I’ve Worked in IT for Over 10 Years—Here Are 5 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started (svo) | | 1,390 |
career, retrospectives |
Investigating INP Issues (ste) | | 1,389 |
performance, web-vitals, debugging |
Using Node.js’s Test Runner (jkj/nod) | | 1,388 |
nodejs, testing |
Rust Growing Fastest, But JavaScript Reigns Supreme (dar/the) | | 1,387 |
programming, comparisons, rust, go, javascript, lua, dart, java, ruby, php, python |
Find Slow Interactions in the Field (mal/dev) | | 1,386 |
performance, apis |
Glassmorphism: Definition and Best Practices (nng) | | 1,385 |
design, effects, best-practices |
17 Developer Tools That Keep Me Productive (anm/tai) | | 1,384 |
tooling, productivity, efficiency, automation, link-lists |
Is AI Killing Human Passion? (sla/uxd) | | 1,383 |
ai, design, creativity |
Profiling Node.js Applications (sta/bet) | | 1,382 |
nodejs, monitoring, profiling |
The Ultimate Guide to Accessible Website Design | | 1,381 |
guides, accessibility, user-experience |
CSS-Only Custom Range Slider With Motion (bra/bra) | | 1,380 |
css, effects, examples |
Git Branching Strategy Guide | | 1,379 |
guides, git |
HTML Cheat Sheets: From Basics to Advanced Elements (kes/dhi) | | 1,378 |
fundamentals, html, semantics, examples, cheat-sheets |
Live Demos of Stand Alone Web Components (chr/fro) | | 1,377 |
web-components, examples, link-lists |
The Ultimate Guide to Iframes (rif/log) | | 1,376 |
guides, frames, html, javascript, security |
Ditch the Pixels: The Small and Vectorized Web (yor) | | 1,375 |
html, svg, images |
How to Use “rem” Units in CSS for Accessible Design (flo/a11) | | 1,374 |
how-tos, css, units, accessibility |
Improving Web Accessibility With Web Platform Tests (web) | | 1,373 |
accessibility, web-platform, testing |
Full Stack Web Push API Guide (boa/boc) | | 1,372 |
guides, apis, notifications, functionality |
Your Node Is Leaking Memory? “setTimeout” Could Be the Reason (mit) | | 1,371 |
nodejs, memory, javascript, garbage-collection |
Doing My Heading In (ste+) | | 1,370 |
interviews, html, headings, accessibility |
Control JavaScript Promises From Anywhere Using “Promise.withResolvers()” (ama/fro) | | 1,369 |
javascript, promises |
Angular PWA Guide for Developers (khi/fro) | | 1,368 |
guides, angular, web-apps, progressive-web-apps |
Why Do We Skip the Research Phase at All? (uxd) | | 1,367 |
user-experience, research |
Top Development Cheat Sheets for 2024 | | 1,366 |
cheat-sheets, link-lists, programming, css |
Maybe Don’t Name That Landmark (aar) | | 1,365 |
html, semantics, accessibility |
Cap Unit (sha) | | 1,364 |
css, units |
Reflection and Custom States in Web Components (cla) | | 1,363 |
html, web-components |
A Modern Approach to Browser Support (ric) | | 1,362 |
browsers, support, progressive-enhancement |
Death by Experience (j9t) | | 1,361 |
leadership, engineering-management, career, culture |
Display the Specificity of a CSS Selector (pat/dev) | | 1,360 |
css, selectors, cascade, dev-tools, browsers, google, chrome, microsoft, edge, apple, safari, mozilla, firefox |
How to Build a New Feature for the Web Platform—and Make It a Success With Developers (web) | | 1,359 |
discussions, how-tos, standards, web-platform |
How Deep Is Your DOM? (cha) | | 1,358 |
dom, performance, lighthouse, google |
The Unclear Case of Usability Widgets on Your Website (eri) | | 1,357 |
accessibility, usability, embed-code, maintainability |
