What I Learned From Migrating a Vue Project From Vuex to Pinia (mic/pic) | | 104 |
migrating, state-management, lessons |
Introducing Fusion: Write PHP Inside Vue and React Components (eri/lar) | | 103 |
introductions, tooling, php, react, components |
Ensuring Excellence: Proven Strategies for Quality Vue.js Development (fro) | | 102 |
best-practices, techniques |
SolidJS Creator on Confronting Web Framework Complexity (low/the) | | 101 |
frameworks, angular, multi-page-apps, single-page-apps, javascript, complexity, outlooks |
2024 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic) | | 100 |
javascript, frameworks, libraries, react, tooling, mobile, desktop, state-management, ai, css-in-js, testing, graphql, retrospectives |
Migrating From VuePress to VitePress (ole) | | 99 |
migrating, site-generators |
How to Optimize Performance in Vue Apps (jac/deb) | | 98 |
how-tos, performance, optimization |
How to Speed Up Your Vue App With Server Side Rendering (jac/deb) | | 97 |
how-tos, performance, server-side-rendering, incremental-static-regeneration |
JS Frameworks, in Their Own Words (by Word Cloud) (j9t) | | 96 |
frameworks, javascript, react, angular, svelte, express, meteor, nextjs, comparisons |
The Trickiest Bug I’ve Ever Fixed (leo/fro) | | 95 |
debugging |
Better Vue Components With TypeScript (fad) | | 94 |
components, typescript, examples |
An SSR Performance Showdown (mco) | | 93 |
server-side-rendering, performance, svelte, solidjs, preact, react, comparisons |
Understanding Vue’s Suspense (tre) | | 92 |
Exposing Internal Methods on Vue Custom Elements (jai) | | 91 |
javascript |
Documentation and Migration: From Vue 2 to Vue 3 (nt+/dej) | | 90 |
videos, interviews, documentation, migrating |
Vue and Vite Updates (you/vue) | | 89 |
videos, vite |
Ten Years of Vue (With Evan You) (you+/dej) | | 88 |
podcasts, apis, history |
Angular Directives vs. Vue Directives (cod/tel) | | 87 |
angular, comparisons |
10 Years of Vue: The Past and the Future (you/vue) | | 86 |
videos, history, outlooks |
Want Out of React Complexity? Try Vue’s Progressive Framework (ric/the) | | 85 |
react, frameworks, comparisons |
The Vue Ecosystem in 2024 (ben/fro) | | 84 |
content-delivery, building, frameworks |
The War Begins: Top Best JavaScript Framework to Learn in 2024 (fro) | | 83 |
frameworks, comparisons, react, angular, svelte, emberjs, preact, alpinejs, stimulus, nextjs, nestjs |
Things That I Like Better in Vue Than in React | | 82 |
react, frameworks, comparisons |
What Is Vuetify in Vue.js? (csh) | | 81 |
vuetify |
How to Choose the Best Static Site Generator in 2024 (con) | | 80 |
how-tos, site-generators, gatsby, jekyll, nuxt, nextjs, hugo, eleventy |
The Most Demanded Frontend Frameworks in 2023 (log) | | 79 |
frameworks, comparisons, react, angular |
The Building Blocks of a Greenfield Vue Application in 2024 (fad) | | 78 |
tooling, link-lists |
Vue 3—Dynamic Components (js) | | 77 |
components |
Getting Started With Vuetify: Building Beautiful Vue.js Apps | | 76 |
introductions, vuetify |
Announcing Vue 3.4 (you/vue) | | 75 |
release-notes |
Turn Your Vue App Into an Offline-Ready Progressive Web App (sit) | | 74 |
refactoring, offline, progressive-web-apps |
What Vue’s Creator Learned the Hard Way With Vue 3 (low/the) | | 73 |
lessons |
Better Vue.js Inputs With Generics: The Select (log) | | 72 |
generics, components |
Vue and Vite Status Update (you/vue) | | 71 |
videos, vite |
Top 10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks to Choose in 2024 | | 70 |
javascript, frameworks, react, angular, nodejs, express, meteor, nextjs, emberjs, backbone, svelte |
Deploying a Vue Application With Netlify and GitHub (tel) | | 69 |
deploying, netlify, github |
Vue.js (Vue v3) for Beginners (the/thi) | | 68 |
videos, courses |
Common Vue.js Development Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (bio) | | 67 |
mistakes |
Let’s Create a Filter Table Component in Vue (asc) | | 66 |
videos, tables, components |
Deploying a Fastify and Vue 3 Static Site to Heroku (lir) | | 65 |
deploying, fastify, heroku |
7 Tips for Getting Started With Vue.js (ada/vue) | | 64 |
videos, tips-and-tricks |
How to Use “v-model” With Form Inputs in Vue (pan) | | 63 |
how-tos, forms |
Vue vs. React: Everything You Need to Know (sit) | | 62 |
react, comparisons |
Building Complex Forms in Vue (moe/sma) | | 61 |
forms |
Moving From Vue 1 to Vue 2 to Vue 3: A Case Study of Migrating a Headless CMS System (lis/sma) | | 60 |
case-studies, migrating, headless, content-management |
What Is “ref()” in Vue? (pan) | | 59 |
Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Template for Vue 3, Vuetify 3, and Storybook | | 58 |
guides, vuetify, storybook |
Building an Animated SVG Logo With animejs (joz/pix) | | 57 |
svg, images, logos, animations |
What to Expect From Vue in 2023 and How It Differs From React (ric/the) | | 56 |
react, comparisons |
Testing Vue Components the Right Way (may) | | 55 |
vitest, components, testing |
How to Destructure Props in Vue (Composition API) (pan) | | 54 |
how-tos, props |
