Why You Should Use Laravel: Benefits of Laravel (via) | | 182 |
laravel |
8 PHP Performance Tips Every Developer Should Know | | 181 |
performance, tips-and-tricks, conditionals, caching |
The PHP Foundation Turns Three (by/via) | | 180 |
anniversaries |
Octoverse: AI Leads Python to Top Language as the Number of Global Developers Surges (via) | | 179 |
research, github, community, ai, programming, python, javascript, typescript, java, shell, go |
React on the Server Is Not PHP (by) | | 178 |
servers, react |
cpx—the npx Counterpart of the PHP Ecosystem (by) | | 177 |
dependencies |
The Redmonk Programming Language Rankings: June 2024 (by/via) | | 176 |
programming, comparisons, javascript, python, java, typescript, css, ruby, go, shell, dart |
Look Out, Kids: PHP Is the New JavaScript (by/via) | | 175 |
javascript, laravel, frameworks |
The Top Programming Languages 2024 (by/via) | | 174 |
programming, comparisons, python, java, javascript, typescript, sql, go, html, lua |
UUIDv7 in 22 Languages (by) | | 173 |
programming, javascript, python, sql, shell, java, go, ruby, lua, dart, perl |
Rust Growing Fastest, But JavaScript Reigns Supreme (by/via) | | 172 |
programming, comparisons, go, javascript, lua, dart, java, ruby, python |
Let’s Build a Web Scraper in PHP and Python (via) | | 171 |
scraping, python |
Property Hooks Are Coming in PHP 8.4 (by) | | 170 |
hooks |
Streaming HTML (by/via) | | 169 |
html, streaming |
What’s New in PHP 8.4 (by) | | 168 |
Tools to Make Your Developer Experience Better in PHP (by) | | 167 |
tooling, developer-experience, link-lists |
Is PHP Still a Viable Choice in 2023? | | 166 |
discussions |
Checking the Type of a String in PHP (by) | | 165 |
Skip PHPUnit Tests Conditionally in PHP (by) | | 164 |
testing |
Whatever Happened to the Zend Framework (by) | | 163 |
frameworks, history |
An Introduction to the Laravel PHP Framework (by/via) | | 162 |
introductions, frameworks, laravel |
Guide to Using Template Engines (Such as Twig) With PHP | | 161 |
guides, template-engines, twig |
PHP Isn’t That Bad, So Why the Hate? (by) | | 160 |
frameworks, myths |
Using PHP Arrays: A Guide for Beginners (by/via) | | 159 |
guides, arrays |
How to Fix: Child Stylesheet Loading Twice (WordPress) (by) | | 158 |
how-tos, wordpress |
Quick Tip: How to Cache Data in PHP (by/via) | | 157 |
how-tos, caching, tips-and-tricks |
Quick Tip: How to Handle Exceptions in PHP (by/via) | | 156 |
how-tos, tips-and-tricks, errors |
Quick Tip: How to Trim Whitespace With PHP (by/via) | | 155 |
how-tos, tips-and-tricks, whitespace |
PHP Wishlist: The Pipe Operator (by) | | 154 |
wish-lists |
Quick Tip: How to Hash a Password in PHP (by/via) | | 153 |
how-tos, security, passwords, tips-and-tricks |
Quick Tip: How to Check if a Variable Is Set in PHP (by/via) | | 152 |
how-tos, tips-and-tricks |
Quick Tip: How to Manage Timezones in PHP (by/via) | | 151 |
how-tos, internationalization, tips-and-tricks |
Quick Tip: How to Manage Error Reporting in PHP (by/via) | | 150 |
how-tos, errors, tips-and-tricks |
Quick Tip: How to Read a Local File With PHP (by/via) | | 149 |
how-tos, file-handling, tips-and-tricks |
Quick Tip: How to Filter Data With PHP (by/via) | | 148 |
how-tos, tips-and-tricks |
Dockerize PHP App With Apache on HTTPS (by/via) | | 147 |
docker, apache, servers |
Best PHP Books for Beginners (by/via) | | 146 |
books, link-lists |
PHP 8.2.0 Release Announcement (via) | | 145 |
PHP Type Declarations—A Guide for Beginners (by) | | 144 |
