Leverage on Redux to Execute Your Tests 100× Times Faster (drp) | | 356 |
redux, testing, performance, examples |
React Libraries for 2025 (rwi) | | 355 |
libraries, tooling, link-lists |
Sunsetting “Create React App” (mat+/rea) | | 354 |
State of React 2024 [Results] (sac+/dev) | | 353 |
surveys |
How to Start a React Project (rwi) | | 352 |
how-tos |
“Create React App” Officially Deprecated Amid React 19 Compatibility Issues (sar/soc) | | 351 |
vite, migrating, single-page-apps |
Introducing Fusion: Write PHP Inside Vue and React Components (eri/lar) | | 350 |
introductions, tooling, php, vuejs, components |
React Is Just “document.createElement()” With Good Marketing, and I Can Prove It | | 349 |
typescript, tailwind |
React.js vs. Next.js (bhu) | | 348 |
nextjs, comparisons, performance |
Initial Load Performance for React Developers: Investigative Deep Dive (ade) | | 347 |
deep-dives, performance, web-vitals, metrics |
Moving on From React, a Year Later (kel) | | 346 |
migrating, stimulus, performance |
From React to Next.js: When and Why to Make the Switch (kg/fro) | | 345 |
migrating, nextjs |
Revealed: React’s Experimental Animations API (cit) | | 344 |
animations, transitions, apis |
Top React Best Practices in 2025 (fro) | | 343 |
best-practices |
2024 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic) | | 342 |
javascript, frameworks, libraries, vuejs, tooling, mobile, desktop, state-management, ai, css-in-js, testing, graphql, retrospectives |
Tech Stack 2025 (khr) | | 341 |
tech-stacks, remix, astro, tailwind, prisma, playwright, cloudflare |
You Don’t Need Next.js (ben) | | 340 |
migrating, nextjs, metrics |
Create Stunning Dashboards With ReactJS: Step-By-Step Guide (fro) | | 339 |
guides, visualization |
React 19 and Web Component Examples (chr/fro) | | 338 |
web-components, examples |
React v19 (rea) | | 337 |
release-notes |
How Does the React Compiler Perform on Real Code (ade/per) | | 336 |
compiling, rendering, memoization, performance |
How React Compiler Performs on Real Code (ade) | | 335 |
compiling, rendering, memoization |
React vs. Angular: Which Framework Should We Choose in 2024 and 2025? (bhu/js) | | 334 |
frameworks, angular, comparisons |
If Not React, Then What? (sli) | | 333 |
frameworks, client-side-rendering, user-experience, performance |
I Don’t Have Time to Learn React (kei) | | 332 |
career, craft, prioritization |
Static Site Generation With Next.js: Using Next.js for React.js Applications (fro) | | 331 |
site-generators, nextjs |
React.js Best Practices for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide (fro) | | 330 |
guides, best-practices, components, state-management, hooks, debugging |
How to Optimize React Performance: Best Practices and Techniques (fro) | | 329 |
how-tos, performance, optimization, best-practices, techniques |
HTML Form Validation Is Heavily Underused (eve) | | 328 |
html, forms, validation |
State of React 2024 (sac+/dev) | | 327 |
surveys |
How Microsoft Edge Is Replacing React With Web Components (ric/the) | | 326 |
edge, microsoft, browsers, web-components |
JS Frameworks, in Their Own Words (by Word Cloud) (j9t) | | 325 |
frameworks, javascript, vuejs, angular, svelte, express, meteor, nextjs, comparisons |
Liskov’s Gun: The Parallel Evolution of React and Web Components (bal) | | 324 |
web-components, comparisons |
React on the Server Is Not PHP (chr) | | 323 |
servers, php |
Building a Dynamic Background Effect (let) | | 322 |
css, backgrounds, animations, effects |
Stop Using “React.Fragment” (hey/tim) | | 321 |
Introducing TanStack Router (ada/fro) | | 320 |
introductions, routing, tooling |
React 19 Cheat Sheet (ken) | | 319 |
cheat-sheets |
