Google’s Principles for Measuring Developer Productivity (abi) | | 177 |
google, productivity, studies, research |
Clean Code in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide | | 176 |
guides, javascript, conventions, variables, objects, functions, comments, testing, quality |
Designing for AI Engineers: UI Patterns You Need to Know (eve/uxd) | | 175 |
design, design-patterns, processes, ai |
Your Clean Code Might Be Someone Else’s Technical Debt (drp) | | 174 |
technical-debt, quality |
Angular Clean Coding Fundamentals (jdg/tel) | | 173 |
fundamentals, angular |
Open Source Drives the Twelve-Factor Modernization Project (res/the) | | 172 |
foss, architecture |
The 20 Commandments of Software Engineering | | 171 |
programming, complexity, documentation, commit-messages, code-reviews, dependencies, maintenance, collaboration |
Principles of Web Accessibility (hey) | | 170 |
accessibility |
15 Principles for Secure Programming (rak) | | 169 |
security, validation, testing |
The Design Leader Dilemma (boa/sma) | | 168 |
design, leadership, policies, prioritization |
Become a Better Developer With Clean Code Essentials: YAGNI, KISS, and DRY in Software Engineering (rav) | | 167 |
fundamentals, minimalism, simplicity, maintainability |
Ethical Web Principles (tor+/w3c) | | 166 |
web, ethics, w3c |
Goodhart’s Law in Action: 3 Webperf Examples (nom/per) | | 165 |
performance, lighthouse, web-vitals, metrics, google, examples |
Program Errors Out of Existence (ale) | | 164 |
programming, errors |
The Art of Clean Code: A Practical Guide to Writing Maintainable JavaScript | | 163 |
guides, javascript, maintainability |
What Developers Miss About the Single Responsibility Principle (jac/git) | | 162 |
solid |
How Gestalt Principles Influence UX Design (uxm) | | 161 |
user-experience, design |
Mastering Clean Code With SOLID, DRY, KISS, and YAGNI Principles (him) | | 160 |
solid, quality, craft |
9 Laws That Every Software Developer Should Know (jor/git) | | 159 |
programming |
The Golden Ratio in CSS (mad) | | 158 |
css, design |
Conway’s Law: The Hidden Force Shaping Your Software Architecture (tre) | | 157 |
architecture, engineering-management |
The Evolution of CSS: From Early Days to Flexbox and Grid (kev/thi) | | 156 |
videos, css, history, concepts |
Good UX Is Not Just About Minimizing Clicks (ich/uxd) | | 155 |
user-experience, design, processes |
The Nine Node Pillars (mat/pla) | | 154 |
nodejs, dependencies |
Frontend Development Practices That Will Help You Avoid Failure (dol/itn) | | 153 |
best-practices, tech-stacks, architecture, validation, linting, testing |
Interface Segregation Principle in React (ale) | | 152 |
solid, react |
80/20 Accessibility (mar) | | 151 |
accessibility |
SOLID Principles for Designers (jof) | | 150 |
design, solid |
HTML Web Components Make Progressive Enhancement and CSS Encapsulation Easier (bas/css) | | 149 |
html, web-components, solid, progressive-enhancement, examples |
The Art of Clean Code: Mastering the SOLID Principles | | 148 |
quality, solid |
Some UX Design Principles Startups Should Know (mag/ho) | | 147 |
user-experience, design |
Opinions for Writing Good CSS (wal) | | 146 |
css, conventions |
Ethical Web Principles (tor+/w3c) | | 145 |
web, ethics, w3c |
Write SOLID React Hooks (per) | | 144 |
react, hooks, solid |
Applying the Four Principles of Accessibility (ada) | | 143 |
accessibility, wcag |
Software Engineering Principles Every Frontend Developer Should Know | | 142 |
craft, quality |
Manifesto for a Humane Web (mic) | | 141 |
websites, manifestos, web, accessibility, dei, security, sustainability, user-experience |
Build Your Own React.js in 400 Lines of Code (hi) | | 140 |
react, jsx |
15 Essential UX Design Principles and Practices for Developers (ipr/uxm) | | 139 |
user-experience, best-practices |
Psychology and UX: Decoding the Science Behind User Clicks (sit) | | 138 |
user-experience, design |