guides |
Should You Use PHP (Laravel) in 2023 (via) | | 143 |
laravel |
The Best PHP Frameworks for 2022 (by/via) | | 142 |
frameworks |
The True Type in PHP 8.2 (by) | | 141 |
Converting PNG Images to WebP Using PHP (by) | | 140 |
conversion, images, png, webp |
A Simple “clamp()” Function in PHP (by) | | 139 |
functions |
Unpack Arrays Conditionally in PHP (by) | | 138 |
arrays |
PHP Sanitize Data (by) | | 137 |
sanitization |
The Basics—Generics in PHP (by) | | 136 |
videos, fundamentals, generics |
Introducing PHP: A Beginner’s Guide (via) | | 135 |
introductions, guides |
PHP in 2022 (by) | | 134 |
PHP 8 in a Nutshell (by) | | 133 |
books |
Functional Programming in PHP: Higher-Order Functions (by/via) | | 132 |
programming, functions |
PHP Date and Time Recipes (by/via) | | 131 |
PHP 8.1 in 8 Code Blocks (by) | | 130 |
Flexible API Design: Create Hooks for Your PHP API Pipeline (by/via) | | 129 |
apis, hooks |
What’s New in PHP 8.1: Features, Changes, Improvements, and More (by/via) | | 128 |
Writing Better Regular Expressions in PHP (via) | | 127 |
regex, readability |
What Is Laravel? A Simple Explanation for Beginners | | 126 |
laravel, frameworks |
Form Validation With PHP (by/via) | | 125 |
forms, validation |
Using “throw” as an Expression in PHP 8 (by) | | 124 |
Sending Emails in PHP With PHPMailer (by+/via) | | 123 |
email, tooling |
What’s Next for Web Development? (by) | | 122 |
wordpress, javascript |
Improving WordPress Code With Modern PHP (by/via) | | 121 |
wordpress, optimization |
Avoiding the Pitfalls of Automatically Inlined Code (by/via) | | 120 |
css, javascript, wordpress |
Your First PHP Code (via) | | 119 |
Twig—the Most Popular Stand-Alone PHP Template Engine (by/via) | | 118 |
template-engines, twig |
8 Must Have PHP Quality Assurance Tools (by/via) | | 117 |
quality, tooling |
Laravel vs. Symfony—Clash of the Frameworks (via) | | 116 |
frameworks, laravel, symfony, comparisons |
How to Create Custom WordPress Shortcodes for Your Editors (by/via) | | 115 |
how-tos, wordpress |
Getting Started With PHP (by/via) | | 114 |
introductions, link-lists |
Pay the Price for Open Source (via) | | 113 |
foss, licensing |
A Crash Course of Changes to Exception Handling in PHP 7 (by/via) | | 112 |
crash-courses, errors, debugging |
PHP—the Wrong Way | | 111 |
websites |
Working With Databases in WordPress (by/via) | | 110 |
wordpress, databases |
An in-Depth Look at CORS (by/via) | | 109 |
security, cors, javascript |
Learn PHP 7, Find Out What’s New, and More (by/via) | | 108 |
tooling, link-lists |
PHP vs. Ruby—Let’s All Just Get Along (by/via) | | 107 |
ruby, comparisons |
Object Orientated Development With WordPress (by/via) | | 106 |
wordpress, oop |
The State of Accessibility in PHP Tools (by/via) | | 105 |
accessibility, code-editors, jetbrains, phpstorm, sublime-text, notepad++ |
Using GitHub Webhooks With PHP (by/via) | | 104 |
github, webhooks |
Analyzing a PHP Project With Jenkins (by/via) | | 103 |
tooling, debugging, automation, jenkins |
What to Expect From Yii 2.0 (by/via) | | 102 |
frameworks |
PHP and Continuous Integration With Travis CI (via) | | 101 |
ci-cd, tooling |
Best PHP IDE in 2014—Survey Results (by/via) | | 100 |
surveys, code-editors, jetbrains, phpstorm, sublime-text |
One Solution to Responsive Images (by/via) | | 99 |
responsive-design, images, html |
New Features in PHP 5.6 (by/via) | | 98 |
Best PHP Frameworks for 2014 (by/via) | | 97 |
frameworks, metrics, laravel, symfony |
