Vanilla JS Is a Web Performance Decision (by) | | 286 |
javascript |
Blowing Up HTML Size With Responsive Images (via) | | 285 |
html, images, responsive-design |
Designing for Long Waits and Interruptions: Mitigating Breaks in Workflow in Complex Application Design (by/via) | | 284 |
user-experience, complexity |
Writing High-Performance JavaScript (by) | | 283 |
javascript |
What Are the Web Performance Metrics That Actually Matter? (by) | | 282 |
metrics |
HTTP/3: Performance Improvements (by/via) | | 281 |
http, protocols |
Does Shadow DOM Improve Style Performance? (by) | | 280 |
dom, shadow-dom, rendering |
Big O, Code Efficiency Analysis (by) | | 279 |
algorithms |
“<Lazy>” Rendering in Vue to Improve Performance (by) | | 278 |
vuejs, client-side-rendering, optimization |
A Performance-Focused Workflow Based on Google Tools (by/via) | | 277 |
web-vitals, tooling, google |
How We Reduced Next.js Page Size by 3.5× and Achieved a 98 Lighthouse Score (via) | | 276 |
nextjs, lighthouse, google, case-studies |
CSS Architecture and Performance in Micro Frontends (by/via) | | 275 |
css, architecture, micro-frontends |
Learnings From a WebPageTest Session on CSS-Tricks (by/via) | | 274 |
A Beginner’s Guide to Lighthouse (by/via) | | 273 |
guides, lighthouse, google, web-vitals |
How to Eliminate Render-Blocking Resources: A Deep Dive (by) | | 272 |
how-tos, rendering |
What Is Tree Shaking? (by) | | 271 |
javascript, concepts, tree-shaking |
The Performance Effects of Too Much Lazy-Loading (by+/via) | | 270 |
web-vitals, lazy-loading |
Performance Design: The Illusion of Speed | | 269 |
user-experience |
Resource Inlining in JavaScript Frameworks (by/via) | | 268 |
javascript, frameworks, web-vitals |
Making the Web—Faster (by) | | 267 |
web, developer-experience, principles |
Serving Sharp Images to High Density Screens (by) | | 266 |
images |
Half the Size of Images by Optimising for High Density Displays (by) | | 265 |
html, images |
Using AVIF to Compress Images on Your Site (by/via) | | 264 |
images, avif, compression |
What Can the HTTP Archive Tell Us About Largest Contentful Paint? (by) | | 263 |
Best Practices for Fonts (by+/via) | | 262 |
fonts, best-practices |
How to Fix Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Issues (by/via) | | 261 |
how-tos, web-vitals |
CSS for Web Vitals (by+/via) | | 260 |
css, web-vitals |
Tree-Shaking: A Reference Guide (by/via) | | 259 |
guides, optimization, javascript, tree-shaking |
Reducing HTML Payload With Next.js (Case Study) (by/via) | | 258 |
nextjs, html, case-studies |
An Introduction to Performance Budgets (via) | | 257 |
introductions, performance-budgets, metrics |
9 Principles of Good Web Design (via) | | 256 |
design, principles, simplicity, navigation, content, layout, mobile |
Bypassing Cookie Consent Banners in Lighthouse and WebPageTest (by) | | 255 |
consent-management, cookies, lighthouse, google, testing |
The 5-Hour CDN (by/via) | | 254 |
content-delivery |
Measuring Web Performance in Mobile Safari (by) | | 253 |
testing, mobile, browsers, apple, safari |
Front-End Performance 2021: Assets Optimizations (by/via) | | 252 |
checklists, link-lists, compression, images |
Front-End Performance 2021: Build Optimizations (by/via) | | 251 |
checklists, link-lists, building |
Front-End Performance 2021: Delivery Optimizations (by/via) | | 250 |
checklists, link-lists |
HTML and CSS Techniques to Reduce Your JavaScript (by/via) | | 249 |
html, css, javascript |
Page Weight (by/via) | | 248 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics |
Time to Say Goodbye to Google Fonts: Cache Performance (by) | | 247 |
google, fonts, caching |
