Become a Better Developer With Clean Code Essentials: YAGNI, KISS, and DRY in Software Engineering (rav) | | 46 |
fundamentals, principles, simplicity, maintainability |
Designing for Digital Minimalism: Creating User Experiences That Support Mental Well-Being (uxm) | | 45 |
design, user-experience, simplicity |
Writing a WordPress Theme in Less Than 4 KB | | 44 |
wordpress, theming, performance |
Minimal SVG Favicon (sto) | | 43 |
svg, images, favicons |
Upgrade Your HTML V (j9t/fro) | | 42 |
books, frontend-dogma, html, craft, conformance |
Web Tech Trends to Watch in 2024 and Beyond (web) | | 41 |
trends, design, dark-mode, ai, sustainability |
The World’s Smallest PNG (eva) | | 40 |
images, png |
The Most Minimal Valid HTML Document (j9t) | | 39 |
html, conformance, templates |
Sustainability and Tech and Us (j9t) | | 38 |
sustainability, performance, principles |
The Rise of Minimalism in Web Design: Less Is More (bow/nou) | | 37 |
design |
How to Build Lean Efficient Websites in 2023 (cfe) | | 36 |
how-tos, html, progressive-enhancement |
The Page With No Code (chr) | | 35 |
http, css |
Minimal Dark Mode Styling (mey) | | 34 |
css, dark-mode |
Upgrade Your HTML IV (j9t/fro) | | 33 |
books, frontend-dogma, html, craft, conformance |
Minimal Dark Mode (j9t) | | 32 |
dark-mode, css |
Minimalism as Narcissism (leo) | | 31 |
What Is Website Minimalism? (leo) | | 30 |
design |
Make It Short—Make It Better (rov) | | 29 |
javascript |
Class-Less CSS Frameworks (pau) | | 28 |
css, frameworks, resetting |
Making a Website Under 1 kB (bra) | | 27 |
performance, html |
CSS Minimal Dark Mode Toggle Button (fro) | | 26 |
code-pens, toggles, effects |
Neubrutalism Style in UX: A Twist on the Dominant Modern Minimalist (mar/uxd) | | 25 |
design, user-experience |
Minimal Social Markup (j9t) | | 24 |
html, social-media, open-graph |
The Smallest CSS (fon) | | 23 |
css |
Minimizing Google Fonts by Only Loading It for Certain Characters (ami) | | 22 |
typography, google, fonts, performance |
Faster Websites by Using Less HTML (j9t) | | 21 |
cross-posts, html, performance, optimization |
Upgrade Your HTML III (j9t/fro) | | 20 |
books, frontend-dogma, html, craft, conformance |
Minimalism Is Boring (kad) | | 19 |
design |
Upgrade Your HTML II (j9t/fro) | | 18 |
books, frontend-dogma, html, craft, conformance |
An HTML Optimizer’s Config for html-minifier (j9t) | | 17 |
html, html-minifier, minification, optimization, configuration, performance |
Upgrade Your HTML (the Booklet) (j9t) | | 16 |
books, html, craft, conformance |
Optional HTML: Everything You Need to Know (j9t) | | 15 |
html, performance |
Just Enough CSS for a Blog | | 14 |
css, milligram, skeleton |
A Short Guide to Minimal Web Development (j9t) | | 13 |
guides, learning, training |
Minimalistic Design With Large Impact: Functional Minimalism for Web Design (101/sma) | | 12 |
design |
The 10 Big Web Design Trends of 2015 (sit) | | 11 |
design, layout, trends, scrolling, flat-design, animations, colors, backgrounds, typography |
Making Minimalism Work in Mobile and Web (sit) | | 10 |
design, prototyping, desktop, mobile |
A Vision of Web Development (j9t) | | 9 |
outlooks, semantics, conformance, maintainability |
HTML and Specifying Language (j9t) | | 8 |
html, optimization |
Minimalist Newsletter Subscription Form (osv) | | 7 |
forms, email, functionality |
What Can You Do With 1 Kilobyte of CSS? (cra/sit) | | 6 |
css |
Top Minimalist Website Designs: Trends and Examples (atr/sit) | | 5 |
design, trends, examples |
CSS1K (jac/css) | | 4 |
websites, css |
A Minimal HTML Document (HTML5 Edition) (sen/sit) | | 3 |
html, templates |
Is Minimalist Still in Vogue? You Bet (sit) | | 2 |
design |
A Minimal HTML Document (sen/sit) | | 1 |
html, templates |