“webmentions” Archive
Supertopics: protocols (non-exhaustive) · glossary look-up: “webmentions”
Entry (Sources) and Other Related Topics | Date | # |
Webmentions in Astro (for Blog Posts) (stv) | | 7 |
astro |
What Is a Webmention and How Do I Use It in WordPress? (hag/ion) | | 6 |
wordpress |
An Introduction to Webmention | | 5 |
introductions |
Webmentions and Eleventy Talk (sia) | | 4 |
slides, eleventy |
Webmentions: Enabling Better Communication on the Internet (chr/ali) | | 3 |
standards |
Webmention (aar/w3c) | | 2 |
urls, standards |
Remember WordPress’ Pingbacks? The W3C Wants Us to Use Them Across the Whole Web (the) | | 1 |
w3c, indieweb |