Best Practices for Inclusive Textual Websites (by) | | 246 |
security, accessibility, best-practices |
Warp: Improved JS Performance in Firefox 83 (by/via) | | 245 |
firefox, mozilla, browsers, javascript, javascript-engines |
The What, Why, and How of Using a Skeleton Loading Screen (by) | | 244 |
react |
Core Web Vitals: A Guide to Google’s Web Performance Metrics (by/via) | | 243 |
guides, google, web-vitals |
How to Create High-Performance CSS Animations (by+/via) | | 242 |
how-tos, css, animations |
Reducing the Site Speed Impact of Third-Party Tags (by) | | 241 |
embed-code |
Loading Third-Party JavaScript (by+/via) | | 240 |
javascript |
Performance Is an Issue of Equity (by/via) | | 239 |
accessibility |
Methods of Improving and Optimizing Performance in React Apps (by/via) | | 238 |
react, optimization |
We Need More Inclusive Web Performance Metrics (by/via) | | 237 |
metrics, dei |
5 Projects to Help You Master Modern CSS (by/via) | | 236 |
css, print, forms |
On Fixed Elements and Backgrounds (by) | | 235 |
css, backgrounds, positioning, scrolling |
Speed Up Google Fonts (by) | | 234 |
google, fonts |
The Need for Speed, 23 Years Later (by/via) | | 233 |
user-experience, history |
Maybe You Don’t Need That SPA (by) | | 232 |
single-page-apps, javascript, react |
Real-World Effectiveness of Brotli (by) | | 231 |
compression, brotli, comparisons |
Start Render: The Web Performance Metric That Heralds the End of the Blank Page (via) | | 230 |
metrics, web-vitals |
Performance Tips: Minifying HTML, CSS, and JS (via) | | 229 |
videos, html, css, javascript, minification, tips-and-tricks |
Setting Height and Width on Images Is Important Again (by/via) | | 228 |
html, images, web-vitals |
Page Builders Might Not Be a Good Idea (by) | | 227 |
maintainability, consistency, quality |
Google Tag Manager vs. Page Speed: The Impact and How to Improve (by) | | 226 |
google, tag-management, analytics, optimization |
Should You Self-Host Google Fonts? (by) | | 225 |
fonts, google, hosting |
Improving Site Performance With Webpack Tree Shaking (by/via) | | 224 |
optimization, webpack, tree-shaking |
Performance Budgets, Pragmatically (by) | | 223 |
performance-budgets |
Putting Devs Before Users: How Frameworks Destroyed Web Performance (by/via) | | 222 |
frameworks, developer-experience |
An HTML Optimizer’s Config for html-minifier (by) | | 221 |
html, html-minifier, minification, optimization, configuration, minimalism |
Speed Up Your Website With WebP (via) | | 220 |
optimization, webp, images |
A Guide to Optimizing Images for Mobile (via) | | 219 |
guides, images, optimization, mobile |
On Writing Better Markup (by) | | 218 |
html, quality, maintainability, terminology |
Faster Image Loading With Embedded Image Previews (via) | | 217 |
images, lazy-loading, techniques, javascript |
Optional HTML: Everything You Need to Know (by) | | 216 |
html, minimalism |
Handling Unused CSS in Sass to Improve Performance (by/via) | | 215 |
css, sass, optimization |
I Used the Web for a Day on a 50 MB Budget (by/via) | | 214 |
mobile |
Browsers Are Pretty Good at Loading Pages, It Turns Out (by) | | 213 |
javascript, rendering, browsers |
The Simplest Way to Load CSS Asynchronously (by/via) | | 212 |
css, asynchronicity |
Shifting the Performance Burden (by/via) | | 211 |
Optimizing Google Fonts Performance (by/via) | | 210 |
google, fonts, optimization |
The Problem With Web Development Checklists, or: The Frontend Checklist, Revised (by) | | 209 |
checklists, html, accessibility, seo, social-media |
Responsible JavaScript (by/via) | | 208 |
javascript, tree-shaking, code-splitting, embed-code, transpiling, tooling |
