions (sim) | | 124 |
dependencies, javascript, github-actions, github |
How to Prerelease an npm Package (spa/clo) | | 123 |
how-tos, dependencies, versioning, semver |
Understanding “npm audit” and Fixing Vulnerabilities (nir) | | 122 |
security, vulnerabilities, nodejs |
npm vs. npx | | 121 |
nodejs, npx, comparisons |
Significance of package-lock.json or yarn-lock.json | | 120 |
yarn, comparisons |
More npm Packages on Cloudflare Workers: Combining Polyfills and Native Code to Support Node.js APIs (jas+/clo) | | 119 |
cloudflare, nodejs, apis, dependencies |
caniuse-cli (bra) | | 118 |
packages, support, browsers, web-platform, caniuse, command-line |
CSS Style Observer (bra) | | 117 |
packages, css |
How to Create an npm Package (mat) | | 116 |
how-tos, dependencies |
ObsoHTML, the Obsolete HTML Checker (j9t) | | 115 |
packages, html, quality |
The Great npm Garbage Patch (phy) | | 114 |
dependencies, spam, security |
Building an “npm create” Package (ach) | | 113 |
Publishing a TypeScript Module to npm vs. JSR (den) | | 112 |
videos, typescript, modules, dependencies, jsr, comparisons |
Supply Chain Security in npm—We Can Be Optimistic About the Future (rw/sco) | | 111 |
dependencies, security, provenance |
Leaner npm Packument (Metadata) Contents (git) | | 110 |
Create npm Package With CommonJS and ESM Support in TypeScript (wal) | | 109 |
dependencies, commonjs, esm, typescript |
npm and Node.js Should Do More to Make ES Modules Easy to Use (bch) | | 108 |
nodejs, esm |
What Happens When a Major npm Library Goes Commercial? (mco) | | 107 |
dependencies, foss |
Researchers Uncover npm Registry Vulnerability to Cache Poisoning and DoS Attacks (sar/soc) | | 106 |
dependencies, vulnerabilities, caching, security |
How a Single Vulnerability Can Bring Down the JavaScript Ecosystem (0xl) | | 105 |
javascript, dependencies, caching, vulnerabilities, security |
CodeFlattener (bch) | | 104 |
packages, javascript |
Using Vite to Rebuild Local Dependencies in an npm Workspace (pro) | | 103 |
dependencies, vite |
Building an npm Package Compatible With ESM and CJS in 2024 (lir/sny) | | 102 |
dependencies, interoperability, esm, commonjs |
npm Basics for New Developers (nim/dai) | | 101 |
fundamentals |
Node.js TSC Confirms: No Intention to Remove npm From Distribution (sar/soc) | | 100 |
nodejs |
The Ultimate Guide to Understanding npx vs. npm (sa/dhi) | | 99 |
guides, npx, nodejs |
eslint-plugin-depend (430) | | 98 |
packages, maintenance, simplicity |
How npm Install Scripts Can Be Weaponized: A Real-World Example of a Harmful npm Package (eth/sta) | | 97 |
dependencies, examples, security |
Why Does “is-number” Package Have 59M Weekly Downloads? (shu) | | 96 |
dependencies |
Node.js Community Debate Intensifies Over Enabling Corepack by Default and Potentially Unbundling npm (sar/soc) | | 95 |
nodejs, corepack, yarn, pnpm, dependencies |
Malicious npm Package Masquerades as Noblox.js, Targeting Roblox Users for Data Theft (sar/soc) | | 94 |
dependencies, security |
GitHub, npm Registry Abused to Host SSH Key-Stealing Malware (scm) | | 93 |
github, security, foss |
Modern JavaScript Library Starter (sas) | | 92 |
dependencies, libraries |
Deceptive Deprecation: The Truth About npm Deprecated Packages (gol+/aqu) | | 91 |
security, dependencies, research |
npm in Review: A 2023 Retrospective on Growth, Security, and Quirky Facts (bur/soc) | | 90 |
retrospectives |
When “Everything” Becomes Too Much: The npm Package Chaos of 2024 (fer/soc) | | 89 |
foss |
A Comprehensive Guide to npm Workspaces and Monorepos | | 88 |
guides, monorepos, yarn, dependencies |
I Replaced npm, Yarn, and nvm With pnpm (paw) | | 87 |
dependencies, yarn, pnpm, nvm |
How to Use npm Packages Outside of Node (neo) | | 86 |
how-tos, dependencies, javascript |
Secret Scanning Scans Public npm Packages (git) | | 85 |
github, dependencies, security |