Homepage Design: 5 Fundamental Principles (nng) | | 137 |
design, homepages |
What Is Utility-First CSS? (hey) | | 136 |
css, presentational-css |
Tailwind Marketing and Misinformation Engine (tip) | | 135 |
tailwind, css, semantics, maintainability, marketing |
A Manifesto for Small, Static, Web Apps (ros) | | 134 |
manifestos, web-apps |
SOLID Principles: They’re Rock-Solid for Good Reason (por) | | 133 |
programming, solid |
Web Platform Design Principles (san+/w3c) | | 132 |
web-platform, software-design, standards, w3c |
“HTML First” Is Not HTML First (j9t) | | 131 |
html, quality, craft |
The Golden Rule of Web Performance and Different Performance Engineering Specializations (apo/per) | | 130 |
performance |
The Goldilocks Principle for Prototyping (nng) | | 129 |
videos, prototyping, usability |
Behavior Belongs in the HTML (goo) | | 128 |
html, javascript |
Is It Worth Keeping Your CSS DRY—Pros and Cons | | 127 |
css, maintainability |
HTML First (ton) | | 126 |
websites, html |
We Need Web Progress, Not Pessimism (kev) | | 125 |
web-platform |
Designing for All: The Basic Principles of Web Accessibility (sit) | | 124 |
accessibility, fundamentals, aria, tooling |
What Happened to Separation of Concerns in Frontend Development (j9t) | | 123 |
maintainability, css, frameworks, history |
Sustainability and Tech and Us (j9t) | | 122 |
sustainability, performance, minimalism |
Writing Clean Code: Best Practices and Principles (mfo) | | 121 |
javascript, best-practices, conventions, formatting, maintainability |
The 5 Principles of Unit Testing (one) | | 120 |
testing, quality |
4 Design Principles I Use Every Day to Avoid Bad UX and Create Products That Work for Everyone (ada) | | 119 |
design, user-experience, dei |
The SOLID Principles: Writing Scalable and Maintainable Code | | 118 |
solid, scaling, maintainability |
Three Key Principles for an Accessible Website (van+/els) | | 117 |
accessibility |
48 Laws, Rules, and Principles of Web Development (j9t) | | 116 |
programming, terminology |
Visual-Design Principles and UX Design Best Practices (uxm) | | 115 |
design, user-experience, best-practices |
A Designers Guide to the Principles of Web Design (loo) | | 114 |
guides, design, consistency, legibility, navigation, images, hierarchy, whitespace, usability |
Formulating Your Product Design North Star (aka Design Principles) (suc/uxd) | | 113 |
design, processes |
UX Principles for AI Products (bre/uxd) | | 112 |
user-experience, ai |
From UX to Growth Design: 5 Principles to Multiply Your Value (kat/uxd) | | 111 |
user-experience, design |
Privacy Principles (rob+/w3c) | | 110 |
privacy |
Platform Engineering Teams Done Right… (adr) | | 109 |
platform-engineering |
5 Principles of Readable Code: KISS, YAGNI, DRY, BDU, Occam’s Razor | | 108 |
maintainability |
7 Principles of Design Psychology Every UX Designer Should Know (jen/uxm) | | 107 |
design, user-experience |
Select the Right Tool for the Job (jim) | | 106 |
Proximity: Gestalt Principle for User Interface Design (nng) | | 105 |
videos, design |
Accessibility and MVPs (dav) | | 104 |
accessibility |
10 Key Principles of User-Centered Design (web) | | 103 |
design, usability, user-experience |
The BBC’s 15 Web Principles—15 Years Later (ede) | | 102 |
web, history |
Design Principles for the Web (ada/web) | | 101 |
videos, design |
W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles (hob) | | 100 |
ethics, w3c |
20 Principles I Learned From 10 Years of Developing Software (ond) | | 99 |
The Design Principle Paradox (ian/uxd) | | 98 |
design |
UX Principles That Include Cognitive Accessibility (gar) | | 97 |
user-experience, accessibility |
Applying SOLID Principles in React (kos) | | 96 |
quality, maintainability, solid, react |
Design Principles for the Web (ada/wea) | | 95 |
videos, software-design, web |
Software Engineering: The Soft Parts (add) | | 94 |
10 Dos and Don’ts of Web Design in 2022 (pdm/web) | | 93 |
design |
