Ethical Web Principles (by+/via) | | 142 |
web, principles, ethics |
Updated Drafts for Review: W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 (via) | | 141 |
accessibility, wcag, standards |
Sustainable Web Interest Group Is Formed (by/via) | | 140 |
sustainability, community |
No Industry for Old Men (by/via) | | 139 |
videos, retrospectives, html, aria, browsers, screen-readers, assistive-tech, accessibility |
W3C Opens Community-Wide Survey (via) | | 138 |
surveys, community |
It’s Time to Talk About “CSS5” (by/via) | | 137 |
css |
Misfire (by) | | 136 |
web-platform, cookies, privacy |
Ethical Web Principles (by+/via) | | 135 |
web, principles, ethics |
W3C Unveils 174 New Outcomes for WCAG 3.0 (by/via) | | 134 |
accessibility, wcag, standards |
The WCAG 3 Working Draft Update Is Ready for Your Review (by/via) | | 133 |
accessibility, wcag |
AI and the Future of Web Accessibility Guidelines (by) | | 132 |
discussions, accessibility, wcag, standards, ai |
Web Platform Design Principles (by+/via) | | 131 |
web-platform, software-design, principles, standards |
Web Standards: The Guidelines That Every Developer Should Know | | 130 |
standards, history, html, css, xml, wcag |
WCAG 2.2 Is Now a Published Web Standard (by/via) | | 129 |
discussions, accessibility, wcag, standards |
A More Intelligent and Secure Web (by/via) | | 128 |
videos, standards, web, web-platform, security |
Vision for W3C (by/via) | | 127 |
visions, web, web-platform, standards |
W3C Launch Their New Website (by/via) | | 126 |
Where Would You Take the W3C? (by) | | 125 |
discussions |
Next Steps for the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (by/via) | | 124 |
videos, accessibility |
W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles (by) | | 123 |
ethics, principles |
W3C Accessibility Maturity Model (by+/via) | | 122 |
accessibility |
W3C TAG Ethical Web Principles (by+/via) | | 121 |
ethics, principles |
Reinventing W3C Governance (by) | | 120 |
standards |
Web Platform Design Principles (by/via) | | 119 |
web-platform, software-design, principles, standards |
A Year of Transformation: The Web and the World (via) | | 118 |
web, awareness-days |
Web Standards (via) | | 117 |
standards, html, xml, xhtml, css, wcag |
An Adventurer’s Guide to W3C Specs (by/via) | | 116 |
guides, accessibility, standards |
The W3C at Twenty-Five (by/via) | | 115 |
anniversaries |
W3C and the WHATWG Signed an Agreement to Collaborate on a Single Version of HTML and DOM (via) | | 114 |
whatwg, standards |
Representing Web Developers in the W3C (by/via) | | 113 |
community |
Annotation Is Now a Web Standard (by/via) | | 112 |
standards, annotations |
What Are Web Standards (via) | | 111 |
standards, history, html, xml, xhtml, css, wcag |
Web 2024—a Response to Robin Berjon’s Post (by) | | 110 |
web, visions, javascript, web-components, web-workers, interoperability, servo |
The WAI Forward (by/via) | | 109 |
accessibility, html, aria |
Performance Matters (via) | | 108 |
performance |
W3C Is Getting Some Work Done (via) | | 107 |
DRM for the Web? Say It Ain’t So (by/via) | | 106 |
html, multimedia, drm |
W3C in the Wild (via) | | 105 |
link-lists |
Hmm, Let’s Not “Fuck the Standards Bodies” (by) | | 104 |
standards, whatwg |
5 Things I Hate About CSS3 (by/via) | | 103 |
css, vendor-extensions, dev-tools, browsers, support |
Living Standards (by) | | 102 |
standards, processes, whatwg |
7 Solutions to the CSS3 Vendor Prefix Crisis (by/via) | | 101 |
css, vendor-extensions, browsers, interoperability |
Component Models and Encapsulation (by/via) | | 100 |
discussions, dom, shadow-dom |
