Leverage on Redux to Execute Your Tests 100× Times Faster (drp) | | 853 |
react, redux, testing, examples |
Turbocharging V8 With Mutable Heap Numbers (vic/v8j) | | 852 |
v8, javascript-engines, javascript, randomness |
Demystifying MIME Types: Basics, Use Cases, Best Practices (mar) | | 851 |
guest-posts, mime-types, fundamentals, best-practices, servers, apache, nginx, email |
Static vs. Dynamic Content: Which Should Developers Favor? (the) | | 850 |
content, client-side-rendering, server-side-rendering, frameworks, comparisons |
10 Common Web Development Mistakes to Avoid Right Now (sit) | | 849 |
mistakes, mobile, accessibility, seo, navigation, security, analytics, testing |
Top 5 Uses of WebAssembly for Web Developers (the) | | 848 |
webassembly, migrating, ecommerce, dev-tools |
Does WebPerf Matter to Your SEO Ranking? (tod/per) | | 847 |
videos, seo, keywords |
Time to First Byte: Beyond Server Response Time (mat/sma) | | 846 |
optimization, redirecting, content-delivery |
Optimizing Images for Web Performance (tod/fro) | | 845 |
images, optimization, jpeg, png, webp, avif, html, caching |
Think JavaScript Is Slow? Here’s How JIT (Just in Time) Compilation Makes It 100× Faster Instantly (roy) | | 844 |
javascript, compiling |
Preload Fonts on Your Website for Better Core Web Vitals (deb) | | 843 |
fonts, hints, web-vitals |
View Transitions Applied: More Performant “::view-transition-group(*)” Animations (bra/bra) | | 842 |
css, javascript, transitions |
Optimizing the Critical Rendering Path (mat/deb) | | 841 |
optimization |
Fast and Smooth Third-Party Web Fonts (sco) | | 840 |
fonts, embed-code, css, javascript |
There Are a Lot of Ways to Break Up Long Tasks in JavaScript (mac) | | 839 |
javascript, web-workers |
Page Bloat Update: How Does Ever-Increasing Page Size Affect Your Business and Your Users? (tam/spe) | | 838 |
trends, metrics, javascript, images, desktop, mobile |
React.js vs. Next.js (bhu) | | 837 |
react, nextjs, comparisons |
The Speed Trifecta: 11ty, Brotli 11, and CSS Fingerprinting (the) | | 836 |
eleventy, brotli, compression, fingerprinting, caching, cloudflare |
Initial Load Performance for React Developers: Investigative Deep Dive (ade) | | 835 |
deep-dives, react, web-vitals, metrics |
Simplify Lazy Loading With Intersection Observer’s “scrollMargin” (fro) | | 834 |
scrolling, apis, javascript, lazy-loading |
Moving on From React, a Year Later (kel) | | 833 |
migrating, react, stimulus |
How Fingerprinting Can Improve Your Website’s Performance | | 832 |
caching, fingerprinting, optimization |
You Might Not Have a Web Performance Problem (mat/deb) | | 831 |
web-vitals, lighthouse, google, seo, link-lists |
Prefetching Subresources With Signed Exchanges (paw) | | 830 |
caching, hints, signed-exchanges, optimization |
CDN-First Is No Longer a Performance Feature (osv) | | 829 |
content-delivery, caching, embed-code, privacy, security |
JavaScript Hashing Speed Comparison: MD5 Versus SHA-256 (lem) | | 828 |
javascript, hashing, comparisons, bun, nodejs |
Tight Mode: Why Browsers Produce Different Performance Results (geo/sma) | | 827 |
browsers, chrome, google, safari, apple, comparisons |
10 Backend Terms Every Frontend Developer Should Know (the) | | 826 |
terminology, concepts, architecture |
Double-Keyed Caching: How Browser Cache Partitioning Changed the Web (add) | | 825 |
browsers, caching, dependencies, network, content-delivery |
1-Billion Row Challenge With Node.js (jac) | | 824 |
nodejs |
Reckoning: Frontend’s Lost Decade (sli/per) | | 823 |
videos, javascript, web-platform |
JavaScript Frameworks—Heading Into 2025 (rya/thi) | | 822 |