Image Optimization in WordPress (by/via) | | 207 |
wordpress, images, optimization |
Self-Host Your Static Assets (by) | | 206 |
hosting, caching |
Understanding Image Compression: Tooling and Context (by) | | 205 |
images, compression, tooling |
The Scoville Scale of Web Font Loading Opinions (by/via) | | 204 |
videos, fonts |
Browser Resource Hints: “preload”, “prefetch”, and “preconnect” (via) | | 203 |
hints, html, http-headers, http |
Optimizing Performance With Resource Hints (by/via) | | 202 |
hints, optimization |
Improving Perceived Performance With the Link “rel=preconnect” HTTP Header (by) | | 201 |
http, http-headers, hints |
“Cache-Control” for Civilians (by) | | 200 |
caching, http |
How to Avoid DOM Blocking in JavaScript (by/via) | | 199 |
how-tos, dom, javascript |
Rendering on the Web (by+/via) | | 198 |
server-side-rendering, client-side-rendering, rendering, hydration, seo |
HTML and Performance: Leave Out Optional Tags and Quotes (by) | | 197 |
html |
Static vs. Server Rendering (by/via) | | 196 |
rendering, comparisons, react |
Speed Up Next-Page Navigations With Prefetching (by) | | 195 |
hints, html, http-headers, http, webpack |
Keeping Sass Simple and Speedy on Eleventy (by) | | 194 |
sass, eleventy |
On Visions for Performance, or: Performance Optimization Is a Process (by) | | 193 |
optimization, visions, processes |
Performance Rule #1: Do What You Need to Do—But Not More (by) | | 192 |
simplicity |
Reduce JavaScript Payloads With Code Splitting (by+/via) | | 191 |
javascript, code-splitting |
A Netflix Web Performance Case Study (by/via) | | 190 |
case-studies |
Improve Animated GIF Performance With HTML5 Video (by/via) | | 189 |
images, gif, multimedia |
Performance Budgets 101 (by/via) | | 188 |
introductions, performance-budgets, metrics |
A Guide to Caching in WordPress (by/via) | | 187 |
guides, wordpress, caching, plugins |
How to Configure Lighthouse for Balanced Quality Websites (by) | | 186 |
how-tos, google, lighthouse, configuration, quality |
20 Tips for Optimizing CSS Performance (by/via) | | 185 |
css, optimization, tips-and-tricks |
Variable Fonts: What They Are, and How to Use Them (by/via) | | 184 |
how-tos, fonts, variable-fonts |
Browser Painting and Considerations for Web Performance (by/via) | | 183 |
browsers, browser-engines, painting, rendering |
The Cost of JavaScript in 2018 (by) | | 182 |
javascript, code-splitting, lazy-loading, performance-budgets, bundling |
HTTP/2: The Difference Between HTTP/1.1, Benefits, and How to Use It (via) | | 181 |
protocols, http, comparisons |
HTTP/2: Background, Performance Benefits, and Implementations (by/via) | | 180 |
protocols, http |
Improving Performance Perception: On-Demand Image Resizing (by/via) | | 179 |
optimization, images, resizing, html |
7 Performance Tips for Jank-Free JavaScript Animations (by/via) | | 178 |
javascript, animations, tips-and-tricks |
Making Your Website Faster and Safer With Cloudflare (by/via) | | 177 |
caching, security, cloudflare |
How Do You Know Your Website Is a Success? (by/via) | | 176 |
product-management, strategies, metrics, user-experience, content, microcontent, navigation, testing |
Introducing Last Painted Hero (by/via) | | 175 |
introductions |
Why Fast Matters (by/via) | | 174 |
videos, economics |
How to Optimize CSS and JS for Faster Sites (via) | | 173 |
how-tos, css, javascript, minification, optimization |
Finding Dead CSS (by) | | 172 |
css, maintenance |
Performance of CSS Selectors Is Still Irrelevant (by) | | 171 |
css, selectors |
Progressive Web Apps: A Crash Course (via) | | 170 |
crash-courses, web-apps, progressive-web-apps, lighthouse, google |
