Frontend Dogma

“2022” Archive (7)

  1. How to Turn HTML Webpage Into an Image? (by) · · , ,
  2. CSS Tips and Tricks You May Need to Know (by) · · ,
  3. April 9 Is CSS Naked Day (via) · · , , ,
  4. MIME Types (by) · · , , ,
  5. Incremental Static Regeneration for Angular (by) · · ,
  6. 33 JavaScript Concepts Every Developer Should Know (by) · · ,
  7. There’s No Such Thing as a “Design System Designer” (via) · · , ,
  8. Nailing Your Engineering Interviews: Tips From a Technical Recruiter (via) · · ,
  9. Use Unicode Characters for Bullet Points in CSS Using “::marker” (by) · · ,
  10. Dynamic Data-Fetching in an Authenticated Next.js App (by/via) · · , ,
  11. Your Website Is a Pollution Machine (by) · ·
  12. Why Your Design System Needs Content Design (by/via) · · ,
  13. How to Create Animated Anchor Links Using CSS (by/via) · · , , , ,
  14. Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in TypeScript (via) · · ,
  15. Designing Better Breadcrumbs (by/via) · · , ,
  16. JavaScript and Node.js Testing Best Practices (by) · · , , ,
  17. A New Statistical Approach for Predicting Usability Problems (via) · · , , ,
  18. HTML Is All You Need to Make a Website (by) · ·
  19. Alternative Text (Alt Text) (via) · · , , ,
  20. Animated Grid Tracks With “:has()” (by/via) · · , ,
  21. Sharing State in Distributed UIs at Runtime (by) · · , ,
  22. The Business Case for Accessibility (by/via) · · ,
  23. Fonts in Use: Variable Fonts (by/via) · · ,
  24. Core Web Vitals: Finding Common Ground Between SEOs and Developers (by/via) · · , , ,
  25. 12 Years Beyond a HTML Joke (by) · · ,
  26. Thoughts on Exerting Control With Media Queries (by) · · , ,
  27. What If… One Day Everything Got Better? (by) · ·
  28. Accessible Description Exposure (by) · · ,
  29. A Simple Way to Create a Slideshow Using Pure CSS (by/via) · · , ,
  30. How to Respond to Growing Supply Chain Security Risks? (by) · · , , , ,
  31. Tweaking in the Browser (by) · · ,
  32. “aria-labelledby” Usage Notes (by) · · , ,
  33. Are You Using Coding Interviews for Senior Software Developers? (via) · · , ,
  34. Top 3 Informational Interview Questions in UX (via) · · , , ,
  35. Accessible Cards (by) · · , ,
  36. Why We Don’t Use a Staging Environment (via) · · ,
  37. The WebAIM Million: The 2022 Report on the Accessibility of the Top 1,000,000 Home Pages (via) · · , , ,
  38. How to Match HTML Elements With an Indeterminate State (by) · · , , ,
  39. Exciting Times for Browsers (and CSS) (by/via) · · ,
  40. Designing a Better Infinite Scroll (by/via) · · , ,
  41. Introduction to the SSH Protocol (via) · · , ,
  42. Web Accessibility Guidance Project (via) · · ,
  43. Accessibility Policy Implementation: What You Need to Know (by/via) · · , ,
  44. Make Beautifully Resilient Apps With Progressive Enhancement (by) · · ,
  45. HTML-Only Keyboard Shortcuts (by) · · , ,
  46. How to Optimize Your LCP (with Visuals) (by) · · , , ,
  47. Neubrutalism Is Taking Over the Web (by/via) · · ,
  48. If We Can Make a Product Work for Anyone, It Usually Works Better for Everyone · · ,
  49. Optimising Largest Contentful Paint (by) · · ,
  50. How to Document Accessibility Issues (via) · · , ,
  51. Picture Perfect Images With the Modern “<img>” Element (by/via) · · , , ,
  52. Understanding Layout Algorithms (by) · · ,
  53. Secret Mechanisms of CSS (by/via) · · ,
  54. Locale Aware Sorting in JavaScript (by) · · , , ,
  55. CSS “:has” (by) · · ,
  56. Case: Accessibility in Software Development (by/via) · ·
  57. An Opinionated Guide to Unit Testing (by) · · , ,
  58. A Guide to Hover and Pointer Media Queries (by/via) · · , ,
  59. 7 Learning Habits for Developers: Reach Skill Goals in Less Time (by/via) · ·
  60. Why Every Programmer Must Blog (by) · · , , ,
  61. The Art of CSS Art (by) · · ,
  62. Building a Headless Design System (by/via) · · , ,
  63. How to Use Props in React (by) · · , ,
  64. You’re Unselectable (by) · · ,
  65. You ≠ User (via) · · , ,
  66. Remix Routes Demystified (by/via) · · ,
