Web Components vs. Framework Components: What’s the Difference? (the/sma) | | 114 |
components, frameworks, html, comparisons |
JavaScript (had+/htt) | | 113 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics, javascript, performance, bundling, transpiling, web-workers, libraries |
Documenting Web Components With Storybook | | 112 |
documentation, design-systems, storybook, examples |
A Color Input That Also Shows the Value (chr/fro) | | 111 |
forms, colors |
Web Components Toolkit (stu) | | 110 |
websites |
Getting Oriented With HTML Video (sco/mat) | | 109 |
html, multimedia |
Declarative Shadow DOM (sch/5t3) | | 108 |
shadow-dom, dom |
React 19 and Web Component Examples (chr/fro) | | 107 |
react, examples |
The Pixel Canvas Shimmer Effect (hex) | | 106 |
effects |
Making Content-Aware Components Using CSS “:has()”, Grid, and Quantity Queries (eri/pic) | | 105 |
css, grids, selectors |
Where Web Components Shine (dav) | | 104 |
Styling Web Components (cfe) | | 103 |
css |
How Microsoft Edge Is Replacing React With Web Components (ric/the) | | 102 |
edge, microsoft, browsers, react |
Liskov’s Gun: The Parallel Evolution of React and Web Components (bal) | | 101 |
react, comparisons |
Web Components: Little Bits (dav/web) | | 100 |
videos, html |
Web Components vs. State-Based UI (cfe) | | 99 |
state-management, comparisons |
Web Components Are Not Framework Components—and That’s Okay (lea) | | 98 |
web-platform, frameworks |
Web Components Are Okay (nol) | | 97 |
Web Components Are Not the Future (rya) | | 96 |
web-platform, frameworks |
Web Components in Action—How to Build a Design System (var) | | 95 |
how-tos, design-systems |
A Web Component for CodePen Embeds? (mia) | | 94 |
embed-code, codepen |
Spoiler Alert: It Needs to Be Accessible (sco) | | 93 |
accessibility, html, aria |
Action Web Components Which Span the Server-Client Divide (jar) | | 92 |
html, apis |
HTML Web Components Can Have a Little Shadow DOM, as a Treat (sco) | | 91 |
html, shadow-dom, dom |
HTML Web Components Make Progressive Enhancement and CSS Encapsulation Easier (bas/css) | | 90 |
html, principles, solid, progressive-enhancement, examples |
Is It Okay to Make “connectedCallback” Async? (nol) | | 89 |
javascript, callbacks, asynchronicity |
Learn Web Components (and) | | 88 |
websites, courses, html, css, dom, javascript |
Wait, What’s the Difference Between “:host”, “:host()”, and “:host-context()”?! (and) | | 87 |
css, selectors |
Are Web Components Worth It? (jaf+) | | 86 |
podcasts, html, dom, shadow-dom |
The Case for Web Components (dav) | | 85 |
books |
Live Demos of Stand Alone Web Components (chr/fro) | | 84 |
examples, link-lists |
Reflection and Custom States in Web Components (cla) | | 83 |
html |
When Should We Use Components and When Should We Just Use HTML? (chr) | | 82 |
html, components |
Why Use Web Components Over Traditional DOM Manipulation? (cfe) | | 81 |
dom |
Five Basic Things About JavaScript That Will Help Non JavaScript-Focused Web Designers (chr/fro) | | 80 |
javascript, events |
The Carcinization of Web Frameworks (kof/tod) | | 79 |
frameworks, history, signals, server-side-rendering, outlooks |
Web Components From Early 2024 (chr) | | 78 |
link-lists |
My Approach to HTML Web Components (ada) | | 77 |
html |
Displaying HTML Web Components (ada) | | 76 |
css |
“AI” and Accessible Front-End Components: Is the Nuance Generatable? (hdv) | | 75 |
accessibility, ai |
Getting Into Web Components—an Intro (uti) | | 74 |
introductions |
The Good, the Bad, the Web Components (zac) | | 73 |
shadow-dom, dom |
The Web Component Success Story (jak) | | 72 |
HTML Web Components on the Server Are Great (sco) | | 71 |
html |
Web Components in Earnest (dav) | | 70 |
javascript |
On Web Components (tmc) | | 69 |
Web Component Gotcha: “constructor” vs. “connectedCallback” (nol) | | 68 |
javascript, callbacks, comparisons |
Why I Like Web Components | | 67 |
html |
Not All Automated Testing Tools Support Shadow DOM in Web Components (mat) | | 66 |
accessibility, testing, automation, tooling, shadow-dom, dom |
Shadow DOM and the Problem of Encapsulation (nol) | | 65 |
shadow-dom, dom, maintainability |
Web Components (may/5t3) | | 64 |
html, shadow-dom, dom |
Extending Responsive Video With HTML Web Components (sco/per) | | 63 |
multimedia, responsive-design, javascript |
What the Slot? (dut/mat) | | 62 |
dom, shadow-dom, html |
Custom Events in Web Components (cfe) | | 61 |
events, javascript |
Web Components Eliminate JavaScript Framework Lock-In (jak) | | 60 |
javascript, frameworks, maintainability |
The Elevator Pitch for Web Components (cfe) | | 59 |