WebAssembly JSPI Has a New API (bre+/v8j) | | 1,356 |
webassembly, apis |
Fine-Tuning Text Inputs (gar) | | 1,355 |
forms, html, usability |
Generating ZIP Files With JavaScript (cjo) | | 1,354 |
javascript, code-generation |
Analyze CSS Selector Performance During Recalculate Style Events (dev) | | 1,353 |
browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools, performance, selectors, css |
Follow Your Favorite Web Dev Topics With Topic Feeds (fro) | | 1,352 |
frontend-dogma, syndication, rss |
How a Single Vulnerability Can Bring Down the JavaScript Ecosystem (0xl) | | 1,351 |
javascript, npm, dependencies, caching, vulnerabilities, security |
“Just” One Line (jim) | | 1,350 |
craft, embed-code |
Promises From the Ground Up (jos) | | 1,349 |
javascript, promises |
How to Build an Effective UX Pipeline From User Research to Usability Testing (sye/uxm) | | 1,348 |
how-tos, user-experience, research, testing |
Introduction to Selenium for QA Automation: The Essential Guide | | 1,347 |
introductions, guides, selenium, testing, quality, automation |
CSS Length Units (geo/css) | | 1,346 |
css, units, overviews |
What’s Wrong With VPATs? (bri) | | 1,345 |
accessibility, vpat-acr |
Let’s Hang! An Intro to CSS Anchor Positioning With Basic Examples (uti) | | 1,344 |
introductions, css, anchor-positioning, examples |
Witnessing the Death of the Web as a News Medium (cod) | | 1,343 |
web, content, seo, sem, history |
Collaboration, the Future of CSS, Sass, and the Web With Miriam Suzanne (mia/sch) | | 1,342 |
videos, interviews, collaboration, css, sass, outlooks |
The Power of Beauty in Communicating Complex Ideas (lou/cre) | | 1,341 |
design, art, craft, communication |
Write SOLID React Hooks (per) | | 1,340 |
react, hooks, principles, solid |
How to Use Corepack (mat) | | 1,339 |
how-tos, nodejs, dependencies |
Node.js Best Practices: A Guide for Developers | | 1,338 |
guides, best-practices, nodejs |
Transforming UX With Generative AI (war/uxd) | | 1,337 |
user-experience, ai |
Semantic Code in HTML: What Is It and Does It Still Matter? (boa) | | 1,336 |
html, semantics, accessibility, seo, maintainability, performance |
A Practical Guide Against Barrel Files for Library Authors (pas) | | 1,335 |
guides, javascript, libraries, anti-patterns |
Upgrading to Eleventy v3 (mxb) | | 1,334 |
eleventy |
World Wide Accessibility—Benefits of Standardization (cer) | | 1,333 |
accessibility, standards, legal, web |
Does Serverless Still Matter? (ben) | | 1,332 |
serverless, servers, architecture |
The Gap (sha) | | 1,331 |
css, layout |
Nesting/Overriding Properties in CSS (chr/fro) | | 1,330 |
css, nesting |
Transition to “height: auto;” and “display: none;” Using Pure CSS (zor/css) | | 1,329 |
videos, css, transitions |
Flow Charts With CSS Anchor Positioning (cor) | | 1,328 |
css, apis, anchor-positioning, examples |
Facilitating Diversity and Inclusion in Scrum Teams (iam/scr) | | 1,327 |
agile, processes, dei |
es-toolkit (soj) | | 1,326 |
libraries, javascript |
Single CSS Keyframe Tricks Are Magic (arg+/bad) | | 1,325 |
videos, css, animations, tips-and-tricks |
Strategies for Effective Urgent Ticket Classification (kib) | | 1,324 |
documentation, processes, productivity, strategies |
Frontend Dogma on the Web (fro) | | 1,323 |
frontend-dogma, link-lists |
htmx: Simplicity in an Age of Complicated Solutions (eri) | | 1,322 |
htmx, simplicity |
Engineering for Slow Internet | | 1,321 |
performance, user-experience |