Create a Toggle Switch in React as a Reusable Component (pra+/sit) | | 318 |
components, toggles, sass, functionality |
Frontend Dev Plus Data Structures and Algorithms: How DSA Can Power Your React App | | 317 |
data-structures, algorithms |
What’s New in React 19 (man/ver) | | 316 |
vercel |
What Is React.js? (hey) | | 315 |
videos |
Faster Pages With React (flo/sma) | | 314 |
performance |
An SSR Performance Showdown (mco) | | 313 |
server-side-rendering, performance, vuejs, svelte, solidjs, preact, comparisons |
Interface Segregation Principle in React (ale) | | 312 |
principles, solid |
How to Use React Compiler—a Complete Guide (tap/fre) | | 311 |
how-tos, guides, compiling |
React Is (Becoming) a Full-Stack Framework (rwi) | | 310 |
frameworks |
Tips for Using React Testing Library to Write Unit Tests (ppo/ato) | | 309 |
testing, tips-and-tricks |
101 React Tips and Tricks for Beginners [and] Experts (nd) | | 308 |
tips-and-tricks, best-practices |
Frontend Security Checklist (tre) | | 307 |
security, checklists |
Why the jQuery Creator Uses React and TypeScript (jer+/syn) | | 306 |
podcasts, interviews, jquery, typescript |
Cross Platform React (sly+/rea) | | 305 |
videos, native, outlooks |
Vanilla React (rya/rea) | | 304 |
videos, routing |
And Now You Understand React Server Components (ken/rea) | | 303 |
videos, components |
React for Two Computers (dan/rea) | | 302 |
videos |
Let’s Break React’s Rules (ci/rea) | | 301 |
videos, hooks |
State of React 2023 [Results] (sac/dev) | | 300 |
surveys |
From Web to Native With React (kad/exp) | | 299 |
migrating |
Sneaky React Memory Leaks: How the React Compiler Won’t Save You (kev) | | 298 |
memory, compiling |
Comprehensive React.js Cheatsheet for Developers (dk) | | 297 |
cheat-sheets |
Understanding React Hooks (duc) | | 296 |
hooks |
Enhancing The New York Times Web Performance With React 18 (nyt) | | 295 |
performance, case-studies |
Understanding React Compiler (ant) | | 294 |
compiling |
How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower (cod) | | 293 |
performance |
React Compiler—What, Why, and How? (fro) | | 292 |
compiling, memoization, nextjs |
Write SOLID React Hooks (per) | | 291 |
hooks, principles, solid |
Want Out of React Complexity? Try Vue’s Progressive Framework (ric/the) | | 290 |
vuejs, frameworks, comparisons |
Merging Remix and React Router (bro/rem) | | 289 |
remix, routing |
React Compiler (rea) | | 288 |
compiling |
Build Your Own React.js in 400 Lines of Code (hi) | | 287 |
jsx, principles |
The War Begins: Top Best JavaScript Framework to Learn in 2024 (fro) | | 286 |
frameworks, comparisons, vuejs, angular, svelte, emberjs, preact, alpinejs, stimulus, nextjs, nestjs |
A React Developer’s Guide to Learning Solid.js (sta) | | 285 |
guides, solidjs, comparisons |
Demystifying React’s Types: Ref Types (huy) | | 284 |
The First Framework That Lets You Visualize Your React/Node.js App (hot/was) | | 283 |
frameworks, visualization, nodejs, wasp |
Optimising React Apps | | 282 |
optimization |
How to Submit a Form in React Using FormData (wom) | | 281 |
how-tos, forms |
CSS in React Server Components (jos) | | 280 |
css, javascript, components, css-in-js |
A Love Letter to Gen Z From Gen Y: Understanding React’s Evolution (ani) | | 279 |
history |
React Server Components in a Nutshell (pau/the) | | 278 |
components |
Creating a Navbar in React (sit) | | 277 |
navigation, css |
Things That I Like Better in Vue Than in React | | 276 |
vuejs, frameworks, comparisons |
This Pattern Will Wreck Your React App’s TS Performance (mat) | | 275 |
design-patterns, typescript, performance |
Folder Structures in React Projects (huy) | | 274 |
architecture |
Every React Concept Explained in 12 Minutes | | 273 |