Understanding Forms in Drupal (via) | | 96 |
drupal, forms |
Creating Temporary Files in PHP (by) | | 95 |
Array Operators in PHP: Interesting but Less Spoken (by/via) | | 94 |
arrays, operators |
Understanding Streams in PHP (by/via) | | 93 |
streaming |
Manage Complexity With the Facade Pattern (by/via) | | 92 |
complexity, software-design-patterns |
MongoDB Indexing (by/via) | | 91 |
databases, mongodb |
Better Understanding Random (via) | | 90 |
randomness |
Base Converting and Binary Operators (by/via) | | 89 |
conversion, operators |
Extending Twig Templates: Inheritance, Filters, and Functions (by/via) | | 88 |
twig |
Generating One-Time Use URLs (by/via) | | 87 |
urls |
Object-Oriented PHP (by/via) | | 86 |
oop |
PHP Project Management (via) | | 85 |
project-management |
Using SSH and SFTP With PHP (by/via) | | 84 |
ssh |
The Single Responsibility Principle (via) | | 83 |
principles, solid |
The Complete Guide to WordPress Custom Post Types (by/via) | | 82 |
guides, wordpress |
The Open/Closed Principle (via) | | 81 |
principles, solid |
Top 10 PHP Security Vulnerabilities (via) | | 80 |
security, vulnerabilities |
Building Your Own URL Shortener (via) | | 79 |
mysql, databases, functionality, urls |
Compile PHP on Windows (by/via) | | 78 |
compiling, windows |
Amazon DynamoDB: Store PHP Sessions With a Load Balancer (by/via) | | 77 |
aws, dynamodb, databases, load-balancing |
PHP: The Right Way | | 76 |
websites, books, best-practices |
5 Inspiring (and Useful) PHP Snippets (by/via) | | 75 |
examples |
Working With Files in PHP (via) | | 74 |
file-handling |
Writing Unit Tests for WordPress Plugins (by/via) | | 73 |
wordpress, plugins, testing, javascript |
Type Hinting in PHP (via) | | 72 |
How to Create Your Own Random Number Generator in PHP (by/via) | | 71 |
how-tos, randomness |
Bending XML to Your Will (via) | | 70 |
xml, parsing |
Introduction to PHPDoc (via) | | 69 |
introductions, documentation |
A Tour of php.ini (by/via) | | 68 |
10 Tips to Optimize Your WordPress Theme (by/via) | | 67 |
wordpress, theming, optimization, tips-and-tricks |
Defining and Using Functions in PHP (via) | | 66 |
functions |
PHP Namespaces (by/via) | | 65 |
namespaces |
Getting Started With PHP Templating (by/via) | | 64 |
introductions, template-engines, twig |
Array Handling Functions (by/via) | | 63 |
arrays, functions |
Introducing PHP Superglobals (by/via) | | 62 |
introductions |
Introduction to PHP Arrays (by/via) | | 61 |
introductions, arrays |
PHP Variables (via) | | 60 |
Use PHP Flush to Improve Site Loading Speed | | 59 |
flushing, performance |
Better Image Management With WordPress (by/via) | | 58 |
wordpress, images, maintenance |
Confessions of a Converted PHP Developer: Mixing Like a Baker (by/via) | | 57 |
ruby, mixins, comparisons |
How to Synchronize Your PHP and MySQL Timezones (by/via) | | 56 |
how-tos, mysql, databases |
10 Things Every WordPress Plugin Developer Should Know (via) | | 55 |
wordpress, plugins |
Speed Up Your Website With PHP Buffer Flushing (by/via) | | 54 |
flushing, performance |
Should You Close PHP Tags? The Debate Continues… (by/via) | | 53 |
formatting, conventions |
Best Lightweight PHP Frameworks of 2010 (via) | | 52 |
frameworks, comparisons |
PHP With nginx Is About to Become a Lot Easier (via) | | 51 |
servers, nginx |
PHP: What You Need to Know to Play With the Web (by/via) | | 50 |
Debug PHP With Firebug and FirePHP (via) | | 49 |
debugging, tooling |
