What We Learned Migrating From Webpack to Vite (neo) | | 16 |
migrating, vite, lessons |
Comparing JavaScript Bundlers: Rollup vs. Webpack vs. Parcel (moo/kin) | | 15 |
javascript, bundling, tooling, rollup, parcel, comparisons |
Gulp vs. Webpack—What Is Better: Using Webpack or Gulp.js? (ine) | | 14 |
gulp, comparisons |
A Guide to Migrating From Webpack to Vite (jch/sit) | | 13 |
guides, migrating, vite |
Unveiling the Power of Code-Splitting With Webpack for React and Redux Applications | | 12 |
code-splitting, react, redux |
Everything You Need to Know About Webpack’s Bundle Analyzer (mat) | | 11 |
bundling, tooling |
Are [You] Confused Which Bundler You Should Use? Webpack vs. Parcel vs. Rollup (jan) | | 10 |
bundling, tooling, parcel, rollup, comparisons |
Learn 5 Optimization Tips for Webpack Step by Step (js) | | 9 |
optimization, tips-and-tricks |
Introduction to esbuild: Tutorial for React, JavaScript, and TypeScript Bundling—Bye Bye Webpack (chr) | | 8 |
videos, introductions, tutorials, esbuild, bundling, comparisons |
A Beginner’s Guide to Webpack (cod/sit) | | 7 |
guides |
A Beginner’s Guide to Webpack (zig) | | 6 |
guides |
Improving Site Performance With Webpack Tree Shaking (dth/cou) | | 5 |
performance, optimization, tree-shaking |
How to Add CSS Vendor Prefixes Automatically (luk/not) | | 4 |
how-tos, css, vendor-extensions, automation, tooling, postcss, gulp, npm |
Speed Up Next-Page Navigations With Prefetching (add) | | 3 |
performance, hints, html, http-headers, http |
Setting Up an ES6 Project Using Babel and Webpack (chr/sit) | | 2 |
javascript, babel |
Understanding the CSS Modules Methodology (kit/sit) | | 1 |
css, modules, architecture |