WHATWG, W3C, and HTML (by) | | 99 |
whatwg, html, standards |
HTML5 Gets an Official Logo From W3C (by/via) | | 98 |
html |
The W3C and the “HTML5 Isn’t Ready” Backlash (by/via) | | 97 |
html, browsers, interoperability, support |
W3C: Hold Off on Deploying HTML5 in Websites (by/via) | | 96 |
html |
Current Events: The Official End to XHTML (by) | | 95 |
xhtml, html |
RIP XHTML 2 (by/via) | | 94 |
xhtml |
W3C Upgrades Web Accessibility Standards | | 93 |
standards, wcag, accessibility |
W3C Validators in Jeopardy (by) | | 92 |
tooling, conformance |
W3C Markup Validation Service Adds Experimental HTML5 Support (via) | | 91 |
tooling, conformance, html |
You Could Be Getting Clickjacked (by) | | 90 |
security, vulnerabilities, frames |
IETF Developers Call for Privacy Rules for the W3C’s Geodata API (via) | | 89 |
standards, apis, privacy |
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Out for Review (by/via) | | 88 |
guidelines, accessibility, wcag |
The Meek Shall Inherit the Web (via) | | 87 |
web, mobile |
W3C Releases Mobile Web Best Practices (by/via) | | 86 |
mobile, best-practices |
W3C Tackles Web Typography With CSS 3 (by/via) | | 85 |
css, standards, typography |
Web Applications Working Group Launched (by/via) | | 84 |
web-apps, apis |
Heads-Up: CSS Namespaces and You (by/via) | | 83 |
css, namespaces, xml, standards |
W3C XML Is Ten | | 82 |
xml, anniversaries |
World Wide Web Consortium Releases Draft of HTML 5 (by/via) | | 81 |
html |
January 22 Publication Date [Was: Transition and Publication Requests Initiated for HTML5 FPWD] (via) | | 80 |
discussions, html |
WAF and WebAPI Are Dead—Long Live WebApps Working Group! (by) | | 79 |
web-platform |
More AJAX Standard Updates From the W3C (by/via) | | 78 |
ajax, javascript, apis |
I Wonder What W3C’s Response Will Be to AJAX? | | 77 |
ajax, web-services |
W3C Finalises Web Services Description Language | | 76 |
wsdl, standards |
Webs and Documents and Services, Oh My! (by/via) | | 75 |
web-services, architecture |
Fixing the Web! (by) | | 74 |
standards, web-platform |
Proposal to Adopt HTML5 (by) | | 73 |
discussions, html, standards |
W3C Sets Standard for Internationalisation of XML Content (via) | | 72 |
internationalization, standards, xml |
W3C Gives Browsing a Voice (via) | | 71 |
voice, browsers |
Apple Joins the W3C HTML Working Group (via) | | 70 |
html, apple |
W3C Begins HTML Refresh Effort (via) | | 69 |
html, standards |
How You Can Join the W3C HTML5 Working Group in Six Easy Steps (by) | | 68 |
html |
W3C Plans HTML Upgrade (via) | | 67 |
html, standards |
W3C Restarts HTML Effort (by/via) | | 66 |
html |
W3C Relaunches HTML Activity (via) | | 65 |
html |
W3C Sets Standard for Technical Illustrations on the Web (via) | | 64 |
standards, images |
W3C XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 Become Standards | | 63 |
standards, xsl, xml |
Cascading Style Sheets Turn 10 (via) | | 62 |
css, anniversaries |
10 Years of CSS (by/via) | | 61 |
css, anniversaries, history, link-lists |
HTML’s Uncertain Future (by/via) | | 60 |
html, xhtml |
Fixing HTML (by) | | 59 |
html, whatwg |
W3C Markup Validator, Link Checker Updated | | 58 |
html, xhtml, conformance, links, link-rot, user-experience, tooling |
How Not to Fix HTML (by) | | 57 |
html |
Reinventing HTML (by/via) | | 56 |
html, web-forms, xhtml, xforms, forms, community |
W3C Announces Roadmap | | 55 |
standards, aria, accessibility |
W3C Guidelines Inadequate (via) | | 54 |
guidelines, mobile, best-practices |
W3C Releases Mobile Web Best Practices | | 53 |
mobile, best-practices |
Semantic Web Is Ready for Mainstream Use | | 52 |
semantic-web |