Optimizing CSS: Tweaking Animation Performance With DevTools (by/via) | | 169 |
css, animations, optimization, dev-tools, browsers, firefox, mozilla |
On Big Picture Thinking in Web Development (by) | | 168 |
user-experience, maintainability, consistency, accessibility, visions |
How to Optimize SQL Queries for Faster Sites (by/via) | | 167 |
how-tos, sql, mysql, databases, caching, optimization |
Understanding the “Vary” Header (by/via) | | 166 |
http, http-headers, caching |
The Front-End Checklist (by) | | 165 |
websites, checklists, html, css, javascript, images, accessibility, seo |
The State of the Web (by) | | 164 |
web |
Three Reasons Why You Should Care About Google Lighthouse (by/via) | | 163 |
lighthouse, google |
What We Talk About When We Talk About Web Performance (by/via) | | 162 |
videos |
Let the Content Delivery Network Optimize Your Images (by/via) | | 161 |
content-delivery, images, optimization |
Optimizing Web Fonts for Performance: The State of the Art (by/via) | | 160 |
fonts, optimization |
A Comprehensive Guide to HTTP/2 Server Push (by/via) | | 159 |
guides, http, protocols, servers |
Guetzli, Google’s New JPEG Encoder (by) | | 158 |
images, jpeg, compression, tooling |
Using HTTP/2 Responsibly: Adapting for Users (by/via) | | 157 |
http, protocols, support, servers |
Considering How We Use HTTP/2 (by/via) | | 156 |
optimization, http, protocols |
The Web, Worldwide (by) | | 155 |
websites, metrics |
Performant Parallaxing (by+/via) | | 154 |
scrolling, css, positioning |
Performance: Shame, Hope, Nuance, and Interesting Problems (by) | | 153 |
The Joy of Optimizing (by/via) | | 152 |
videos, images, optimization |
Next Generation Server Compression With Brotli (by/via) | | 151 |
compression, brotli, gzip, comparisons |
Accessibility and Performance (by) | | 150 |
accessibility, javascript, optimization |
Service Workers and PWAs: It’s About Reliable Performance, Not “Offline” (by) | | 149 |
web-apps, progressive-web-apps, web-workers, javascript |
6 SEO Trends to Watch for in 2016 (by/via) | | 148 |
trends, seo, content, marketing, mobile, social-media |
How to Optimize Mobile Performance (by/via) | | 147 |
how-tos, mobile, optimization, performance-budgets, content-management, caching, testing |
CPP: A Standardized Alternative to AMP (by) | | 146 |
amp, google, policies |
Critical Metric: Critical Resources (by) | | 145 |
metrics, css, javascript |
Lazy-Loading Images: How Not to Really Annoy Your Users (via) | | 144 |
images, lazy-loading, jquery |
10 Web Predictions for 2016 (by/via) | | 143 |
web, visions, security, site-generators, browsers, css, mobile, webassembly, seo |
Why You Should Choose Your Own HTTPS (by) | | 142 |
http, content-delivery, tooling, cloudflare |
The Problem With Progressive Enhancement (by) | | 141 |
progressive-enhancement, javascript, resilience |
JavaScript Frameworks and Mobile Performance (by) | | 140 |
javascript, frameworks, mobile |
Design + Performance (by+/via) | | 139 |
videos, design, user-experience |
HTTP/2: The Pros, the Cons, and What You Need to Know (by/via) | | 138 |
protocols, http |
Performance Budgets in Action (by/via) | | 137 |
performance-budgets |
AMP and Incentives (by) | | 136 |
amp, google, web |
Using Web Fonts the Best Way (in 2015) (by) | | 135 |
fonts |
Introducing RAIL: A User-Centric Model for Performance (by/via) | | 134 |
introductions, metrics, user-experience |
Delivering Responsibly (by/via) | | 133 |
videos, usability, accessibility, sustainability |
10 Common Mistakes Web Developers Make (by/via) | | 132 |
mistakes, html, css, javascript, career |
5 Easy Performance Tweaks for Node.js Express (by/via) | | 131 |
