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“sgml” Archive

Supertopics: markup-languages (non-exhaustive) · glossary look-up: “sgml”

Entry (Sources) and Other Related TopicsDate#
W3C: XML Is Everywhere (chr/sdt)9
A Brief(ish) History of the Web Universe: The Pre-Web (bka)8
HTML Comments (ann)7
SGML, XML, and Structured Document Interchange (dra/w3c)6
Extensible Hyper Linkage (XHL) (tim+/w3c)5
Introduction to SGML4
Extending the Web’s Tag Set Using SGML: The Grif Symposia Authoring Tool (jea)3
DSSSL (jam)2
Some Background on SGML for the World-Wide Web (dck/w3c)1