html, dom |
Shadow DOM Is for Hiding Your Shame (hob) | | 58 |
shadow-dom, dom, html |
An Attempted Taxonomy of Web Components (zac) | | 57 |
html |
HTML Web Components Are Just JavaScript? (mia/odd) | | 56 |
javascript, html |
HTML Web Components (jim) | | 55 |
html |
HTML Web Components (ada) | | 54 |
html, web-platform |
Writing Components That Work in Any Frontend Framework (and) | | 53 |
frameworks |
Blinded by the Light DOM (mey) | | 52 |
dom, shadow-dom, javascript |
Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework (jak) | | 51 |
javascript, frameworks |
How to Build Your First Web Component (joe/fre) | | 50 |
how-tos |
An Introduction to Web Components (ami) | | 49 |
introductions |
Accessible Web Components? (mat/inc) | | 48 |
videos, accessibility |
Web Components Accessibility FAQ (mat) | | 47 |
accessibility |
Web Components Don’t Need You (chr/cod) | | 46 |
Catching Errors Thrown From “connectedCallback” (nol) | | 45 |
javascript, errors |
Use Web Components for What They’re Good At (nol) | | 44 |
Pros and Cons of Using Shadow DOM and Style Encapsulation (mat) | | 43 |
dom, shadow-dom |
Enhance vs. Lit vs. WebC… or, How to Server-Render a Web Component (jar/van) | | 42 |
server-side-rendering, lit, webc |
If Web Components Are So Great, Why Am I Not Using Them? (dav) | | 41 |
And 4 More HTML Concepts You Didn’t Know (j9t) | | 40 |
html, concepts |
A Web Component Intro With Example | | 39 |
introductions, examples |
11ty and Lit, a Match Made in Heaven for Simple Sites | | 38 |
eleventy, lit |
3 Methods for Scoped Styles in Web Components That Work Everywhere (zac) | | 37 |
css, scope, dom, shadow-dom, support |
Progressively Enhancing a Table With a Web Component (ray) | | 36 |
html, javascript, tables, progressive-enhancement |
An Approach to Lazy Loading Custom Elements (css) | | 35 |
performance, lazy-loading |
HTML With Superpowers: An Introduction to Web Components (dav) | | 34 |
books, courses, guides, introductions |
Step Into the Light (DOM) (aaa) | | 33 |
dom, progressive-enhancement |
Web Components Today (kul) | | 32 |
websites |
Let’s Talk About Web Components (bra) | | 31 |
Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework) (ada/css) | | 30 |
nextjs, server-side-rendering |
A Web Component Story (cla) | | 29 |
design-systems |
Building a Retro Draggable Web Component With Lit (and/sma) | | 28 |
javascript |
Building Tabs in Web Components (dav) | | 27 |
Building Interoperable Web Components That Even Work With React (ada/css) | | 26 |
interoperability, react |
CTA Modal: How to Build a Web Component (nat/sma) | | 25 |
how-tos, javascript, modals |
Build a Lightweight Web Component With Lit.js (cla/ope) | | 24 |
javascript |
Web Components as Progressive Enhancement (pau/clo) | | 23 |
progressive-enhancement |
7 Web Component Tricks (dav) | | 22 |
tips-and-tricks |
Creating Native Web Components (cod) | | 21 |
javascript, html |
Web Component Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements Are Easier Than You Think (sto/css) | | 20 |
html, css |
Context-Aware Web Components Are Easier Than You Think (sto/css) | | 19 |
html, javascript |
On Yak Shaving and “<md-block>”, a New HTML Element for Markdown (lea) | | 18 |
html, markdown |
Why It’s Okay for Web Components to Use Frameworks (nol) | | 17 |
frameworks |
An Introduction to Frameworkless Web Components (cra/sit) | | 16 |
introductions, javascript, dom |
Container Queries in Web Components (mxb) | | 15 |
css, container-queries |
Goodnight Polymer Project | | 14 |
polymer, lit |
How to Create a Native Web Component Without a Framework (jah/thi) | | 13 |
how-tos, javascript |
Web Components and the Accessibility Object Model (AOM) (tin/24a) | | 12 |
accessibility |
Web Components Still Need to Be Accessible (eri/24a) | | 11 |
accessibility, toggles |
Extending Built-In Elements (web) | | 10 |
shadow-dom, dom, javascript |
Custom Elements v1—Reusable Web Components (ebi/dev) | | 9 |
html, shadow-dom, dom, examples |
Styling Web Components Using a Shared Style Sheet (ste/sma) | | 8 |
css |
Custom Elements No Longer Contentious (ann) | | 7 |
Google Releases Polymer 1.0, a Library for the Modern Web Developer (cam/sof) | | 6 |
google, libraries, polymer |
DOM: Custom Elements (ann) | | 5 |
dom |
Thinking in Components (and/sit) | | 4 |
components |
Web 2024—a Response to Robin Berjon’s Post (mar) | | 3 |
web, outlooks, javascript, w3c, web-workers, interoperability, servo |
The Extensible Web (dom) | | 2 |
web-platform, extensibility, shadow-dom, multimedia, ecmascript |
Polymer (pol) | | 1 |
websites, polymer |