5 Technical JavaScript Trends You Need to Know About in 2025 (via) | | 35 |
javascript, trends, architecture, serverless, webassembly, typescript, type-safety, micro-frontends |
React.js Best Practices for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide (via) | | 34 |
guides, best-practices, react, components, hooks, debugging |
Web Components vs. State-Based UI (by) | | 33 |
web-components, comparisons |
Rethinking CSS in JS | | 32 |
css, javascript, css-in-js, design, design-systems, maintenance |
Why You Should Use Redux in 2024 (by/via) | | 31 |
videos, redux |
Vanilla JavaScript, Libraries, and the Quest for Stateful DOM Rendering (via) | | 30 |
javascript, libraries, client-side-rendering |
UI = ƒ(statesⁿ) (by) | | 29 |
design |
The Two Reacts (by) | | 28 |
react, components |
CSS-Based State Management (by) | | 27 |
css |
Sharing a State Between Windows Without a Server (by) | | 26 |
web-workers, apis, effects, javascript |
Fastest Way of Passing State to JavaScript, Re-Visited (by/via) | | 25 |
javascript, performance |
A Tip for Properly Handling Loading States in Web Apps (by) | | 24 |
tips-and-tricks, web-apps |
Do We Need State Management in Angular? | | 23 |
angular |
An Intro to State-Based UI With JavaScript (by) | | 22 |
introductions, javascript |
Application State Management With Angular Signals (by) | | 21 |
angular, signals |
What’s Next for Redux With Mark Erikson (by/via) | | 20 |
videos, interviews, react, redux |
Understanding the Difference Between Props and State in React | | 19 |
react, props, comparisons |
2022 JavaScript Rising Stars (by) | | 18 |
javascript, frameworks, react, vuejs, building, testing, tooling, mobile, desktop, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
A Guide to Choosing the Right React State Management Solution (by/via) | | 17 |
guides, react |
Introducing Signals (via) | | 16 |
introductions, preact, signals |
The New Wave of React State Management | | 15 |
react, comparisons |
Sharing State in Distributed UIs at Runtime (by) | | 14 |
scaling, micro-frontends |
React State Management Libraries in 2022 (by) | | 13 |
react, libraries |
Optimizing State Management in React Applications (by/via) | | 12 |
react |
State Management in Next.js (by/via) | | 11 |
nextjs |
State Management in Svelte Applications (by/via) | | 10 |
svelte |
Blogged Answers: The Evolution of Redux Testing Approaches (by) | | 9 |
redux, testing, history |
Managing Shared State in Vue 3 (by/via) | | 8 |
vuejs |
2020 JavaScript Rising Stars (by+) | | 7 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, react, vuejs, angular, building, testing, tooling, css-in-js, mobile, graphql, retrospectives |
What’s Coming to Vuex? (by/via) | | 6 |
vuejs, libraries |
What Is Redux: A Designer’s Guide (by/via) | | 5 |
guides, design, redux |
Getting Started With Redux (by/via) | | 4 |
introductions, redux, react |
Redux: An Introduction (by/via) | | 3 |
introductions, redux |
Demystifying React Components State (via) | | 2 |
react, components |
Toggling State in CSS (by) | | 1 |
css |