javascript, frameworks, complexity, maintainability |
The Secret to Building Highly Responsive Systems (mjp) | | 821 |
videos, architecture, software-design, scaling |
Refactoring a Web Performance Snippet for Security and Best Practice (the) | | 820 |
javascript, metrics, refactoring |
Breaking Up With Long Tasks or: How I Learned to Group Loops and Wield the Yield (rvi/per) | | 819 |
javascript |
Designing Websites for Bad Performance (kee/per) | | 818 |
caching, web-workers, hints, optimization |
Fabulous Font-Face Fallbacks (sto/per) | | 817 |
css, fonts, typography |
Page Weight (dws+/htt) | | 816 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics, storage, web-vitals |
Using DevTools to Validate Web Performance Improvements (nuc/per) | | 815 |
dev-tools, browsers, chrome, google |
The Must-Have SEO Checklist for Developers for 2025 (the) | | 814 |
seo, checklists, metadata, urls |
Boost Website Speed With Prefetching and the Speculation Rules API (sch/mat) | | 813 |
hints, speculation, apis |
My Favorite Web Performance Graphs of the Year (fab/per) | | 812 |
metrics, visualization |
Don’t Let Your Redesign Ruin Performance: A Case Study (mac/per) | | 811 |
redesigning, case-studies |
Correlation or Causation: How Web Performance Proves Its Value (per) | | 810 |
testing, metrics |
Preloading Fonts for Web Performance With “link rel=preload” (acc/mat) | | 809 |
fonts, html, hints |
The Curious (Performance) Case of CSS “@ import” (erw/per) | | 808 |
css, history |
JavaScript Benchmarking Is a Mess (asy) | | 807 |
javascript |
Build Your Own Site Speed Testing Tool With Puppeteer (hen/per) | | 806 |
testing, puppeteer |
Important Topics for Frontend Developers to Master in 2025 (moi) | | 805 |
learning, javascript, typescript, css, frameworks, git, apis, testing, security, ci-cd, websockets |
Unattributed Navigation Overhead (UNO) (tim/per) | | 804 |
metrics |
Data-Driven SEO and Web Performance (tod/per) | | 803 |
seo, web-vitals |
Detecting Web Performance Regressions Using Statistical Tools (pet/per) | | 802 |
regressions, tooling |
Speculative Loading and the Speculation Rules API (qcn/per) | | 801 |
speculation, apis |
When Users Interact (blu/per) | | 800 |
user-experience, metrics, link-lists |
Creating Shared Ownership for Web Performance From a Cryptic CSS Values (per) | | 799 |
web-vitals, monitoring, css |
Towards Measuring INP on All Browsers and Devices (iva/per) | | 798 |
web-vitals, browsers |
Your JavaScript Bundle Is Too Fat (yur/js) | | 797 |
javascript, bundling, dependencies, code-splitting, lazy-loading, tree-shaking, minification, optimization |
State of Node.js Performance 2024 (raf+/nod) | | 796 |
nodejs, metrics |
Simple Web Performance Mentoring (per) | | 795 |
monitoring, web-vitals, tooling |
Putting Performance in Relatable Terms (eth/per) | | 794 |
communication |
Your Website Is a Restaurant (boo/per) | | 793 |
web-platform |
The Evolution of Instant Web: What It Means for Performance Tooling (per) | | 792 |
tooling, web-vitals |
How Does the React Compiler Perform on Real Code (ade/per) | | 791 |
react, compiling, rendering, memoization |
What a Web Performance Engineer Needs to Know About Cloud Cost Savings (per) | | 790 |
cloud-computing, economics, efficiency |
A Layered Approach to Speculation Rules (css) | | 789 |
speculation |
Goodhart’s Law in Action: 3 Webperf Examples (nom/per) | | 788 |
principles, lighthouse, web-vitals, metrics, google, examples |
If Not React, Then What? (sli) | | 787 |
frameworks, client-side-rendering, react, user-experience |
8 PHP Performance Tips Every Developer Should Know | | 786 |
php, tips-and-tricks, conditionals, caching |