The Cicada Principle and Why It Matters to Web Designers (ale/sit) | | 92 |
design |
W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles (tor+/w3c) | | 91 |
ethics, w3c |
Resilience, Flexibility, and Immediacy: Working With Headless Systems (ddp/sma) | | 90 |
headless, resilience |
If Design Principles Are for Designs, Then Design Values Are for Designers (uxd) | | 89 |
design |
9 Useful Principles of UX Design (uxm) | | 88 |
user-experience, design |
Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in TypeScript (app) | | 87 |
typescript, oop |
Designing “Above the Fold”? Try the Reciprocity Principle (uxd) | | 86 |
design |
Design System—Principles of Success (uxp) | | 85 |
design-systems |
Remember You Are Not the User (emm/css) | | 84 |
accessibility, internationalization, user-experience |
Web Platform Design Principles (san/w3c) | | 83 |
web-platform, software-design, standards, w3c |
Three Principles to Better Present Your UI Designs (tes/uxd) | | 82 |
design |
Writing Clean JavaScript Tests With the BASIC Principles (gol) | | 81 |
javascript, testing |
New Principle: Do Not Design Around Third-Party Tools Unless It Actually Breaks the Web (lea) | | 80 |
software-design, css |
8 Fundamental Principles of Effective Web Design (imi) | | 79 |
Principles by Design (jac/tum) | | 78 |
design |
The (Most Comprehensive) JavaScript Design Principles Guide (cle) | | 77 |
guides, software-design, javascript |
UX Principles That Include Cognitive Accessibility (gar) | | 76 |
accessibility, user-experience |
Making the Web—Faster (rau) | | 75 |
web, performance, developer-experience |
9 Principles of Good Web Design (fee) | | 74 |
design, simplicity, navigation, content, layout, performance, mobile |
10 Principles of the Best Landing Page Design (lan) | | 73 |
design, landing-pages |
The Principles of Visual Communication (lal/sma) | | 72 |
design, communication, examples |
The Cicada Principle, Revisited With CSS Variables (lea) | | 71 |
css, custom-properties |
Goodbye, Clean Code (dan) | | 70 |
processes, quality |
Characteristics of a Strong Performance Culture (tka) | | 69 |
performance, culture |
5 Simple UX Principles to Guide Your Product Design (cla/sit) | | 68 |
user-experience, design |
The Psychology of Design (jon/ali) | | 67 |
design, user-experience |
Notes to Myself on Software Engineering | | 66 |
career, apis |
DRY HTML or DRY CSS? (hey/tim) | | 65 |
maintainability, html, css, bem, oocss, atomic-css |
Laws of UX (jon) | | 64 |
websites, user-experience |
Universal Principles of User Experience Design (feh/sma) | | 63 |
user-experience, design, typography |
The Two Extremes of Writing CSS, and What We Can Learn From Them (j9t) | | 62 |
css, concepts, best-practices, comparisons |
DRY CSS: How to Use Declarations Just Once, Effectively (j9t) | | 61 |
how-tos, css, maintainability |
What We Should Teach Up-and-Coming Developers (j9t) | | 60 |
training, quality, ethics |
CSS Architecture and the Three Pillars of Maintainable CSS (z50/sit) | | 59 |
css, architecture, maintainability, solid |
The Nine Principles of Design Implementation (tom/sma) | | 58 |
design, html, css |
Two Paradigms of Web Development (j9t) | | 57 |
concepts, best-practices, comparisons |
Inclusive Design Principles (ihe+) | | 56 |
websites, accessibility, dei, community |
Principles of Web Development (j9t) | | 55 |
user-experience, quality, simplicity, maintainability, learning |
[Insert Clickbait Headline About Progressive Enhancement Here] (aar) | | 54 |
progressive-enhancement, javascript, economics |
Quick Tip: DRY Up Your Model Validations Tests (sye/sit) | | 53 |
testing, validation, ruby-on-rails, tips-and-tricks |
Schools of Thoughts in Web Standards (kar) | | 52 |
standards |
You Got Your CSS in My JavaScript (jus) | | 51 |
javascript, css |
Technical SEO—Fundamental Principles (tom/sma) | | 50 |
seo, fundamentals |
Design Principles: Compositional, Symmetrical, and Asymmetrical Balance (van/sma) | | 49 |
design |