TypeScript Monorepo With npm Workspaces (skw) | | 84 |
monorepos, typescript, architecture |
SSH Keys Stolen by Stream of Malicious PyPI and npm Packages (bil/ble) | | 83 |
security, ssh, dependencies |
Honey, I Shrunk the npm Package (jam) | | 82 |
dependencies, compression |
npm Provenance General Availability (git) | | 81 |
github, provenance, security |
How to Migrate From npm to pnpm (run) | | 80 |
how-tos, migrating, pnpm |
Sophisticated, Highly-Targeted Attacks Continue to Plague npm (phy) | | 79 |
security |
dependency-time-machine (pil) | | 78 |
packages, dependencies, maintenance, automation |
Publishing With npm Provenance From Private Source Repositories Is No Longer Supported (git) | | 77 |
github, provenance, security, foss |
Social Engineering Campaign Targeting Tech Employees Spreading Through npm Malware (soc) | | 76 |
security |
A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to npm: Simplifying Package Management (abh) | | 75 |
guides, dependencies |
Making the Switch: From Yarn/npm to pnpm (rau) | | 74 |
yarn, pnpm |
Identify Unused npm Packages in Your Project (ami) | | 73 |
dependencies, maintenance |
The Massive Bug at the Heart of the npm Ecosystem (dar/vlt) | | 72 |
dependencies, security |
Create React UI Lib: Component Library Speedrun (mis) | | 71 |
typescript, react, components |
npm Won’t Publish Packages Containing the Word “keygen” | | 70 |
discussions, dependencies |
Comparing the Best Node.js Version Managers: nvm, Volta, and asdf (liz/sta) | | 69 |
nodejs, nvm |
npm vs. Yarn vs. pnpm (rax) | | 68 |
yarn, pnpm, comparisons |
Introducing npm Package Provenance (bde+/git) | | 67 |
introductions, github, provenance, security, foss |
Generating Provenance Statements (myl/npm) | | 66 |
provenance, security |
Dissecting npm Malware: Five Packages and Their Evil Install Scripts (gab/san) | | 65 |
security |
Understanding npm Versioning (ben/typ) | | 64 |
dependencies, versioning, semver |
One in Two New npm Packages Is SEO Spam Right Now (gab/san) | | 63 |
seo |
The Landscape of npm Packages for CLI Apps | | 62 |
nodejs, dependencies, command-line |
Automatic npm Publishing With GitHub Actions and npm Granular Tokens (pim/htt) | | 61 |
github-actions, github, automation |
Why We Added package.json Support to Deno (tin/den) | | 60 |
deno, support, nodejs |
Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem—npm Scripts (mar) | | 59 |
javascript, performance, bundling |
Unlocking Security Updates for Transitive Dependencies With npm (bry/git) | | 58 |
dependencies, security, maintenance |
Lockfile Trick: Package an npm Project With Nix in 20 Lines (nas) | | 57 |
tips-and-tricks |
New npm Features for Secure Publishing and Safe Consumption (mon/git) | | 56 |
security, dependencies |
Migrating From npm to pnpm | | 55 |
migrating, pnpm |
npm Security: Preventing Supply Chain Attacks (lir/sny) | | 54 |
dependencies, security |
How to Build, Test, and Publish a TypeScript npm Package in 2022 (jan) | | 53 |
how-tos, typescript |
Use “npm query” and jq to Dig Into Your Dependencies (eli) | | 52 |
videos, dependencies, auditing |
Phylum Detects Active Typosquatting Campaign Targeting npm Developers (phy) | | 51 |
dependencies, security |
depngn (jsu) | | 50 |
packages, nodejs, dependencies |
Best Practices for Creating a Modern npm Package (cl/sny) | | 49 |
best-practices |
Dependabot Unlocks Transitive Dependencies for npm Projects (git) | | 48 |
dependencies, security |
4 Ways to Minimize Your Dependencies in Node.js (skw/app) | | 47 |
nodejs, dependencies |
Installing and Running Node.js Bin Scripts (rau) | | 46 |
installing, nodejs |
Introducing the New npm Dependency Selector Syntax (git) | | 45 |
introductions |
Introducing Even More Security Enhancements to npm (myl+/git) | | 44 |
introductions, security |
Top 5 npm Vulnerability Scanners (get) | | 43 |
security, vulnerabilities, tooling |