Web Security: Are You Part of the Problem? (by/via) | | 48 |
security, vulnerabilities, javascript |
Installing PHP on Windows Just Got Easier (via) | | 47 |
installing, microsoft, windows |
JavaScript Gzip Compression in WordPress: What’s Possible and What Hurts (by/via) | | 46 |
javascript, compression, gzip, wordpress, performance |
How to Use PHP Namespaces: The Basics (by/via) | | 45 |
how-tos, fundamentals, namespaces |
How to Install PHP 5.3 on Windows (by/via) | | 44 |
how-tos, installing, microsoft, windows |
PHP Performance Tips (via) | | 43 |
performance, tips-and-tricks |
Custom Fields Hacks for WordPress (by/via) | | 42 |
wordpress |
A Minimal Dependency Injection Container for PHP (by/via) | | 41 |
Server-Side JavaScript Will Be as Common as PHP (by/via) | | 40 |
javascript, comparisons |
50 Extremely Useful PHP Tools (by/via) | | 39 |
tooling, link-lists |
DOM vs. Template (by/via) | | 38 |
dom, angular, components, comparisons |
Character Encoding: Issues With Cultural Integration (by/via) | | 37 |
unicode, encoding |
Useful In-Browser Development Tools for PHP (by/via) | | 36 |
tooling, link-lists |
What’s New in PHP 5.3? (by/via) | | 35 |
release-notes |
Dealing With Dependencies (by/via) | | 34 |
dependencies |
JavaScript: It’s Just Not Validation! (via) | | 33 |
javascript, validation |
The State of Functional Programming in PHP (by/via) | | 32 |
programming |
The State of Web Development: PHP Developers Most Likely to Switch to Rails (by/via) | | 31 |
programming, ruby-on-rails |
Hot PHP UTF-8 Tips (by/via) | | 30 |
unicode, tips-and-tricks |
How Strict Is Your Dynamic Language? (by/via) | | 29 |
programming, comparisons, perl, ruby, python |
Top 7 PHP Security Blunders (via) | | 28 |
databases, sql, security |
PHP and HTTP Making Friends (by/via) | | 27 |
http |
The Total Cost of Using PHP? (by/via) | | 26 |
economics |
How Readable Is Your PHP? (via) | | 25 |
formatting, documentation |
Character Encodings and Input (via) | | 24 |
unicode, character-references, conformance |
Permanent Redirect in PHP (by) | | 23 |
redirecting |
PHP Predictions for 2005 (by/via) | | 22 |
visions |
60,000 Lines of JavaScript (by/via) | | 21 |
javascript |
Enhance Usability by Highlighting Search Terms (by/via) | | 20 |
usability, searching |
Spot the Security Hole (by/via) | | 19 |
security |
Dynamic Text Replacement (via) | | 18 |
image-replacement, techniques, javascript |
PHP and “application/xhtml+xml” (by) | | 17 |
xhtml, mime-types |
About PHP Usage (by/via) | | 16 |
Tidy HTML (by/via) | | 15 |
html, tooling |
Serializing PHP Data Structures for JavaScript (by/via) | | 14 |
data-structures, javascript |
Is Configuration With Arrays a Bad Smell? (by/via) | | 13 |
configuration, arrays |
Lazy PHP (by/via) | | 12 |
Keeping Navigation Current With PHP (via) | | 11 |
navigation |
Generate PDFs With PHP (via) | | 10 |
pdf, code-generation |
MIME-Types (by) | | 9 |
mime-types, xhtml |
Manage Your Content With PHP (by/via) | | 8 |
content-management |
Build Your Own Web Service With PHP and XML-RPC (by/via) | | 7 |
web-services, xml |
HTML Syntax Checker in PHP (by) | | 6 |
html, conformance, tooling |
How to Succeed With URLs (via) | | 5 |
how-tos, urls, usability, servers, apache |
Search Engine-Friendly URLs (via) | | 4 |
urls, seo, servers, apache |
PHP by Example (via) | | 3 |
examples |
Apache HTTP Authentication With PHP (by/via) | | 2 |
servers, apache, http, authentication |
HTML to PHP Converter | | 1 |
tools, exploration, conversion, html |