Design Principles: Compositional Flow and Rhythm (van/sma) | | 48 |
design |
Design Principles: Dominance, Focal Points, and Hierarchy (van/sma) | | 47 |
design, hierarchy |
Web Design and Principles (j9t) | | 46 |
design |
Design Principles: Visual Weight and Direction (van/sma) | | 45 |
design |
3 Principles for Perfect Typeface Pairing (sit) | | 44 |
typography, fonts |
CSS, DRY, and Code Optimization (j9t) | | 43 |
css, optimization, maintainability |
Design Principles: Connecting and Separating Elements Through Contrast and Similarity (van/sma) | | 42 |
design, contrast, colors |
Design Principles: Space and the Figure-Ground Relationship (van/sma) | | 41 |
design, spacing |
13 Tenets of User Experience (rhj/sma) | | 40 |
user-experience |
CSS Architectures: Principles of Code Cleanup (den/sit) | | 39 |
css, optimization, quality |
The Single Responsibility Principle (sit) | | 38 |
solid, php |
The Open/Closed Principle (sit) | | 37 |
solid, php |
Mastering CSS Principles: A Comprehensive Guide (vit/sma) | | 36 |
guides, css, link-lists |
The Open/Closed Principle Applied to CSS (css) | | 35 |
solid, oocss, css |
Google HTML/CSS Style Guide (j9t+/goo) | | 34 |
google, html, css, style-guides, quality, conformance, formatting, naming, sorting |
Decoupling HTML From CSS (jus/sma) | | 33 |
html, css, smacss |
Redefining Hick’s Law (jas/sma) | | 32 |
design |
The Performance Golden Rule (sou) | | 31 |
performance |
“window.scrollTo()” or: When to Stay Clear of User Agents (j9t) | | 30 |
browsers |
The Guide to CSS Animation: Principles and Examples (2df/sma) | | 29 |
guides, css, animations, examples |
5 Principles of User-Centered Interface Design (adr/sit) | | 28 |
design, user-experience |
Web Development Principles: Develop for What Is, Not What Could Be (j9t) | | 27 |
The Principles of Cross-Browser CSS Coding (lou/sma) | | 26 |
css, box-model, browsers, support |
Principles of Design: Color (sit) | | 25 |
design, colors |
Principles of Design: Contrast (sit) | | 24 |
design, contrast, colors |
Principles of Design: Proximity (sit) | | 23 |
design |
HTML/CSS Frameworks: Useful, Universal, Usable, Unobtrusive (j9t) | | 22 |
frameworks, html, css |
The True Advantage of CSS (j9t) | | 21 |
css, maintainability |
Orthogonality of Specifications (mas/w3c) | | 20 |
standards, web-platform, software-design, architecture |
10 Principles of Readability and Web Typography (sma) | | 19 |
design, typography, readability |
The Principles of Beautiful HTML Email (mrp/sit) | | 18 |
email, writing, microcontent |
12 Principles for Clean HTML Code (chr/sma) | | 17 |
html, encoding, formatting, naming, css, conformance |
Code Responsibly (j9t) | | 16 |
websites, best-practices |
7 Principles of Clean and Optimized CSS (ask/sma) | | 15 |
css, optimization, minification, hacks |
The Principles of Project Management (gee/sit) | | 14 |
project-management, prioritization |
10 Principles of Effective Web Design (vit/sma) | | 13 |
design, usability, performance, simplicity, whitespace, conventions, testing |
The Principles of Beautiful Typography (jas/sit) | | 12 |
typography, fonts, readability, legibility |
Cost of Solution vs. Cost of Problem (j9t) | | 11 |
economics, prioritization, comparisons |
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design (jas/sit) | | 10 |
design, processes, overviews |
Microformats (mic) | | 9 |
microformats, concepts, html, xhtml |
The Four Essentials of Modern Web Design (sit) | | 8 |
fundamentals, conformance, accessibility, semantics, quality |
Fitts’s Law (dav) | | 7 |
design, usability |
Future of the Web, a Must-Read (gla) | | 6 |
web-platform, outlooks, mozilla, opera |
First Rule of Usability? Don’t Listen to Users (nng) | | 5 |
usability, testing |
A Dao of Web Design (joh/ali) | | 4 |
design |
“How Do I Force…?” | | 3 |
best-practices |
The Web Is Ruined and I Ruined It | | 2 |
html, css |
Effective Use of Style Sheets (nng) | | 1 |
css, maintainability, craft |