Preloading Responsive Images (tre) | | 785 |
images, html, hints |
Faster TypeScript Compilation (ash/blo) | | 784 |
videos, typescript, compiling |
Optimizing JavaScript Engine Performance (goo/blo) | | 783 |
videos, javascript-engines, optimization |
Designing (and Evolving) a New Web Performance Score (css) | | 782 |
metrics |
From Gatsby to Eleventy (mat) | | 781 |
migrating, gatsby, eleventy, webc |
How Browsers Really Load Web Pages (pro/wel) | | 780 |
videos, browsers, rendering, parsing, http |
How to Use Lighthouse Wisely in Your Front-End Projects (ele/des) | | 779 |
guest-posts, how-tos, lighthouse, google, accessibility, seo, best-practices |
Addressing Users’ Painpoints: Best Practices for Identifying and Solving UX Design Problems (sye/uxm) | | 778 |
user-experience, design, legibility, responsive-design |
Why Responsive Design Is Failing Modern Users (web) | | 777 |
responsive-design, usability, accessibility |
Learn Big O Notation Once and for All | | 776 |
algorithms, complexity |
How to Optimize Performance in Vue Apps (jac/deb) | | 775 |
how-tos, vuejs, optimization |
Performance (jev+/htt) | | 774 |
web-almanac, studies, research, metrics |
Mastering Interaction to Next Paint (INP) (tod/fro) | | 773 |
web-vitals |
Why Optimizing Your Lighthouse Score Is Not Enough for a Fast Website (geo/sma) | | 772 |
optimization, lighthouse, google, web-vitals |
How to Optimize React Performance: Best Practices and Techniques (fro) | | 771 |
how-tos, optimization, react, best-practices, techniques |
Using Cache Control in Nuxt to Improve Performance (jac) | | 770 |
nuxt, caching |
The Most Effective Ways to Improve Core Web Vitals (dev) | | 769 |
optimization, web-vitals |
The Image Compression Challenge (Donating Money for Excess-Free Projects) (j9t) | | 768 |
images, compression, tooling |
How to Speed Up Your Vue App With Server Side Rendering (jac/deb) | | 767 |
how-tos, vuejs, server-side-rendering, incremental-static-regeneration |
Visualize a Webpage’s Memory Usage During a Performance Recording (pat/dev) | | 766 |
dev-tools, browsers, chrome, google, edge, microsoft, memory, profiling |
How Is This Website So Fast!? (wes) | | 765 |
videos, case-studies |
Platform Strategy and Its Discontents (sli) | | 764 |
web-platform, javascript, mobile, mobile-first, native, user-experience |
The Greatness and Limitations of the “js-framework-benchmark” (nol) | | 763 |
javascript, frameworks, tooling, metrics |
How Effective UX Design Can Boost Business Success (meh/uxm) | | 762 |
user-experience, design, economics, user-conversion, mobile, navigation |
Node vs. Bun: No Backend Performance Difference (eve) | | 761 |
nodejs, bun, comparisons, metrics |
Benchmarking the Performance of CSS “@ property” (bra/dev) | | 760 |
css |
I Wasted a Day on CSS Selector Performance to Make a Website Load 2 ms Faster (try) | | 759 |
css, selectors |
“img sizes=auto” for Native Lazy Loading (ste) | | 758 |
code-pens, html, images, lazy-loading |
Why We Switched From Cypress to Playwright (big) | | 757 |
cypress, playwright, comparisons, tooling, testing |
Improving Rendering Performance With CSS “content-visibility” (nol) | | 756 |
css, rendering, optimization |
Optimising for High Latency Environments (css) | | 755 |
optimization, content-delivery, http, caching |
Speed Up Your Website With “<link rel=preconnect>” (tre) | | 754 |
hints |
Five Ways to Lazy Load Images for Better Website Performance (ant/sit) | | 753 |
lazy-loading, tooling |
Chrome Ends Support for First Input Delay (rvi/dev) | | 752 |
browsers, google, chrome, web-vitals, support |
Skeleton Screens vs. Progress Bars vs. Spinners (sam/nng) | | 751 |