videos, concepts |
Quick Tip: Creating a Date Picker in React (sit) | | 272 |
tips-and-tricks, functionality |
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best React Website Builder (sit) | | 271 |
guides, tooling, comparisons, link-lists |
Understanding Cookies and Sessions in React (bib/sit) | | 270 |
authentication, cookies |
Navigating Signals: An Efficient Alternative to React Hooks for Enhanced Performance and Optimization | | 269 |
hooks, signals |
htmx vs. React: A Complete Comparison (ant/sem) | | 268 |
htmx, comparisons |
10 Best “Create React App” Alternatives for Different Use Cases (sit) | | 267 |
frameworks, tech-stacks, comparisons, link-lists |
Control Lazy Load, Infinite Scroll, and Animations in React (bib/sit) | | 266 |
lazy-loading, scrolling, animations, javascript |
Understanding React “useEffect” (sit) | | 265 |
JavaScript on Demand: How Qwik Differs From React Hydration (pau/the) | | 264 |
javascript, qwik, hydration, comparisons |
React Labs: What We’ve Been Working On—February 2024 (en+/rea) | | 263 |
React, Solid, htmx (bob) | | 262 |
solidjs, htmx, comparisons |
Remix Takes on Next.js in Battle of the React Frameworks (ric/the) | | 261 |
frameworks, remix, nextjs |
The Most Demanded Frontend Frameworks in 2023 (log) | | 260 |
frameworks, comparisons, angular, vuejs |
13 Best Books, Courses, and Communities for Learning React (sit) | | 259 |
books, courses, link-lists |
Implementing User Authentication in React Apps With Appwrite (sit) | | 258 |
authentication, tooling |
Take a Qwik Break From React With Astro (pau/the) | | 257 |
qwik, astro, frameworks, comparisons |
5 Advanced Data-Fetching Techniques in React for Enhanced User Experience (jun/itn) | | 256 |
data-fetching, code-splitting, components, techniques |
React Libraries for 2024 (rwi) | | 255 |
libraries, link-lists |
Moving on From React (kel) | | 254 |
migrating, stimulus |
Kind of Annoyed at React (cas) | | 253 |
htmx for React Developers in 10 Minutes (jhe) | | 252 |
videos, htmx |
A Lot of What People Use React for Would Be Better Handled With Vanilla JavaScript (cfe) | | 251 |
javascript, simplicity |
The Two Reacts (dan) | | 250 |
components, state-management |
2024 Predictions by JavaScript Frontend Framework Maintainers (low/the) | | 249 |
outlooks, javascript, frameworks, angular, nextjs, solidjs |
The Best React Chart Libraries for Data Visualization in 2024 (sit) | | 248 |
libraries, visualization, comparisons, link-lists |
React Is Slow, What to Do Now? | | 247 |
performance |
React Server Components: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (may) | | 246 |
components |
Server and Client Component—Next.js (fro) | | 245 |
nextjs, components |
React Props Explained With Examples (cem/bui) | | 244 |
props, examples |
6 Techniques for Conditional Rendering in React, With Examples (sit) | | 243 |
techniques |
React Performance Optimization (bib/sit) | | 242 |
performance, optimization |
Scale Your React App With Storybook and Chromatic (dai/sit) | | 241 |
scaling, storybook |
The Pros and Cons of Using React Today (ale/the) | | 240 |
frameworks |
Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks to Choose in 2024 | | 239 |
javascript, frameworks, angular, vuejs, nodejs, express, meteor, nextjs, emberjs, backbone, svelte |
Using Selectlist in React (kil/pol) | | 238 |
forms |
Headless Component: A Pattern for Composing React UIs (jun/mfo) | | 237 |
components, headless |
React Router v6: A Beginner’s Guide (jch/sit) | | 236 |
guides, routing |
How to Build a Server-Side React App Using Vite and Express (pau/the) | | 235 |
how-tos, vite, express, server-side-rendering |
Understanding React Error Boundary (sit) | | 234 |
Performance in React and Next.js (lyd/ver) | | 233 |
