Frontend Dogma

“rdf” Archive

Supertopics: , · subtopics:  (non-exhaustive) · glossary look-up: “rdf”

Entry (Sources) and Other Related TopicsDate#
Whatever Happened to the Semantic Web? (two)18
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HTML-First at Wiley (tzv/boo)17
Explainer: What Is the Semantic Web? (ren/pct)16
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How Semantics Create a Better Internet (zj/sma)15
Improving on HTML (hix)14
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Workin’ on RDFa (jen)13
Does Linked Data Need RDF?12
Introduction to RDFa (mar/ali)11
Google Now Supports RDFa (sit)10
Fast Publishing of RDFa With Dreamweaver (sit)9
RSS 1.1: RDF Site Summary (inf+)8
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Googling for XML (bob)7
An Introduction to FOAF (ldo)6
Styling RDF Graphs With GSS (epi)5
Content Negotiation in Heterogenous XML Environments (hix)4
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RDF and RSS (mno)3
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An Introduction to RDF (ibm)2
The Semantic Web: A Primer (edd)1
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