videos, user-experience |
Lazy Loading Isn’t Just Lazy, It’s Late: The Web Deserves Faster | | 750 |
lazy-loading, web-vitals, angular, single-page-apps |
Faster Pages With React (flo/sma) | | 749 |
react |
An SSR Performance Showdown (mco) | | 748 |
server-side-rendering, vuejs, svelte, solidjs, preact, react, comparisons |
The Ultimate Guide to Font Performance Optimization (deb) | | 747 |
guides, fonts, optimization |
The Two Lines of CSS That Tanked Performance (120 FPS to 40 FPS) (and) | | 746 |
css, animations |
5 Wasm Use Cases for Frontend Development (ele/des) | | 745 |
guest-posts, webassembly, security |
How to Make Your Web Page Faster Before It Even Loads (whi/sen) | | 744 |
how-tos, web-vitals |
Common Misconceptions About How to Optimize LCP (bre/dev) | | 743 |
web-vitals, metrics, optimization |
Cache Grab: How Much Are You Leaving on the Table? (css) | | 742 |
caching |
Reckoning: The Way Out (sli) | | 741 |
javascript, metrics, hiring |
5 Questions for Tammy Everts (tam+/fro) | | 740 |
interviews, metrics, user-experience, economics |
Brand New Performance Features in Chrome DevTools (uma/deb) | | 739 |
browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools, web-vitals |
“blocking=render”: Why Would You Do That?! (css) | | 738 |
html, rendering |
Reckoning: Caprock (sli) | | 737 |
javascript |
Reckoning: Object Lesson (sli) | | 736 |
javascript, metrics |
Reckoning: The Landscape (sli) | | 735 |
javascript, metrics, mobile |
Is CSS Grid Really Slower Than Flexbox? (ben) | | 734 |
css, grids, flexbox, layout |
Who Is the Fastest? Node.js, Bun.js, or Deno.js (tre) | | 733 |
javascript, runtimes, nodejs, bun, deno, comparisons |
Flexible Network Data Preloading in Large SPAs (maz) | | 732 |
single-page-apps, client-side-rendering, data-fetching |
Benchmarking AWS Lambda Cold Starts Across JavaScript Runtimes (igo+/den) | | 731 |
deno, aws, serverless, javascript, runtimes, comparisons |
What to Expect When You’re Optimizing (tka) | | 730 |
optimization |
Why Is Spawning a New Process in Node So Slow? (mxm/val) | | 729 |
nodejs, comparisons |
15 Page Speed Optimizations That Sites Ignore (at Their Own Risk) (tam/spe) | | 728 |
optimization |
Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem—Isolated Declarations (mar) | | 727 |
javascript, typescript |
How Fast Is JavaScript? Simulating 20,000,000 Particles (toa) | | 726 |
javascript |
YouTube Embeds Are Bananas Heavy and It’s Fixable (chr/fro) | | 725 |
embed-code, youtube, tooling |
Do Grayscale Images Take Less Space? | | 724 |
images, colors |
Enhancing The New York Times Web Performance With React 18 (nyt) | | 723 |
react, case-studies |
Advanced JavaScript Performance Optimization: Techniques and Patterns (par) | | 722 |
javascript, optimization, techniques, software-design-patterns |
Bun Is Much Faster Than Node.js 22 at Decoding Base64 Inputs (lem) | | 721 |
bun, nodejs, comparisons |
Performance Mistakes You Might Not Realize You Are Making (lar/ngc) | | 720 |
videos, mistakes, angular |
Writing a WordPress Theme in Less Than 4 KB | | 719 |
wordpress, theming, minimalism |
How React 19 (Almost) Made the Internet Slower (cod) | | 718 |
react |
Blazing Fast Websites With Speculation Rules (uma/deb) | | 717 |
speculation |
How to Hack Your Google Lighthouse Scores in 2024 (whi/sma) | | 716 |
how-tos, google, lighthouse |
Highlight Areas That the Browser Engine Re-Paints (pat/dev) | | 715 |
debugging, painting, browser-engines, browsers, google, chrome, microsoft, edge, apple, safari |
Investigating INP Issues (ste) | | 714 |
web-vitals, debugging |
Find Slow Interactions in the Field (mal/dev) | | 713 |