videos, performance, nextjs |
Why Signals Are Better Than React Hooks (dev) | | 232 |
videos, javascript, signals, hooks, comparisons |
An Introduction to Working With SVGs in React (sit) | | 231 |
introductions, images, svg |
State of React 2023 (sac/dev) | | 230 |
surveys |
React Design Patterns (nec/ref) | | 229 |
software-design-patterns |
44 React Frontend Interview Questions | | 228 |
interviewing |
React Micro-Frontends Using Vite | | 227 |
micro-frontends, vite |
Why Not React? (tig) | | 226 |
v0.dev (ver) | | 225 |
websites, components, tooling, ai, tailwind |
Building a Real-Time Chat With Websockets, Novel, and Clerk (nev/nov) | | 224 |
communication, vite, nodejs, express, websockets |
Making Sense of React Server Components (jos) | | 223 |
components |
A Wide View of Automated Testing in React Apps (eri) | | 222 |
testing, automation |
Code Splitting in React: Optimize Performance by Splitting Your Code (shr) | | 221 |
code-splitting, performance, optimization |
Six Reasons Not to Use React (jhe) | | 220 |
videos |
All 12 “useState” and “useEffect” Mistakes Junior React Developers Still Make in 2024 (byt) | | 219 |
videos, mistakes |
React JSX (sta) | | 218 |
jsx |
React Props: A Visual Guide | | 217 |
guides, props |
Unveiling the Power of Code-Splitting With Webpack for React and Redux Applications | | 216 |
code-splitting, webpack, redux |
JSX Without React (chr) | | 215 |
jsx |
Route-Based Code Splitting With React (cma) | | 214 |
code-splitting, routing |
Things You Forgot (or Never Knew) Because of React (col) | | 213 |
frameworks, learning |
Understanding React Server Components (tem/ver) | | 212 |
components |
Upgrading an Ancient React Application (jef/lab) | | 211 |
maintenance |
React-ing to Accessibility: Building Accessible Forms That Everyone Can Use (mar/uxd) | | 210 |
accessibility, forms, testing |
How to Prevent Unnecessary React Component Re-Rendering (aki) | | 209 |
how-tos, client-side-rendering, performance |
What Is Asset Fingerprinting (or Cache Busting) and How It Works in ReactJS (may) | | 208 |
caching, fingerprinting |
React Design Patterns (anu) | | 207 |
software-design-patterns |
React Developers Love Preact, Here’s Why (sam/hac) | | 206 |
preact, comparisons |
Introduction to JSX (sap/cod) | | 205 |
introductions, jsx |
What’s Next for Redux With Mark Erikson (ace/jhe) | | 204 |
videos, interviews, redux, state-management |
Live Regions in React (abb) | | 203 |
aria, live-regions, accessibility |
Create React UI Lib: Component Library Speedrun (mis) | | 202 |
typescript, components, npm |
Best Animation Libraries for React (sun) | | 201 |
libraries, animations, link-lists |
RSC From Scratch: Server Components (jes) | | 200 |
videos, components |
Is React Having An AngularJS Moment? (fra/mar) | | 199 |
angularjs |
Crafting a Modern Spotlight Effect With React and CSS (ibe) | | 198 |
css, effects |
I’m Done With React (ada) | | 197 |
videos |
React Testing Library and Accessibility (ste) | | 196 |
libraries, accessibility, testing, automation |
Load Websites Faster With Code Splitting (lea) | | 195 |
performance, code-splitting |
The Interactive Guide to Rendering in React (tyl/uid) | | 194 |
guides, client-side-rendering |
Goodbye “create-react-app”: A New Approach (cod) | | 193 |
How to Write Comments in React: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (pan) | | 192 |
how-tos, comments |
Building Pagination in React With React Paginate (sur/doc) | | 191 |
navigation, pagination |
React, Visualized (uid) | | 190 |
introductions, visualization |
The Real Difference Between “useMemo” and “Memo” in React | | 189 |
hooks, performance, examples |
Copy to Clipboard in JavaScript and React (vin) | | 188 |