Live Types in a TypeScript Monorepo (col) | | 1,320 |
typescript, monorepos |
How to Classify Your Design System—a Framework (hs/uxd) | | 1,319 |
how-tos, design-systems |
Applying the Four Principles of Accessibility (ada) | | 1,318 |
accessibility, wcag, principles |
CSS in Depth, Second Edition (kei) | | 1,317 |
books, css |
10 Modern Node.js Runtime Features to Start Using in 2024 (lir/sny) | | 1,316 |
nodejs |
Generics in TypeScript (fro) | | 1,315 |
typescript, generics |
The Linear Method: Opinionated Software (ali/fig) | | 1,314 |
product-management, technical-debt, processes |
Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications (jun/mfo) | | 1,313 |
data-fetching, software-design-patterns, single-page-apps |
What to Know About the Open Versus Closed Software Debate (mik/nyt) | | 1,312 |
foss, ai |
Building Tech That Respects Our Rights (lau/btc) | | 1,311 |
videos, privacy, product-management, career |
Decision Trees for UI Components (vit/sma) | | 1,310 |
design, components, processes |
New to the Web Platform in May (rac/dev) | | 1,309 |
release-notes, web-platform, browsers, google, chrome, apple, safari, mozilla, firefox |
How to Make a CSS Timer (rps/fro) | | 1,308 |
how-tos, css |
Responsive Video Works Now—These Features Could Make It Work Better (sco) | | 1,307 |
multimedia, responsive-design, performance, html |
The Different Ways to Build a Resilient Website or Web App (cfe) | | 1,306 |
resilience, comparisons |
Why We Don’t Have a Laravel for JavaScript… Yet (hot/was) | | 1,305 |
laravel, javascript |
How to Assess Your Skill Level Before Contributing to Open Source (bek/ope) | | 1,304 |
how-tos, foss, collaboration |
My Approach to Alt Text (aar) | | 1,303 |
accessibility, images, processes, alt-text, link-lists |
Inside Bluesky’s Engineering Culture (ger+) | | 1,302 |
bluesky, culture, deep-dives |
Angular Basics: The Course (bio) | | 1,301 |
courses, angular, fundamentals |
Typographer vs. Accessibility (gly/btc) | | 1,300 |
videos, accessibility, typography |
An Even Faster Microsoft Edge (mse) | | 1,299 |
browsers, microsoft, edge |
Centering Content Vertically With One Line of CSS (ami) | | 1,298 |
css, flexbox, grids, centering |
What’s New in Angular 18 (ger) | | 1,297 |
angular |
SSL for Localhost Takes 5 Seconds Now | | 1,296 |
ssl, testing, environments |
Why Is Kubernetes Debugging So Problematic? (deb) | | 1,295 |
kubernetes, debugging |
The Era of Platform Primitives Is Finally Here (ati/sma) | | 1,294 |
frameworks, netlify |
Creating an Accessible Toggle Switch in Tailwind CSS (kyn/doc) | | 1,293 |
tailwind, accessibility, toggles |
Your Site or App Should Work as Much as Possible Without JavaScript (cfe) | | 1,292 |
javascript, resilience, graceful-degradation |
Alt Left (ste) | | 1,291 |
accessibility, html, images, alt-text, anti-patterns |
WP21 (pho) | | 1,290 |
wordpress |
What We Can Learn From the Guy Who Regrets Making Pop-Up Ads (bet/uxd) | | 1,289 |
design, pop-ups, ai |
How Can OKRs Empower the Scrum Teams? (ale/scr) | | 1,288 |
processes, agile, scrum, okr |
3 Essential Design Trends, June 2024 (car/web) | | 1,287 |
design, trends |
Progressively Enhanced Popover Toggletips (mic/css) | | 1,286 |
html, pop-overs, apis, progressive-enhancement |
How to Deploy Your Own Website on AWS (rol) | | 1,285 |
how-tos, deploying, aws |
Here’s What We Learned From the First “State of HTML” Survey (sac/fro) | | 1,284 |
html, lessons |