apis |
How Deep Is Your DOM? (cha) | | 712 |
dom, lighthouse, google |
Analyze CSS Selector Performance During Recalculate Style Events (dev) | | 711 |
browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools, selectors, css |
Semantic Code in HTML: What Is It and Does It Still Matter? (boa) | | 710 |
html, semantics, accessibility, seo, maintainability |
Engineering for Slow Internet | | 709 |
user-experience |
Responsive Video Works Now—These Features Could Make It Work Better (sco) | | 708 |
multimedia, responsive-design, html |
Lazy Load Components in Nuxt to Improve Performance (jac) | | 707 |
nuxt, lazy-loading, components |
Node.js Performance Hooks: Mastering the Mental Model (pav) | | 706 |
nodejs, hooks |
Speeding Up File Load Times, One Page at a Time (isa/fig) | | 705 |
figma |
“<style>”: Inline Optimizations for the Bold (mor) | | 704 |
html, css, optimization |
From Fast Loading to Instant Loading (tun/dev) | | 703 |
videos, apis |
New Field Insights for Debugging INP (mal/dev) | | 702 |
videos, web-vitals |
Comprehensive Guide to JavaScript Performance Analysis Using Chrome DevTools (jia) | | 701 |
guides, javascript, debugging, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools |
Prefetching When Server Loading Won’t Do (ada/fro) | | 700 |
client-side-rendering, server-side-rendering, streaming |
WebAssembly Performance Patterns for Web Apps (tom) | | 699 |
webassembly, web-apps |
Optimizing INP: A Deep Dive (dev) | | 698 |
videos, debugging, web-vitals, optimization, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools, deep-dives |
Why Don’t We Talk About Minifying CSS Anymore? (whi/sen) | | 697 |
css, minification |
Latency Numbers Every Frontend Developer Should Know (cra/ver) | | 696 |
metrics, terminology |
Hello Bun: How Sveld Now Deploys 2× Faster on GitHub and Render (eri/ren) | | 695 |
bun, deploying, case-studies |
Node.js Task Runner (yag) | | 694 |
nodejs |
Using “@ defer” Defer Views in Angular 17 (dan) | | 693 |
angular, lazy-loading |
Five Ways Cookie Consent Managers Hurt Web Performance (and How to Fix Them) (cli/spe) | | 692 |
cookies, consent-management |
9 Signs Your Frontend Code Has Quality Issues That Affect Your Users (ang) | | 691 |
quality, craft, accessibility, usability, user-experience, conformance |
Monitoring BFCache Blocking Reasons (chr/mdn) | | 690 |
bfcache, monitoring, debugging |
Epic App Performance Starts With the Database (rtb/epi) | | 689 |
videos, databases, optimization |
Optimizing WebKit and Safari for Speedometer 3.0 (ant+/web) | | 688 |
webkit, browsers, apple, safari, optimization |
Understanding Interaction to Next Paint (INP) (wil/fro) | | 687 |
web-vitals |
An Introduction to the Node.js Performance API (sta/bet) | | 686 |
introductions, nodejs, apis |
Faster Websites With the “picture” Element (fra) | | 685 |
html, images |
BFCache Explained (sab) | | 684 |
bfcache, browsers |
How I Fixed My Brutal TTFB (whi/sen) | | 683 |
metrics, optimization |
Profile Node.js Performance With the Performance Panel (jec+/dev) | | 682 |
nodejs, debugging, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools |
Don’t Get Scammed by Fake Performance Experts and Apps (krz/sho) | | 681 |
tooling |
This Pattern Will Wreck Your React App’s TS Performance (mat) | | 680 |
design-patterns, react, typescript |
Time to Ditch Analytics? Tracking Scripts and Web Sustainability (mic/css) | | 679 |
embed-code, google, analytics, sustainability, compliance |
How Web Bloat Impacts Users With Slow Devices (dan) | | 678 |
metrics, comparisons, web |
Migrating Away From Jest and Achieving Over 90% Reduction in Running Time (pat) | | 677 |