  67. Quick Survey: Help Improve the Simulation Options of Browser Developer Tools (by) · · , , ,
  68. 14 Linting Rules to Help You Write Asynchronous Code in JavaScript (by) · · ,
  69. Speed Needs Design, or: You Can’t Delight Users You’ve Annoyed (by) · · , ,
  70. Variable Fonts in Real Life: How to Use and Love Them (by+/via) · · ,
  71. How Should You Name Your Colors in a Design System? (by/via) · · , ,
  72. Designing “Above the Fold”? Try the Reciprocity Principle (via) · · ,
  73. Those HTML Attributes You Never Use (by/via) · ·
  74. Resetting Inherited CSS With “Revert” (by/via) · · ,
  75. There Are No Bad Questions in Accessibility (by) · ·
  76. The Web Is for Everyone: Our Vision for the Evolution of the Web (by+/via) · · , , , , , ,
  77. The 5 Riders of Accessible Media (via) · · ,
  78. Spotlight: What Happens When a Project Team Shifts Accessibility Left? (via) · ·
  79. How Do Design Systems Improve Developer Efficiency? (by/via) · · ,
  80. Deep Dive Into the CSS “:where()” Function (by/via) · · ,
  81. When to Use a Function Expression vs. Function Declaration (by/via) · · , ,
  82. The Book on Accessibility (by) · · , ,
  83. Optimising Core Web Vitals on SPAs (by) · · , , ,
  84. Dynamically Generated Content and Accessibility: 3 Quick Tips (via) · · ,
  85. ADA Web Site Compliance Still Not a Thing (by) · · , ,
  86. HTML Semantics (by) · · ,
  87. Write HTML, the HTML Way (Not the XHTML Way) (by/via) · · , ,
  88. Windows High Contrast Mode, Forced Colors Mode, and CSS Custom Properties (by/via) · · , , , , ,
  89. Dos and Don’ts of Mobile UX Design (by/via) · · , , ,
  90. Design Mistakes That Hurt Your Web Site’s Conversion Rates (by/via) · · , , , ,
  91. Should “Cancel” Be a Button or a Link? (by/via) · · , , ,
  92. Conquering JavaScript Hydration (by/via) · · ,
  93. “!important” Was Added for One Reason Only (by) · · ,
  94. Usability Testing: Driving the Best User Experience for Business Success (by/via) · · , ,
  95. Improving Your User Experience to Reduce Bounce Rates (via) · · , , ,
  96. Design Systems Aren’t Cheap (by) · · , ,
  97. Design System—Principles of Success (via) · · ,
  98. 4 Xs That Aren’t UX (by/via) · ·
  99. Typography in Design Tokens for Figma and Code (by/via) · · , , ,
  100. How to Use CSS Math Functions: “calc”, “min”, “max”, “clamp” (via) · · , , ,
  101. UX Strategy: Definition and Components (by+/via) · · ,
  102. Authorization in a Microservices World (by) · · ,
  103. Performance Tests on Common JavaScript Array Methods (by/via) · · , , ,
  104. The Web Doesn’t Have Version Numbers (by/via) · · ,
  105. Why Is Dark Mode So Captivating? (by/via) · ·
  106. Optimizing SVG Patterns to Their Smallest Size (by/via) · · , ,
  107. Alt-Text Selfies (by+) · · , , ,
  108. Introduction to Bulma: A Simple and Intuitive CSS Framework (via) · · ,
  109. Google Calendar Webhooks With Node.js (via) · · , ,
  110. How to Make a Drag-and-Drop File Uploader With Vue.js 3 (by/via) · · , , ,
  111. How Do I Resolve Merge Conflicts? (by/via) · · , ,
  112. Guidance on Web Accessibility and the ADA (via) · · ,
  113. 4 Accessibility Mistakes Plaguing Most Government Websites (by/via) · · ,
  114. The Impact That High Quality Mark-Up Can Have on Accessibility, Performance, and Discoverability (by) · · , , ,
  115. Migrating Our Monorepo to Yarn 2 (via) · · , ,
  116. Identifying Fonts: The Complete Guide (by) · · , ,
  117. The Future of the Web and Accessibility (by/via) · · , ,
  118. Accessibility, Assistive Technology, and JavaScript (by) · · , ,
  119. What Is Platform Engineering? (by/via) · · ,
  120. Building a Loading Bar Component (by/via) · · , , ,
  121. How to Prep Your SEO Strategy for a New Website (by/via) · · , ,
  122. How to Empathize With Your Users (via) · · , , ,
  123. What Every Good README Should Contain · ·
  124. A Quick Guide to Closures (by) · · ,
  125. Perceptually Uniform Color Models and Their Implications (by) · · ,
  126. A Designer’s Guide to Documenting Accessibility and User Interactions (by) · · , , ,