nodejs, express, optimization, compression |
Understanding Critical CSS (via) | | 130 |
css |
Mastering Image Optimization in WordPress (via) | | 129 |
wordpress, images, optimization |
React + Performance = ? (by) | | 128 |
react, metrics |
Advanced Performance Audits With DevTools (by) | | 127 |
auditing, browsers, dev-tools |
Planning for Performance (by/via) | | 126 |
The Perception of Performance (by/via) | | 125 |
user-experience |
Image Optimization Services (by/via) | | 124 |
images, optimization, link-lists |
Faster YouTube Embeds With JavaScript (by/via) | | 123 |
embed-code, youtube, javascript |
Introduction to the Resource Timing API (by/via) | | 122 |
introductions, apis, javascript |
Optimizing WordPress Performance With P3 (by/via) | | 121 |
wordpress, optimization, tooling |
Pixels Are Expensive (by) | | 120 |
rendering, painting |
Speed Up Your WordPress Site (by/via) | | 119 |
wordpress, tooling |
How to Speed Up WordPress (by/via) | | 118 |
how-tos, wordpress |
Cache Invalidation Strategies With Varnish Cache (by/via) | | 117 |
caching, tooling |
WordPress Performance Improvements That Can Go Wrong (by/via) | | 116 |
wordpress, plugins |
Controlling Heavy Weight Websites (by) | | 115 |
user-experience, case-studies |
Web Performance Tricks—Beyond the Basics (by/via) | | 114 |
tips-and-tricks, html, css, optimization, link-lists |
The Complete Guide to Reducing Page Weight (by/via) | | 113 |
guides, compression, caching, content-delivery, minification |
Performance Matters (via) | | 112 |
w3c |
SEO Strategies for Designers (via) | | 111 |
seo, strategies, urls, metadata |
Sustainable Web Design (by/via) | | 110 |
sustainability |
Image Compression for Web Developers (by/via) | | 109 |
images, compression, link-lists |
Domain Sharding Revisited (by) | | 108 |
domains, http, protocols |
Progressive Enhancement Is Faster (by/via) | | 107 |
progressive-enhancement |
Images Slowing Down Your Site? Try This One Weird Trick! (by) | | 106 |
images, javascript |
Creating a Performance Culture (by) | | 105 |
culture |
jQuery: The Performance of DOM Caching (by/via) | | 104 |
jquery, dom, caching |
Why Is Node.js So Much Faster? (by) | | 103 |
nodejs, javascript, asynchronicity |
A Tale of Animation Performance (by/via) | | 102 |
css, animations |
Why Moving Elements With “translate()” Is Better Than “pos:abs top/left” (by) | | 101 |
css, animations |
Scrolling Performance (by/via) | | 100 |
scrolling |
The Perception of Speed (by) | | 99 |
user-experience, single-page-apps |
Cache Is King (by) | | 98 |
caching |
Preferred Caching (by) | | 97 |
caching, web-apps, internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers |
Loading Half a Billion Rows Into MySQL | | 96 |
mysql, databases |
Building a High Performance Website (via) | | 95 |
metrics, processes, optimization |
The Performance Golden Rule (by) | | 94 |
principles |
Use PHP Flush to Improve Site Loading Speed | | 93 |
php, flushing |
Reduce Your jQuery Script Loading Times (by/via) | | 92 |
jquery, embed-code |
HTML5, CSS3, and DOM Performance (by/via) | | 91 |
videos, html, css, dom |
CSS3 vs. CSS: A Speed Benchmark (by/via) | | 90 |
css, comparisons, metrics |
Evolution of Script Loading (by) | | 89 |
html, javascript, asynchronicity |
Speed Up Your Website With PHP Buffer Flushing (by/via) | | 88 |
php, flushing |
Improve JavaScript Performance (by/via) | | 87 |
javascript, optimization |
Why We Don’t Have a Parent Selector (by) | | 86 |
css, selectors |
The Need for Speed… Why Slow Page Load Times Matter (by) | | 85 |
slides |
High-Performance String Concatenation in JavaScript (by/via) | | 84 |
javascript |
Frontend SPOF (by) | | 83 |