javascript |
The Ultimate Guide to Automatic Accessibility Testing in CI/CD for React Apps | | 187 |
guides, accessibility, testing, automation, ci-cd |
Framework Popularity on Netlify (sel/net) | | 186 |
frameworks, nextjs, gatsby, hugo, zola, comparisons |
Senior Engineering Strategies for Advanced React and TypeScript (tec) | | 185 |
strategies, typescript, architecture, testing, performance, accessibility, security, maintenance |
What Is Strict Mode in React? (cod) | | 184 |
How to Start a React Project in 2023 (rwi) | | 183 |
how-tos |
How to Stop a React Component From Rendering (ami) | | 182 |
how-tos, components, client-side-rendering |
Everything You Need to Know About the Updated React Docs (kat) | | 181 |
documentation |
The Problem With React (ipl) | | 180 |
Internationalization in Next.js 13 With React Server Components (jam/sma) | | 179 |
internationalization, nextjs, components |
Vue vs. React: Everything You Need to Know (sit) | | 178 |
vuejs, comparisons |
Static Site Generators: What’s Trending Right Now (sta) | | 177 |
site-generators, trends, gatsby, nuxt, astro, eleventy, comparisons |
Client-Side JavaScript and React Criticism: What Comes Next? (mol) | | 176 |
javascript, accessibility, performance, resilience, progressive-enhancement |
React vs. Signals: 10 Years Later (rya/thi) | | 175 |
signals, javascript, comparisons, retrospectives |
Dithering Images With React/JavaScript (wri) | | 174 |
images, dithering, javascript |
7 Essential React Libraries for Front-End Web Development (sur) | | 173 |
libraries, link-lists |
Understanding the Difference Between Props and State in React | | 172 |
props, state-management, comparisons |
React Libraries for 2023 (rwi) | | 171 |
libraries, link-lists |
How to Use WebSockets in a Redux Application (tan) | | 170 |
how-tos, websockets, redux |
What to Expect From Vue in 2023 and How It Differs From React (ric/the) | | 169 |
vuejs, comparisons |
Technical SEO Basics for React Developers (vin) | | 168 |
fundamentals, seo |
React.js: The Documentary (hon) | | 167 |
videos, history |
How to Add an Event Handler in React (vin) | | 166 |
how-tos, dom, events |
Modularizing React Applications With Established UI Patterns (jun/mfo) | | 165 |
components, modules |
A Historical Reference of React Criticism (zac) | | 164 |
history |
React Anti-Patterns and Best Practices—Dos and Don’ts (per) | | 163 |
anti-patterns, best-practices |
Multi-Threaded React App Using useWorker (nil) | | 162 |
multithreading, javascript, web-workers |
6 Approaches for Data Fetching in React (loc) | | 161 |
data-fetching |
Invoking React Components From Your Ember Apps (raj) | | 160 |
emberjs, components |
Using Local Storage in JavaScript and React (vin) | | 159 |
javascript, browser-storage |
Replace “Create React App” Recommendation With Vite (t3d/rea) | | 158 |
discussions, vite |
Intro to Wasp—Fullstack App (far/was) | | 157 |
videos, introductions, wasp, express |
React, Vite, and TypeScript: Get Started in Under 2 Minutes (jur/nxd) | | 156 |
introductions, vite, typescript |
Set Up a React App With TypeScript in 5 Minutes (vin) | | 155 |
vite, typescript |
2022 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic) | | 154 |
javascript, frameworks, vuejs, building, testing, tooling, mobile, desktop, state-management, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
Radix UI: An Unstyled UI Component Library for React (tho) | | 153 |
libraries, components, radix |
Theme Toggles | | 152 |
websites, theming, toggles, html |
React’s New Killer Documentation Focused Only on Functional Components (di) | | 151 |
documentation |
Everything You Need to Know About Concurrent React (with a Little Bit of Suspense) (hin/cod) | | 150 |