Lazy Load Components in Nuxt to Improve Performance (jac) | | 1,283 |
nuxt, performance, lazy-loading, components |
Fast Ways to Estimate Capacity (cwo) | | 1,282 |
project-management, processes |
Old Dogs, New CSS Tricks (mxb) | | 1,281 |
css |
A Little DevTools Snippet to Check Broken Links on a Webpage (ami) | | 1,280 |
browsers, dev-tools, javascript, link-rot, testing |
Node.js Performance Hooks: Mastering the Mental Model (pav) | | 1,279 |
nodejs, performance, hooks |
Masonry and Reading Order (rac) | | 1,278 |
css, layout, masonry |
Understanding Organizational Capacity: Why It Matters in OKR Practice (cwo) | | 1,277 |
economics, leadership, engineering-management, processes, okr |
The Long Path of JavaScript—from ES6 Until Today | | 1,276 |
javascript, ecmascript, history |
Want Out of React Complexity? Try Vue’s Progressive Framework (ric/the) | | 1,275 |
react, vuejs, frameworks, comparisons |
No More Pixel Rounding Issues (css) | | 1,274 |
css, functions, tips-and-tricks |
New Magic for Animations in CSS (chs) | | 1,273 |
css, animations |
Building an Instinct for Metrics (cwo) | | 1,272 |
metrics |
Reducing Code Review Time at Google (abi) | | 1,271 |
research, google, code-reviews, ai, productivity |
Switching It Up With HTML’s Latest Control (dan/sma) | | 1,270 |
html, forms |
A Complete Guide for Adding Captions to YouTube Videos (pop) | | 1,269 |
accessibility, guides, captions, multimedia, youtube |
Design Systems vs. Style Guides (nng) | | 1,268 |
design-systems, style-guides, comparisons, design, documentation, terminology, concepts |
Multipage Version (wil) | | 1,267 |
websites, html |
Why, After 6 Years, I’m Over GraphQL (bes) | | 1,266 |
graphql, apis |
Consensus in Internet Standards (mno) | | 1,265 |
collaboration, communication, standards, web-platform |
JSR: The JavaScript Package Registry We’ve Been Waiting For | | 1,264 |
jsr, dependencies |
Best Practices for Naming Design Tokens, Components, Variables, and More (sma) | | 1,263 |
naming, design-tokens, components, variables, best-practices |
Animating the Dialog Element (mat/fro) | | 1,262 |
css, animations, modals |
Kawaii Computing: What VTubers Can Teach Us About Design (uxd) | | 1,261 |
design, user-experience, culture |
Predictors of Postsecondary Web Accessibility, 2012 to 2022 (ter+/cal) | | 1,260 |
studies, research, accessibility, history |
Astro 4.9 (blu+/ast) | | 1,259 |
release-notes, astro |
Did We Fail to Develop the Next Generation of Designers? (uxd) | | 1,258 |
design, career, leadership, history |
Two Important AI Developments Affecting Accessibility (con) | | 1,257 |
accessibility, ai, legal |
Notes on Implementing Dark Mode (bra) | | 1,256 |
dark-mode, javascript, tailwind |
Storybook 8.1 (shi/sto) | | 1,255 |
release-notes, storybook |
Why Do We Celebrate Incompetent Leaders? (ted) | | 1,254 |
videos, leadership |
HTML Tags You Might Not Know About (kir) | | 1,253 |
html |
uBlock Origin: Let’s Read the Code! (ant) | | 1,252 |
videos, case-studies |
Angular v18 Is Now Available! (mge/ang) | | 1,251 |
release-notes, angular |
Speeding Up File Load Times, One Page at a Time (isa/fig) | | 1,250 |
figma, performance |
Danger! Preventing Zoom From Changing Text Size (chr/fro) | | 1,249 |
accessibility, zooming, resizing |
Webmentions in Astro (for Blog Posts) (stv) | | 1,248 |
astro, webmentions |
Not So Short Note on “aria-label” Usage—Big Table Edition (ste) | | 1,247 |
accessibility, aria, labels, html |