html, javascript, css, fonts |
Slow Kills (by) | | 82 |
google |
9 Causes of Web Page Obesity (by/via) | | 81 |
embed-code, compression, optimization |
Better JavaScript Minification (by/via) | | 80 |
javascript, minification |
Are You Loosing Traffic by Poor Website Performance? (by/via) | | 79 |
traffic, techniques, tooling, link-lists |
JavaScript Gzip Compression in WordPress: What’s Possible and What Hurts (by/via) | | 78 |
php, javascript, compression, gzip, wordpress |
Reducing the File Size of HTML Documents (by/via) | | 77 |
html, optimization |
PHP Performance Tips (via) | | 76 |
php, tips-and-tricks |
CSS: Using Every Declaration Just Once (by/via) | | 75 |
css, maintainability |
How Gzip Compression Works (via) | | 74 |
compression, gzip |
Simplifying CSS Selectors (by) | | 73 |
css, selectors |
Flushing the Document Early (by) | | 72 |
flushing |
Don’t Use “@ import” (by) | | 71 |
css |
Performance of CSS Selectors Is Irrelevant (by) | | 70 |
css, selectors |
Performance Impact of CSS Selectors (by) | | 69 |
css, selectors, metrics |
Performance and RFC 2396 (by) | | 68 |
links |
The Performance Cost of the HTML Tree Builder (by) | | 67 |
html, parsing, metrics |
10 Principles of Effective Web Design (by/via) | | 66 |
principles, design, usability, simplicity, whitespace, conventions, testing |
Fallacies of Distributed Computing Explained (by/via) | | 65 |
architecture, network |
Load Time, the UX Factor: Facts and Measures (by) | | 64 |
user-experience |
Dynamically Loading Google Analytics (by) | | 63 |
javascript, google, analytics |
The Case for Registering Multiple Domains (by/via) | | 62 |
domains, http |
JavaScript Loop Test (by) | | 61 |
javascript, browsers, metrics |
Ten Steps to a More User Friendly Website (via) | | 60 |
flash, images, compression, link-rot, html, conformance, browsers, support, navigation, readability, quality |
Apache Performance Testing (by/via) | | 59 |
servers, apache, testing |
5 Questions for Your Web Development Team (by/via) | | 58 |
mobile, legal, accessibility, maintainability, extensibility, search |
CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death (by/via) | | 57 |
css, images, sprites |
Is Bloated CSS the New HTML? (by) | | 56 |
css, caching |
By Logical Extension (by) | | 55 |
css, selectors |
12 Steps to Faster Flash (via) | | 54 |
flash |
Effects of CSS-Based Design (by) | | 53 |
html, css, conformance |
Checking Unix Server Performance (by/via) | | 52 |
servers, unix-like |
Improving Web Page Loading (by/via) | | 51 |
optimization, tables, javascript |
Cache or Check? (via) | | 50 |
caching, comparisons |
Exchanging Information With a Server Without Reloading Your HTML Page (via) | | 49 |
html, javascript |
When Web Pages Don’t Work (via) | | 48 |
user-experience, navigation, graceful-degradation, usability, design, testing |
The 60 Second Battle: Keeping the Visitor (by/via) | | 47 |
user-experience, user-conversion |
Reduce Network Traffic With Web Caching (by/via) | | 46 |
network, traffic, caching |
W3C Unveils a Cure for Web Crawl | | 45 |
w3c, protocols, http, crawling |
HTTP Further Clogs Congested Arteries | | 44 |
http, protocols |
HTML Size Analyzer (via) | | 43 |
tools, analysis, html |
Gzip Checker (via) | | 42 |
tools, analysis, compression, gzip |
Gzip and Brotli Checker | | 41 |
tools, analysis, compression, brotli, gzip |
CDN Use Checker (via) | | 40 |
tools, analysis, content-delivery |
Website Experience Analyzer | | 39 |
tools, analysis, user-experience, security |
Website Analyzer (Accessify) | | 38 |
tools, analysis, quality, optimization |
Code Quality Checker | | 37 |
tools, analysis, quality, optimization |