  127. What Makes You a Professional Web Developer (by) · ·
  128. Prevent Technical Debt With These 3 Strategies (by) · ·
  129. How to Automatically Size a Textarea Based on Its [Text] Using Vanilla JavaScript (by) · · , ,
  130. The Weirdly Obscure Art of Streamed HTML (by) · · , ,
  131. Implementing JavaScript Delay for Cookie Consent Banner (by) · · , , ,
  132. React Best Practices and Patterns to Reduce Code · · , ,
  133. Making the World’s Fastest Website, and Other Mistakes (by) · · ,
  134. What Are Micro-Frontends? (by) · ·
  135. Don’t Believe the Type! (by+/via) · · , , , ,
  136. Explaining Micro Frontends as Simply as Possible (by) · ·
  137. In Defense of Sass (by) · · ,
  138. It Needs to Map Back to a Role (by) · · , , ,
  139. When or If (by) · ·
  140. Update Node Dependencies Automatically, Selectively, or Incrementally (by) · · , , ,
  141. Tao of Node—Design, Architecture, and Best Practices (by) · · , ,
  142. Aligning Content in Different Wrappers (by) · · ,
  143. 20 Productivity Tips From Developers to Developers (by/via) · · ,
  144. Giving New Meanings to the Color Functions in CSS (by) · · , ,
  145. How to Use Spectator to Test Your Angular Components (by/via) · · , , , ,
  146. The Future of Web Accessibility: WCAG 3.0 (via) · · , ,
  147. Add Data to a Google Sheet From a Node.js Backend (by) · · ,
  148. Where TypeScript Excels (via) · · ,
  149. 42 Tips for Getting Good at DevOps and Life (by/via) · · , , ,
  150. Horizontal Scrolling Nav (by) · · ,
  151. Arrow Functions in JavaScript: How to Use Fat and Concise Syntax (by/via) · · , ,
  152. Digging Into CSS Media Queries (by+) · · , ,
  153. Don’t Alienate Your User: A Primer for Internationalisation and Localisation (by/via) · · , , ,
  154. WebGPU—All of the Cores, None of the Canvas (by) · · , ,
  155. A Look at the Dialog Element’s Super Powers (by) · · , ,
  156. Carousels: No One Likes You (by) · · , , ,
  157. You Don’t Always Need a CMS (by) · ·
  158. An Introduction to User Journey Maps (by/via) · · , , ,
  159. Accumulation of Tech Debt (by/via) · ·
  160. Ten Years of Page Bloat: What Have We Learned? (by/via) · · , ,
  161. 7 Ways to Achieve a Faster Core Web Vitals Score (via) · · ,
  162. Session Timeouts (by/via) · · ,
  163. An Introduction to AWS CloudFront Functions (by/via) · · , , ,
  164. 10 Amazing Games to Learn CSS (by) · · ,
  165. A New Speed Milestone for Chrome (via) · · , , ,
  166. Using HTTPS in Your Development Environment (by/via) · · , ,
  167. Performance Signals for Customizing Website UX (by/via) · · , , ,
  168. Optimizing a Web Site for Google’s New UX Criteria (via) · · , , ,
  169. Moderated Versus Unmoderated Usability Testing (by/via) · · , ,
  170. JavaScript Naming Conflicts: How Existing Code Can Force Proposed Features to Be Renamed (by) · · , ,
  171. Designing the User Experience of a Rating System (by/via) · · ,
  172. Alternatives to Pagination on Product-Listing Pages (by/via) · · , , ,
  173. Why I Avoid “async”/“await” · ·
  174. The Basics—Generics in PHP (by) · · , ,
  175. Creating Native Web Components (via) · · , ,
  176. Dive Into Node.js Streams (by/via) · · ,
  177. It’s Always Been You, Canvas2D (by/via) · · , , ,
  178. Building Web Layouts for Dual-Screen and Foldable Devices (by/via) · · , ,
  179. How to Prevent SQL Injection Attacks in Node.js (by/via) · · , , , ,
  180. How to Design Better APIs (by) · · , ,
  181. The Importance of Screen Reader Software for Web Navigation (by/via) · · , , , ,
  182. Interop 2022: Browsers Working Together to Improve the Web for Developers (by+/via) · · , ,
  183. The Best Design System Is No System (via) · ·
  184. Remix vs. Next.js (via) · · , ,
  185. Accessibility and Limited Fine Motor Skills (via) · ·
  186. Progressive Enhancement, the New Hotness (by) · ·
  187. How Many Hyperlinks Are Too Many for Accessibility? (via) · · ,
  188. Taming CSS Variables With Web Inspector (by/via) · · , , ,
  189. How to Use Higher-Order Functions in JavaScript (by/via) · · , ,