migrating, jest, testing, memory |
How to Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) on Shopify Sites (sia/sho) | | 676 |
how-tos, web-vitals, optimization, shopify |
Performance Tooling in 2024 and Beyond (egs+/dev) | | 675 |
tooling, browsers, dev-tools, lighthouse, google |
HTML Performance Optimization: Tips for Faster Loading Pages | | 674 |
html, landing-pages, optimization, tips-and-tricks |
Interaction to Next Paint Is Officially a Core Web Vital (rvi/dev) | | 673 |
web-vitals |
What Is INP and Why You Should Care (whi/sen) | | 672 |
web-vitals, monitoring |
Have You Optimized for INP? (med) | | 671 |
web-vitals, optimization |
Announcing Speedometer 3.0: A Shared Browser Benchmark for Web Application Responsiveness | | 670 |
tooling, metrics |
AVIF Is the Future of Web Images | | 669 |
images, avif, outlooks |
When We Talk About Front-End Performance, What Are We Talking About (git) | | 668 |
metrics, web-vitals, lighthouse, google |
How to Lazy-Load CodePen and CanIUse Embeds (nik) | | 667 |
how-tos, embed-code, codepen, caniuse |
Reporting Core Web Vitals With the Performance API (geo/sma) | | 666 |
apis, web-vitals |
What Is a Single-Page Application? (hey) | | 665 |
single-page-apps, javascript, user-experience |
JavaScript Bloat in 2024 (nik) | | 664 |
javascript |
The One Trick Every Flutter Web Dev Needs to Know (abh/goo) | | 663 |
tips-and-tricks, flutter |
How to Optimize the Web for the Worst User Conditions? (med) | | 662 |
how-tos, user-experience, responsive-design, optimization |
What Is Lighthouse Speed Index (SI) and How to Reduce It | | 661 |
metrics, lighthouse, google |
The Importance of Web Performance to Information Equity (sch/fos) | | 660 |
videos, accessibility |
Making Your SVG Icons CSS Masks Instead of Inline HTML or Backgrounds Has Some Benefits (chr/fro) | | 659 |
images, svg, css, masking |
Interaction to Next Paint Becomes a Core Web Vital on March 12 (mal+/dev) | | 658 |
web-vitals, metrics |
The Psychology of Site Speed and Human Happiness (tam/spe) | | 657 |
usability |
LCP and FCP on Single Page Application on Soft Navigations (dws) | | 656 |
web-vitals, single-page-apps, navigation |
Progressive JPEGs (PJPEG): The Key to Loading Images Faster on Your Website (ima) | | 655 |
pjpeg, jpeg, images, comparisons |
Why Do Reflows Negatively Affect Performance? (lyd/fro) | | 654 |
reflow |
How Core Web Vitals Affect SEO (cra+/ver) | | 653 |
web-vitals, lighthouse, google, seo |
Guide to Fast Next.js (sei/tin) | | 652 |
guides, nextjs, optimization, server-side-rendering, lazy-loading |
Optimizing SQL Queries by 23× (ris) | | 651 |
databases, sql, optimization |
The Evolution of Page Speed (mat/deb) | | 650 |
videos, metrics, optimization, history |
JS Perf Wins and New Node.js Features With Yagiz Nizipli (yag+/syn) | | 649 |
podcasts, javascript, nodejs, optimization |
Node.js Mastery: Advanced Development and Performance Tips (luq/js) | | 648 |
nodejs, servers, express, testing, memory |
React Is Slow, What to Do Now? | | 647 |
react |
Measuring, Monitoring, and Optimizing TTFB With Server Timing (web/per) | | 646 |
monitoring, optimization, apis |
The State of Benchmarking in Node.js (web) | | 645 |
nodejs, metrics |
Debugging Fetch Priority (jec+/dev) | | 644 |
videos, debugging, web-vitals, apis |
The Golden Rule of Web Performance and Different Performance Engineering Specializations (apo/per) | | 643 |
principles |
10 Ways to Speed Up JavaScript Loading (asy) | | 642 |
javascript, lazy-loading, minification, bundling, code-splitting, tree-shaking, modules, content-delivery, caching, compression, auditing |
