How to Manage Old Content on a News Website (moz) | | 39 |
how-tos, content, content-management, maintenance, redirecting, seo |
The DOJ Provides Practical Guidance on How to Implement a Digital Accessibility Program (sey) | | 38 |
how-tos, accessibility, processes |
The Design Leader Dilemma (boa/sma) | | 37 |
design, leadership, principles, policies |
Decoupling OKRs: It’s Time to Let Go (cwo) | | 36 |
okr, processes, leadership |
Using Severity Ratings to Prioritize Web Accessibility Remediation (ala/web) | | 35 |
accessibility |
I Don’t Have Time to Learn React (kei) | | 34 |
career, craft, react |
1 + 2 Engineering Team Priorities (j9t) | | 33 |
engineering-management, leadership, culture |
Boring Web Development (j9t) | | 32 |
culture, craft |
Prioritizing Design Systems (ale/uxd) | | 31 |
design-systems, processes, case-studies |
“Straight to the Pool Room”: The Pitfalls of Placing Accessibility Issues in the Backlog (int) | | 30 |
accessibility, processes, project-management |
Pfizer’s Future of Development (rhe/abi) | | 29 |
outlooks, processes, culture, case-studies |
Prioritize Accessibility in Procurement for Better CX and EX (gin/for) | | 28 |
accessibility, processes |
What Price? (ada) | | 27 |
ai, sustainability |
The Easiest Way to Start Working With OKRs (cwo) | | 26 |
okr, processes |
Unrealistic Deadlines in Software Engineering (tre) | | 25 |
project-management, quality, engineering-management |
Paying Down Tech Debt (ger) | | 24 |
technical-debt, productivity |
Why Not All Voices Should Be Equal in the Design Process (uxd) | | 23 |
design, policies, dei |
Navigating Prioritization: Four Approaches (cwo) | | 22 |
project-management, processes |
The True Cost of Not Prioritizing Accessibility: Avoid Risk and Maximize Product ROI (slo/ple) | | 21 |
accessibility, economics, product-management |
How to Set Up Personal OKRs (asa) | | 20 |
how-tos, processes, okr |
From Mid to Senior: Time Management and Prioritization (ino) | | 19 |
career, productivity |
WCAG—Priority of Constituencies (ala) | | 18 |
accessibility, wcag |
Prioritizing Technical Debt With Hotspots (cod) | | 17 |
videos, technical-debt, visualization |
How to Prioritize Your Components (jul/zer) | | 16 |
how-tos, design-systems, components |
Why You Should Prioritise Quality Over Speed in Design Systems (amy) | | 15 |
design-systems |
Crowdfunding Web Platform Features With Open Prioritization (rac/sma) | | 14 |
web-platform |
How to Create a Compelling Landing Page (boa/sma) | | 13 |
how-tos, landing-pages, hierarchy |
Why You Should Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time (bbc) | | 12 |
productivity, career |
Prioritising Your Company’s Web Accessibility (mim/itw) | | 11 |
accessibility |
The Problem of “Fire and Forget” in Web Design (j9t) | | 10 |
processes, maintenance |
GROWS—an Anti-Fragile, Practical and Evolutionary Approach (pra/ndc) | | 9 |
videos, processes, agile |
How to Be a Good Developer (fek/sit) | | 8 |
how-tos, career, professionalism, quality, craft |
About Cost in Web Development (j9t) | | 7 |
economics |
Product Management for the Web (ali) | | 6 |
product-management, communication, processes |
How to Prioritize, Military-Style (sit) | | 5 |
project-management |
The Principles of Project Management (gee/sit) | | 4 |
principles, project-management |
Cost of Solution vs. Cost of Problem (j9t) | | 3 |
principles, economics, comparisons |
Ruining the User Experience (aar/ali) | | 2 |
user-experience |
The Ultimate Web Page (jus) | | 1 |
tech-stacks, design |