Building the Same App 5 Times | | 81 |
comparisons, jquery, angular, vuejs, svelte |
You Don’t Know “useEffect” | | 80 |
React Children and Iteration Methods (by/via) | | 79 |
Using localStorage With React Hooks (by/via) | | 78 |
storage, hooks |
Getting Started With React “useContext” Hook and React Context (by) | | 77 |
hooks, introductions |
You Don’t Need React for Building Websites (by) | | 76 |
A Visual Guide to React Rendering—It Always Re-Renders (by) | | 75 |
guides |
Freelance React Developer Checklist (by) | | 74 |
checklists |
Build a Website With React and Tailwind CSS (by/via) | | 73 |
tailwind |
How We Built React Components for Any Front End (via) | | 72 |
components, case-studies |
React Architecture: How to Structure and Organize a React Application (by) | | 71 |
how-tos, architecture |
Accessibility in React (by) | | 70 |
accessibility |
React Cheat Sheet (Updated June 2021) (by) | | 69 |
cheat-sheets |
Vue.js vs. React—Not Your Usual Comparison (by) | | 68 |
frameworks, vuejs, comparisons |
How to Build an Image Comparison Slider (by) | | 67 |
how-tos, images |
Svelte for the Experienced React Dev (by/via) | | 66 |
svelte |
Building a React Design System for Adoption and Scale (via) | | 65 |
design-systems |
21 Best Practices for a Clean React Project (by) | | 64 |
best-practices, quality |
The 5 Most Popular Front-End Frameworks Compared (by/via) | | 63 |
frameworks, comparisons, angular, vuejs, svelte, emberjs |
React vs. Vue in 2021: Best JavaScript Framework (by/via) | | 62 |
frameworks, vuejs, comparisons |
Comparing Svelte and React (by) | | 61 |
svelte, comparisons |
How to Set Up VS Code for React Development (by/via) | | 60 |
how-tos, vs-code, microsoft, code-editors |
2020 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 59 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, vuejs, angular, building, testing, tooling, css-in-js, mobile, state-management, graphql, retrospectives |
How to Deal With Common React JS Problems—Actionable Tips (via) | | 58 |
how-tos, tips-and-tricks |
The What, Why, and How of Using a Skeleton Loading Screen (by) | | 57 |
performance |
Authenticating React Apps With Auth0 (by/via) | | 56 |
authentication, tooling, auth0 |
Getting Started With Next.js (by/via) | | 55 |
introductions, nextjs |
Getting Started With React: A Beginner’s Guide (by/via) | | 54 |
introductions, guides, jsx |
Unit Testing in React Native Applications (by/via) | | 53 |
native, testing |
Drawing the Invisible: React Explained in Five Visual Metaphors (by/via) | | 52 |
videos |
Animating React Components With GreenSock (by/via) | | 51 |
gsap, javascript, components, animations |
React With TypeScript: Best Practices (by/via) | | 50 |
typescript, best-practices |
Building React Apps With Storybook (by/via) | | 49 |
storybook |
Mastering Props and PropTypes in React (by/via) | | 48 |
props |
Vue vs. React in 2021: Which Framework to Choose and When (via) | | 47 |
frameworks, vuejs, comparisons |
Updating React at Etsy (by) | | 46 |
case-studies, preact, frameworks |
How to Use Styled Components in React (by/via) | | 45 |
how-tos, css-in-js, css, javascript |
ReactJS: A Simple Custom Hook (by/via) | | 44 |
hooks |
Methods of Improving and Optimizing Performance in React Apps (by/via) | | 43 |
performance, optimization |
JavaScript to Know for React (by) | | 42 |
javascript |
Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks in 2020 | | 41 |
frameworks, javascript, angular, vuejs, nodejs, svelte, comparisons |
A Practical Guide to Testing React Applications With Jest (by/via) | | 40 |
guides, testing, jest |
A Lazy Dark Mode (by) | | 39 |
dark-mode |
Higher-Order Components in React (by/via) | | 38 |
components |
Building Reusable React Components Using Tailwind (by/via) | | 37 |
components, tailwind, maintainability |
Blogged Answers: A (Mostly) Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior (by) | | 36 |
guides, client-side-rendering |
Styling Components in React (by/via) | | 35 |
components, css, sass, css-in-js, javascript |
Maybe You Don’t Need That SPA (by) | | 34 |
single-page-apps, javascript, performance |
Second-Guessing the Modern Web (by) | | 33 |
single-page-apps, server-side-rendering, apis, data-fetching |
Implementing Dark Mode in React Apps Using Styled-Components (by/via) | | 32 |
dark-mode, components, javascript |
Best Practices With React Hooks (by/via) | | 31 |
hooks, best-practices |
Getting Started With the React Hooks API (by/via) | | 30 |
introductions, hooks, apis |
React Folder Structure in 5 Steps (by) | | 29 |
architecture |
Creating Sortable Tables With React (by/via) | | 28 |
tables, sorting |
The Perils of Rehydration (by) | | 27 |
hydration |
Setting Up Tailwind CSS in a React Project (by/via) | | 26 |
tailwind |
React Tutorial (by) | | 25 |
websites, courses, tutorials |
An Introduction to React’s Context API (by/via) | | 24 |
introductions, apis |
2019 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 23 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, vuejs, angular, testing, compiling, building, tooling, mobile, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
How to Use Redux With React Hooks (by) | | 22 |
how-tos, redux, hooks |
Explore GraphQL With Apollo and React: Build a Superhero Database (via) | | 21 |
graphql, databases |
2018 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 20 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, vuejs, angular, mobile, compiling, building, testing, tooling, code-editors, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
Static vs. Server Rendering (by/via) | | 19 |
rendering, performance, comparisons |
Component Reusability in React and Vue (by) | | 18 |
vuejs, components, maintainability |
An Introduction to Drupal for React Developers (by+/via) | | 17 |
introductions, drupal |
React’s Accessibility Code Linter (by/via) | | 16 |
linting, eslint, tooling, accessibility |
Getting Started With Redux (by/via) | | 15 |
introductions, redux, state-management |
A Guide to Testing React Components (via) | | 14 |
guides, components, testing |
What’s New in React 16? (by/via) | | 13 |
Explorations in the Virtual DOM: How React.js Impacts Accessibility (by) | | 12 |
slides, accessibility, dom |
2016 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 11 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, mobile, compiling, building, testing, tooling, code-editors, retrospectives |
React Internationalization How-To (by/via) | | 10 |
how-tos, internationalization |
Intro to ReactJS (by/via) | | 9 |
introductions |
React Server Side Rendering With Node and Express (by/via) | | 8 |
server-side-rendering, nodejs, express |
Getting Started With React: Building a “Hello World” Demo (via) | | 7 |
introductions, frameworks |
Generating SVG With React (by/via) | | 6 |
svg, javascript |
React + Performance = ? (by) | | 5 |
performance, metrics |
Two Weird Tricks That Fix React (by) | | 4 |
tips-and-tricks |
Demystifying React Components State (via) | | 3 |
components, state-management |
React: Rethinking Best Practices (by/via) | | 2 |
videos, best-practices |
UI Events Viewer (by) | | 1 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging, dom, events |