Web Standards: The Guidelines That Every Developer Should Know | | 117 |
standards, history, w3c, html, css, wcag |
XML Basics for Computing (dha) | | 116 |
fundamentals |
Let’s Build a Website Using XML (ede) | | 115 |
css |
JSON vs. XML With Douglas Crockford (dou+/cor) | | 114 |
podcasts, interviews, json, comparisons, history |
Web Standards (key) | | 113 |
standards, w3c, html, xhtml, css, wcag |
The Case for XML5 (ann) | | 112 |
W3C: XML Is Everywhere (chr/sdt) | | 111 |
w3c, sgml |
Whatever Happened to the Semantic Web? (two) | | 110 |
semantic-web, rdf, metadata, history |
What Are Web Standards (elc) | | 109 |
standards, history, html, xhtml, css, wcag, w3c |
The Battle for the Body Field (eat/ali) | | 108 |
html, wysiwyg, semantics |
Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) Version 2.0 (sha+/w3c) | | 107 |
internationalization, html, standards |
Activating Browser Modes With Doctype (hsi) | | 106 |
browsers, standards, doctype-switching, html, xhtml |
Bending XML to Your Will (sit) | | 105 |
parsing, php |
XML Encryption Flaw Leaves Web Services Vulnerable (eur) | | 104 |
web-services, encryption, security |
Getting Tired With XML (ann) | | 103 |
5 Predictions for APIs in 2011 | | 102 |
outlooks, apis, html, json |
Why Do We Need MicroXML? (ann) | | 101 |
html |
XFrames (ste/w3c) | | 100 |
xframes, frames |
MicroXML (jam) | | 99 |
A Brief History of Markup (ada/ali) | | 98 |
history, html, xhtml |
The Real “Why XHTML” Discussion (mho) | | 97 |
xhtml, html, parsing |
Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fifth Edition) (tim+/w3c) | | 96 |
standards |
Descriptive Markup and Data Integration (cms) | | 95 |
rdf |
Heads-Up: CSS Namespaces and You (mar/cms) | | 94 |
css, namespaces, standards, w3c |
Widget Spec Is Now Widget Specs (mar) | | 93 |
web-apps |
Best Practices for XML Internationalization (jir+/w3c) | | 92 |
internationalization, localization, best-practices |
W3C XML Is Ten | | 91 |
w3c, anniversaries |
Bye Bye XML 1.1? (ann) | | 90 |
Gleaning Resource Descriptions From Dialects of Languages (GRDDL) (dck/w3c) | | 89 |
standards |
Web Standards Do—the Way of Web Standards (oli/w3c) | | 88 |
standards, html, semantics, http, content-negotiation, caching, performance, xhtml, testing, processes, urls, redirecting |
W3C Sets Standard for Internationalisation of XML Content (pcp) | | 87 |
w3c, internationalization, standards |
What Does XML Smell Like? | | 86 |
mime-types, heuristics |
W3C XQuery 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 Become Standards | | 85 |
w3c, standards, xsl |
XML, a Decade… (kar/w3c) | | 84 |
anniversaries |
How I Explained ITS to My Child (jal/w3c) | | 83 |
concepts, localization, ruby-markup |
XML Prologue (lac) | | 82 |
Help! A List Apart Talks About XHTML 2.0 (ann) | | 81 |
xhtml |
Why Generic XML on the Web Is a Bad Idea (ann) | | 80 |
html, semantics |
Validation Quiz Explanation (lac) | | 79 |
html, xhtml, conformance |
Extending a Markup Language (ann) | | 78 |
software-design, namespaces, extensibility |
JSON and XML (mno) | | 77 |
json |
RSS 1.1: RDF Site Summary (inf+) | | 76 |
syndication, rss, rdf |
New W3C Standard Reuses Content (cli) | | 75 |
w3c, standards |
XML’s Growing Pains (adt) | | 74 |
HTML Overlays (gla) | | 73 |
overlays, html, techniques |
A Conversation With Michael Kay on XML Technologies (mic+/sty) | | 72 |
interviews, xsl |
Why “document.write()” Doesn’t Work in XML (hix) | | 71 |
javascript, dom |
AJAX: “XML for Client-Side Computing” | | 70 |
ajax, javascript |
Googling for XML (bob) | | 69 |
rdf, searching |
XQuery Implementation | | 68 |
standards |
W3C Merges Web Specs (zdn) | | 67 |
w3c, standards, dom |
Why XML Doesn’t Suck (tim) | | 66 |
internationalization, interoperability, software-design |
XML Encryption Specs Approved (zdn) | | 65 |
encryption, standards |
W3C Updates Validation Service (pjk) | | 64 |
html, xhtml, conformance, tooling, w3c |
Getting Started With XML Security (fjh/sit) | | 63 |
introductions, security |
XML Namespaces Explained (ian/sit) | | 62 |
namespaces |