In Praise of… W3C (by/via) | | 51 |
web |
The Problem With Web Standards (by/via) | | 50 |
standards |
Why Comply? The Movement to W3C Compliance (by/via) | | 49 |
standards, conformance |
W3C Launches Web Tech Incubator Program | | 48 |
community |
New W3C Feed Validation Service (by/via) | | 47 |
discussions, syndication, rss, atom, conformance, tooling |
W3C Compliance and SEO | | 46 |
standards, compliance, seo |
W3C Launches Mobile Web Initiative | | 45 |
mobile |
New W3C Standard Reuses Content (by) | | 44 |
xml, standards |
A Land of Wasted Web Opportunity (via) | | 43 |
standards, semantic-web |
W3C May Push Wireless Web Specs (via) | | 42 |
mobile, xhtml, svg, standards |
W3C Documents the Architecture of the Web (by+/via) | | 41 |
interviews, architecture, web |
Mozilla, Opera Join Forces for New W3C Proposal (by) | | 40 |
mozilla, opera, web-forms, standards |
Semantic Web Ready for Phase Two (by) | | 39 |
semantic-web |
DOM Level 3 a W3C Recommendation | | 38 |
dom, standards |
W3C Delivers Standards for the “Semantic Web” (via) | | 37 |
standards, semantic-web |
Open Source Enables the Disabled (by/via) | | 36 |
foss, accessibility |
How to Save Web Accessibility From Itself (by/via) | | 35 |
how-tos, accessibility, wcag, standards |
W3C Complains About Browser Patent | | 34 |
legal, licensing, internet-explorer, microsoft, browsers, web |
SVG Developers, Start Your Engines | | 33 |
svg |
Semantic Web: Out of the Theory Realm | | 32 |
semantic-web, standards |
Markup! (by) | | 31 |
xforms, xframes |
W3C Adopts Patent Policy (by) | | 30 |
licensing |
W3C Merges Web Specs (via) | | 29 |
standards, dom, xml |
Web Services Standards War Looms | | 28 |
web-services, microsoft |
Microsoft Quits W3C Standardisation Panel | | 27 |
microsoft, web-services, standards |
Graphics Standard Heads to Print (via) | | 26 |
standards, svg, images, print |
W3C Updates Validation Service (by) | | 25 |
html, xhtml, xml, conformance, tooling |
W3C Has a Definition for Web Services (via) | | 24 |
web-services, architecture |
W3C Recommends Online Forms Standard (via) | | 23 |
xforms, standards |
At the Center of the Patent Storm (by/via) | | 22 |
interviews, licensing, legal |
W3C Members: What Standards? (via) | | 21 |
html, conformance, quality, standards |
Sorting Out the Web Services Security Landscape (via) | | 20 |
web-services, security, ssl |
Learning CSS (by/via) | | 19 |
css, learning, link-lists |
The W3C Needs to Be Royalty Free (via) | | 18 |
licensing |
How to Read W3C Specs (by/via) | | 17 |
how-tos, standards, learning |
W3C Accessibility Guidelines (by/via) | | 16 |
accessibility, guidelines |
W3C Issues XML Recommendations | | 15 |
xml |
W3C Hashes Out New Interoperability Standard (by) | | 14 |
interoperability |
Of Standards and Standard Makers (by) | | 13 |
standards, processes |
A Milestone for SVG | | 12 |
svg, images |
The Web Accessibility Initiative: A Reality Check (via) | | 11 |
accessibility, legal |
Access for All | | 10 |
accessibility, case-studies |
W3C Eases Web Use (via) | | 9 |
protocols |
Short Take: HTML Guild Joins W3C (via) | | 8 |
W3C Gives XML Room to Run (via) | | 7 |
xml |
W3C Issues Accessibility Draft (via) | | 6 |
accessibility, guidelines |
Adding Sense to Sensory on the Web (via) | | 5 |
accessibility, wcag |
W3C OKs Next Generation HTML (via) | | 4 |
html |
W3C Unveils a Cure for Web Crawl | | 3 |
performance, protocols, http, crawling |
The World Wide Web Consortium Issues Cascading Style Sheets Recommendation (via) | | 2 |
standards, css |
World Wide Web: The Consortium, and Plans for the Future (by) | | 1 |
slides, visions |