The Problem of Knowledge Debt in Tech (bek/ope) | | 33 |
documentation, collaboration |
Rethinking Code Reviews With Stacked PRs (dph) | | 32 |
code-reviews, git, tooling |
Writing Effective Pull Request Descriptions: A Developer’s Guide (fyv) | | 31 |
guides, documentation, code-reviews, collaboration |
“Good Commit” vs. “Your Commit”: How to Write a Perfect Git Commit Message (saf) | | 30 |
how-tos, commit-messages, git |
How I Write Commits Like a Pro (kun) | | 29 |
git, conventions |
How to Get Somebody Fired Using Git (acc) | | 28 |
git, career |
GitLab vs. GitHub: Which Is Better in 2024? (mrc/pri) | | 27 |
gitlab, github, comparisons |
“Good Commit” vs. “Your Commit”: How to Write a Perfect Git Commit Message (vic/git) | | 26 |
how-tos, commit-messages, collaboration, git |
Comparing Version Control Systems: Git, SVN, CVS, and More | | 25 |
comparisons, git, svn, cvs |
WordPress Version Control: A Comprehensive Guide (web) | | 24 |
guides, wordpress, tooling |
Git Is Not the End of History (jm) | | 23 |
git, outlooks |
The Perfect Commit (sim) | | 22 |
documentation, testing, commit-messages |
Technical Writing for Developers (elu/css) | | 21 |
writing |
How to Prevent Merge Conflicts (or at Least Have Less of Them) (bla/git) | | 20 |
how-tos, git |
npm Security Update: Attack Campaign Using Stolen OAuth Tokens (gos/git) | | 19 |
security, oauth, npm, github |
How Do I Resolve Merge Conflicts? (bla/git) | | 18 |
git, command-line |
Using Git to Version Control the Entire “wp-content” Directory (phi/hoo) | | 17 |
wordpress, themes, plugins, git |
GitLab vs. GitHub—a Comparison of the Two Version Control Systems (ion) | | 16 |
gitlab, github, comparisons |
Difference Between Concurrent Versions System (CVS) and Subversion (SVN) (gee) | | 15 |
comparisons, cvs, svn |
Quick Tip: How to Hide Whitespace Changes in Git Diffs (spa/clo) | | 14 |
whitespace, tips-and-tricks, how-tos, github, gitlab |
Version Control With Magento and Git (jef/sit) | | 13 |
git, magento |
Conventional Commits (ben) | | 12 |
websites, commit-messages, conventions, documentation |
WordPress Version Control With Git (jef/sit) | | 11 |
wordpress, git |
The Art of the Commit (dde/ali) | | 10 |
command-line, commit-messages, writing |
A Simple Developer Error Is Exposing Private Information on Thousands of Websites (owe/the) | | 9 |
git, mistakes, vulnerabilities, security |
Developer’s Toolbox: GitHub (lea) | | 8 |
videos, git, github |
6 Tips for Writing Better Code (sit) | | 7 |
tips-and-tricks, modules, preprocessors, code-reviews |
Understanding Version Control With Diffs (tob/sit) | | 6 |
Version Control Software in 2014: What Are Your Options? (ds/sit) | | 5 |
git, svn, cvs, comparisons |
10 Tips for Better Coding (sit) | | 4 |
tips-and-tricks, quality, conventions, documentation, refactoring, naming, building, testing, tooling |
Modern Version Control With Git (tob/sma) | | 3 |
git, concepts |
Subversion Gits the Last Train (myl/sit) | | 2 |
svn, git, comparisons |
Version Control and Web Development (bla/sit) | | 1 |
cvs |