2022 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic) | | 53 |
javascript, frameworks, react, building, testing, tooling, mobile, desktop, state-management, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
2022 Year in Review (you) | | 52 |
retrospectives |
Migrating From Vue 2 to Svelte (esc) | | 51 |
migrating, svelte |
Optimizing a Vue App (mic/sma) | | 50 |
web-apps, optimization |
Guide to Trending Front-End Frameworks in 2022 (uxm) | | 49 |
guides, frameworks, react, jquery, express, angular |
Getting Started With Vue Composables (log) | | 48 |
introductions |
State of the Vuenion 2022 (you/vue) | | 47 |
videos |
Under the Hood: React vs. Vue vs. Svelte (git) | | 46 |
frameworks, react, svelte, comparisons |
Component Party (mat) | | 45 |
websites, components, frameworks, comparisons, react, svelte, qwik, angular, lit, emberjs, solidjs, alpinejs |
How to Make a Drag-and-Drop File Uploader With Vue.js 3 (joe/sma) | | 44 |
how-tos, file-handling, javascript |
A Beginner’s Guide to Vue Router (wer/sit) | | 43 |
guides |
How to Create Reusable Components With the Vue 3 Composition API (cod/sit) | | 42 |
how-tos, components |
How to Debounce and Throttle Callbacks in Vue (pan) | | 41 |
how-tos, javascript, callbacks, debouncing, throttling |
Introducing Svelte, and Comparing Svelte With React and Vue (jjc) | | 40 |
svelte, react, comparisons, introductions |
What’s on the Menu? (ma) | | 39 |
accessibility |
Building the Same App 5 Times | | 38 |
comparisons, jquery, angular, react, svelte |
“<Lazy>” Rendering in Vue to Improve Performance (mar) | | 37 |
client-side-rendering, performance, optimization |
Vue.js vs. React—Not Your Usual Comparison (dom) | | 36 |
frameworks, react, comparisons |
A Comprehensive Guide to Vue Slots (cod/sit) | | 35 |
guides |
Managing Shared State in Vue 3 (wil/sma) | | 34 |
state-management |
A Beginner’s Guide to Vue 3 (cat/sit) | | 33 |
guides |
Understanding the New Reactivity System in Vue 3 (cod/sit) | | 32 |
reactivity |
The 5 Most Popular Front-End Frameworks Compared (jch/sit) | | 31 |
frameworks, comparisons, react, angular, svelte, emberjs |
Reactivity in Vue (tim/sma) | | 30 |
reactivity |
React vs. Vue in 2021: Best JavaScript Framework (ely/dzo) | | 29 |
frameworks, react, comparisons |
2020 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic+) | | 28 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, react, angular, building, testing, tooling, css-in-js, mobile, state-management, graphql, retrospectives |
What’s Coming to Vuex? (joe/sma) | | 27 |
state-management, libraries |
Testing Vue Applications With the Vue Testing Library (dom/sma) | | 26 |
testing, tooling |
What’s New in Vue 3? (tim/sma) | | 25 |
Authentication in Vue.js (pga/sma) | | 24 |
authentication |
Vue vs. React in 2021: Which Framework to Choose and When (mon) | | 23 |
frameworks, react, comparisons |
Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks in 2020 | | 22 |
frameworks, javascript, react, angular, nodejs, svelte, comparisons |
CSS Transitions in Vue.js and Nuxt.js (tim/sma) | | 21 |
nuxt, css, transitions |
Internationalization in Vue With the Vue I18N Plugin (tim/sma) | | 20 |
plugins, internationalization, localization |
The Cost of JavaScript Frameworks (tka) | | 19 |
javascript, frameworks, performance, metrics, jquery, angular, react |
How to Pass Data Between Components in Vue.js (mat/sma) | | 18 |
how-tos, components |
2019 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic+) | | 17 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, react, angular, testing, compiling, building, tooling, mobile, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
VuePress: Documentation Made Easy (ben/sma) | | 16 |
documentation, tooling |
How to Set Up a Vue Development Environment (jch/sit) | | 15 |
how-tos, environments |
Using Slots in Vue.js (joe/sma) | | 14 |
A Beginner’s Guide to Vue CLI (tec/sit) | | 13 |
guides |
Vue.js and SEO: How to Optimize Reactive Websites for Search Engines and Bots (pmi/sma) | | 12 |
how-tos, seo |
Getting Up and Running With the Vue.js 2.0 Framework (jac/sit) | | 11 |
introductions |
How to Conditionally Apply a CSS Class in Vue.js (cha/sit) | | 10 |
how-tos, css |
Sliding In and Out of Vue.js (kba/sma) | | 9 |
2018 JavaScript Rising Stars (mic+) | | 8 |
javascript, frameworks, nodejs, react, angular, mobile, compiling, building, testing, tooling, code-editors, css-in-js, graphql, retrospectives |
Build a Single-Page App With Go and Vue (kle/sit) | | 7 |
single-page-apps, go |
Component Reusability in React and Vue (har) | | 6 |
react, components, maintainability |
Replacing jQuery With Vue.js: No Build Step Necessary (sar/sma) | | 5 |
jquery, migrating |
JavaScript Framework Comparison—AngularJS, Vue.js, Meteor.js, or Next.js (its) | | 4 |
javascript, frameworks, angularjs, meteor, nextjs, comparisons |
Getting Started With Vue.js (hat/sit) | | 3 |
introductions |
What’s New in Vue.js 1.0 (rya/sit) | | 2 |
Vue.js Template Analyzer (you) | | 1 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging |