Cool URLs Don’t Change, Unless… (j9t) | | 61 |
links, link-rot, redirecting |
How to Find All Existing and Archived URLs on a Website (tca/moz) | | 60 |
how-tos, seo, sitemaps, tooling |
The Must-Have SEO Checklist for Developers for 2025 (the) | | 59 |
seo, checklists, metadata, performance |
Smarter Than “Ctrl” + “F”: Linking Directly to Web Page Content (ahm) | | 58 |
links |
The Problem With “new URL()”, and How “URL.parse()” Fixes That (kil) | | 57 |
javascript |
URL Parser Performance (bag) | | 56 |
parsing, performance |
Your Website’s URLs Can and Should Be Beautiful (jas) | | 55 |
usability |
A New Method to Validate URLs in JavaScript (ste) | | 54 |
javascript, validation |
Working With URLs With Vanilla JavaScript (cfe) | | 53 |
javascript |
Data URLs and Pool in Your URL (wes) | | 52 |
html |
URI vs. URL: The Main Differences Between URL and URI (sha/god) | | 51 |
terminology, comparisons |
Does “www” Still Belong in URLs? (css) | | 50 |
usability |
CSS for URLs and HTTP Headers (jim) | | 49 |
css, http, http-headers |
URL Redirection on AWS Using JSON Rules (ang) | | 48 |
aws, redirecting, json |
Secure JavaScript URL Validation (man/sny) | | 47 |
javascript, validation, security |
Types of URL Redirects and SEO Best Practices (por) | | 46 |
redirecting, seo, best-practices |
URL, URI, URN: What’s the Difference? (and/aut) | | 45 |
terminology, comparisons |
Everything Publishers Need to Know About URLs (bad) | | 44 |
seo, naming |
How to Redirect URLs on WordPress (sem) | | 43 |
how-tos, redirecting, wordpress, apache |
You’ll Soon Be Able to Get Google AMP Quality Without That Pesky AMP URL (luc/dig) | | 42 |
google, amp |
Google AMP Will Soon Show Publisher URLs on Supported Web Browsers (kyl/xda) | | 41 |
google, amp, browsers |
An Introduction to WordPress Permalinks (jer/sit) | | 40 |
introductions, wordpress, links |
Webmention (aar/w3c) | | 39 |
webmentions, standards |
My URL Isn’t Your URL (bag) | | 38 |
standards |
Coding mod_rewrite and WordPress Permalinks (tel) | | 37 |
servers, apache, wordpress |
Easy URL Parsing With Isomorphic JavaScript (cra/sit) | | 36 |
javascript |
SEO Strategies for Designers (sit) | | 35 |
seo, strategies, metadata, performance |
A URL Policy for Web Projects (j9t) | | 34 |
links, conventions |
Generating One-Time Use URLs (zae/sit) | | 33 |
php |
Building Your Own URL Shortener (sit) | | 32 |
php, mysql, databases, functionality |
To “www” or Not to “www”—That Is the Question (cra/sit) | | 31 |
servers, apache |
Why Relative URLs Should Be Forbidden for Web Developers (joo/yoa) | | 30 |
links, seo |
Introduction to URL Rewriting (sma) | | 29 |
introductions, redirecting, techniques, apache, servers |
On URL Readability (lea) | | 28 |
usability |
A Guide to Designing Cool URLs (wir) | | 27 |
guides, links, namespaces |
URL Design (kne) | | 26 |
links, best-practices, namespaces |
Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Sorry About the Slashes (cra/sit) | | 25 |
web, usability |
“rev=canonical” Bookmarklet and Designing Shorter URLs (sim) | | 24 |
bookmarklets, nginx, servers |
Cool URIs in a RESTful World (inf) | | 23 |
semantic-web, http, rest |
Making IIS 6.0 Play With UrlRewriting (sit) | | 22 |
servers, microsoft, iis |
Why You Should Be Using Disambiguated URLs (sim) | | 21 |
links, best-practices |
URI (IRI) Design (ann) | | 20 |
http, content-negotiation, localization, internationalization |
URLs vs. XHTML (dav) | | 19 |
xhtml, conformance |
Top Web Design Mistakes (sim) | | 18 |
usability, mistakes |
How to Succeed With URLs (ali) | | 17 |
how-tos, usability, servers, apache, php |
Search Engine-Friendly URLs (sit) | | 16 |
seo, php, servers, apache |
Cool URIs Don’t Change (tim/w3c) | | 15 |
links, link-rot, web |
URL Validator (dan) | | 14 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging, validation |
URL Lengthener (win) | | 13 |
tools, exploration |
URL Shortener ( | | 12 |
tools, exploration |
URL Shortener (Bitly) (bit) | | 11 |
tools, exploration |
URL List Cleaner (ofo) | | 10 |
tools, exploration |
Dynamic-to-Static URL Transformer (se) | | 9 |
tools, exploration, servers, code-generation, seo |
SVG URL Encoder (yok) | | 8 |
tools, exploration, images, svg, code-generation |
URL Slug Converter (YouTools) | | 7 |
tools, exploration, conversion |
URL Slug Converter (ESSE.TOOLS) | | 6 |
tools, exploration, conversion |
URL Encoder and Decoder (mey) | | 5 |
tools, exploration, conversion |
URL Rewrite Generator (don) | | 4 |
tools, exploration, code-generation, servers |
Canonical URL Checker (seo) | | 3 |
tools, analysis, seo |
URL Shortener Redirect Checker (web) | | 2 |
tools, analysis, network |
URL Parser | | 1 |
tools, analysis, network, parsing |