What AI Can Do for (and to) Web Accessibility (han+/tpg) | | 1,246 |
videos, accessibility, ai |
Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need a Framework for That (uti/sma) | | 1,245 |
css, layout, frameworks |
Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 195 (jon/web) | | 1,244 |
release-notes, browsers, apple, safari |
DOJ ADA Title II: Small Government WCAG Accessibility Guide (con) | | 1,243 |
guides, accessibility, ada, wcag, legal |
When Should We Use Components and When Should We Just Use HTML? (chr) | | 1,242 |
html, components, web-components |
Popover Element Entry and Exit Animations in a Few Lines of CSS (paw) | | 1,241 |
pop-overs, css, animations |
Why Are There No Mobile Accessibility Guidelines in WCAG? (acc) | | 1,240 |
accessibility, wcag, mobile |
Using Footnotes (mfo) | | 1,239 |
content, writing, semantics |
Test-Driving HTML Templates (xpm/mfo) | | 1,238 |
html, templates, testing, server-side-rendering, conformance |
A Primer on JavaScript Proxies (cfe) | | 1,237 |
introductions, javascript |
We’ve Got Container Queries Now, But Are We Actually Using Them? (chr/fro) | | 1,236 |
css, container-queries |
I Need Your Help to Make 11ty Fully Independent and Sustainable in 2024 (zac) | | 1,235 |
eleventy |
Here’s What We’re Working on in Firefox (moz) | | 1,234 |
browsers, mozilla, firefox |
State of Frontend 2024 Survey (rea) | | 1,233 |
surveys |
We Need to Talk More About Conformance, if We Want to Stop Fantasy HTML (j9t) | | 1,232 |
html, conformance, craft, quality |
CSS Specificity for WordPress 6.6 (aar/wor) | | 1,231 |
discussions, wordpress, css, selectors, cascade |
Not Always Mobile First (css) | | 1,230 |
responsive-design, mobile-first, mobile, css, processes |
Hidden vs. Disabled in UX (vit/sma) | | 1,229 |
user-experience, comparisons, design-patterns |
“contrast-color()” Is a Good Thing, but Also Solving the Problem at the Wrong Layer (eri) | | 1,228 |
accessibility, colors, contrast, css, functions |
Growth or Scale? | | 1,227 |
sustainability, scaling |
Introducing JSR (den) | | 1,226 |
videos, introductions, jsr |
UI Density (ili) | | 1,225 |
design, information-design, metrics |
The Art of Not Being So Freaking Pushy (kin/uxd) | | 1,224 |
design, user-experience, microcontent, buttons |
Crafting Seamless User Experiences: A UX-Driven Approach to Log Monitoring and Observability (ash/uxm) | | 1,223 |
user-experience, logging, monitoring, observability |
CSS “:has()”, the God Selector (bru) | | 1,222 |
css, selectors |
CodeFlattener (bch) | | 1,221 |
packages, npm, javascript |
Stop Resizing Your Browser: Improve Testing for Responsiveness (jen) | | 1,220 |
browsers, testing, responsive-design |
Web Content Has a Maintenance Problem (ger) | | 1,219 |
web, content, maintenance, processes, sustainability |
“<style>”: Inline Optimizations for the Bold (mor) | | 1,218 |
html, css, performance, optimization |
Process (cre) | | 1,217 |
processes |
A JavaScript Developer Tries Go for the First Time (geb) | | 1,216 |
javascript, go |
The Future of 11ty (zac/ele) | | 1,215 |
videos, eleventy, outlooks |
Turn Off Google AI Overview—Set “Web” as Default (ugn) | | 1,214 |
websites, google, ai, search |
Visual Design: Glossary (rac+/nng) | | 1,213 |
design, terminology |
Weighing in on CSS Masonry (kei) | | 1,212 |
css, layout, masonry |
WAI–ARIA: “role=deletion” (art) | | 1,211 |
accessibility, aria |
On Compliance vs. Readability: Generating Text Colors With CSS (lea) | | 1,210 |