concurrency |
Conditional Wrapping in React (dai) | | 149 |
Improving React Interaction Times by 4× (luk/cau) | | 148 |
performance, optimization |
A Love Letter to React (chr/fly) | | 147 |
jsx |
React Concurrency, Explained (iam) | | 146 |
slides, concurrency |
How We Improved React Loading Times by 70% With Next.js (cau) | | 145 |
performance, nextjs, case-studies |
How to Set Up the New Google Auth in a React and Express App (bon/sit) | | 144 |
how-tos, google, authentication, express |
Moving From React to htmx (htm) | | 143 |
migrating, htmx |
A Little Semantic HTML Trick for React Components (raa) | | 142 |
html, semantics, components, tips-and-tricks |
The Future of Rendering in React (psu) | | 141 |
client-side-rendering, server-side-rendering |
React I Love You, but You’re Bringing Me Down (fra/mar) | | 140 |
PureComponents vs. Functional Components With Hooks (ade) | | 139 |
components, hooks, comparisons |
A Guide to Choosing the Right React State Management Solution (iva/log) | | 138 |
guides, state-management |
Me and React: 5 Years in 15 Minutes (dev) | | 137 |
Understanding “useMemo” and “useCallback” (jos) | | 136 |
hooks |
React Query vs. SWR (t3d) | | 135 |
videos, data-fetching, comparisons |
React Re-Renders Guide: Preventing Unnecessary Re-Renders (ade) | | 134 |
guides, client-side-rendering |
Why React Re-Renders (jos) | | 133 |
client-side-rendering |
Building Accessible Select Components in React (kul/leg) | | 132 |
components, forms, accessibility |
(Re-)Introducing Gatsby, a Reactive Site Generator (kyl/gat) | | 131 |
gatsby, performance, reactivity, site-generators, introductions |
Stream Videos With WebRTC API and React (cod/clo) | | 130 |
webrtc, apis, multimedia |
5 Good Practices to Scale Your React Projects Easily (jef) | | 129 |
scaling, best-practices |
500 ms to 1.7 ms in React: A Journey and a Checklist (ori) | | 128 |
performance |
Clean Architecture: Applying With React | | 127 |
architecture |
Creating an App Using Drag and Drop With React Without Libraries (fra) | | 126 |
7 Tips for Clean React TypeScript Code You Must Know (tap) | | 125 |
typescript, tips-and-tricks |
Applying SOLID Principles in React (kos) | | 124 |
quality, maintainability, principles, solid |
Guide to Trending Front-End Frameworks in 2022 (uxm) | | 123 |
guides, frameworks, jquery, express, angular, vuejs |
The New Wave of React State Management | | 122 |
state-management, comparisons |
Missing Introduction to React (kha) | | 121 |
introductions |
Different Ways to Write CSS in React (syn/css) | | 120 |
css |
Notes on Maintaining an Internal React Component Library (gab) | | 119 |
maintenance, components, libraries |
Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React (ada/css) | | 118 |
web-components, interoperability |
React Accessibility Resources (bru) | | 117 |
accessibility, link-lists |
React Hooks Best Practices in 2022 (kul) | | 116 |
hooks |
Under the Hood: React vs. Vue vs. Svelte (git) | | 115 |
frameworks, vuejs, svelte, comparisons |
The Complete Modern React Developer 2022 (and) | | 114 |
Why I Don’t Miss React: A Story About Using the Platform (jac) | | 113 |
What Is Memoization? How and When to Memoize in JavaScript and React (coc/fre) | | 112 |
memoization, javascript |
Mastering CSS Transitions With React 18 (eny/ope) | | 111 |
css, transitions |
React 18—New Features and Improvement Strategies | | 110 |
Test-Driven Development With React and Redux: Thunk, Slices, and Requests Mocking (kol) | | 109 |
testing, redux |
Component Party (mat) | | 108 |
websites, components, frameworks, comparisons, svelte, qwik, vuejs, angular, lit, emberjs, solidjs, alpinejs |
How to Use Props in React (rwi) | | 107 |
how-tos, props |