RLI (Recently Logged-In) Browser Cache Bypassing (tim/per) | | 641 |
caching, optimization |
A Checklist for CLS Scenarios (kee/per) | | 640 |
checklists, web-vitals |
How We Reduced CSS Size and Improved Performance Across GOV.UK (gds) | | 639 |
case-studies, css, optimization |
Who Stole My Largest Contentful Paint? (krz/per) | | 638 |
web-vitals, optimization |
Getting Started With Web Performance (acc/mat) | | 637 |
introductions, web-vitals, testing |
Ten Optimisation Tips for an Initial Web Performance Audit (acc/per) | | 636 |
tips-and-tricks, optimization, auditing |
Improve App Performance With Angular 17 “defer” (kre) | | 635 |
videos, angular, optimization |
How I Brought LCP Down to Under 350 ms for Google-Referred Users on My Website (paw) | | 634 |
web-vitals, optimization, case-studies |
Preparing for Interaction to Next Paint, a New Web Core Vital (geo/sma) | | 633 |
web-vitals, optimization |
React Performance Optimization (bib/sit) | | 632 |
react, optimization |
Testing the Performance of Social Media Embeds (mic/css) | | 631 |
testing, embed-code, social-media |
An Informed Pre-Caching Strategy for Large Sites (eth/per) | | 630 |
strategies, caching |
Fastest Way of Passing State to JavaScript, Re-Visited (kur/per) | | 629 |
javascript, state-management |
Debugging BFCache, Make Your Page Load Instantly (jec+/dev) | | 628 |
videos, bfcache, browsers, google, chrome, dev-tools, debugging |
Measure LCP Sub-Parts to Improve Largest Contentful Paint (deb) | | 627 |
web-vitals, metrics |
Resource Loading at the Cutting Edge (pro/per) | | 626 |
videos |
Kicking the Excessive JavaScript Habit (mic/css) | | 625 |
javascript, developer-experience, user-experience |
Psychology of Speed: A Guide to Perceived Performance (fox/cal) | | 624 |
guides, user-experience |
The Unbearable Weight of Massive JavaScript (rya/per) | | 623 |
videos, javascript, frameworks |
URL Parser Performance (bag) | | 622 |
urls, parsing |
Optimizing Frontend Performance: Mastering Memoization, Throttling, and Debouncing (rsy) | | 621 |
optimization, memoization, throttling, debouncing |
A Faster Web in 2024 (rvi) | | 620 |
web-vitals, metrics, web |
Using CSS “content-visibility” to Boost Your Rendering Performance (log) | | 619 |
css, rendering |
Why We Need a “Green” Perf Metric (scr/per) | | 618 |
videos, sustainability, metrics |
How Core Web Vitals Saved Users 10,000 Years of Waiting for Web Pages to Load (add+/dev) | | 617 |
google, user-experience, metrics |
Performance in React and Next.js (lyd/ver) | | 616 |
videos, react, nextjs |
Speeding Up the JavaScript Ecosystem—Tailwind CSS (mar) | | 615 |
javascript, tailwind |
Learn Performance (kev+/dev) | | 614 |
courses |
Answering Common Questions About Interpreting Page Speed Reports (geo/sma) | | 613 |
optimization |
Effective Strategies for Optimizing Performance (the/sit) | | 612 |
strategies, optimization |
20 Effective Tips to Speed Up Your Drupal Website (ins/clo) | | 611 |
drupal, tips-and-tricks, optimization |
Liquid vs. Headless: A Look at Real User Web Performance (sia/sho) | | 610 |
shopify, headless, metrics, comparisons |
Performance Optimization With Worker Threads Node.js | | 609 |
optimization, nodejs, worker-threads |
Tailwind vs. Semantic CSS (tip) | | 608 |
tailwind, css, html, semantics, comparisons |
Solid.js Creator Outlines Options to Reduce JavaScript Code (low/the) | | 607 |
javascript |
The Three Cs: Concatenate, Compress, Cache (css) | | 606 |
compression, caching |
Back/Forward Cache (phi+/dev) | | 605 |
bfcache, browsers, chrome, google |
The Hidden Performance Cost of Node.js and GraphQL (uts) | | 604 |
nodejs, graphql |