css, functions, colors, compliance, readability, comparisons |
WAI–ARIA: “role=strong” (art) | | 1,209 |
accessibility, aria |
On Which Side Do We Put the Primary Button? (mar/uxd) | | 1,208 |
design, usability, buttons |
Cloning Queries in Laravel (ami) | | 1,207 |
laravel, databases |
CSS3? Pfff—Get Ready for CSS6! (jar/van) | | 1,206 |
css, versioning |
Beyond CSS Media Queries (mon/sma) | | 1,205 |
css, media-queries, container-queries, layout, techniques |
W3C Unveils 174 New Outcomes for WCAG 3.0 (wil/deq) | | 1,204 |
accessibility, wcag, standards, w3c |
The WCAG 3 Working Draft Update Is Ready for Your Review (sha/w3c) | | 1,203 |
accessibility, w3c, wcag |
From Fast Loading to Instant Loading (tun/dev) | | 1,202 |
videos, performance, apis |
Ignore and Acknowledge “class” Attribute on Elements in CSS (ami) | | 1,201 |
css, html, attributes |
New Field Insights for Debugging INP (mal/dev) | | 1,200 |
videos, performance, web-vitals |
What’s New in the Web (rac/dev) | | 1,199 |
videos, web-platform |
Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Performance Analysis Using Chrome DevTools (jia) | | 1,198 |
guides, javascript, performance, debugging, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools |
CSS Container Queries in Practice (mia+/odd) | | 1,197 |
videos, css, container-queries |
ADA Title II and You (umn) | | 1,196 |
videos, accessibility, ada, legal |
CSS… 5? (chr/fro) | | 1,195 |
css, versioning |
Rethinking Text Resizing on Web (bas/air) | | 1,194 |
accessibility, resizing |
Navigating the JavaScript Framework Ecosystem (kat+/dev) | | 1,193 |
videos, javascript, frameworks |
The Latest in Web UI (una/dev) | | 1,192 |
videos, html, css, layout, effects |
Automate Browser Testing With Tools and Best Practices From Chrome (mat+/dev) | | 1,191 |
videos, browsers, google, chrome, testing, tooling, automation, best-practices |
What You Need to Know About Third-Party Cookie Deprecation (sw1/dev) | | 1,190 |
videos, cookies, browsers, google, chrome, support |
What’s New in Angular (mge+/dev) | | 1,189 |
videos, angular |
Dynamic GitHub Profile With Bun and TypeScript (tdu) | | 1,188 |
github, readme, bun, typescript |
Transforming the Relationship Between Designers and Developers (chr/sma) | | 1,187 |
design, collaboration, processes |
It’s Time to Upgrade From “Hard-Working” to “Highly Efficient” (kin/uxd) | | 1,186 |
productivity, efficiency, product-management |
Merging Remix and React Router (bro/rem) | | 1,185 |
remix, react, routing |
React Compiler (rea) | | 1,184 |
react, compiling |
Baseline Progressive Enhancement (ada) | | 1,183 |
web-platform, progressive-enhancement, browsers, support |
JavaScript Security: Simple Practices to Secure Your Frontend (pac/bui) | | 1,182 |
javascript, security, dependencies, csp |
Prefetching When Server Loading Won’t Do (ada/fro) | | 1,181 |
performance, client-side-rendering, server-side-rendering, streaming |
Built-In AI (kbx+/dev) | | 1,180 |
chrome, google, browsers, ai, apis |
Dark Mode and Accessibility Myth (ste) | | 1,179 |
accessibility, dark-mode, myths |
Why Designers Aren’t Understood (vit/sma) | | 1,178 |
design, career, communication, terminology |
The CSS Stepped Value Math Functions Are Now in Baseline 2024 (rac/dev) | | 1,177 |
css, math, functions, browsers, support, web-platform |
State of HTML 2023 [Results] (sac+/dev) | | 1,176 |
surveys, html |
Anchor Positioning and the Popover API for a JS-Free Site Menu (mic/css) | | 1,175 |