  190. How to Make a “Raise the Curtains” Effect in CSS (by/via) · · , ,
  191. How Do Primitive Values Get Their Properties? (by) · ·
  192. New CSS Features in 2022 (by/via) · ·
  193. What’s Really Going On Inside Your node_modules Folder? (via) · · , ,
  194. Simple Color System for Complex Digital Interfaces (by) · · , , ,
  195. HTML Tips and Tricks · · ,
  196. Essential Cryptography for JavaScript Developers (by/via) · · , ,
  197. How to Build a File Upload Service With Vanilla JavaScript (by/via) · · , ,
  198. Foundations: Headings (by/via) · · , , ,
  199. Web Component Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements Are Easier Than You Think (by/via) · · , ,
  200. (Not So) Short Note on Being Owned (by) · · , ,
  201. Accessibility Checklist: Five Things Usually Left Out (via) · · ,
  202. A Recipe for a Good Design System (by/via) · ·
  203. 5 Things You Don’t Need JavaScript For (by/via) · ·
  204. Importing ES6 Modules Over HTTP/HTTPS in Node.js (by/via) · · , , ,
  205. Solid.js Feels Like What I Always Wanted React to Be (by) · · , ,
  206. Should Frontend Devs Care About Performance? (by) · ·
  207. Higher-Order Components in React Hooks Era (by) · · , ,
  208. CSS “content” Property (via) · ·
  209. Top 2021 CSS Frameworks Report: The CSS File Sizes (by/via) · · , , , ,
  210. When to Avoid the “text-decoration” Shorthand Property (by/via) · · ,
  211. How I Structure My React Projects · · ,
  212. Screaming Architecture—Evolution of a React Folder Structure (by/via) · · ,
  213. Overlay Position and Recommendations (via) · · ,
  214. 4 Simple Ways to Improve Web Accessibility (via) · · ,
  215. Accessibility and Inclusivity in Practice (by+/via) · · , ,
  216. Deploying a React Application to Netlify (by/via) · · , , ,
  217. Understanding Dependencies Inside Your package.json (by+/via) · · , , ,
  218. How to Make MPAs That Are as Fast as SPAs (by) · · , , ,
  219. Moving From Next to Remix (by) · · , , ,
  220. How to Fix Your Security Vulnerabilities With npm Override (via) · · , , , ,
  221. A Complete Guide to CSV Files in Node.js (by/via) · · , , ,
  222. HTML Comments Work in JavaScript Too (by) · · , ,
  223. Can You Get Pwned With CSS? (by) · · ,
  224. Container Queries, the Next Step Towards a Truly Modular CSS (by/via) · · , ,
  225. 5 Accessibility Quick Wins You Can Implement Today (by/via) · ·
  226. Inclusive Design vs. Accessible Design: Understanding the Differences (via) · · , , ,
  227. Turning the Tables on Accessibility (via) · ·
  228. SPAs Were a Mistake (by) · · ,
  229. Favi-Gone: 6 Reasons Why Your Favicon Disappeared From the Google Search Results (by) · · , , ,
  230. How to Prioritize Your Components (by/via) · · , , ,
  231. Component Tokens and Themes Example (to Learn Figma Tokens) (by/via) · · , , , ,
  232. 15 Useful Placeholder Tools for Designers and Developers (by) · · , , , , ,
  233. Design Systems in Figma: How to Be More Productive (by/via) · · , , ,
  234. Comparing Gatsby and Next.js for Website Development (by) · · , , ,
  235. The Case for Adding Validation State to Your Design Tokens (by) · · ,
  236. What Is Responsible JavaScript? (by+/via) · · ,
  237. Support for Marking Radio Buttons Required, Invalid (by) · · ,
  238. Reliably Send an HTTP Request as a User Leaves a Page (by/via) · ·
  239. Let’s Get Inclusive: Designing Products for Everyone (via) · · ,
  240. CSS Quick Tip: Animating in a Newly Added Element (by) · · , ,
  241. Design System: How to Successfully Collaborate? (via) · · , ,
  242. Writing Logic in CSS (by) · ·
  243. How Websites Die (by) · · ,
  244. A Complete Guide to CSS Cascade Layers (by/via) · · , ,
  245. Minimizing Google Fonts by Only Loading It for Certain Characters (by) · · , , , ,
  246. Invisible Characters (by) · · ,
  247. Column Headers and Browser Support (by) · · , ,
  248. There Is No Character Limit for “Alt Text” (by) · · , ,
  249. You Can “throw()” Anything in JavaScript—and Other “async”/“await” Considerations (by) · ·
  250. React State Management Libraries in 2022 (by) · · , ,