css-browser-support (5t3) | | 42 |
packages, css, browsers, support |
Imagemin Guard (j9t) | | 41 |
packages, images, compression, performance, jpeg, png, gif, webp, avif |
Alternatives to Installing npm Packages Globally (rau) | | 40 |
installing, dependencies |
How to Migrate From Yarn/npm to pnpm | | 39 |
how-tos, migrating, yarn, pnpm |
You May Not Need a Bundler for Your npm Library (cmd) | | 38 |
bundling |
What npm Can Learn From Go (bos/har) | | 37 |
npm Security Update: Attack Campaign Using Stolen OAuth Tokens (gos/git) | | 36 |
security, oauth, version-control, github |
Snyk Finds 200+ Malicious npm Packages, Including Cobalt Strike Dependency Confusion Attacks (byt/sny) | | 35 |
javascript, dependencies, security |
4 Reasons to Avoid Using “npm link” (pri) | | 34 |
How to Respond to Growing Supply Chain Security Risks? (mak) | | 33 |
how-tos, security, dependencies, nodejs |
Update Node Dependencies Automatically, Selectively, or Incrementally (eli) | | 32 |
nodejs, dependencies, yarn |
What’s Really Going On Inside Your node_modules Folder? (soc) | | 31 |
nodejs, dependencies |
How to Publish Deno Modules to npm (kit/den) | | 30 |
how-tos, deno, modules, dependencies |
Understanding Dependencies Inside Your package.json (the+/nod) | | 29 |
nodejs, dependencies, yarn |
How to Fix Your Security Vulnerabilities With npm Override (azu) | | 28 |
how-tos, security, vulnerabilities, dependencies |
The Basics of package.json (the+/nod) | | 27 |
fundamentals, nodejs, dependencies, yarn | (dor/pkg) | | 26 |
websites, packages, dependencies |
GitHub’s Commitment to npm Ecosystem Security (mp/git) | | 25 |
github, security |
Yarn vs. npm: Everything You Need to Know (cod/sit) | | 24 |
yarn, comparisons |
timefind (cyk) | | 23 |
packages, history |
Common npm Mistakes Every Developer Should Avoid (bit) | | 22 |
mistakes |
npm Security Best Practices (lir/owa) | | 21 |
security, best-practices |
Simple Monorepos via npm Workspaces and TypeScript Project References (rau) | | 20 |
monorepos, typescript |
NPM Global Audit | | 19 |
packages, security, quality, auditing |
What Is Node and When Should I Use It? (jch/sit) | | 18 |
nodejs, javascript |
How to Publish an Updated Version of an npm Package (spa/clo) | | 17 |
how-tos, dependencies |
How to Add CSS Vendor Prefixes Automatically (luk/not) | | 16 |
how-tos, css, vendor-extensions, automation, tooling, postcss, webpack, gulp |
a11y-syntax-highlighting (eri) | | 15 |
packages, accessibility, syntax-highlighting |
Validating Dependencies in the Project With npm-check and depcheck | | 14 |
dependencies, security, maintenance, auditing, tooling |
Introducing npx: An npm Package Runner (zka) | | 13 |
introductions, npx, nodejs |
10 Node.js Best Practices: Enlightenment From the Node Gurus (sit) | | 12 |
nodejs, best-practices, environments, event-loop, naming, scaling, caching, express |
why-is-node-running (maf) | | 11 |
packages, nodejs |
How to Solve the Global npm Module Dependency Problem (joe/sit) | | 10 |
how-tos, dependencies |
image-dimensions (sin) | | 9 |
packages, images |
Learning Node.js: The “npm link” (lea) | | 8 |
videos, nodejs |
Peer Dependencies (dom) | | 7 |
nodejs, dependencies |
Madge (pah) | | 6 |
packages, dependencies, visualization |
npm Package Download Statistics Checker (ati) | | 5 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging, dependencies, metrics |
npm Dependency Visualizer (fre) | | 4 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging, dependencies, visualization |
npm Package Types Checker | | 3 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging, dependencies, typescript, type-safety |
npm, Yarn, and pnpm Command Converter (neb) | | 2 |
tools, exploration, conversion, yarn, pnpm, command-line |
npm Package Size Checker (jsb) | | 1 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging, dependencies |