Video Is the Holy Grail of the Open Web (jar) | | 14 |
multimedia |
My Eulogy for the Open Web and Old Google (cdi) | | 13 |
html, google |
The Mazy Web She Whirls: Starting Open Web Advocacy (sil/web) | | 12 |
videos, web-platform, advocacy |
What Is the Open Web? (pro) | | 11 |
web, web-platform |
Patching the Open Web (jim) | | 10 |
The Death of Mozilla Is the Death of the Open Web (tec) | | 9 |
mozilla |
The Two Faces of AMP (tka) | | 8 |
amp, google, search |
And Now, a Brief Definition of the Web (bac/ver) | | 7 |
web, web-platform, links |
Standardization and the Open Web (jor/ali) | | 6 |
standards, foss, community |
The DRM Dilemma Facing the Open Web | | 5 |
drm, html, content, plugins, w3c, eff |
CSS Vendor Prefixes Threaten Open Web (cra/net) | | 4 |
css, vendor-extensions, standards, webkit |
Call for Action: The Open Web Needs You Now (gla) | | 3 |
vendor-extensions, css, interoperability, browsers |
Open Web Foundation | | 2 |
websites, advocacy, standards |
Just What Is the Open Web? (cat/sit) | | 1 |
web-platform, foss, concepts |