css, apis, pop-overs, anchor-positioning |
The Great Tech and People Hypocrisy (j9t) | | 1,174 |
career, leadership, economics |
Stop Moving Fast and Breaking Everything (ich/uxd) | | 1,173 |
product-management, engineering-management, leadership, processes |
10 Updates From Google I/O 2024: Unlocking the Power of AI for Every Web Developer (pau/dev) | | 1,172 |
google, web-platform, ai |
Google’s Broken Link to the Web (cas/pla) | | 1,171 |
google, web, search, ai |
ECMAScript Proposal: “Promise.withResolvers()” (rau) | | 1,170 |
ecmascript, promises |
Web Platform Status (dev) | | 1,169 |
websites, web-platform, browsers, interoperability, support |
New in Chrome 125 (tro/dev) | | 1,168 |
release-notes, browsers, google, chrome |
I’m Worried About the Tabbing Behaviour, Rather Than the Syntax and Name of CSS Masonry (bel/pic) | | 1,167 |
css, layout, masonry, accessibility, keyboard-navigation |
Regarding Keyboard Testing (a11) | | 1,166 |
accessibility, keyboard-navigation, testing |
List of Essential Soft Skills for Front-End Engineers (git) | | 1,165 |
career |
Designers Are More Than Keywords and Portfolios (mic/uxd) | | 1,164 |
design, user-experience, career |
Understanding the Role of ARIA “role=alert”: Best Practices and Common Issues (ask) | | 1,163 |
accessibility, aria, best-practices |
The Times You Need a Custom “@ property” Instead of a CSS Variable (rps/sma) | | 1,162 |
css, custom-properties, animations, transitions |
WebKit Features in Safari 17.5 (jen/web) | | 1,161 |
release-notes, browsers, apple, safari, webkit |
AI Product Design: Identifying Skills Gaps and How to Close Them (uxd) | | 1,160 |
design, ai, processes |
JavaScript Objects—Complete Guide | | 1,159 |
guides, javascript, objects |
Doing the Right Thing Right—Validation and Verification (rjo/scr) | | 1,158 |
validation, terminology, comparisons |
Accessible SVG Forms (jak) | | 1,157 |
accessibility, forms, svg, aria |
Top 7 CSS Frameworks for Developers in 2024 (bro) | | 1,156 |
css, frameworks, bootstrap, tailwind, foundation, bulma, skeleton, uikit, milligram, comparisons |
How I Made My GitHub Profile README Dynamic (tdu) | | 1,155 |
github, readme |
Morphing Arbitrary Paths in SVG (vg) | | 1,154 |
svg, animations |
RSS Is Good, Isn’t It?! (mic/css) | | 1,153 |
syndication, rss, indieweb |
The Classic Border Radius Advice, Plus an Unusual Trick (chr/fro) | | 1,152 |
css, borders, tips-and-tricks |
Intopia’s WCAG 2.2 Maps (nao/int) | | 1,151 |
accessibility, wcag, cheat-sheets |
AI Isn’t Ready for UX Design (cal/nng) | | 1,150 |
videos, design, user-experience, ai |
Setting Personal OKRs (cwo) | | 1,149 |
career, processes, okr |
All I Want for GAAD (acc) | | 1,148 |
accessibility, awareness-days, wish-lists |
Software Engineering Principles Every Frontend Developer Should Know | | 1,147 |
principles, craft, quality |
Quick Incremental Accessibility Audits for Small Business Websites (cer) | | 1,146 |
accessibility, auditing |
Mesh Gradients in CSS (jos) | | 1,145 |
css, gradients |
Digital Inaccessibility: Blind and Low-Vision People Have Powerful Technology but Still Face Barriers to the Digital World (yah) | | 1,144 |
accessibility |
Best Intention Barriers (ARIA Edition) (mar) | | 1,143 |
accessibility, aria, auditing |
Accessibility Overlays Are Not for Disabled People (tem) | | 1,142 |
accessibility, overlays |
Build Your Own React.js in 400 Lines of Code (hi) | | 1,141 |
react, jsx, principles |