Content Negotiation in Heterogenous XML Environments (hix) | | 61 |
content-negotiation, mime-types, xhtml, svg, rdf, mathml |
Inline XML (ali) | | 60 |
html, namespaces |
XML Glossary (jav) | | 59 |
java, terminology, concepts, link-lists |
How XML Is Conquering the Internet (tec) | | 58 |
Data Types Undefined in XML Schema? | | 57 |
types |
Using XML (jde/ali) | | 56 |
Will XML Kill HTML? (tec) | | 55 |
html |
Build Your Own Web Service With PHP and XML-RPC (hfu/sit) | | 54 |
web-services, php |
An Overview of MSXML 4.0 | | 53 |
overviews, parsing, microsoft |
Hyperlinks Matter (jud/inf) | | 52 |
web, rss, syndication, rest, links |
The Importance of Web Standards (dbo/sit) | | 51 |
standards, html, css, dom, ecmascript, web-platform |
What the Hell Is XML? (tro/ali) | | 50 |
The XML Files | | 49 |
history, terminology |
The Fear of X (mho) | | 48 |
html, xhtml |
W3C Issues XML Recommendations | | 47 |
w3c |
XML Is Now the Standard Language for the Internet | | 46 |
web |
An XSLT Style Sheet and an XML Dictionary Approach to Internationalization (ibm) | | 45 |
internationalization, localization, xsl, html |
Style and Substance | | 44 |
xsl |
XBL—XML Binding Language (hya/w3c) | | 43 |
xbl |
This HTML Kills: Thoughts on Web Accessibility (ali) | | 42 |
accessibility, outlooks, legal, html |
Old Ghosts: XML Namespaces (ldo) | | 41 |
namespaces |
Will XML Replace HTML? | | 40 |
html, xhtml |
XML Development Specification Hailed (inf) | | 39 |
Validating XML in Internet Explorer (des) | | 38 |
conformance, microsoft, internet-explorer |
The Semantic Web: A Primer (edd) | | 37 |
introductions, semantic-web, rdf |
Lauding Benefits of XML (dar) | | 36 |
Exposing XML Myths (zdn) | | 35 |
myths |
A Child’s Garden of XML (sim/ali) | | 34 |
xhtml |
XML Looks Like a Winner, but Where Are Its Tag Sets? | | 33 |
An Introduction to XML (lar) | | 32 |
introductions |
Conformance Testing for XML Processors | | 31 |
conformance, testing |
What Is XML? (mar/obj) | | 30 |
terminology, css, xsl, dom |
What Are Web Standards and Why Should I Use Them? (wa) | | 29 |
html, css, dom, ecmascript, accessibility, standards, craft |
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to XML (zdn) | | 28 |
guides |
Getting Started With XML Programming (ndw) | | 27 |
introductions, programming |
Vendors Can’t Agree on XML Data Exchange | | 26 |
XML: More Than Just a Quick Fix | | 25 |
Reformulating HTML in XML (dra+/w3c) | | 24 |
html, standards |
A Technical Introduction to XML (ndw) | | 23 |
introductions |
Extensible Forms Description Language (XFDL) 4.0 (tim+/w3c) | | 22 |
forms |
Namespaces Put “Extensibility” in XML (zdn) | | 21 |
namespaces, extensibility |
Metadata: The Matchmaker of the Web (zdn) | | 20 |
metadata, html |
One Man’s Vision of the Web’s Future (tim) | | 19 |
outlooks, web |
XML Gets Ready for Prime Time (inf) | | 18 |
W3C Gives XML Room to Run (wir) | | 17 |
w3c |
XML, Java, and the Future of the Web | | 16 |
java, web, outlooks |
The Evolution of Web Documents (dck+) | | 15 |
html, history |
XML and CSS (oue+) | | 14 |
css |
Multi-Purpose Publishing Using HTML, XML, and CSS (wiu/w3c) | | 13 |
html, css |
SGML, XML, and Structured Document Interchange (dra/w3c) | | 12 |
sgml |
JSON to XML Converter | | 11 |
tools, exploration, conversion, json |
XML XSD Checker | | 10 |
tools, exploration, optimization, formatting |
XML Formatter | | 9 |
tools, exploration, optimization, formatting |
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, and XML Un-Minifier | | 8 |
tools, exploration, optimization, html, css, javascript, json, minification |
XSD/XML Schema Generator | | 7 |
tools, exploration, code-generation |
HTML/XML Character Escape Generator | | 6 |
tools, exploration, code-generation, html, escaping |
XPath Checker | | 5 |
tools, exploration, auditing, debugging |
XML Well-Formedness Checker and Validator | | 4 |
tools, analysis, conformance |
XML Validator | | 3 |
tools, analysis, conformance |
XML Schema Validator (csc) | | 2 |
tools, analysis, conformance |
XML-RPC Validator (dav) | | 1 |
tools, analysis, conformance |